Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

The new connexions, among ||jects, are dispersed among his nuwhom Dr. Ryland was now merous friends and corresponbrought, welcomed him with a cor- dents. His productions, though dial respect, which soon ripened not characterized by elevation of into genuine affection; and though style or elegance of composition, all his ministering brethren in the uniformly breathe a devotional and West were not prepared at once benevolent spirit ; and are markfully to subscribe to his views of ed by a certain earnestness of divine truth, they rejoiced to lis- manner strongly indicating that ten to one, who combined with so their author deeply felt the importmany claims to their deference, ance of the sentiments he advosuch meekness and gentleness as cates; and, without the least anxproved him to be unconscious of iety to secure the admiration of them all. He preached at the his readers, aimed only to profirst Western Association held af-mote their spiritual welfare. ter his settlement at Bristol, and on several other public occasions in the same year. The ascendency at first obtained without design, was ever afterwards preserved without effort; and probably there never has been an individual, exercising so long such extensive influence, who more completely escaped the imputation of an imperious and dogmatical spirit.

Towards opponents his candour was remarkable; and in his work on baptism, he has furnished an example of the mode of treating that much contested subject, which all future controversialists would do well to follow. Good men of all denominations he cordially loved and maintained, for many years, an extensive correspondence with eminent divines of different com

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munions both in Great Britain and America. Among these we may specify the names of Toplady, Scott and Newton-Dr. Erskine of Edinburgh-and Drs. Jonathan Edwards, Hopkins, West, and Dwight, in the United States. All these excellent men had entered the heavenly rest before him. How delightful is the thought that they are now together enjoying the fulness of that love and perfection of that knowledge, which, while on earth, they could only begin to taste and comprehend!

When Dr. Ryland succeeded to the president's chair, the academy at Bristol was the only institution of the kind in the denomination to which he belonged; and the incessant occupation and correspondence connected with this office, together with his pastoral duties to the church at Broadmead, required a closeness and intensity of application to which few men would have been equal. But he was favoured, till nearly the close of life, with almost uninterrupted health; and his habitual temper- Dr. Ryland was assisted, in the ance and early rising, combined labours of the academy, succeswith unusual facility in the use of sively by the Rev. Joseph Hughes, the pen, enabled him, in addition || M. A.; Rev. Henry Page, M. A. to the avocations already named, now of Worcester; and the Rev. prepare much for the press. T. S. Crisp, who, since the deBesides thirty-four publications of cease of his venerable colleague, merit, he was a frequent contribu- has been unanimously elected pretor, for nearly half a century, to sident in his room. The number successive periodical publications of students who enjoyed the beneintended to promote the cause of fit of the Doctor's instruction and evangelical religion; and manu- example we have not been able to scripts, to a considerable extent, ascertain ; but about 120 are on a variety of theological sub-now living dispersed through our


churches at home, and occupying || kindness and instructive example. Missionary stations abroad, who The sentiments entertained by were educated under his care. the Committee of the Society toAs one proof of the filial venera-wards the venerable subject of this tion in which he was held by his memoir, may be gathered from the students, it may be stated that he following record, entered on their was called to preach ordination minutes when his decease was sermons more frequently than, officially announced: perhaps, any other dissenting minister of his time. The number of charges he had delivered on these occasions amounted to seventyseven; and they would doubtless have been many more had it been possible for him to comply with every request of that nature.

RESOLVED, That the Committee, while recording their unfeigned sorrow for the loss they have sustained, by the removal of their late beloved and revered friend and coadjutor, desire also to bless God for the part he was so long permitted to take in the affairs of this Institution, which, in a great degree, may be said to have originated in his faith and zeal. They gratefully remember that he intimately shared in all the difficulties and anxieties of the undertaking from its very commencement com-proved its consistent, affectionate, and successful advocate to his dying day-and since the decease of the venerable Fuller, has materially promoted its interests in the arduous and responsible post of Secretary to the Society. They reflect with pleasing interest, on the Missionaries who, under his paternal instructions, have been trained for honourable service abroad; and on the greater number of ministering brethren, who, taught by his holy example to feel for the general interests of the Saviour's kingdom, have become the zealous and efficient supporters of the cause at home; but while, by all these considerations, they are reminded of the greatness of their loss, they desire to exercise unshaken faith in Him who raised up their departed friend and his first associates in the work, for the continued supply of those gifts and graces which are necessary to carry forward those operations so happily begun.

