9. What are the various ways of laying hold of stones that are too heavy to be moved by hand? 10. What are the appearances by which you would judge of timber generally? What kind of timber is best suited for straight beams, straight ties, and straight pieces of framework generally? 11. If you are to use timber naturally seasoned, what arrangements should you have made in order to carry out the process effectually, and what should be the duration of such seasoning process general'y to fit timber for the carpenter or the joiner? What timber will best bear being kept constantly wet? Plan Drawing, Designing, Etc. (Time, 6 hours.) 1. Give a design for a footbridge 30 feet span and 6 feet wide, the scantlings to be figured. 2. Give a design for an iron roof 30 feet span. Dimensions to be figured. 3. Also a timber roof boarded and slated of the same span, showing the calculations for the scantlings. 4. Give comparison of the expense of building walls 10 feet high, for the locality best known to you, 1. In brick stone work. 2. In rubble stone work. 3. In brigknogging plastered on both sides. 5. Give a plan and elevation of a gateway and shed for the entrance to a cemetery, with a specification and estimate of the same. The shed to be over the gateway and about 25 feet long. GEOMETICAL DRAWING. Specimen Paper. 1. Show how to erect a perpendicular at the end of a line which does not admit of prolongation? 2. Draw any irregular right-lined figure of 6 sides, and reduce it by construction, to a triangle of equal area. 3. Construct a triangle having two of its sides equal to 3 inches and 4 inches respectively, and the angle opposite the longer side 70°; ascertain and figure the value of the third side and of the remaining angles without calculation. 4. Draw two lines AB, BC, equal to 24 inches, and 3 inches respectively, making at B an angle of 140° re-entering towards a point X. From X, A and B, were observed to subtend an angle of 30°, and B and C an angle of 40°: find the position of the point X with reference to A, B and C. 5. Construct a plain scale of 3 chains to 1 inches, and give its representative fraction? 6. The observed angle from a point A to two points B and C, of which the measured altitudes above the horizon from the same point are 30°, and 35° respectively, is 45°. Construct the horizontal angle between the lines AB and AC. 7. Draw a rough diagram of a beam compass, and explain the method of setting the instrument for use. MORAL PHILOSOPHY. Specimen Paper. [Time 3 hours.] 1. Give the derivations of the words Moral and Ethical. Explain how they indicate the objects of Moral Philosophy. 66 2. By whom is the name Philosopher " said to have been first used? How was it related to the name "Sophist"? When and how did that become a term of reproach? What was the quarrel of Socrates with the Sophists of Athens generally? Mention any particular Sophists who are introduced into the Dialogues of Plato, and anything you may recollect of their lives and opinions. 3. Pope calls Happiness" Our being's end and aim." What Greek Philosopher adopted that maxim as the central one of his moral system? Give his definition of Happiness, and examine the different parts of it. What is Paley's notion of Happiness? 4. Give the etymologies of these words:" Conscience," "Duty," 66 Obligation," ," "Law." Is the meaning of 66 ""Right," Virtue," this word the same in Physical and Moral Science? If not, what is the difference? 5. “All this," says a great writer, "is nothing more than the distinction between mere Power and Authority." What is this distinction? What is the application of it to moral questions? 6. Give a short account of the following philosophers, noting (1) the times in which they lived, (2) the countries to which they respectively belonged, (3) any remarkable circumstances in their biographies, (4) what was most characteristic in their views of moral subjects: (a) Epicurus, (b) Epictetus, (c) Helvetius, (d) Butler, (e) Bentham, (f) Kant. 7. Explain and illustrate the difference between the adjectives "arbitrary" and "voluntary." แ 8. Explain the origin of the words Appetite,' Affection," " "Passion," "Sympathy," "Habit," "Energy," and illustrate the use of any of them by eminent writers on Morals. MENTAL PHILOSOPHY AND LOGIC. Specimen Paper. [Time 3 hours.] 