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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

to have it repaired; he sold it for 40 cents; did he gain or lose by the bargain? and how much?

20. One man travels 67 miles in a day, another man follows at the rate of 42 miles a day; if they both start from the same place at the same time, how far will they be apart at the close of the first day? of the second?

[blocks in formation]


21. One man starts from Boston Monday morning, and travels at the rate of 40 miles a day; another starts from the same place Tuesday morning, and follows on at the rate of 70 miles a day; how far are they apart Tuesday night?

Ans. 10 miles.

22. A man, owing 379 dollars, paid at one time 47 dollars, at another time 84 dollars, at another time 23 dollars, and at another time 143 dollars; how much did he then owe? Ans. 82 dollars.

23. A man has property to the amount of 34764 dollars, but there are demands against him to the amount of 14297 dollars; how many dollars will be left after the payment of his debts?

24. Four men bought a lot of land for 482 dollars; the first man paid 274 dollars, the second man 194 dollars less than the first, and the third man 20 dollars less than the second; how much did the second, the third, and the fourth man pay? The second paid 80. The third paid 60. The fourth paid 68.


25. A man, having 10,000 dollars, gave away 9 dollars; many had he left?


Ans. 9991.



9. 1. If one orange costs 5 cents, how many cents 'must I give for 2 oranges ?


for 4 oranges?·

how many cents for 3

2. One bushel of apples costs 20 cents; how many cents must I give for bushels?

for 3 bushels ?

3. One gallon contains 4 quarts; how many quarts in 2 gallons? in 3 gallons? in 4 gallons?

4. Three men bought a horse; each man paid 23 dollars for his share; how many dollars did the horse cost them? 5. A man has 4 farms worth 324 dollars each; how many dollars are they all worth?

6. In one dollar there are one hundred cents; how many cents in 5 dollars?

7. How much will 4 pair of shoes cost at 2 dollars a pair? 8. How much will two pounds of tea cost at 43 cents a pound?

9. There are 24 hours in one day; how many hours in 2 in 3 days? in 4 days?

days? days?

in 7 10. Six boys met a beggar, and gave him 15 cents each; how many cents did the beggar receive?

When questions occur, (as in the above examples,) where the same number is to be added to itself several times, the operation may be much facilitated by a rule, called Multiplication, in which the number to be repeated is called the multiplicand, and the number which shows how many times the multiplicand is to be repeated is called the multiplier. The multiplicand and multiplier, when spoken of collectively, are called the Antro, (pivducers,) and the answer is called the product.

11. There is an orchard in which there are 5 rows of trees, and 27 trees in each row; how many trees in the orchard?

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In this example, it is evident that the whole number of trees will be equal to the amount of five 27's added together.

In adding, we find that 7 taken five times amounts to 35. We write down the five units, and

reserve the 3 tens; the amount of 2 taken five times is 10, and the 3, which we reserved, makes 13, which, written to the left of units, makes the whole number of trees 135.

If we have learned that 7 taken 5 times amounts to 35, and that 2 taken 5 times amounts to 10, it is plain we need write the number 27 but once, and then, setting the multi

plier under it, we may say, 5 times 7 are 35, writing down the 5, and reserving the 3 (tens) as in addition. Again, 5

Multiplicand, 27 trees in each row.
Multiplier, 5 rows.

[blocks in formation]

times 2 (tens) are

10, (tens,) and 3, (tens,) which we

reserved, make 13,

(tens,) as before.

10. 12. There are on a board 3 rows of spots, and 4 spots in each row; how many spots on the board?

A slight inspection of the figure will show, that the number of spots may be found either by taking 4 three times, (3 times 4 are 12,) or by taking 3 four times, (4 times 3 are 12;) for we may say there are 3 rows of 4 spots each, or 4 rows of 3 spots each; therefore, we may use either of the given numbers for a multiplier, as best suits our convenience. We generally write the numbers as in subtraction, the larger uppermost, with units under units, tens under tens, &c. Thus,

Multiplicand, 4 spots.
Multiplier, 3 rows.

Product, 12 Ans.

Note. 4 and 3 are the factors, which produce the product 12.

Hence,―Multiplicaiton is a short way of performing many additions; in other words,-It is the method of repeating any number any given number of times.

SIGN. Two short lines, crossing each other in the form of the letter X, are the sign of multiplication. Thus, 3 X 4 12, signifies that 3 times 4 are equal to 12, or 4 times 3 are 12.

Note. Before any progress can be made in this rule, the following table must be committed perfectly to memory.

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13. What will 84 barrels of flour cost at 7 dollars a barrel?

Ans. 588 dollars.

14. A merchant bought 273 hats at 8 dollars each; what did they cost? Ans. 2184 dollars. 15. How many inches are there in 253 feet, every foot being 12 inches?



The product of 12, with each of the significant figures or digits, having been committed to memory from the multiplication table, it is just as easy to multiply by 12 as by a Ans. 3036 single figure. Thus, 12 times 3 are 36, &c. 16. What will 476 barrels of fish cost at 11 dollars a barrel? Ans. 5236 dollars.

17. A piece of valuable land, containing 33 acres, was sold for 246 dollars an acre; what did the whole come to?

As 12 is the largest number, the product of which, with the nine digits, is found in the multiplication table, therefore, when the multiplier exceeds 12, we multiply by each figure in the multiplier separately. Thus :


246 dollars, the price of 1 acre.
33 number of acres.

738 dollars, the price of 3 acres.
738 dollars, the price of 30 acres.

Ans. 8118 dollars, the price of 33 acres.

The multiplier consists of 3 tens and 3 units. First, multiplying by the 3 units gives us 738 dollars, the price of 3 acres.

We then multiply by the 3 tens, writing the first figure of the product (8) in ten's place, that is, directly under the figure by which we multiply. It now appears, that the product by the 3 tens consists of the same figures as the product by the three units; but there is this difference-the figures in the product by the 3 tens are all removed one place further toward the left hand, by which their value is increased tenfold, which is as it should be, because the price of 30 acres

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