Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



The number of members on the roll is 93, and the total receipts, including a balance of £65 13s. 3d., carried forward from last year, amounts to £204 13s. 11d. The expenditure has been £181 16s. 10d., of which £57 3s. 9d. has been spent on additions to the Library and Reading-room. balance in hand and outstanding credits, after deducting liabilities, is £46 7s. 1d.


During the year there have been eleven meetings of the Committee for the transaction of business.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1885-86.-President-T. O. W. Croft; Vice-president-J. P. Will; Treasurer-C. F. A. Broad; Committee-W. A. Spence, Wm. Kenny, Jno. Nicholson, H. L. Robinson, A. H. King, C. Horgan, E. B. Sammons, J. W. Souter, G. Clarkson, Captain Bignell, James Park, Rev. H. Gould; Secretary-Richard Hilldrup.


FIRST MEETING. 8th June, 1885.

The President, W. Colenso, F.L.S., in the chair.

The President gave an opening address.

Papers.-1. "On the Rev. J. Pearson's Method of Computing Solar Eclipses and Occultations," by J. Harding.

2. "On some Structural Peculiarities in the Sun-Fish (0. mola) recently captured at Napier," by A. Hamilton, of Petane. (Transactions, p. 135.)

A list of specimens received by the Curator for the Museum since the last meeting was then read. Amongst them was the baleen of Neobalæna marginata; the stuffed head of a SeaLeopard Seal (Stenorhynchus leptonyx), from Porangahau, presented by Rev. F. E. T. Simcox.

The Hon. Secretary also showed a dried specimen of the Hammer Shark (Z. malecolus), procured at Port Ahuriri, and a collection of fossils from Takapau.

SECOND MEETING. 13th July, 1885.

The President, W. Colenso, F.L.S., in the chair.

Papers.-1. "On the Cryptogamic Flora of New Zealand," by W. Colenso, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 219.)

2. "Notes on the recent Solar Eclipse," by J. Goodall, C.E. (Transactions, p. 375.)

3. Address by Thomas Tanner, (the Vice-President,) "On the Solar Eclipse," as observed by him at Woodville.

4. An Article by Mr. R. C. Harding, "On the Phenomena observed at Dannevirke, connected with the recent Solar Eclipse."

The Vice-president illustrated his remarks by a large diagram on the black-board, and the other notes were accompanied by diagrams.

Mr. Graydon, a visitor, exhibited a beautiful diagram of the corona, as observed by him.

Mr. Goodall illustrated his remarks on the spectroscopic peculiarities of the corona by exhibiting a spectroscope.

The specimens exhibited at this meeting were numerous, amongst others-(1) The eggs and young of a species of Phasma, by the President. (2) The apex of the lower jaw of a Goosebeak Whale (Epiodon), showing the small imbedded teeth. (3) A photograph of a young Pike Whale (Balaenoptera rostrata), killed at Port Ahuriri. (4) Some parasitic barnacles (Coronula balanaris), having Conchoderma aurita growing on them. These were exhibited by the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Hamilton.

THIRD MEETING. 12th October, 1885.

The President, W. Colenso, F.L.S., in the chair.

1. The President delivered a very interesting address "On the various Legends and Stories current among the Maoris relating to the Sea and Sea Monsters."

2. The Hon. Secretary exhibited a number of specimens recently deposited in the Museum, among others a specimen of a Flying-fish from the Bay.

A number of interesting fossils were exhibited, which had been collected from Pareora beds at the Upper Mohaka, including fine specimens of Flabellum circulare.

FOURTH MEETING. 9th November, 1885.

The President, W. Colenso, F.L.S., in the chair. Faper.-1. Remarks "On Feathers of two Species of Moa," by Taylor White, Esq., of Glengarry. (Transactions, p. 83.)

2. An Address by the Hon. Secretary, Mr. Hamilton, "On the Circumstances attending the early Discovery of Moa Bones in New Zealand, and their Identification." Mr. Hamilton illustrated his remarks by reference to a nearly complete skeleton of a Moa, deposited in the Museum of the Institute.

8. The President exhibited some remarkably fine specimens of moa bones from the North Island of New Zealand, which had recently been reported on by Dr. von Haast, and found to possess great interest.

