Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Ordered, That a premium of three dollars be allowed Mrs. Griffith, for Mrs. Elmwood, for certain articles exhibited at the present fair.

Ordered, That the premium on Daguerreotypes be withheld until the January meeting.

Ordered, That the Secretary audit all accounts for services in the Secretary's and Treasurer's offices during the fair of 1857, and immediately connected therewith, preceding and subsequent to said fair at $3 per day, and accounts for counterfeit and uncurrent money, for allowance to clerks in Treasurer's office, for deficits in daily accounts of said clerks, made by hurry of selling tickets; said allowances for counterfeit and uncurrent money and deficits not to exceed one hundred dollars.

Ordered, That the Executive Committee meet on the Tuesday preceding the January meeting of the Board in January, 1858.

Ordered, That the following premiums be offered on Fruits, dressed meats and dairy products, for competition at the January session of the State Board in 1858:


The fruits must be grown by the exhibitor, and must be correctly labelled.

Best collection of fruits of all kinds, (apples limited to twenty first class sorts, and pears to five varieties,) with a statement of the mode of cultivation, (especially if any new or truly valuable results can be adduced,) kind of soil, exposure, &c., silver cup........ $20 00 Second best, provisions as above, silver cup........ 10 00 Best 15 varieties of winter apples, silver cup...... 20 00 Second best........... 10 00 Best 10 varieties of winter apples, silver cup...... 10 00 Second best....... 5 00 Best 5 varieties of winter apples, silver cup........ 10 00 Second best......... 5 00


Best collection of fruits of all kinds, all to be first class sorts, making a succession from fall until early summer, with a correct and practical statement as to the mode of

preservation, time of gathering, and cost of the same per barrel, silver pitcher, $30.

Best collection of winter pears with statement giving kind of soil, exposure, &c., silver cup, $10. Second best, cash, $5.

Best and most practical treatise describing thirty varieties of apples (five early, five fall and twenty winter) best adapted to our soil and climate, giving a full description of the fruit and tree, setting forth its good qualities and its imperfections, silver cup, $25.

No premium will be awarded to unworthy collections, though there by no competition, and each collection to be furnished with a list of sorts, and statements as above written.


Best specimen of dressed beef, not less than one

[blocks in formation]

Best specimen of dressed pork, silver cup..........
Second best

20 00

10 00

Best specimen of dressed spring lamb, silver cup.
Second best

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Meteorological observations for the year 1857, forming a continuous series with those published in the report for 1856-will be found in the appendix. The observations are interesting, illustrating as they do, the changes of temperature in central Indiana. It is probable that the observations for 1858 will be received before this report issues from the press, in which event they will be added. Agricultural meteorology is attracting much attention in some sections of the country, and it would be well for our farmers to aid in the researches on the subject by carefully observing and communicating to the Board the leading climatic phenomena in their several localities. The reader is referred to the report for 1856, for remarks and communications on this subject.

The premiums awarded at the annual State exhibition will also be found in the appendix.

In concluding this report it may be said that the State Board is more firmly established, its finances in a sounder state, and with proper caution, its future success more completely assured, than at an any former period. IGNATIUS BROWN,

JANUARY 14, 1858.

Secretary of the Board.


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