CONTAINING FULL PARTICULARS OF EVERY GOVERNMENT OFFICE, THE MODE OF OBTAINING NOMINATIONS, ENTRANCE SALARIES, AND RECENT EXAMINATION PAPERS ON EVERY SUBJECT IN WHICH CANDIDATES ARE TESTED. BY R. JOHNSTON, Author of the Civii Service Arithmetic, &c, London: LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1869. [ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.] 232. g. 110. PREFACE. FROM the nature of such a compilation as the present which treats of such a great number of Public Offices, all of which differ from one another, sometimes in matters of importance, and sometimes in matters of mere detail, there evidently must exist inaccuracies, notwithstanding the most careful collection of statistics and the most painstaking correction of the press. On this account I must earnestly entreat the kind forbearance of many of my readers, who, from a close connection for several years with individual offices, know much more about those offices than I have given in the following pages. It is but right to mention, however, that I have been the first to tabularize the various Public Offices, so as to bring before the reader at a glance, the present position of a candidate who enters any of them, and according to the usual course of events what will probably be his future prospects. Such a publication as the present could only be published after the Civil Service had been thoroughly organized, and almost every office under Government brought under its regulations. In order to make future editions as accurate as possible, I beg to solicit the kind assistance of gentlemen in the Public Service; and to those who furnish me (through the Publishers) with any important correction, I promise a copy of the edition. in which the correction appears. R. JOHNSTON. July, 1869. MR. R. JOHNSTON'S PUBLICATIONS. I. THE CIVIL SERVICE ARITHMETIC. II. KEY TO THE CIVIL SERVICE ARITHMETIC. Containing Concise Solutions of all the Difficult Questions, Price 4s. III. CIVIL SERVICE TOTS. With Answers. Price 1s. Candidates should practise these daily. IV. THE CIVIL SERVICE SPELLING-BOOK. Second Edition, enlarged, pp. 100. Price ls. Containing all words likely to be misspelled, together with sixteen specimens of Dictation and nine sets of Orthographical Exercises' recently given at Competitive Examinations. This Edition is Accented to suit Private Students and the higher forms in Schools. V. Just Published, 190 pp., Price 3s. 6d., CIVIL SERVICE PRÉCIS. With full instructions as to INDEXING and PRECIS-WRITING, and including Ten Specimens of Examination Papers, three of which were set at Examinations of 1869. VI. Now Ready, 1869, Price 3s 6d., CIVIL SERVICE GUIDE. Containing full particulars of every Government Office, mode of obtaining Nominations, Entrance Salaries, and recent Examination Papers on every subject, being the most complete work on the subject hitherto published. LONDON LONGMANS & Co. Civil Service Guide. INTRODUCTION. By an order in Council of the 21st May, 1855, it was provided that all such young men as might be proposed to be appointed to any junior department of the Civil Service should "before being admitted to probation," be examined by the Civil Service Commissioners, or under their directions, and should receive from them a certificate of qualification for such situation ; and it was declared to be their duty "in respect of "every such candidate, before granting any such certificate as "aforesaid : 66 66 66 "Ist. To ascertain that the candidate is within the limits of age prescribed in the department to which he desires to be 'admitted; 2nd. To ascertain that the candidate is free from any 'physical defect or disease which would be likely to interfere "with the proper discharge of his duties; 3rd. To ascertain that "the character of the candidate is such as to qualify him for "public employment; and 4th. To ascertain that the candidate possesses the requisite knowledge and ability for the proper 'discharge of his official duties." 66 66 The total number of candidates whose names have appeared on the lists of the Civil Service Commissioners from the date of the above order up to June 30th, 1868, was 59,658, of whom 3,514 were competitors for the Indian Civil Service. In this statement a candidate whose name has appeared twice (or more), is counted as two (or more) candidates. Nominations The usual mode of obtaining nominations-that is, in competitive examinations the privilege of competing, in tests the privilege of going in for such tests, and in qualifying examinations a situation on satisfying the examiners-is, as a general rule, through members of Parliament, habitual supporters of the party in power, who obtain nominations for their constituents and personal friends as vacancies arise. Indeed, it is |