4. Mr. Colenso then gave an address "On some other Extinct Birds, more particularly the Dodo and the Great Auk.”

Numerous botanical specimens from the Seventy-mile Bush were exhibited by the President and the Hon. Secretary.

Mr. White's paper was illustrated by specimens of moa feathers, and by two coloured drawings of the most noticeable feathers.

FIFTH MEETING. 14th December, 1885.

The President, W. Colenso, F.L.S., in the chair. Papers.-1. "On Clianthus puniceus, Sol.," by W. Colenso, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 291.)

2. "On the Bones of a new Species of Sphenodon (S. diversum) Col.," by W. Colenso, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 118.) 3. "On some new Indigenous Plants," by W. Colenso, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 256.)

4. "On some Introduced Plants" recently observed by W. Colenso, F.L.S. (Transactions, p. 288.)

5. The Hon. Secretary then read a list of the specimens added to the Museum, and gave a short address on the desirability of the study of Natural History, if only as an intellectual recreation.

The President then reviewed the work of the session, and at the close a vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Colenso for his valuable papers.

At the close of the meeting, Mr. Goodall exhibited some diagrams of the recent solar eclipse, published by the SurveyorGeneral.

ANNUAL MEETING. 4th February, 1886.


An account of the circumstances attending the removal of the property of the Society to their new premises, and drawing attention to the establishment of the Museum. The Library and donations of books. The number of members now on the roll is 149, 28 having been elected during the year. The audited statement of accounts shows a balance in Treasurer's hands of £ fixed deposit in bank, £150; and considerable arrears of subscriptions. The expenditure for the year was £ principally on museum fittings, and expenses connected with removal.

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Five meetings only have been held, at which nine papers have been read, and seven addresses and lectures delivered.

Ten Council meetings have been held.

Appended to report of Council is the Curator's report on the additions to the Museum during the year.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1886.-President-W. I. Spencer; Vice-president J. Goodall, M.I.C.E.; Council-H. Hill, F. W. C. Sturm, S. Locke, N. Heath, J. T. Carr, A. P. Sheath; Hon. Secretary and Curator-A. Hamilton; Hon. Treasurer-J. N. Bowerman; Auditor-T. K. Newton.



26th January, 1886.


During the year six general meetings were held, at which the following papers were read:

1. "On the Discovery of a Crystal of Platinum in the Orepuki Black-sand," by Mr. W. S. Hamilton. (Transactions, p. 402.)

2. "On Sound," by Mr. A. Ireland.

3. "On the Geology of the Bluff District," by Mr. W. S. Hamilton.

4. "On Optical Illusions," by Mr. G. Baker.

5. "On Romance and Sensationalism," by the Rev. H. Stocker.

6. "

On Respiration," by Dr. Macpherson.

7. "On Encrinites and Crinoids," by Mr. E. Webber.

8. "On Blood, and the Circulation," by Dr. Closs.

9. "On Population," by Mr. A. Ireland.

The Council arranged with Mr. Daniel for a course of popular lectures on "Chemistry." The attendance at these lectures, although not large, was encouraging.

The Council also assisted in organising a course of lectures on literary subjects, given during the winter months by Messrs. Brown, Wilson, and Waddell, of Dunedin, and Messrs. Gammell, Blanchflower, and Galbraith, of Invercargill.

According to a resolution carried at last annual meeting, the subscription has been reduced to half-a-guinea to those members who do not take the volume of "Transactions." This, as yet, has led to no increase in the roll of members. In the year 1884, 58 members paid one guinea each, In 1885, 17 members paid half-a-guinea each, and 37 members one guinea each, making a total of £47 15s. 6d.

The Library of the Institute has received a number of new works by purchase, and by generous donations of valuable books from the Survey Department of the United States Government, and the Victorian Government.

Including a balance of £57 8s. 5d. brought forward, the total income has been £121 19s. 11d., of which £16 16s. is the proceeds of the course of lectures. The expenditure has been £40 16s. 8d., besides which there is an outstanding account for books, of £20.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 1886.-President-Dr. Galbraith; Vice-president-Ven. Archdeacon Stocker; Council - Messrs. Bailey, Scrutton, Mehaffey, Cuthbertson, and Dr. Closs; Treasurer-Mr. Robertson; Secretary-Mr. E. Webber.

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