earnest request of Mr. T. Wright. An older sister, versed in crime, was in a Refuge. After about a week, the mother, a woman of notorious character, came from a distance and removed her, disregarding the most earnest expostulations. In less than two months the child was apprehended and sentenced to a detention of five years in the Red Lodge, the mother still using every effort to regain possession of this child, and of a son at the same time sentenced to a Boys' Reformatory. The poor girl still retains the baneful effects of the scenes of vice she had been in, and has said with tears, "I wish I had never left the Red Lodge." In the GENERAL DISCIPLINE of the School, it is attempted to combine strict and steady controul, attention to order and regularity, and firmness in maintaining obedience, with that true love for the children, and evident desire to promote their comfort and happiness by all reasonable means, which can alone call forth a return of love in them, and inspire at the same time both respect and confidence. They are taught that they are not placed in the School as a punishment, but to save them from those consequences which must inevitably follow a continuance of their former mode of life. As the Superintendent only is acquainted with their former delinquencies, they have now the opportunity of beginning with a new character, which their own future conduct must maintain. They are charged never to speak of their past misdeeds and associations; so much progress has now been made in this, that while in the early period of the School, girls gloried in their former shame, recounted with exaggerations their ancient transgressions, and frequently indulged in what may be designated "gaol gossip," it is now felt by the School to be a serious offence for any one to allude to the past history of any girl, and the gaol is only occasionally referred to with shame, in private interviews with a teacher, as "the place I came from." This kind of treatment of course entails more difficulty than a system of stern repression, but it is already attended with far better results. Though a principle of steady obedience has not gained that firm footing which it is hoped that it will have in another year, and though the order and regularity of the School is not what we may expect that it will ere long become, the children love their teachers, and have an evident confidence that even punishment inflicted by them is intended solely for their benefit; the " public opinion" of the School is strongly in favour of the right and good; and though abundant opportunity of absconding has been presented by the country walks which they take two or three times every week, their attendance at public worship twice every Sunday, and the errands to a short distance from the School on which trusty girls are fre. quently sent out alone, no case of absconding has, occurred during the year. The INDUSTRIAL WORK occupies a considerable portion of the older girls. Above a dozen are now between the ages of 14 and 16; these are especially occupied in washing, cooking and house-work, while even the youngest children, a large number of whom range from 8 to 12, take some part in the general care and cleaning of the house and furniture. As washing is taken in, a small contribution towards the expenses of the School has already been made by the girls. Considerable progress has been attained in plain sewing and knitting, and many orders for articles made in the School have been satisfactorily executed. The girls take great pleasure in these occupations, and many who came utterly ignorant of them, now feel a pleasure in being able to do them well, spending all their leisure time in making small articles of skilled handiwork. It will be observed in the accounts, that what may appear a considerable sum has been paid to the girls during the year, as a portion of the proceeds of their work. This plan has been adopted to teach them the value and the rights of property, and to let them experience the pleasure of obtaining money by honest labour. Though these earnings are deposited in the hands of the Matron, yet each girl is at liberty to dispose of her own in any way she pleases, subject of course to the Matron's discretion and advice. At first their earnings were chiefly spent in sweets or toys, but this was succeeded by purchasing materials for little articles of fancy work made in their play-time to send as presents to their friends, and latterly the girls have been particularly anxious to purchase books, or the school hymn books, to send to their relations. All breakages or injury of clothes or furniture, are paid for by the girls, and this is a great protection to the property of the School. From what has been already said, no great INTELLECTUAL PROGRESS would as yet be expected. Not one-fourth of the girls can read with any ordinary fluency, and full one-half of them are quite unable to derive any pleasure from their own study of books. All their other acquirements are proportionally rudimentary. Yet many have in a few months made so much progress, and those who have been a year in the School show such satisfactory results of the teaching given, especially in their knowledge and application of Scripture, that good hopes may be entertained of the fruits of another year's training. The irreparable want of early education, and the unregulated mental as well as moral condition of these children, will always prevent