1. Sir W. Hamilton quotes these words from Cicero and Macrobius as explaining the subject of Mental Philosophy: (1) Mens cujusque is est quisque, non ea figura quæ digito demonstrari potest. (2) Ergo qui videtur non ipse verus homo est, sed verus ille est a quo regitur quod videtur. Translate these passages. To what theory about our nature are they opposed? 2. Give the derivations of these words: observation, attention, reflection, apprehension, comprehension, preception, conception, subject, object, substance. Illustrate from these etymologies what you may recollect of the use of any of these words in philosophical writings. 3. Explain (by reference to their .derivations) the words physiology, pyschology, pneumatology, ontology. What is Locke's objection to the study which is indicated by the last of these names? 4. In what sense and on what grounds has Logic been called the Science of Names? What class of thinkers have protested against that description of it, and why? 5. In what sense is Logic an Art of Reasoning? Why is that account of it insufficient? 6. Explain the word Category. What are Aristotle's Categories? What objections have been made to them? 7. Explain the dictum de omni et nullo. How has the syllogism been deduced from it? 8. Give some examples of the "undistributed middle,” and of popular fallacies which can be traced to it. 9 Explain and illustrate the words "Deduction and Induction." Why is Experimental Philosophy commonly called also Inductive Philosophy. HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY OF INDIA. Specimen Paper. [Time, 3 hours.] Where are Buddhists still found 1. Write a short account of Buddhism. in our Eastern Empire? 2. Write a short sketch of Sivaji's early history down to his reception at Delhi. 3. Give an account of the events which led to the battle of Panipat in 1761. What other important events happened about the same time in other parts of India? 4. Write an account of Chanda Sahib from his first connection with the French. 5. Who were the Rohillas? Write a sketch of their history down to their conquest by the Nabob Vizier. What became of Fyzoollah Khan ? 1 6. Write an account of Hasting's administration from Francis' departure in 1780. For what special transactions was he subsequently impeached? 7. Write some accouut of Aliverdi Khan, Morari Rao, and Sir D. Ochterlony. 8. Give a geographical account of the principal states of Rajputana. What was their political condition at the death of Aurangzib? Compare their condition in 1807 and 1817. 9: If a straight line be drawn from Madras to Lahore, over what rivers will it pass? Name them in order. 10. Name in order the principal towns on the western coast of India. JURISPRUDENCE. Specimen Paper. [Time, 3 hours.] 1. Give the general rules for the interpretation of Statutes. 2. How are Colonies or Dependencies classified with reference to their mode of government? In each class, what are the powers of the Crown? 3. Give an account of a. The writ of Habeas Corpus. b. The Habeas Corpus Act. And state what is the effect of a suspension of the Act, and where, according to Blackstone, the power of suspending it resides. 4. What powers exercised by the executive government are derived from the prerogative of the Crown, as a. The "fountain of honour, office, and privilege," b. The "arbiter of commerce "? 5. State briefly— a. The principles on which, according to Blackstone and to Bentham, taxation is justified; b. The constitutional restraints on arbitrary taxation in Eng land; c. The constitutional mode of imposing taxes in England. What does Bentham mean by speaking of taxation as fice of security to security"? 66 a sacri 6. "That laws emanate from superiors' is an indentical proposition." Prove this, by defining the terms "law" and "superior." What is an "imperfect law"? 7. Define a "sanction " according to Austin, and according to Bentham. What use does Bentham make of his classification of sanctions ? 8. What does Blackstone enumerate as a. Primary rights of Englishmen ; Explain from Austin and Bentham the meaning of the word "right" in these phrases. "? 9. What meanings have been borne by the phrase "natural law" Illustrate your answers from the Institutes, Blackstone, Austin, and Maine. 10. Explain these phrases : a. Jus in rem; b. Jus in personam; c. Jus in re; d. Jus ad rem. -a sale Illustrate them by reference to the following transactiɔns,— of goods, the hiring of a servant. |