EDITED AND PUBLISHED UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE BOARD OF BY JAMES HECTOR, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S. ISSUED MAY, 1886 WELLINGTON LYON & BLAIR, PRINTERS, LAMBTON QUAY TRÜBNER & CO., 57 & 59, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. PREFACE. THE present volume commences a new series of the "Transactions of the New Zealand Institute," in which, for convenience and economy, the size of the page has been reduced from royal to demy octavo. An alphabetical index has also been added to the volume for the first time. A General Alphabetical Index of Authors and Subjects, for the seventeen volumes which constitute the first series, has been prepared, and will be presented to all members of the Institute along with this volume. J. H. CONTENTS. .. .. 24-30 IX. On an Index - Collection for small Zoo Zoological Museums, in the Form of a Genealogical Tree of the Animal Kingdom. By T. Jeffery Parker, B.Sc., Professor of Biology in the University of Otago, and Curator of the University Museum X. Notes on a Skeleton of Notornis, recently acquired .. 78-82 XI. Remarks on the Feathers of two Species of Moa. XII. Notes on New Zealand Ornithology: Observations |