Journal of the Senate of the State of Delaware, at a Session of the General Assembly, ... |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 5 από τα 83.
Σελίδα 100
... physician designated by the Labor Commission stating that such child has been thoroughly examined by the said physician at the time of application for the employment certificate and is physically qualified for the employment specified ...
... physician designated by the Labor Commission stating that such child has been thoroughly examined by the said physician at the time of application for the employment certificate and is physically qualified for the employment specified ...
Σελίδα 101
... physician , designated by the Labor Commission , stating that , after examination , it is the opinion of such physician that such child has attained the age required by law for the occupation in which the said child expects to engage ...
... physician , designated by the Labor Commission , stating that , after examination , it is the opinion of such physician that such child has attained the age required by law for the occupation in which the said child expects to engage ...
Σελίδα 102
... physician designated by the Labor Commission stating such child has been examined and , in the opinion of the said physician , the said child has reached the normal development of a child of its age and is physically able to be engaged ...
... physician designated by the Labor Commission stating such child has been examined and , in the opinion of the said physician , the said child has reached the normal development of a child of its age and is physically able to be engaged ...
Σελίδα 117
... physician practicing within the State of Delaware shall give immediate notice to the health authorities of the city , town or district , and to the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health , of every recognized case of ...
... physician practicing within the State of Delaware shall give immediate notice to the health authorities of the city , town or district , and to the Bureau of Vital Statistics of the State Board of Health , of every recognized case of ...
Σελίδα 118
... physician shall advise immediate isolation of the patient until a diagnosis is determined . In all cases unattended by a physician it shall be the duty of the head of the family , or the person in charge of or ministering to the ...
... physician shall advise immediate isolation of the patient until a diagnosis is determined . In all cases unattended by a physician it shall be the duty of the head of the family , or the person in charge of or ministering to the ...
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A. E. Frantz adjournment appointed Asiatic Cholera Bubonic Assembly bacilli ballot bill Births Board of Health Bright's Disease Bubonic Plague Castle County Cerebro Cerebro Spinal Meningitis Chapter Chicken Pox Child Labor Child Labor Inspector Cholera Bubonic Plague Clerk Committee contagious Delaware State Board disinfected District Dover Dysentery Embolism elected employment certificate Entero-Colitus Erysipelas examination Frazier Gormley received Hart health authorities Health Diphtheria Antitoxin Health of Delaware Hepatitis Hernia hereby Hickman Hoffecker Hollett House infected issuances January Kent County Labor Commission Laboratory Lieutenant Governor Locomotor Ataxia Male Female milk nominated o'clock patient permit person physician Pneumonia Premature Birth premises President Pro Tempore Puerperal Fever quarantine received 7 votes recess Resolution Scarlet Fever Secretary Section Selbyville Senate met pursuant Smallpox specimens Spinal Meningitis Sussex County tion Total White Black Tuberculosis Typho Malarial Fever Typhoid Fever urine Wharton Whooping Cough Wilmington