Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Messrs. Editors, longer, and have gone much more into detail, than I at first designed. I hope that the freedom I have used will be excused. I had seen nothing upon these subjects in any of our publications; and knowing the importance of some reflection upon them to the

delegates who may be present, I
have ventured to throw out these
hints for their consideration. May
God grant to all the members, that
wisdom which is profitable to di-

With esteem, I am, &c.


Ir is a long time since we gave an account of the state of Missions in South Africa. In the absence of all intelligence from India, we think the following narrative of the blessed effects of the gospel in elevating the moral character and civil 'condition of the Hottentots, will be interesting to all our readers.





Extract of a Letter from Rev. George
Barker, Theopolis, dated 4th August,


described them as being then dragged to eternal misery without being sensible of their danger. The second made some sarcastic remarks on those who formerly said, the Hottentots were not men, but a superior order of baboons; that the Hottentots were not made by God, but by the Devil, and that this is the cause of the difference between the Hottentots and Europeans. But, he said, "my friends, I now see that Hottentots can think, and feel, and act, like other men. What do I now behold-a Missionary Society formed among Hottentots?" A third noticed with much good sense, the present awful state of a great proportion of the Hottentots; and having lately visited Caffreland, he described the condition of the Caffres, and hence inferred the necessity for "On the 10th of June last, we formed strenuous exertions on behalf of the Mis, a Society denominated the Theopolis sionary cause. But a fourth, in a strain Auxiliary Missionary Society; Messrs. of feeling not to be described, compared Helm and Read came from Bethelsdorp the newly formed Society to a child, and to assist us. Mr. Helm preached in the the Parent Society to its mother, and said, morning from Luke x. 27. "Go thou "He wished to impress on the minds of and do likewise In the afternoon the all present, that the members of this newSociety was formed, Mr. Wright in the || ly formed Society had been long nurtur. chair. The first resolution was to ap-ed by the mother Society; and the meetprove of the object and exertions of the London Missionary Society. The second,|| that the Inhabitants of Theopolis, feeling their obligation to God, for the labours of Missionaries, desire to establish an Aux-ing its mother, the consequence would iliary Missionary Society here. The other resolutions appointed the officers of the Society, &c. Our native speeches were some of them very striking and very sensible.

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ing had been told that her other children (meaning Auxiliary Societies) had in the mean time supported her. If this Society did not exert itself to assist in support

be, she would become enfeebled in her efforts, if not die in grief; hence he exhorted all to come forward with their money on behalf of the Parent Society, and the cause of God." The collections at the doors amounted to about 60 rix

The first took a view of the former wretched condition of the Hottentots, and || dollars: We were favoured with the

on the occasion, among whom were Mr.
Kay, the Methodist Minister at Graham's
Town, and Mr. Duxberry, who ministers
to the Baptist Church at the same place,
all of whom expressed themselves sur-
prised and gratified. What will be the
result of the formation of this Society,
time will unfold. God grant that its end
may be as prosperous as its beginning
was gratifying.

of several of our English friends || mary place, and we were gratified to find
that this fundamental branch of mission-
ary labour had not been overlooked. At
all the Institutions we found Sunday
Schools, both for adults and children, in
active operation, and zealously supported
by the people themselves, as well as al-
most every individual resident at the sta-
tion, whose assistance could be made use-
ful as teachers. Many of the latter class
were selected from among the Hotten-
tots, and when it is considered, that not
less than 600 adults, and from 3 to 400
children, are regularly receiving instruc-
tion, and learning to read the Scriptures,
in these schools-that the greatest num-
ber of the children are also taught on

Extracts of a Letter from an English Gentleman, addressed to Dr Philip, containing some Account of the principal Colonial Missions of the Society in South Africa. Cape of Good Hope, 27th of January, 1825.

"My dear Sir,-As it may be accepta-week-days to read and write English, it ble to you to receive the testimony of impartial eye-witnesses to the progress of the missionary exertions among the Hottentots, at the various stations under your superintendence, I have much pleasure in communicating in writing the result of the observations made by my friend Mr. and myself, on our late visit to Pacaltsdorp, Bethelsdorp, and Theopolis, the substance of which we also expressed at the late meeting of the Auxiliary Missionary Society in Cape Town.

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is impossible, for a moment, to doubt the utility of the Institution, or to deny that the work of improvement is going forward. The progress of persons advanced in years, who have but one day in seven to learn, cannot be otherwise than slow; and doubtless much remains to be done; but while the effect of these schools on the morals of the Hottentots is already very apparent, in their better observance of the Lord's day, and the useful appropriation of that portion of "In stating Mr. -'s sentiments, in time which before was too often wasted conjunction with my own, on this occa- | in idleness, the very general desire of insion, I have to regret that his hasty de-struction thus evinced, both for themparture for - has devolved on me a selves and their children, affords a gratitask which he was so much better qualifying proof of the influence of Christian fied to perform; but I am sure you will principles on their minds, and cannot receive with indulgence the few desultory fail, at no distant period, to produce a observations I shall venture to offer. To striking and important change in the allude in detail to every object which character and habits of the people. In strikes the eye, or attracts the observation the day schools we had much satisfaction of a stranger at these Institutions, would in seeing the British system successfully be an unnecessary trespass on your time, introduced. And at Theopolis particuwho are already so fully acquainted with ||larly, it was pleasing to find that the obthem; I shall therefore confine my restacles hitherto presented by the irregu marks to a few of the most prominent fea-larity of the children's attendance has tures they present to those who keep in view the great end of their establishment, the disseminating of religious truth, and the moral improvement of the people.

