Journal of the SenateGeneral Assembly, 1997 |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 51.
Σελίδα 1569
... instructional activities rather than observing school holidays in their honor . Villa Park ESD 45 DuPage / Expiration date : 2001-2002 school year WM397-0473 Modification of School Code ( Section 24-2 ) allows the district to recognize ...
... instructional activities rather than observing school holidays in their honor . Villa Park ESD 45 DuPage / Expiration date : 2001-2002 school year WM397-0473 Modification of School Code ( Section 24-2 ) allows the district to recognize ...
Σελίδα 1578
... instructional activities rather than observing school holidays in their honor . of Prairie Central CUSD 8 Livingston / Expiration date : 2001-2002 school year WM397-0626 Modification of School Code ( Section 24-2 ) allows the district ...
... instructional activities rather than observing school holidays in their honor . of Prairie Central CUSD 8 Livingston / Expiration date : 2001-2002 school year WM397-0626 Modification of School Code ( Section 24-2 ) allows the district ...
Σελίδα 1607
Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. through instructional activities rather than observing school holidays in their honor . to Savanna CUSD 300 Carroll / Expiration date ... instructional activities rather than observing school ...
Illinois. General Assembly. Senate. through instructional activities rather than observing school holidays in their honor . to Savanna CUSD 300 Carroll / Expiration date ... instructional activities rather than observing school ...
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Abraham Lincoln ACT to amend adopted were tabled affirmative allows the district Amendments adopted thereto ANTHONY D APPROVED ask their concurrence bill pass Burzynski Fawell Butler Fitzgerald cable television Casimir Pulaski changing Section Christopher Columbus Code Section 24-2 Committee on Rules constitutional majority CUSD declared passed Department district to recognize Expiration date facility following voted Fund Halvorson Myers Hawkinson Obama Hendon O'Daniel House Bills numbered House of Representatives ILCS inform the House instructional activities license members elected Modification of School motion of Senator observing school holidays person Petka printed as received Public Utilities Act pursuant to Senate read by title Real Estate Appraiser received the vote recognize the contributions registered Representatives thereof Rossi School Code Section Secretary inform Senate Amendments adopted Senate Bill Senate Rule Sex Offender Registration sponsored by Senator subsection tabled pursuant taken telecommunications third reading title a second title a third Waiver of School Weaver