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Connecticut and Long Island. We stopped at Newport, a fine town in the State of Rhode Island, to leave some goods.


Parley tells James Jenkins' Adventures.


1. Ar Newport, I met with a young man, several years older than myself, whom I had formerly known in Boston. His name was James Jenkins.

2. He was a roving fellow, and had just returned from a voyage to the West Indies, and had been to South America. On his way to the West Indies, he stopped at Charleston.

3. Charleston is a considerable town in South Carolina, one of the United States;

Where is Newport?

Where had James Jenkins been ?
What and where is Charleston ?

and is about seven or eight hundred miles The West Indies are a

south of Boston.

large number of islands, lying between North and South America.

4. You should look on a map, and find all the places that I mention, so that you will understand where they are situated.

5. Jenkins told me some strange stories of his adventures. I will tell you one or two of them here.

6. He sailed from Newport, Rhode Island, in the brig Yankee, with Captain Bassett. They had been at sea but a few days, when they were chased by a large French ship.

7. The French were at war with us then, and if the French ship could have taken the brig Yankee, they would have carried the

What are the West Indies?
Where do they lie?

Where did Jenkins sail from?

captain and sailors prisoners to France, and taken away their goods.

8. So the sailors of the Yankee exerted every effort to escape, and the French ship strained every nerve to come up with her. Here is a picture of the two vessels.


9. At length the French ship came near to the Yankee, and fired upon her.

balls hissed through the air,

The cannon

and passed through the sails of the Yankee, but did no damage.

10. A second shot from the French ship

killed two men, at the very side of Jenkins. The chase now was desperate.

11. The French ship kept an incessant fire, and their cannon shot poured over and around the Yankee in a shower. At this critical moment the sun went down, and night suspended the conflict.

12. Capt. Bassett took advantage of it to escape, and in the morning was out of sight. of the French ship. In two days after this, they arrived safe at Charleston.

13. Jenkins said he was astonished to see so many negroes at Charleston. There are many more négroes than white people there.

14. These negroes are slaves, and labour for the white people, to whom they belong Jenkins saw negroes, men, women, and children, sold at public auction, as we sell goods.

What was Jenkins astonished to see at Charleston?

What did Jenkins see sold at public auction at Charleston?

15. Some of the negroes, who happen to have kind masters, are very happy; but those who have cruel masters are wretched indeed.

16. After staying a month at Charleston, the brig Yankee sailed for Cuba, the largest of the West India islands, where she soon arrived.

17. The West Indies are celebrated for producing sugar. It is made from a plant, called sugar-cane, which grows somewhat like Indian corn.

18. This is ground, and molasses is extracted from it. The sugar is found settled at the bottom of the molasses.

19. Jenkins found a great portion of the people in Cuba to be negroes. They seem ed to be very gay in their disposition, and

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