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produce alarm and uncertainty at the settlements. The mission among the Cherokees had proceeded without disturbance. In transmitting these reports from Bethlehem, in Pennsylvania, one of the Missionaries observes:"O how much do we wish that peace may be soon restored between Great Britain and the United States, as also between the belligerent powers in Europe! And how consoling it is that we feel and enjoy, amidst the present calamities on earth, true spiritual union with all children of God, of every nation and party, and that peace, which the world can neither give nor take away!"


1. Barbadoes.—A letter from Sharon, in that island, dated May 30, 1812, states as follows:

"Amidst all causes for complaint which might be mentioned, we have also great reason to be humbly thankful to the Lord for many mercies, and we yet perceive, that the Gospel is not preached in vain. As a proof of this assertion, I may quote, that our Sunday service is in general well attended by a serious congregation of Ne. groes, both belonging to us, and strangers. It is true, that in the week-days our own people do not come to church as much as we could wish; but when we consider the great distance of some, and the peculiar si tuation of others, we should not hastily pronounce this seeming neglect to arise from indifference to their souls' concerns. I as. sure you, that I have frequently conversed with some of our Negroes concerning the state of their souls, when they have spoken as freely and experimentally of the Lord's dealings with them, and their desire to live for Him in this world, as I have ever heard the most truly converted persons in Europe do; and their life and conversation prove, that it is not mere talk."

It then gives an account of the alarm eaused throughout the island, by the extraordinary darkness which occurred on the 30th of April, 1812, in consequence of the volcanic eruption of Mount Souffrier, in St. Vincent's. The darkness continued from six in the morning till past noon, attended with showers of dust.

"About one, a little light from the sun's rays appeared, to the great comfort of every human being in the island. About three o'clock many Negroes, from far and near, assembled together in our church, forming a large congregation, to whom a discourse was delivered on the Scripture-text for the day. The works of His hands are verity

and judgment; all his commandments are sure.' Ps. cxi. 7 ;-concluding with fervent prayer. The attention and devotion of the auditory was great.

"The great church of Bridgetown was, on this awful day, so much crowded, that it could hardly contain the people, who, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, with lanthorns in their hands, took refuge in the house of prayer; so great was the consternation of all the inhabitants."

2. Surinam.-An attempt has been made to renew the mission among the Arawack Indians, on the river Corentyn. The Missionaries employed on this service, reached their destination in June, 1812. In the following September they were well in health, and occupied with forming their settlements. The baptized Indians were diligent in their attendance on Divine Worship. The spirit of the men who have hazarded their lives in this perilous undertaking, will be seen from the following extract of one of their let


"We have settled in the midst of a thick forest, which cannot be converted into a fruitful field, without persevering and great exertions. Yet, by the Lord's blessing, we hope, that in a reasonable time, we shall reap the fruits of our labour with thankful hearts, earned truly by the sweat of the brow, in this extremely hot climate. You would, indeed, not guess, that we were ap pointed and ordained to a clerical office, if you were to see us in our daily work, digging and delving, felling trees, and cutting our way through bushes. The underwood is exceedingly thick and interwoven, but patience and perseverance will work through it in time. This is all made easy to us by that reflection, that whatsoever we do, we do in the name of our Saviour, whom we delight to serve. O! if our mouths were but soon opened, and our tongues loosened, to declare the word of His cross and all-sufficient atonement to these brown heathen, who now appear so listless, and indifferent towards it, that by its power they might be renewed in spirit, and give themselves up to Him, who has also for them suffered the bitter agony of an ignominious death, to redeem them from the slavery of sin."

The mission among the free Negroes at Bambey seems to languish for want of aid from Europe. The Negroes, also, are said to be adverse to restraint and good counsel. Some encouraging hopes, however, were afforded, by several of them owning their defection, shewing contrition, and desiring to be again restored to spiritual lite.

At Paramaribo, the prospect was much more encouraging.