Mission Schools.

"Among the various instruments employed for the important objects above mentioned, schools have ever held a pri

been almost entirely overcome, and so great a number as 200 daily collected together for instruction, through the active exertions of Mr. Wright, all of whom, with but two or three exceptions, were decently clothed.

"The progress the children had made in English, considering the short time since it had been introduced into the

schools, appeared very creditable to their || evinced in contributing towards the religious improvement, as well as temporal necessities of their brethren, in the missionary and charitable associations form

teachers; while the facility with which they learn, and the readiness of their replies to questions put to them on Scripture history, (particularly at Pacaltsdorp,|| ed among themselves, left us no reason under Mr. Anderson,) afford a satisfactory refutation of the charge of intellectual incapacity, which some have unguardedly thrown out against the Hottentots in general.

to doubt the statements of the missionaries, that the gospel has been received among the people, 'not in word only, but in power,' and that its effects are displayed in the lives of many, as well as in the moral and orderly conduct of the

Bethelsdorp Evangelical Society-Attendance on the Public Exercises of Relig-whole community at the several stations. ion-Religious Character of the Hottentots, &c.

"At Bethelsdorp, the exertions of the Missionaries to keep alive a religious spirit among the people seemed to be most materially aided by the Sundayschool committee, consisting, I believe, entirely of the teachers, in number about 20, which meets once a week for the business of the school, and for mutual edification, and not less so by the Domestic Evangelical Society, of which some of the most pious and best informed Hottentots are members. These visit the people by turns in their own houses, read and explain to them portions of the Scriptures, and tracts, pray with, and exhort them. The simplicity of this Institution, so well adapted to the character of the people, cannot fail to be highly beneficial to the cause of Christianity among them.

"In their talents for sacred music, which has attracted the attention of almost every traveller, the Hottentots at these institutions do not fall short of their brethren elsewhere. It was not, however, the talent alone, but the spirit of devotion with which it was employed, that struck us as most worthy of observation; and an assembly of these simple people, joining together in songs of praise and thankfulness to the Creator, is a spectacle as elevating to the mind of a Christian as the sweet harmony of their voices is pleasing to the ear.'

Progress of the Hottentots in Civilization.

"With regard to the progress of the Hottentots in civilization, it appears to

me that an unfair estimate has often been formed. And because living amongst Europeans, and for the most part subject to their control, they still retain much of their native character and habits, and do not at once adopt the manners and customs of a people so different from them

have advanced but little beyond the `savage state.

"At their weekly prayer-meetings, we had an opportunity of hearing several members of the different churches pour forth their extemporary supplications with a degree of fervour and fluency exceed-selves, they are hastily pronounced to ingly interesting and affecting. And among the many subjects of thankfulness that were publicly enumerated, it was pleasing to hear distinguished the mercy of the Almighty in having sent teachers from afar to instruct and civilize these 'poor, degraded nations."

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"At all these institutions, I think I may with propriety affirm, that there exists, both among the missionaries and people, a great degree of zeal, and a real interest in the missionary cause. Indeed, the punctuality of their attendance on the daily public exercises of devotion; the correct seriousness of their demeanour while there; the readiness they have

"Civilization is, indeed, the handmaid of religion, and invariably has followed in her train, but her progress has in general been but very gradual. Yet with every allowance for the peculiarity of their circumstances, and the differences in national character and habits, I have no hesitation in saying, that many of the Hottentots of these institutions appeared to us fully on an equality, in point of civilization, with a great portion of the labouring class in our country. And among those at Bethelsdorp particularly, English habits and English feelings seemed to be

rapidly gaining ground. Many of their diced mind, I feel assured that no other houses were exceedingly comfortable and refutation will be required, than the sim. clean; and in this respect it is rather re-ple fact we ascertained, that at Bethelsmarkable how far they have overcome dorp, out of nearly 2000 persons enrolled the proverbial filthiness of their former in the books, not more than 450, and of habits. Their public spirit and disinter- these, 160 children, permanently reside at estedness have been shown in the gratuit- the institution. The remainder, of course, ous contribution of their labours to works must be employed in the surrounding of charity and general utility; such as the country; and if some even of these be church, school-house, road, kraal, tank, occupied entirely on their own account, and poor-house at Bethelsdorp, construct- as they certainly are, no one can have the ed entirely at their own expense; while || presumption to maintain, that the Hottenthe voluntary support of this last-men- tots have not the same right as other freetioned asylum for the aged and infirm, born persons to labour and acquire proaffords also a strong proof of the benevo-perty for themselves." lence of their dispositions, and the influence of civilizing principles of the best kind on their general conduct.

