10. (n-1)p-(m-1)9, 1-1; first term, 11; common diff., 3; or first n-m n-m 3. - 300°, - 210°, – 120°, – 30°, 60°, 150°, 240°, and 330°. 5. 5/3 = 8.66 lbs., 5/7 = 13.22 lbs. 6. 45. 7. 180°cos s-1" to the direction of motion of the carriage. 8. 2u デ 9. W lbs.-wt. vertically upwards; when moving with uniform velocity force = W lbs.-wt. 3. The asymptotes are parallel to AB, AC bisecting the perpendiculars from O on AB, AC. 4. (a2b3 - a3b2) (b1x – a1y) = a1(a263 - A3C2) + 61(6263-6362) and two similar a2-b2 1(1 - m2) b2-a2 m(1-12) Wp 8. Tension at A = 1 wt. of board + 4m - m' 4(m + m') 5m 10. . И, . u. 11. 9, 15. a 10. 3430 is 4th term G. P., 3475 is 496th term A.P.; + 2n+I II. PART I. SECOND PAPER. 10. (i.) ab = 1, (ii.) ab = x, (iii.) a = b2, where a, b are the given numbers. IV. PART II. FIRST PAPER. 1. acx2+2(a+c) bx + (a+c)2 = 0. 4. 9:2. 6. 86 4307 ft. 10. 53.76. V.√3. √3=4.29 f.s. 11. 12. V. 5. 12. Ngr. 3. 6x + 7y = II, 4. cr. (1-1), radius I; the origin and the pt. - 26, 2 6. y = (x + 1). 9. 7. (a2-c2) x2 + a2y2 = a2 (a2 – c2). 8. 6. If A, B, C be the corners at which the tensions 1, 2, 3 act respectively, the weight must be placed at the mid. pt. of CD, where AD = 2DB. V3 seconds. 12. . M1Ma 10. W. 11. .8. |