"The number of new people has increased this year, more than at any former period; and our hearts are filled with hum ble joy and thankfulness, whenever we meet in the presence of our Saviour, and receive renewed assurances, that the word of His cross, which we preach in weakness, is accompanied with power and the demonstration of His Spirit in the hearts of our hearers." Again

"We have much cause to extol the saving name of our God and Saviour, He is with us, and blesses our ministry. More Negroes are awakened from the sleep of sin by the power of the Gospel, and the new people amount now to thirty-eight. On every monthly prayer-day, some are added to the church by holy baptism, and others are admitted partakers of the Lord's Supper on communion-days. Since the beginning of this year, thirty-eight adults and twelve children have been baptized, and forty-five persons added to the communicants. Nine were excluded, but we had the satisfaction to re-admit fourteen, who returned and showed sincere repentance. Seventeen have departed this life, rejoicing in hope of the salvation of their souls, through the merits of our Saviour.-We are now under the pressing necessity of enlarging our church, which for these many years has needed repair, and is much too small for the increas ing number, both of the congregation and other hearers, who constantly attend Divine worship."

"We look with confidence to the willingness of our brethren and friends in Earope, and (since we are now British subjects) in England, to help us, and request them herewith most earnestly to consider

e work of our Lord in this country also, and to assist us by such donations as they may have ability and willingness to bestow upon us. We shall hardly be able to complete it under 3001. sterling, or near 10,000 guilders paper currency.

"You will rejoice to hear, with what cheerfulness our chapel-servants and negro assistants proposed to lend a helping hand in this work. They offered to encourage the whole congregation to take share not only in bringing the building materials, &c. to the spot, but in giving their mite towards it. We have lately had several instances of their willingness to do all in their power to support the mission."

Several striking instanses of the liberality

of the poor Negroes are then given, and they are accompanied by the following remark on the part of the Missionaries:

"We were greatly affected by the willing spitit prevailing in our congregation, and had encouraging proofs of the truth of the frequent declaration of the Negroes, that tlie word of God, preached in this place, is to them a most precious treasure, and their as sembling themselves together to hear it and enjoy Christian instruction and fellowship, their chief delight."

The church has since been so far advanced, that it was used for public worship in the Passion Week of 1813. Though enlarged by one-third, throughout the whole week the auditory was so numerous that many were obliged to stand before the doors and windows. On Good Friday evening. 2000 Negroes were present.

"Our prayers were fervent to the Lord: that, by His Spirit, He might cause the word of the Cross to be the power of God unto salvation to many of their souls, and graut them faith in their crucified Redeemer.

"On Maunday Thursday, 111 brethren and 175 sisters were present at the celebration of the Lord's Supper.

"Three adults were baptized on Easter Monday, and 18 were added to the class of new people, who seemed to have been awakened during the Passion-Week, and led to serious concern for the salvation of their souls."

"At the close of the year 1812, our congregation of Christian Negroes at Paramaribo, consisted of 400 communicants; 42 baptized adults, not yet admitted to the Lord's Supper; 65 baptized children: in all, 507 persons, besides candidates and catechumens."

3. Jamaica. The following are extracts of letters received from the Missionaries in this island :

Bogue, April 5, 1812.-Being Sunday, I went, in the morning, as usual, to Elim, where I had an attentive auditory. In the evening, the meetings were well attended at the Bogue. Since the last baptism at Easter, we have the satisfaction to see many Negroes coming to inquire when they may be baptized; which gives us a good oppor tunity to speak with them of the necessity of conversion, and a total change of heart, to be wrought by the Lord and His Spirit, before baptism can be of any avail to them."

"June 13 --The meetings both at Elim and here (the Bogue), continued to be well attended by both the members of the con

gregation and strange Negroes. Both in the classes, and when we spoke with the individuals, we felt much encouraged by the proofs we had of a work of the Holy Spirit in their souls."

