Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Alexander Alfred annual annum appointed Archdeacon Arthur Augustus Bachelor of Arts Bart Bishop of Ely Caius College Cambridge Candidates Canon Cath Charles Christ's Christ's College Clare Hall Clarke Classical Corpus degree Divinity Earl Edition Edmund Edward elected Epigrams Examination Fellowships Formerly Fellows Francis Frederick George Grace Greek Ode Head Master Henry Philpott Hildyard Hugh James Jesus John Jones Joseph Junior late Fellow Late Tutor Latin Ode Lectures Lent Term LL.B LL.D Lord Bishop M.A. Joh M.A. Trin M.A. Trinity Magd Master of Arts Mathematical Pemb Pembroke plane Prize Proctors Queens Regius Professor Richard Robert Samuel Scholars Scholarships Senate Senior Optimes shew Sidney Sizars Smith St Peter's THIRD CLASS Thomas Trin Trinity College Trinity Hall Trinity Trinity TRIPOS University University of Cambridge Vice-Chancellor Walker William Henry Wilson Wranglers καὶ
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 15 - A GREEK-ENGLISH LEXICON. Compiled by HG LIDDELL, DD Dean of Christ Church, and R. SCOTT, DD Dean of Rochester.
Σελίδα 5 - FELLOW COMMONERS, who are generally the younger sons of the nobility, or young men of fortune, and have the privilege of dining at the Fellows' table, from whence the appellation possibly originated.
Σελίδα 353 - Lay a garland on my hearse, Of the dismal yew; Maidens, willow branches bear; Say I died true: My love was false, but I was firm From my hour of birth. Upon my buried body lie Lightly, gentle earth!
Σελίδα 352 - Why blush ye, love, to give to me your hand, The pledge of all our band ! Sing, ye sweet Angels, Alleluya sing, That all the woods may answere, and your eccho ring.
Σελίδα 1 - The executive branch of the university is committed to the following officers : — A CHANCELLOR, who is the head of the whole university, and presides over all cases relative to that body.
Σελίδα 312 - To divide a given straight line into two parts, so that the rectangle contained by the whole and one of the parts, shall be equal to the square of the other part.
Σελίδα 127 - Will that out of the rents and profits, an annual premium of £40 (since increased to £100) should be given to any member of this University, under the degree or standing of MA, who composed the best Dissertation in the English Language, on the Evidences in general, or on the Prophecies or Miracles in particular, or on any other particular argument, whether the same be direct or collateral proofs of the Christian religion, in order to evince its truth and excellence.
Σελίδα 5 - Besides a constant attendance on lectures, the Undergraduates are examined in their respective colleges yearly, or half-yearly, in those subjects which have engaged their studies; and, according to the manner in which they...
Σελίδα 9 - Progressive Exercises in Greek Tragic Senarii, followed by a Selection from the Greek Verses of Shrewsbury School, and prefaced by a short Account of the Iambic Metre and Style of Greek Tragedy. For the use of Schools and Private Students. Second Edition, altered and revised. 8vo. 8*.
Σελίδα 184 - Physic as soon as they are of sufficient standing for the same ; and they may hold the Studentship for three years after their degree. Those therefore who are elected previous to admission at any College, can hold them eight years. The electors to these Studentships are, the Masters of Cains and Christ's Colleges, the President of the College of Physicians, the Treasurer of Lincoln's Inn, the Master of the Charter-House, and the Governors of Greenwich and Chelsea Hospitals.