II. Clerks in Chief Clerk's Department. 1. Exercises designed to test 13. Geography (a general Handwriting, Accu- knowledge of) racy of Punctuation, 4. Book-keeping (an Eleand Orthography 2. Arithmetic (including the Principles mentary_knowledge of Double Entry) of Ex- 5. French (Translation). * The marks in German are to be counted as far as they will go without any maximum to be necessarily obtained. NOTE.-Assistant Book-keepers same as for Clerks in the PaymasterGeneral's Office. III. Attachés. 1. Orthography and Handwriting 2. General Intelligence 3. Précis 4. Arithmetic (first four rules and Decimals) 5. Latin (Grammar and Translation) 6. French (Do.) 7. German Grammar 8. Geography tions during that period 9. Constitutional History of of England† Euclid (Book I.) 9. A fair knowledge of the 10. Political History of A second examination must be uudergone in the interval between the grant of a commission as Third Secretary and that of a commission as Second Secretary. SECOND EXAMINATION. 2. Précis writing 1. General Intelligence, as lish). If the Candidate between his first and second examination has not resided a reasonable time, 12 months, for instance, in Germany, he may substitute for German some other foreign language besides French. * Candidates who have passed the first public examination in classics at one of the Universities in Great Britain or Ireland, or at the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich, or one of the public examinations for the Army or Navy, will be exempted from being examined in Latin. † Blackstone's Commentaries and Hallam's Constitutional History. 5. Political History of Europe 7. Maritime and Interna a general knowledge of 6. Political Economy (a ge- of tional Law (a general knowledge to be acquired from Vattel, Wheaton's "Elements of International Law," and the first volume of Kent's "Commentaries") A General Report on the Commerce and Political Relations of the several Countries in which they have resided. Candidates must be prepared to answer any questions put to them by the Examiners within the limits of such report. litical Economy) .IV. Translators to Missions. Exercises in Translations from and into that language or those languages upon which the candidate is destined to be employed. VII. Student Interpreters in China, Japan, and Siam. VIII. Foreign Service Messengers.* 1. Arithmetic (first four rules) | or Italian 2. Either French, German, knowledge). (conversational IX. Clerks in Mixed Commission Courts. 1. Handwriting and Ortho- | 3. French (copying and graphy 2. Précis translation). X. Extra Clerks. 1. Handwriting and Ortho- 3. Arithmetic (including graphy 2. Geography Vulgar Fractions) 4. English History. XI. Supplemental Junior Clerks in Consular Department. 1. Writing from Dictation 3. Arithmetic. 2. Copying XII. Temporary Clerks in Librarian's Department. 1. Handwriting and Ortho- | 2. Précis graphy 3. French (translation). XIII. Home Service Messengers, Office-Keepers, Office Porters, Door Porters, Extra Messengers at Missions abroad; and others Employed in Subordinate Capacities. 1. Reading 2. Writing from Dictation 3. Arithmetic (first four *Candidates must be "able to ride and competent to perform journeys on horseback." 1 Reading XIV. Housekeepers. 2. Writing from Dictation 3. Arithmetic (sufficient for simple accounts). FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' REGISTRY. II. Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor of Guernsey.* 3. English Composition position, and speaking) 4. Geography * Accountant-Subjects, 1, 2, Arithmetic, and Book-keeping. 100 5. Intelligence 150 100 4, Elementary Arithmetic (including Rule of 250 100 |