"Sept. 13.-Being prayer-day, four adults received holy baptism. An unusual number of Negroes attended at this solemnity, and the Lord gave me grace to speak, from the fulness of my heart, of His desire, that not any should perish, but all come to the knowledge of the truth, repent, and believe the Gospel, that thus they might attain remission of sins in His blood. Several came afterwards, and desired their names to be written down, expressing their determination to give their hearts to the Lord Jesus, and become members of His church.

much in price, planted plenty of a certain fruit, growing in the ground, which a storm cannot carry away, the poor people would absolutely be in danger of starving."

"Nov. 11.-Respecting the mission, I may truly say, that the Lord blesses our feeble endeavours to make known His name among the heathen. Since Easter last, 41 persons have been baptized here and at the Bogue; and 56 have becomes candidates. A good number were admitted to the Lord's Supper. New people frequently apply fur baptism and church-fellowship.

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Among the new-comers was a Negro, who lives 12 miles from Carmel. He said: ♦ Massa, I would have you to know, that I want to come to you, and to be baptized. I am a Mahometan; and in my country we also believe in Moses. But I think my faith is not the right one. I wish to come to Jesus Christ. I have one wife, and she is of the same mind. We have prayers together, and always pray to Jesus Christ. Did we not live so far off, we should have come before now, and begged you to baptize us.'"

"16th.-At the class of the new people 23 were present, 11 belonging to this estate, and 11 to Elim. It is pleasing to see the gagerness with which they come to this meeting. We are chiefly occupied in it with asking questions, and explaining texts of Scripture, which they have learnt to repeat, especially such portions as refer to holy baptism. They are all anxious that they may not come behind, in giving proper answers, and therefore never stay away, but from the most urgent necessity. We find, that the way here adopted makes more lasting im-reign Bible Society. The writer adds:--pressions upon their minds, than any discourse delivered to them."

"Dec. 31. We met to conclude the

year, in fellowship with our negro congre gation, when we thankfully remembered all the mercy, grace, and favour, which the Lord has bestowed on us in the year past, and craved His pardon of our manifold sins and failings. We felt His peace, and could firmly trust, that He will continue to bless us, and to cause His work to flourish in this island also. During the past year 16 have been baptized, and 6 admitted to the Lord's Supper. Our congregation, reckoning all the new people who constantly attend and come to speak with us, consists of 207 per


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Carmel, March 15, 1813.-The great storm, which we experienced last summer, has most materially affected the condition of the Negroes, by destroying all their provision-grounds. Whenever we go to visit them in their huts, they cry out, Massa, hunger kill we;' and indeed they look so Jean and emaciated, that we cannot behold them without pity. It will be full two months before the plantains and the Indian corn become fit to cat, Were it not for our coffee planters, who, when coffee fell so

4. Antigua-A letter from this island, dated St. John's, Dec. 25, 1812, acknowledges the receipt of seven boxes of Bibles and Testaments, from the British and Fo

"To see that worthy and benevolent Society extending its generosity so far, as to send such a large quantity of Bibles and Testaments for the use of the Negroes in this island, is more than we could ever have expected. We beg them to accept our warmest thanks for the same; and no doubt, the benefit and blessing attending the distribution of these precious volumes will be great. May the Lord himself be their reward, and bless all those abundantly who contribute to support such a highly beneficial institution.

“About a fortnight ago I visited a malefactor in gaol, who was condemned to be hanged, and found a fellow-prisoner with him, to whom a Testament had been given, reading it to him and others. This was made the blessed means of bringing the poor criminal to true repentance. He cried to the Lord Jesus for mercy, and died as a penitent sinner, trusting in the merits of his Saviour.

"At another time, I visited a sick man who had received a Testament. He said, with a flood of tears, I have read in this Testament, and in every page of it I read my own condemnation.' This gave ine a desirable opportunity of making him sensi

ble, that he might also find in it that atonement for sin, by which he may be pardoned and justified before God."