The active part taken by our deceased friend in forming and conducting the Baptist Missionary Society has already been noticed; but in 1815, on the death of Mr. Fuller, who had most ably sustained the office of secretary to that Institution from its mencement, he was called to take a still more prominent share in its management. At a meeting of the Society held at Luton soon after, the Dr. was unanimously solicited to assume the office recently become vacant; but as he was then upwards of sixty years of age, and had so much other public business on his hands, it was evident that some coadjutor must be found to share the burden with him. Accordingly, the late Rev. James Hinton, M. A. of Oxford, was called to fill this post, at the annual meeting held at Northampton in the following October, and discharged its duties with equal zeal and ability for the two succeeding years, at the close of which he was compelled, by the pressure of other engagements and declining health, to resign his office. From that period, to the day of his death, the Dr. continued to hold the secretaryship in conjunction with the individual who is now called upon to pay a willing tribute to his memory, and to own how much he feels himself indebted to his paternal

For an accurate delineation of the character of Dr. Ryland, we are compelled, by our limits, te



refer to the funeral sermon already religion appeared in its fruits; in mentioned; from which we with gentleness, in humility, and begreat pleasure make the following nevolence; in a steady, conscientious performance of every If, as a preacher, he never duty, and a careful abstinence attained the highest summit of from every appearance of evil. popularity, he was always heard As little did his character partake with attention. His ministry was of the ascetic. It never entered replete with instruction, and not into his thoughts that religion was unfrequently accompanied with an enemy to the innocent pleasan unction which rendered it irre-ures and social endearments of sistible. As he possessed none human life, of which he entertainof those graces of elocution and ed a high relish, and which his manner which secure superficial constant regard to the Deity renapplause, he was always most es-dered subservient to piety, by the teemed by those who heard him gratitude which they inspired, the oftenest; and his stated hear- and the conviction which they ers rarely if ever wished to ex- deepened of the divine benignity. change the voice of their pastor His love to the Great Supreme for that of stranger. His ad- was equally exempt from slavish dress was such as produced an in- timidity and presumptuous familstantaneous conviction of his sin-iarity: it was an awful love, such cerity. It displayed, even to the as the beatific vision may be supmost superficial observer, a mind posed to inspire, where the worinfinitely above being actuated by shippers veil their faces in that the lust of applause; a spirit presence in which they rejoice. deeply imbued with a sense of with ecstatic joy. As he cherisheternal realities, and ready to poured a firm persuasion that the atitself forth as a libation on the tributes of the Deity ensure the sacrifice of the faith and obedi-production of the greatest possible ence of his converts. The effect sum of good, in comparison of of his discourses, excellent as which, the quantity of natural and they were in themselves, was pro-moral evil permitted to remain digiously heightened by the ven- vanishes and disappears, his views eration universally felt for his of the divine administration were character, and the just and high a source of unmingled joy; while estimation entertained of his piety. his profound sense of the essenPiety, indeed, was his distinguish-tial holiness and justice of the Sued characteristic, which he pos-preme Ruler, kept alive those sensessed to a degree that raised him timents of penitence and humility, inconceivably above the level of to which too many optimists are ordinary Christians. Devotion ap- strangers. "He feared the great peared to be the principal element and terrible name of the Lord his of his being it was next to im- God." possible to converse with him with- "Few men have exhibited more out perceiving how entirely it per-unequivocal proofs of candour than vaded his mind, and imparted to his whole deportment an air of purity, innocence, and sanctity, difficult for words to express. His piety did not display itself in a profusion of religious discourse, nor in frequently alluding to the interior exercises of his mind on spiritual subjects...

your excellent and lamented pastor. Though a Calvinist in the strictest sense of the word, and attached to its peculiarities in a higher degree than most of the advocates of that system, he extended his affection to all who bore the image of Christ, and was Hisingenious in discovering reasons

saw; so signally was he prepared for sitting down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven, where the whole assembly of the church of the first born will be convened before the throne of God and the Lamb."

