CHILDS, AUSTIN S., farmer 100. Davy, Samuel, farmer 124. DECKER, ALFERD, (Gorham,) farmer, leases 190. DEWEY, J. S., farmer 100. Estes, Benjamin, (Gorham,) farmer 183. WYNKOOP, ADAM, (Gorham,) farmer 120. HOPEWELL CENTER. A post village about the center of the town. Tri-weekly mail. ASHLEY, CHAS., farmer, leases 140. GARRATT, CHAS., (Gorham,) farmer 105. Carlo, Stephen P., farmer 300. Hayden, Liberty, farmer 40. HAYDEN, RUSSELL B., farmer 10. Kisor, Wallace, (Gorham,) farmer, leases 128. Lewis, David, farmer 39. LEWIS, JOHN, postmaster and farmer 160. Link, Wm. W., (Gorham,) farmer 156. Miner, Daniel, (Gorham,) farmer 2. Peerson, John, farmer, leases 81. POLLOK, ROBERT P., farmer 108%. Pratt, Jonathan, allop. physician and farmer 87. Pulver, John B., (Gorham,) farmer, leases 103. Carlough, David W., farmer 200. Freshour, Wm. J., farmer 118. Furman, Wm. D., blacksmith and farmer 2. Grenow, Chas., farmer, leases 70. SPANGLE, SIMON, farmer, leases 50. Spangle, Zachariah, farmer 50. STEPHENS, JOHN, (with Ruleff,) farmer 130. Stephens, Ruleff, (with John,) farmer 180. All of my work is done in the best manner, and combines LIGHTNESS and ELEGANCE with STRENGTH AND GOOD WORKMANSHIP. REPAIRING Of all kinds promptly executed, and in the best possible manner. CORNER OF CASTLE AND GENESEE STREETS, CALL AND EXAMINE STYLES AND QUALITY OF MANCHESTER. The post office addresses of the residents of the town of Manchester are Clifton Springs, Manchester, Manchester Center, Port Gibson and Shortsville, in the town; Canandaigua, Farmington and Gypsum in adjoining towns; and Newark and Palmyra, Wayne County. AMERICAN HOTEL, James Moor, proprietor. Andrews, E. A., Mrs., matron Clifton Springs Water Cure. Ansberger, Jacob, farmer 125. Ansberger, Thomas, farmer. Archer, Dennis C., farmer 126. Archer, Ephraim, farmer 11%. ARCHER, WATSON W., M. D., allop. physician. Balcom, Mary, Miss, boarding house. Baggerly, Everett, retired farmer. Ballu, Henrietta, Miss, milliner. farmer Beggarley, Barlow, (Phelps,) farmer 95. Bement, Wm. E., farmer leases 104. Bement, William, farmer leases 104. Benham, Sylvester, veterinary surgeon. Blanchard, J. B., (Robinson & Blanchard.) Bostwick, William S., (Phelps,) farmer 100. BRADT, WILLIAM F., carpenter. Brown, Fanny, Mrs., boarding house. er. Burtram, John, (Phelps,) farmer 5. Caldwell, James H., (Parsons & Caldwell.) Caldwell, Murray, (with Wm. Rockefeller,) farmer. CALDWELL, WILLIAM, druggist and variety store. CARR, WILLIAM P., town assessor and boarding house. Case, Reese, patent roofing. CLIFTON AIR CURE, Jesse Cost, president; L. B. Ferguson, sec'y and treas.; W. F. Russell and P. T. Ware, managers; D. A. Baldwin, M. D., physician In charge. CLIFTON SPRINGS WATER CURE, Henry Foster, M. D., proprietor and principal physician; P. H. Hayes, M. D., P. D. Peltier, M. D., Miss R. T. Speakman, M. D., Miss Mary Dunbar, M. D., assistant physicians; Wm. Foster, financial steward; Geo. F. Coates, house superintendent; C. L. Judd, superintendent of grounds, &c.;_ C. B. Linton, clerk; Mrs. Cornelia Thorpe and Mrs. E. A. Andrews, matrons; Miss H. E. Wells, gymnast. Coates, Geo. F., house superintendent Clifton Springs Water Cure. COATES, IRVING W., (Hopewell,) farmer 90. Coates. James