Internally we have had a very blessed year, and the work of the Lord has increased, for which we bring our warmest thanks and praise to Him alone. Many, who had lived in cold indifference and gone astray, for a longer or shorter time, have returned as penitent sinners to the good Shepherd, who came to seek and to save the lost, Again a considerable number, who but lately were slayes of sin and Satan, and seemed quite unconcerned about their soul's salvation, begin to pay attention to the word of God, and ask what they must do to be saved.

"More than 200 of our congregation here at St. John's have finished their course happily, and are now delivered from all sin, pain, and misery. Some of them lived in extreme poverty, and died for want of nourishment.

"In externals, we have had a very heavy year. The oldest people say, that they never remember such distress before. If bodily sufferings and famine cause the inhabitants, or at least a part of them, to turn to the Lord and receive His word, and to feel hun ger and thirst after righteousness, then the gracious aim of the present afflicting dispensation will be obtained."

"June 22, 1813.-The work of the Lord in this island continues to increase, and we have abundant cause to be thankful for His mercy, patience, and long-suffering towards us, a poor, defective people; for this we account our salvation."

"From Easter 1812 to Easter 1813, there have been baptized, or received into the congregation (having been baptized as children), at St. John's, 195 adults; at Gracehill, 97; at Gracebay, 18; total $10, For the first time have been admitted to the Lord's Supper, at St. John's, 152; at Gracebill, 54; at Gracebay, 20: total 226. Our fervent wish and prayer is, that they all may prove faithful followers of Jesus, and walk worthy of their holy and heavenly calling."

Gracehill, April 23, 1813.-We have just had a most blessed celebration of the Passion-week and Easter-holidays, both here and at St. John's and Gracebay. Very great numbers have again attended the reading of the last discourses of our Lord, and the history of His sufferings and death, both at the chapels, and on several estates, which we visit for that purpose.

"I account last Good-Friday one of the happiest days of my ministry. It was my CHRIST. OBSERV. No. 147.

turn to be at home, and Brother Light's to visit some distant plantations. The meeting for reading and contemplating the account of the last hours of our Divine Redeemer, previous to His death on the cross, was appointed for one o'clock, as the Negroes' noon-time was to last from twelve to two. O I wish my dear Brother L. had been there to have witnessed what I did, during those two hours. I thought I saw an almost literal fulfilment of Isaiah 12. 1-11.

"As I sat in my room, having a good view of the roads leading from different plantations, I could see the people running in companies, at various distances; and as it occurs with persons, when they are in eager haste after any thing from which they expect much pleasure, one may see the bent of the mind in the attitude of the body, so it was here. They took every short cut, the young and stout passing before the lame and infirm, and the latter pressing on with all their might, stretching their heads and arms forward, every effort bespeaking the eager ness of their very souls, to be present at a place, where they might hear the marvellous history, how Jesus, the Son of God, gave himself a sacrifice for sinners.—When I considered that many, if pot all of these poor people, had just thrown down their hoes, left their nouns' morsel, and foregone their little rest in the middle and heat of the day, of which they stood so much in need, for the support of their bodies under hard labour, I broke out almost involuntarily in this ejaculation; O Lord Jesus! feed these poor hungry souls with the precious word of Thy sufferings and death. O enable Thy poor unworthy servant to give them their meat in due season!'-As I went towards the chapel, I beheld still many coming at a distance. The chapel was soon filled, and the last comers had to stand before the doors and windows.-When I began to read, the most eager attention was visible in every countenance. It was, in-. deed, an hour of blessing for both speaker and hearers, I stood afterwards at my door, to see how the people returned to their homes, and was much affected by the devout, quiet manner, in which so large a congregation separated, the very countenances of many bespeaking that humble, broken, aud contrite spirit which accompa nies a true conviction, that our sins have crucified the Lord of glory.