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for thinking well of many who widely dissented from his religious views. No man was more remarkable for combining a zealous attachment to his own principles with the utmost liberality of mind towards those who differed from him ; an abhorrence of error, with With the exception of a weakthe kindest feelings towards the ness or tenderness of the feet, erroneous. He detested the spirit which rendered the exercise of of monopoly in religion, and op- walking difficult and wearisome, posed every tendency to circum- our lamented friend advanced scribe it by the limits of party. nearly to his three score years and His treatise on baptism furnishes ten' with little diminution of his a beautiful specimen of the man-natural vigour and capacity for ner in which religious controversy labour. In the autumn of 1821, should be conducted on a subject however, his strength began vision which the combatants on both sides have frequently disgraced themselves by an acrimony and bitterness in an inverse proportion to the importance of the point in debate. How extraordinary is it, that they who differ only on one subject, and that confessedly of secondary moment, should have contended with more fierceness than has usually been displayed in a contest pro aris et focis, for all that is dear and important in Christianity! Is it that their near approach as religious denominations, exposes them more to the spirit of rivalry, as adjoining kingdoms are the most hostile to each other, or that it is the property of bigotry to acquire an additional degree of malignity by being concentrated on one point, and directed to one object? Whatever A severe cold taken by Dr. the cause may be, the fact is sin- || Ryland in December, 1824, markgularly and greatly to be lament-ed the commencement of his last ed. He whose removal from us illness. This did not, however, we so deeply regret, was too prevent his preaching a sermon to thoroughly imbued with the spirit young people on the evening of of Christ, to expose him to that the first Lord's day in January, snare ; his love of good men of when he addressed them, with his every nation, sect, and party, was usual earnestness and affection, fervent and disinterested, nor was from that striking passage it confined to the bounds of his Eccles. xi, 9, 10, Through the personal knowledge; it engaged month he continued to decline, him in a most affectionate and ex- and on the 30th (the day after he tensive correspondence with emi-had completed his 72d year,) he nent persons in remote quarters of closed those public services, in the globe, whose faces he never which, for about 55 years, he had

bly to decline, but was partially restored by a temporary visit to the retired village of Watchet. A similar expedient became necessary, in the following year, but was not attended with equal advantage; and though he continued his avocations as usual, his anxious family and friends could not avoid noticing that the infirmities of age were rapidly advancing upon him. Among other indications, his handwriting lost its bold and regular character, and exhibited to the eye of his distant friends affecting evidence of tremulous debility. To this circumstance he alluded, when writing to an old correspondent, remarking at the same time, that he viewed it as a delightful intimation of his approaching dissolution.



been aiming to honour his Lord he had often uttered, during his

sickness-that the Lord would grant him an easy and gentle dismission into his heavenly kingdom"-was mercifully answered, and he fell asleep in Jesus with a serenity that no language can adequately describe!

and Master, by a discourse from Psalm 1xxxvi. 5. He did indeed prepare a funeral sermon for a female friend in the following week, hoping to deliver it on the next Sabbath, but his friends perceived that he was wholly inadequate to the exertion, and prevailed upon The frame of Dr. Ryland's him to give up the design. That mind, throughout his last illness, sermon, written and prepared with was eminently that of lowly and his own peculiar neatness, was penitent devotion. The expresfound by the writer of this sketch, sions that fell from his lips, in refin the bible of his dying friend, erence to his own character and when he had the privilege of visit- prospects, strongly exhibited his ing his sick bed, only two days habitual modesty and self-diffiprevious to his decease. It was dence but he was employed far founded on Ps. lxxiii. 26, a sub-more frequently in offering brief ject exceedingly appropriate not and emphatic petitions to the only to the experience of the throne of the heavenly Majesty. pious woman on whose account it The verse already alluded to, was selected, but to the circumstances of her venerable pastor too, who was about so soon to follow her.



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My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever, was often on his lips when alone, In the early part of his illness, and repeated, as was customary the doctor was greatly affected by with him, generally in the Hea difficulty of breathing, approach- brew original. Soon after his reing sometimes to a sense of suffo- turn from Weston, one of his afcation. This was succeeded by a fectionate daughters remarked, violent cough, and total loss of "You have no doubts or fears, appetite, by which, of course, his papa ?" to which he replied, "I strength was impaired more and cannot say I have, but great cause Still, some faint hopes for self-abasement." The scripwere indulged that a change of tures, which had long dwelt richscene might be beneficial, and he ly in him, furnished him with the was accordingly removed to Wes- materials for devotion as well ton-super-Mare, on Wednesday, as ground of support- Holy 11th May; but it was soon evi- Spirit, take of the things of Christ, dent that such expedients had lost and show them to my soul." all their efficacy, and he was con- "Lord, direct my heart into the veyed back to his own house on love of God, and into the patient 5 Thursday in the following week, waiting for Christ.""Lord, pity being then reduced so low that me, and lay me low in the dust it seemed exceedingly doubtfu! at thy feet for Jesus' sake;" these, whether with all the precautions and similar expressions, attested that tender and sympathising the humble, holy reverence with friendship could devise, he would which he waited the coming of his be able to sustain the fatigue of Lord, proving, before he mingled the removal. No particular al- in their society, how much in spirteration took place till the morn- it he resembled those exalted being of Wednesday, May 25, ings who veil their faces while when respiration became gradual-standing around the throne of God. ly more hurried and irregular, The mortal remains of this venand about 10 A. M. the petition || erable

AUGUST, 1826.

man were interred on


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