Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


1. What is the history of Sulphur? Art. 380.

2. Describe its properties. What are its commercial forms? Art. 381.

3. What is its affinity for other elements? Art. 382.

4. In what two forms does Sulphur crystalize?

5. What is the Milk of Sulphur? Art. 384.

6. Describe the compounds of Sulphur and oxygen. Art. 385. 7. Describe SO2, its production and properties. Art. 387. 8. Describe how SO, is made on a large scale. Art. 388. 9. What is Nordhausen Sulphuric Acid? Art. 390.


10. Explain the action of SO on the metals and fibres. Art. 392, 332.


11. Describe SO, and IIS. Give their properties. Art. 395. 12. Why do surfaces painted with lead blacken on exposure to this gas? Art. 395.

. 13. Why are zinc paints, for many situations, preferable to lead? Art. 395.

14. What effect has tellurium upon the animal system? Art. 397.


1. Give the history of Phosphorus and its distribution. Art. 398.

2. How is phosphorus obtained? Give its properties. Art. 401.

3. What is said of its solubility and inflammability? Art. 401. 4. Why is phosphorus good for the manufacture of matches? Art. 401.

5. What experiments illustrate the characteristics of phosphorus? Art. 401.

6. Describe the poisonous properties of phosphorus. Art. 401. 7. Describe Allotropic or Atmospheric phosphorus. Art. 402. 8. Relate the history and origin of matches. Art. 403. 9. How is phosphoric acid prepared? Art. 405. 10. What are its properties? Art. 405.

11. Describe Phosphoretted Hydrogen, and tell how it is prepared. Art. 407.

12. What phenomenon attends its evolution in air? Art. 407. 13. Describe its properties. Describe the Will O' the Wisp. Art. 407.

1. What is said of Boron?

2. Describe Boracic acid.


Its properties? Art. 410. How is it collected? Art. 410.

3. What is a flux? Why is borax valuable as a flux? Art.



1. Relate the history of Silicon. Is the pure element known? Art. 412.

2. Describe Silica. Quartz. Amethyst. Sand. Art. 413. 3. Give the properties of each. Art. 414.

4. What are examples of natural silicates? Art. 414.

5. Describe fluosilicre acid. Art. 415.


1. What can you say of Carbon? Its specific gravity? Art. 416.

2. In what condition is carbon found naturally? Art. 416.

3. Under what circumstances is the diamond found? Art. 417. 4. How is it cut? In what form is it cut for jewelry? Art.


5. What is the origin of the diamond? Art. 417.

6. How large a diamond has ever been found? Art. 418. 7. Have any attempts been made to manufacture diamonds? 8. What is a graphite? What is said of its use? Art. 419. 9. Describe gas, carbon, mineral coal, its properties. Art. 421. 10. Describe Anthracite coal. Coke. Charcoal. Art. 425. 11. How is Charcoal formed? Soot? Lampblack? Properties of each? Art. 427.

12. What is said of the compounds of carbon and oxygen? Art. 428.

13 Describe CO,. Preparation and properties. How solidified? Art. 433.

14. What are the properties of solidified gas? Art. 433. 15. What are petrifactions? Art. 435.

16. Describe the natural production of CO2.

Art. 436, 457. 17. Explain the formation of the carbonates. Art. 438. 18. Describe CO. formation and properties. Art. 439. 19. What is Cyanogin? How prepared? Properties? Art.


20. Give the analysis of Prussiate of Potash and Prussian Blue. Art. 444.

21. Give the analysis of Prussic Acid and properties. Art. 447.

22. How is it supposed to occasion death? Art. 447. 23. Describe organic acid. Art. 450.

24. What is light Carburetted hydrogen? Art. 452.

25. Describe C4. H4. preparation and properties. Art. 454. 26. How is illuminating gas made? Coal gas? Art. 456. 27. Describe the whole process of making and purifying coal gas. Art. 457, 458.

28. Describe the explosive compounds of illuminating gas. Art. 459.

29. Give the history of the introduction of gas. Art. 460.


1. What was the original supposition concerning fire? Art. 462.

2. Explain the general principles of the phlogistic theory.

Art. 462.

3. By what experiment was the phlogistic theory overturned? Art. 463.

4. Define Combustion. Supporters of combustion. Art. 464. 5. Define Combustibles and Burnt bodies. Art. 465.

6. Describe the difference between combustion and explosion. Art. 466.

7. What is the origin of heat in combustion? Art. 467.

8. Is the quantity of heat increased by the rapidity of combustion?

Art. 469.

9. Is any matter lost during combustion? Art. 470.

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10. What are the ordinary products of combustion? Art. 472. 11. What good does blowing the fire do? Art. 473.

12. How much heat will a pound of charcoal in burning evolve?

Art. 474.

13. Upon what does the light which accompanies combustion depend? Art. 475.

14. Describe flame. Art. 475.

15. What are the materials for illumination?

Art. 476.

16. Explain the combustion of a candle. Art. 477.

17. Explain the structure of flame. Art. 478.

18. What is essential to the existence of flame? Art. 480. 19. Explain the principle of Davey's safety lamp,—not the lamp. Art. 481.

20. Give the requisites for an artificial light. Art. 482.

21. Describe the Argand lamp. Art. 483.

22. Describe the Blow Pipe. Art. 483.


1. What can you say of the abundance of the metals? Art. 487.

2. What are the essential characteristics of the metals? Art. 488.

3. What is said of their hardness? Density? Malleability? Ductility? Art. 488.

4. Of their Tenacity? Fusibility? Welding? Volubility? Art. 488.

5. Describe Alloys. Amalgam. Do all the metals crystalize? Art. 491.

6. Describe the metals in the order of their affinity for oxygen. Art. 492.

7. How may the metals be classified? Art. 493.

8. Which are the Noble metals? Why so called? Art. 493. 9. Describe Potassium. Give its symbol. Specific gravity.

Art. 494.

10. What is said of its distribution? Preparation? Properties? Art. 497.

11. Describe KO. How prepared? Properties? Caustic Potassa? Art. 499.

12. Describe KO. CO. KO. CO,. Give the properties of each. Art. 502.

13. Describe Niter. Give the symbols. Properties. Art. 503, 504.

14. Describe Gun-powder. Symbols, properties and elements. Art. 505.

15. How is Gun-powder manufactured? Art. 506.

16. Is the explosion of Gun-powder instantaneous? Art. 506. 17. How is the goodness of powder tested? Art. 506.


1. Describe Sodium. Where does it occur in rature? Art. 506.

2. Describe NaO. HO. Also Na Cl., and give the properties of cach. Art. 510.

3. Is common Salt a Chemical salt? Why? Art. 512. 4. What proportion of salt exists in sea water? Art. 512. 5. What can you say of the solubility of salt? Art. 512. 6. Say what you can of NaO, SO3+10HO. Art. 513. 7. Describe in detail NaO, CO2+10HO. Art. 514.

8. Describe a reverberatory furnace. Art. 514, Note. 9. Give the history and introduction of Carbonate of Soda. Art. 514.

10. Describe Bicarbonate of Soda. Also NaO. NO5. Art. 515, 517.


1. What is Ammonium? Give its symbol.

Give its symbol. Art. 519.

2. Analyze Sal-Ammoniac, and give its symbols. Art. 520. 3. Describe N. H2O. The preparation and properties. For what used? Art. 521.

4. Analyze NHS+HS. What are the properties of the Alkalies? Art. 528.

5. Which are the Alkaline earths? Art. 529.

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