Everybody contemplating housekeeping will find the largest variety of Table Ware at NO. 80 SENECA ST. AN EXAMINATION OF HIS GOODS WILL IN NO SENSE INCUR ANY OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE. THE GENEVA COURIER, IS THE Largest Newspaper in Ontario County! and is exceeded in size by no country paper in Western or Central New York. With a view to making it an INVALUABLE NEWSPAPER to the local public of Ontario County and vicinity, the departments of Politics, General News, and Local Intelligence, will be maintained with vigor, and the utmost pains bestowed to make them INTERESTING AND VALUABLE. TERMS: $2 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. Book and Job Printing. We have a Large Assortment of the Latest & Most Beautiful Styles of Type, AND THREE NEW POWER PRESSES! DRIVEN BY A Caloric, or Hot Air Engine! Particular attention paid to Book Work, Pamphlets and Catalogues. R. L. ADAMS & SON, Geneva, N. Y. Capson, Joseph, (P. O. address Palmyra, Wayne Co.,) shoemaker and farmer 5. Carson, James, farmer 2. Carson, J. S., (Farmington,) thresher and farmer. CHAPMAN, SETH S., (P. O. address Pal- COLE, N. K., justice of sessions and justice of the peace. Collett, Richard, (Farmington,) farmer 36. Converse, Joseph E., (Farmington,) farmer 40. Cooper & Filly, (Peter Cooper and Almon Cornell, George, (P. O. address Palmyra, Covill, John B., (Farmington,) carpenter and farmer 40. Crowell, Robert, (Farmington,) cider maker HOWLAND, J. ADDISON, farmer 186. HOWLAND, PARDON A., farmer 220. Johnson, Byron, (P. O. address Palmyra, Kinley, Susannah Mr. P. O. address Pal myra, Wayne Co.,) farmer leases 74. Kinney, Thomas, farmer 112. Lapham, David G., farms, (estate,) 300. Lathbury, John, carpenter and joiner and farmer 4. Travelers and Pleasure Parties WILL FIND AT THESE STABLES BEAUTIFUL SADDLE AND CARRIAGE HORSES, Trusty and kind in disposition. A large assortment of Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters, at the service of the public. Careful drivers in attendance when desired. HORSES & CARRIAGES For Parties, Excursions, &c., FURNISHED ON FAVORABLE TERMS. CALL AND SEE US. |