Capability of the Hottentots for Advance

ment in Civilization.

"We were glad to find that the indus"The circumstances of the country, try of the people at the different institu- and the peculiar civil restrictions under tions was fettered by no restrictions on which the Hottentots still labour, present the part of the missionaries, and that the obstacles to their improvement, which the profits of it were entirely their own. The missionaries have not the power of remissionaries assured us that they strictly moving; but when they are placed on an avoid interfering with the people in the equality as to civil rights with every disposal of themselves, and that they had other class of British subjects around perfect liberty to go whenever and wher-them; when their character is better unever they pleased. The outward circum-derstood by those who wish for their serstances of many of them, their houses, vices, and they have the power of becattle, waggons, &c. afford unquestion- coming individually proprietors of the able proof of their industry, while the lands which they now cultivate in comquantity of European articles sold at the mon by sufferance only, they will possess stations of Bethelsdorp and Theopolis, || inducements to industry and intellectual also shows that the people in general are exertion which they do not now enjoy, far from being insensible to the comforts and, I am persuaded, will shew them. of civilized life, or unwilling to labour to selves well worthy of all the privileges of attain them." 1 freemen, and rapidly evince their capacity for the performance of every necessary Unfounded Charge against the Institutions duty, whether as servants, masters, or


"In the course of our journey, we frequently heard the Missionary Institutions accused as the means of withdrawing the labour of the Hottentots from the inhabitants of the country, and shutting up a great number of useful hands in useless inactivity. Convinced as we were that this charge had its origin partly in ignorance, but chiefly in that unjust, selfish spirit, under the influence of which the Hottentots have been so long regarded as a sort of lawful property, we nevertheless made a point of inquiring particularly into the subject; and to every unpreju

citizens of a civilized state."

Buildings at the Institutions. "The buildings at the several stations appeared to us substantial, and well suited for the purposes to which they are applied, and must have contributed essentially towards the improvement of the people. They have afforded employment to many, and provided the means of instructing them in the useful arts; while they have also served to foster a laudable spirit, of independence and local attachment, which is productive of the best effects on the people themselves, and helps

to attract others to the institution, as experience has already shown.

From a short letter to Dr. Philip, relating to the same Missionary Institutions, written by the fellow-traveller of the gentleman to whom we are indebted for the preceding statements, we extract the following passages:—

"The building of a church at Pacaltsdorp we thought promised to be very useful in this way, both among the Hottentots and inhabitants of the district; and when finished, will be a very valuable addition to this station, as well as a fit memorial of the piety and zeal of the worthy founder of the institution, whose bequest has been so properly applied to its erec-ly of the direct religious advantages which tion.

"While at Bethelsdorp, the insufficienty of the building, used as a church, to contain the increasing numbers of the people, was pointed out to Mr. — and myself; and it was also suggested, that if a sum could be obtained to enable the Hottentots to subsist their families while engaged in the work, they would cheerfully bestow their services on the erection of a church suited to the wants and rising importance of the station. In consequence of this suggestion, we were induced to propose the subscription at the last meeting of the Auxiliary Missionary Society in Cape Town, which, it is to be hoped, may prove some assistance towards so useful a work. When this has been accomplished, little else in the way of building will be required to complete that station, which, although labouring under many local disadvantages, promises daily to become a place of much greater importance, and more extensive usefulness, than could even have been anticipated; being centrally situated on the high road from the coast of the interior, by means of which the chief trade of the country is carried, and a great number of Hottentots are continually employed. We may not, indeed, there see "the barren land become literally a fruitful field," or "the desert blossom like the rose," as in some more favoured spots, although there is no deficiency in the outward marks of industry; but we have already seen that it has proved figuratively fruitful in a high degree, in disseminating the knowledge of religion and the only true principles of civilization, among a large portion both of the Hottentot and slave population scattered in its vicinity."

"The expectations I had formed, and the accounts I received from yourself and others of the Missionary Institutions, have been fully confirmed. Independent

they present, the principles on which they are conducted are calculated to inspire into the people a spirit of industry. The stores established at Bethelsdorp and at Theopolis must be extremely useful, as, by the artificial wants they create, they excite the people to increased industry, and at the same time afford the means of supplying their wants at a moderate rate. The new houses, which the Hottentots are building, will not only greatly improve the appearance of the respective places, but add materially to the comforts of the people, and, at the same time, promote their moral improvement. The time allotted for public work, and the people being taught the different trades for their own benefit, and not for the benefit of the mission, are parts of the system which cannot fail to strike every one as worthy of imitation. With the Day and Sunday schools we have been highly delighted, particularly at Theopolis. They do great credit to those who have had the management of them."

Death of Missionaries, &c.

The directors have received from the Cape of Good Hope, intelligence of the death of the Rev. Mr. Kicherer; who in the year 1803, visited this country with Mary, Martha, and John, some of the first fruits of the Missionary Society's labours in Africa. Also, of the death of the Rev. Mr. Vos. These two Missionaries, of the Society in Africa, but subsequently formerly labouring under the patronage ministers of the Dutch church, both fin ished their earthly course in September, 1825.

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