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"In the evening, the chapel was again crowded, and when at the words, He bowed His head and gave up the ghost, the congregation fell on their knees, such an awful

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and heart-melting sense of the all-atoning death of Jesus pervaded the assembly, that some wept aloud,

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Reflecting upon this subject, which I did with humble gratitude to our gracious Lord and Saviour, I thought; What is it that makes these poor Negroes, who by nature are lazy, sensual, and devilish, and by being long accustomed to wallow in sin without controul, far alienated from God, so eager to hear the simple testimony of Jesu's sufferings and death, that they readily forego some of the first and most powerful calls of nature, such as rest and the satisfying of hunger, while the same subject is, to one part of the civilized world, foolishness, and to another, a rock of offence? I was not long left in suspence, how to resolve this question. It is the Lord and His Spirit that hath opened their hearts! and therefore, as it was in the days of His Besh, while the proud and self-righteous Pharisee hated and despised Jesus and His doctrine, and the worldling could spare no time from his earthly pursuits to attend to Him who came from Heaven to give us everlasting riches, we are repeatedly told, that the common people beard him gladly. Thus it is in this our day.

"On Easter-Sunday there were as many people at Gracehill, as would have twice filled our spacious chapel."

5. Danish Islands.-In the island of St. Thomas the Brethren have two Mission Settlements, with congregations containing 2285 Negroes, of whom 1188 are communicants. In the island of St. Croix there are three Settlements, and the congregations contain 8443 Negroes, of whom upwards of 2600 are communicants. In the island of St. Jan are two Set:lements: the congre gations consist of 1461 Negroes, of whom 677 are communicants,

The following Extracts are taken from the Diary of the Mission at Friedensthall, in St. Croix :

"March, 1812.-At the Lord's Supper on the 19th. 73% of our communicants were present. Brother Huenerbein, after visiting the sick and aged at Frieden-field, administered the communion to 94 persons

"The Passion-week was celebrated by us with particular blessing. On Maunday Thursday and Good Friday our church could not contain the number of hearers; and we confiden ly trust, that the reading of the histo y of our Lo d's bitter sufferings. and death for us, which we continued every evening throughout the week, may have leit an abiding impression upon the hearts of those present, most of whom seemed much

affected by it. On Easter Sunday morning, not only the church, but all the space about it, was crowded with attentive hearers. Nine adults were baptized on this festival day."

June 23.-Henry departed this life in St. John's plantation. He was baptized in 1773, and admitted to the holy communion in 1774. In 1784, being appointed an assistant, he approved himself, for 28 years, a most faithful aud useful servant of the negro congregation. His character was that of a sinple, humble follower of Jesus. Some days before his decease, he said to a friend: "I will once more go to my wife (who lived on another estate), and thatch her house for her, for in a few days I shall go home to our Saviour." Having finished the roof, he desired to return home, and immediately took to his bed. He then persuaded his wife, who had accompanied him, to return, lest she should be blamed on his account. The day following, the overseer wanted to send him to the sick-house, but on the road, having desired to rest a little, he instantly expired without a groan. He is now in the presence of Him, whom here, though unseen, he loved, and served with his whole heart."

August.-At the Lord's Supper on the 24, 770 communicants were present. On communion days we are engaged from morning till night. Many can come only on that day to speak with us, for during the weck days it becomes more and more the fashion to keep the Negroes at work tilf very late, which prevents many from attending the evening-service."

"September 22d.-Brother Huenerbein, being engaged in visiting the aged and sick people, called upon a married couple, Seth and his wife. The poor man lies in a helpless state, and his blind wife waits upon him with the most faithful attention, cooks his victuals, and does all the work of the house. Their truly Christian love towards each other, their peace and serenity of mind, and joyful expectation of the near approach of that happy moment, when they shall be released from all earthly trombles, and enter into the presence of their God and Saviour, is remarkably edifying. To visit such people is a real strengthening of our hands in our missionary labours, and, blessed be the Lord, this is only one instance among a great many."

"In 1812, 58 children, and 97 adults, have been baptized; and 86 admitted to the holy communion. The congregation at Friedensthall consists, at the close of the year, of 5161 persons."

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