Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

error. This seems the most correct definition, but the word is used loosely. Its general signification, viz. a specious proposition, is perhaps nearest the mark. Truly considered, most errors are sophisms, for errors are not direct contradictions to the truth, but simply the leaving out of view one or more elements of the truth, and seizing on only one or two elements, and declaring them to constitute the whole truth. Victor Cousin defines error to be 'One element of thought considered exclusively, and taken for the complete thought itself. Error is nothing but an incomplete truth converted into an absolute truth." (Introduction à l'Hist. de Philosophie, Leçon 7.) Spinoza had before defined' falsity to be that privation of truth which arises from inadequate ideas.' (Ethica, b. ii., prop. xxxv.) A selection of some of the celebrated sophisms of antient philosophers will best illustrate the meaning of the definition. The lying' sophism was this: if, when you speak the truth, you say you lie, you lie; but you say you lie, when you speak the truth, therefore in speaking the truth you lie. The occult' sophism: Do you know your father? Yes. Do you know this man who is veiled? No. Then you do not know your father, for it is your father who is veiled. The sorites:' Is one grain a heap? No. Two grains? No. Three grains? No. Go on adding one by one, and if one grain be not a heap, it will be impossible to say what number of grains make a heap. (Enfield, Hist of Philos., i., p. 200.) In all of these we see that important omission, or confusion of ideas or names, constitutes the apparent contradiction. In the common example of Bread being better than paradise; because bread is better than nothing, and nothing is better than paradise -the confusion arises from both the 'nothings' being used substantively; whereas it is only the first that is so used; the second is affirmative, and expresses there is nothing better.' A sophism is therefore the use of some word in a different sense in the premises from that in the conclusion, and this is the definition of Aristotle (Top., viii. 11): When the discourse is a demonstration of anything, if it contains anything which has no relation to the conclusion, there will be no syllogism; and if there appears to be one, it will be a sophism, and not a demonstration.'

This confusion of words and ideas, though carried to a ridiculous excess in the above examples, is the origin of all errors and sophisms; but though errors and sophisms are logically constituted alike, yet the instinctive sense of mankind marks the difference between incomplete views (error) and wilful perversion (sophism). In all cases a sophism is supposed to be recognised as such by the sophist. It is an endeavour on his part to make the worse appear the better reason.' It is the consciousness then of the sophist which distinguishes and renders odious his error as a sophism. SOPHIST (Zopiorns). It is well known,' says Dr. Wiggers, 'that the word copiσrns at first had an honourable meaning, and was synonymous with oopóc, a sage, a scholar in its widest sense, for even artists were comprehended in it. Protagoras was the first who adopted the name of ooporns, to distinguish more decidedly one who makes others wise, especially one who taught eloquence, the art of governing, politics, or, in short, any kind of practical knowledge. From that time the word sophist acquired that odious meaning which it retains at the present day. Afterwards, in the time of the Roman emperors, the name of sophist again became an honourable appellation, and was applied to the rhetoricians.' (Life of Socrates, p. xiii., trans.) The race of Sophists, whose enmity to Socrates, their great opponent, has perhaps been the principal cause of their celebrity, was not without influence on the philosophy and literature of Greece. They were a class of men who went about Greece discoursing and debating, and sometimes educating the youthful sons of rich and noble families. The cause of their success lay in the very nature and habits of the Greek people, who were so much addicted to talk and so little to study-who were so passionately fond of and so easily led by rhetoric. And the easy triumph which a fluent talker can always attain by a rapid and artful confusion of words and ideas, must also have operated in their favour. The period at which the Sophists flourished was one of obsolete creeds-one lifeless from the want of some vivifying faith. Religion was attacked by open scepticism; the whole sect of the Eleatæ, with the exception of Empedocles, appear to have handled the history of the gods with arbitrary and allegoris ng boldness. Even the pious Pythagorean | adopted the old religion merely in a peculiar sense of his own; Heraclitus argued against its probability; AnaxaP. C., No. 1391.