the status of these Schools from even approaching that of good National and British Schools, nor indeed is this to be desired, as much of the information there given would be next to useless here. But a regular culture of the mind, the communication in the most scientific and therefore efficient way of good elementary knowledge, with such varied useful information as may enable the child to read with intelligent pleasure the many valuable books which are now placed within the reach of the labouring classes, all these should be unsparingly and ungrudgingly given in these Schools, for they are important elements in the re-formation of misguided faculties, and, indeed, without them the child will not ever be able to read with an understanding heart the Book of Life. A regular school training is therefore given to the younger children, many of whom already show great intelligence and pleasure in instruction. The MORAL CONDITION of the School is on the whole satisfactory, very much so, if we consder the previous lives of most of the inmates. Theft and dishonesty of all kinds, are, of course, closely guarded against, and the least indications of them seriously noticed. Very few of the girls exhibit any natural tendency to stealing, and when any instance of it does occur, it is regarded with general indignation by the others. Of deceit and lying it is more difficult to correct them, and much progress in this respect cannot be anticicipated until there has been time for the conscience to be completely awakened, and until the child loves to obey God as well as fears to offend Him. To a friend much interested in the success of the Reformatory Movement in Ireland, we are deeply indebted for the following admirable account of an establishment known but to a few in Dublin-Saint Joseph's Industrial Institute : NOTES ON ST. JOSEPH'S INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTE. The great object of the Reformatory movement is to prevent the increase of crime, by removing the young, and we may say innocent victims of vice, whom poverty or ignorance has betrayed, from the influence which an unrestricted communication with the more depraved classes of our population, usually the inmates of our prisons, naturally exercises. "Who can touch pitch and not be defiled?" says the Apostle. And judging from the consequences which have hitherto resulted from the old system of prison discipline, we may safely affirm that that which was intended to be a punishment of guilt became a most fertile source of crime. The young and susceptible, whose only offence was, perhaps, that he had, to use the language of the association, "prigged a wiper" for the purpose of procuring a meal, was heedlessly thrown amongst old and hardened villains, whose lives had been a succession of great crimes; daily seeing the carelessness with which these men looked upon the gravest violations of the law, daily hearing the most obscene phrases, the most blasphemous expressions uttered by some, and received with applause by others, he child just at the age when the mind is most open to impressions of good or evil, chiefly the latter, for human nature is prone to evil, and arrived at a period when the imitative faculties are most keenly alive to the influence of the example of seniors, readily received these impressions, imitated these examples, despised religion, scouted morality, and those who entered but partially corrupted, were, when the time of their confinement had expired, returned upon society wholly depraved, so that instead of that trite exhortation which is sometimes found written on the front of our bridewells, "Cease to do evil, learn to do well," there might, with more truth, be inscribed on their portals this terrible warning, "Who enters here leaves hope behind." At length this evil became so patent that government could no longer ignore its existence, and a system of solitary confinement was adopted, which to our minds has rather increased than diminished, though in another way, the evil it was intended to correct, for, however useful the original design, if carried out in its integrity, might have proved, still from the ignorance and brutality of those to whom its execution was in some cases committed, it has but served to produce hypocrites and maniacs. For the confirmed felon, finding that religious professions are most acceptable to the chaplain, and will most conduce to his own ease, adopts readily a sanctimonious seeming, and fools the inexperienced though zealous clergyman to the top of his bent; witness, Uriah Heep, and Littimer. Another evil of this system is, that the prisoners are so well fed that many, after they have been released absolutely commit a crime for the purpose of being again incarcerated, rather then endure the hardships and privations to which the honest and laborious lives of our poorer fellow citizens are usually exposed. Again, so much secresy was maintained with regard to the internal management of these establishments, that cruelties of a most frightful character have been perpetrated, many of which have, it is now known, terminated in depriving the unhappy victim of reason, sometimes too of life. Some more profound philosophers who had studied this branch of political science, not through the distorted medium of red tapeism and routine, but by the light of Nature, which never deceives those who seek her aid in sincerity and truth. Some such conceived the project