GENERAL POST OFFICE, LONDON-MAIL OFFICE. 39 Solicitor's Office-Solicitor £1,500; Chief Clerk £500-25-600; 2 I. Clerks £300-20—400; 2 II. Do. £200-10-280; 2 III. Do. £90—10— 150. Income-Tax Office, Dublin-Superintendent £600; Chief Clerk £350— 10-400; 3 I. Clerks £150-10-250; 4 II. Do. £90—10—140. Out-door Establishment-I. Class Inspector £550-20-600; 2 II. Do. £500-20-550; 4 I. Surveyors £380-10-450 ; 4 II. Do. £320—10—370; 7 III. Do. £260-10-310; 6 IV. Do. £200—10-250; 3 Assistants £9010-150; 3 Clerks to Inspectors £100; 2 II. Class Excise Collectors £550-20-600; 11 III. Do. £400-10-500; Chief Clerk to Collector £220-40-260; 4 Collectors' Clerks I. Class £180-5-220; 15 II. Do. £140—5—180; 14 III. Do. £110-5-140; 1 Clerk £90-5-140; 12 Supervisors of Foot-walk Districts £230-5-250; 45 Do. Riding Districts £210-5-230 (with Horse allowance); 70 I. Class Excise Assistants £95; 80 II. Do £60. (b) GENERAL POST-OFFICE, LONDON. Secretary's Office-5 Chief Clerks £600—25—800; Principal Clerk for Home Mails £793; 15 I. Clerks and 1 Inspector £400-20-500; 22 II. Do. £260-15-380; 32 III. Do. £100-10-240; Private Sec. to P.-M. General £300; 2 Assistants to Inspector £150 each; 6 Official Paper Keepers from £150 to 250; 2 Travelling Officers, ist £300-20-400, 2nd £200-10-300. Solicitor's Office-Solicitor £1,500; Assistant Do. £1,000; 1 Clerk £350-15-450; 2 Do. £200—10—300; 1 Do, £100-10-180. MAIL OFFICE. Inspector-General £600-25-800; Principal Clerk £400-20—500; Do. £350-20-450; 4 I. Clerks £260-10-350; 17 other Clerks £80, &c. 4 Inspectors of Mails £300—20—500; Officer at Euston-square Station, £120-1-140. Travelling Post-Office-Surveyor £500-25-700; Assistant Do. £350— 20-450; 4 Superintendents £300-20-400; 9 I. Clerks £260—10—350; 38 other Do. £80, &c.; 153 Sorters from 18s. to 45s. per week; 3 Examiners of Mail-bag apparatus £150. Receiver and Accountant-General's Office-Receiver and AccountantGeneral £700-25-900; Chief Examiner and Cashier £500—20—600; Book-keeper £500-20-600; 3 Clerks £400-15-500; 8 I. Clerks £300-15-400; 38 other Clerks £80, &c. (b) 28. a-day in addition for every day employed. Money Order Office-Controller £550-25-800; Chief Clerk £45020-600; Book-keeper and Examiner, £425-15-500; 16 I. Clerks £260-400; 137 other Clerks £80, &c.; 25 Messengers 21s. to 40s. per week. 84 Stampers, &c., &c. 45 Overseers from 40s. to 50s. per week. Extra Clerks are employed at 10d. per hour; and many of the ordinary Clerks are paid for extra duty. (a) This and two following, per week. GENERAL POST OFFICE-DUBLIN EDINBURGH. 41 GENERAL POST OFFICE, DUBLIN. Secretary £800-50-1,000; Chief Clerk £500-20-650 ; 2 I. Clerks £350-15-450; 5 other Clerks £90-10-300. Solicitor £1,000; I. Clerk £300-15-400; Inspector of Mails £400-20-600. Accountant's (Office) Accountant £500-20-650; Examiner £325-20-450; Cash Clerk £300—10—400; 6 I. Class Clerks £200-10-300 and 350; 30 other Clerks £80-10-220. Sorting Office-Controller £500-20-700; 2 Superintendents £330-10-400; Deputy Do. £280-10—350; 4 I. Clerks £23010-320; 9 other Clerks £80-10-220; Inspector of Letter Carriers £150-10-250; 4 Assistant Do. £100-7-150; 52 II. Class Sorters 21s. to 35s. a week; 6 I. Class 33s. to 38s. a week; 16 Messengers, Stampers, &c., 21s. to 28s. a week; 137 Letter-Carriers 18s. to 23s. a week. GENERAL POST OFFICE, EDINBURGH. Secretary and Controller £800-50-1,000; Chief Clerk £500-20650; 2 Principal Clerks £350-15-450; 5 other Clerks £90—10—300. Solicitor £400; his Clerk £100. Accountant's Office-Accountant £50020-650; Examiner £325-20-450; Cash Clerk £300-10-400; 7 I. Clerks £200-10-350; 26 other Clerks £80-10-220. Sorting OfficeController £550; 2 Superintendents £330-10-450; 5 I. Clerks £23010-300; 4 other Clerks £80-10-220; Inspector of Letter-Carriers £150-10-250; 2 Assistants Do. £100-71-150; 18 I. Class Sorters 33s. to 38s. a week; 50 II. Class Do. 21s. to 35s. a week; 27 Stampers, &c. 21s. to 28s. a week; 95 Letter-Carriers 18s. to 23s. a week. Note. The vacancies in the General Post Office in London are usually filled up after from 15 to 40 have arisen, when on an average three compete for each vacancy, all of whom must have previously passed a preliminary test-examination. In the Secretary's, Solicitor's, or Accountant's departments in London, Dublin, or Edinburgh, it is customary, on the contrary, to fill up each individual vacancy immediately after it occurs. CIVIL SERVICE GUIDE. PUBLIC OFFICES. QUALIFICATIONS. The following lists of Qualifications for the several Public Offices have been carefully drawn up from the latest Govern ment returns. In all examinations which are not competitive, the exercises in Languages are restricted to translation. There is a preliminary Test examination in all subjects marked (t). Arithmetic in this treatise always means Arithmetic, including Vulgar and Decimal Fractions, except the contrary is mentioned, (a) A certain proficiency in these subjects absolutely necessary. II. Admiralty Clerks and Temporary Clerks, Somerset House.* III. Clerks and Temporary Clerks in Dockyards, Victualling Yards, and Naval Hospitals at Home. A certain proficiency in these subjects is necessary, and will form the test of qualification for the appointment to a temporary clerkship in the above departments. Same as above, with the exception of Book-keeping, which is not required. *For Departments of Comptroller of the Navy, Accountant-General, Store-keeper-General, Comptroller or Victualling Medical Director-General, Coast-Guard Office, &c. |