F., farmer 100. COATES, JOSHUA R., (Hopewell,) farmer 130. Coates, J. T. J., (Hopewell,) farmer 125. COPEMAN, JOHN R., farmer leases 125. COPP & PHILLIPS, dealers in boots and shoes and groceries. Cost, Jesse, president Clifton Air Cure. Covell, Mildred S., Mrs., (Phelps,) farmer 8. COX, WILLIAM, farmer 32. CRUTTENDEN, ALBERT G., M. D., allo. physician. Curtis, Geo. F., carpenter. DURKEE, DANIEL S., farmer leases 63. Church, Phelps, and pastor of the Episcopal Mission, Clifton Springs. Ferguson, L. B., sec'y and treas. Clifton Air Cure. Ferguson, Levi B., solicitor and farmer 27. Fitzgerald, Evan, farmer 1. Forshay, Abraham, (Hopewell,) farmer 100. Foster, William, farmer 96. GRAVE STONES, FURNITURE TOPS, Shelves and Mantles, FROM THE BEST AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE, East side of Franklin Street, WATKINS, N. Y., Also Water Street, GENEVA, N. Y. Every description of work in our line, from the smallest paper holder to the largest and most elaborately carved MONUMENT, Done with neatness and despatch. Orders respectfully solicited from all sections of the country, and satisfaction warranted in BOTH PRICE AND QUALITY. Fox, William, (Phelps,) farmer 100. Hannon, Byron H., (La Du, Hannon & Co.,) farmer 62. Harkness, H. B., watch repairer. Hayes, P. H., M. D., assistant physician Hill, Joel A., (Hopewell,) farmer 91. HILL, ZELECK C., farmer 140. Hinton, John, carpenter and constable. Hughes, C. A., Mrs., (Wadsworth & Hughes.) Hughs, Patrick, (Phelps,) farmer 10. Johnson, Mary J., Mrs., (Phelps,) farmer 78. JONES, AMOS, (Hopewell,) farmer 112. King, Myron S., (Phelps,) farmer 140. KINGSLEY, BRADFORD, (Hopewell,) farmer 186. KINGSLEY, JOSEPH, (Hopewell,) farmer 60. KIPP, JOSEPH B., farmer 25%. LA DU, CHARLES W., (La Du, Hannon & Co.,) La Du, Hannon, & Co., (Charles W. La Du, Byron H. Hannon and coal dealers. Sturdevant,) Large, Cornelius, farmer 83. church. Lindner, Frank, (Melser & Lindner,) farmer 8. Linton, C. B., clerk, Clifton Springs Water LISK, DAVID A., (Lisk & McBride.) Lisk & McBride, (David A. Lisk and Richard P. McBride,) druggists and gro cers. Lowrey, Michael, farmer 15. Mansfield, S. M., Miss, boarding house. Miller, Horace H., express agent. MOOR, JAMES, proprietor American Hotel. Moor, William, produce dealer and farmer Morphy, Richard, mason. Morrison, Charles, mason. Murphy, Arthur, (Hopewell,) farmer 73. Newton, Hiram B., (Warfield & Newton.) O'Brian, Patrick, farmer 10. O'Donnell, Michael, farmer 7. PAGE, E. A., tailor. Page, Ezekiel, livery. PARSONS & CALDWELL, (Wm. C. Parsons and James H. Caldwell,) carriage makers and blacksmiths. Parsons, Elihu, (Phelps,) farmer 80. Parsons, Thaddeus, (Phelps,) farmer 75. Parsons, Wm. C., (Parsons & Caldwell.) Patridge, Grover, (Wells & Patridge,) farmer 1. PAYNE, MARVIN A., livery. Peltier, P. D., M. D., assistant physician, PRICE, GEO. L., agent patent milk stands. house. Quithel, Jeremiah F., (Phelps,) farmer 94. Riegel & Son, (Henry H., and Daniel,) bakery and confectionery. Robinson, F. S., (Robinson & Blanchard.) ROBINSON & BLANCHARD, (F. S. Robinson and J. B. Blanchard,) photograph artists. ROBISON, CHARLES A., farmer, Robison, Charles A., roofer and farmer 4. ROBISON, CHARLES B., farmer leases. |