of educating the juvenile portion of our criminals, and instead of fixing more firmly the roots of vice, to seek to eradicate them from a soil in which they could not naturally be strongly implanted, and in their place to sew seeds of virtue which would in good time produce a crop of inestimable happiness. And thus inspiring them with a love for goodness, and instilling into their minds a knowledge of the value of honesty and integrity, render them desirous of regaining that position in society which in an unguarded moment they sacrificed. In France this system was inaugurated by Mons. de Metz, and in England an association has been formed for carrying out this laudable purpose. But while thus anxious for the welfare of our juvenile criminals, we should not forget that there is another class of our juvenile population which has equal if not greater claims on our attention; we mean those poor children, who, being thrown upon the streets through the poverty of their parents, are often exposed to those temptations, the yielding to which has made others criminals. Every one must have seen in our streets hundreds of these poor Arabs, half clothed, and wholly ignorant, paddling about in filth, and dirty, each one of whom, if properly handled, might become, instead of a curse, a blessing to the country, and instead of being a candidate for the house of correction, might become a most reputable member of society, sharing in all the duties of a good citizen, lightening the burthens of the country, and shedding around him the blessings of successful labour and a happy home. Many a man owes the affluence he now enjoys to the meagre instruction of a charity school, and the impulses there given to honest industry. But if such advantages have been derived by the children of the male sex from these schools, how much greater would be the advantages to society at large which an institution for the promotion of female industry and female education would produce, and how much more necessary for them is a careful and judicious training? Thousands of young girls grow up to womanhood in a state of the most helpless and hopeless idleness, a burden upon their humble parents, and of little use to the community_indeed the contrary, considering that they are liable, from the combined influences of idleness and poverty, to fall victims to the machinations of those who may seek their ruin. And when we consider that they are destined to fill, in the wonderful economy of the Creator, the honourable position of mothers, whose duty it will be to teach those children with whom God may bless them, and to transmit to their offspring the impressions they themselves have received; how necessary is it then that the female juveniles should be taught not only to read and write, but also that the education of their hands should not be neglected? An institution like this would be a great help to the reformatory movement; in fact in time it might be found partially, if not entirely, to supersede all necessity for cure by establishing that still more salutary and certain check on crime, prevention. In Rome there is an asylum which is divided into three departments, the preventive, the prison, and the reformatory. In the first department are included those who have not been convicted for any offence, comprising about thirty or forty young persons, whose ages range from four years to more than twenty years. Several of these are orphans, others the children of parents confined in prison for various offences, and some are children of wicked parents, from whom they have been rescued by being placed in this asylum. These children and girls are taught to read and write, to make up accounts, to be expert in plain and other work, and it is scarcely necessary to say, that their moral and religious training is the first care of their gentle and affectionate guardians. The second class includes the prisoners, and the third the penitents. The whole establishment is presided over by the Nuns of the Order of the Good Shepherd. The first is the branch to which we wish to draw attention. Such an institution would be entitled to, and we are sure would obtain, the generous support of the benevolent citizens of this most benevolent city. In Cork industrial schools have been established which have obtained a great success, so great that in five years nearly three thousand pounds have been paid to the children. But this is a trifling matter in comparison with the amount of good which its payment has effected, in the habits, feelings, and modes of thinking of those hundreds who received it in small wages ranging from a shilling to five shillings a week. The beneficial results which have arisen from this system have made themselves apparent in the growth of frugal and saving habits, in the manifestation of individual independence, and even in the enjoyment of actual prosperity; for many of its pupils have become teachers at competent salaries, others having saved £3, £4, £5, and upwards, have emigrated, and have been established prosperously in life by the exercise of this talent which was developed by the industrial institute. In Dublin an effort is now being made to carry out this highly praiseworthy object. The kindness of a friend has furnished us with the following details relative to the origin and progress of an institution of this nature established in this city, under the title of "Saint Joseph's Industrial School ": |