goras understood it allegorically; and lastly, Hippo was regarded as an open and avowed atheist. Euripides, Protagoras, Diogenes, Prodicus, and Critias, all denied the existence of the gods. (Ritter, Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. i.) Everything human and divine had lost its earnest na ture, and came to be regarded as an art-an exercise of ingenuity. The art of the Sophists was oratory. Assuming that there was nothing right in its nature, but only by position (Tò díkalov Kai Tò aioxpòv où puoɛi, áλλà vóμy, Plato, Gorg., p. 482), it was their boast that they could make the worse appear the better cause. (Aristotle, Rhet., ii. 24.) Their doctrines closely resemble those of the Sceptics, since they equally denied the possibility of truth, and even interdicted inquiry into it; but the distinction between these sects consists in the Sophists' not masking their arrogance under doubt, but boldly and distinctly averring that there was no truth at all, and seeking to communicate this wisdom to others, to save them the trouble of investigation.

The doctrine of Protagoras tends to deny the possibility of anything objective being represented by thought, and by making human thought the standard of all truth (rávтwv xonμárov μérpov äveρonos, Plato, Craty., 385), and affirming that each manner of viewing things has its contrary, so that there is as mucn truth on one side as on the other, it is deduced as a consequence that the end of philosophy is persuasion; and oratory being the art of persuasion, it was to that which they directed their greatest attention. (Plato, Theatetus.) Ritter however observes that Plato, it is certain, attributed much to Protagoras that did not actually belong to him.' (Geschichte der Phil., vol. i.)

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But Protagoras, however sophistical his doctrines, appears to have been in earnest, and to have deduced them rigorously from his premises. Among his followers, as always happens, this earnestness was wanting, and accordingly we find Gorgias (as sketched by Plato) without a single claim to respect; and Euthydemus a despicable babbler. With these latter men it was truly sophistryquackery; and answered their purposes, for they amassed considerable wealth thereby. (Ritter, vol. i.)

Gorgias wrote a work on nature, or non-being, fragments of which are preserved in Aristotle and Sextus Empiricus, in which he endeavoured to prove that nothing is; that if anything is, it cannot be an object of knowledge; and finally, that if even anything is, and can be known, it cannot be imparted to others. (Ritter; Tennemann, Manuel, p. 123.) He reasons thus: if anything is, it must be either being or non-being, or even at one and the same time both being and non-being. (Sextus Emp. adv. Math., vii. 66.) All these cases are impossible; for a non-being cannot be, because it is the opposite of being; and therefore, if the latter is, the former cannot be; because if it were, it must be at the same time being and non-being. Aristotle, according to Ritter, gives the reasoning and proofs differently, but his text is so corrupt as to prevent any confidence being placed in it. Nor is being possible: for it cannot be either produced or unproduced, neither one, nor many, nor yet both at once. Nor can it be at once being and non-being; for if there is both that which is and that which is not, then must they, in reference to being, be one and the same. But if they are the same, then that which is is also that which is not; the non-being however is not, and consequently the being cannot be. (Sext. Emp. adv. Muth., vii. 75; Ritter.) As consequences of this arid sophistry, be deduces that if we suppose being to be an object of thought, it must be similar to being; or in other words, that it must be being itself, for otherwise being cannot be an object of thought. Now if thought is being, then every thought must be true, and non-being is inconceivable. In vain do we object that only those thoughts are true which are confirmed by perception; for as the object of sight is true, though it be not heard, so a thought may be true, though it cannot be perceived. (Sextus Emp., ib., 77, et seq.) A notable instance of the sophistical argument which assumes an analogy as a proof, taking care the analogy itself shall be false.

It is curious to contemplate a highly intellectual nation delighting in such barren quibbles as these, and the fact of the prevalence of sophistry indicates an important phasis in Greek history. We have a parallel in our schoolmen of the middle ages, who were quite as sophistical and as trifling. But it is also important to notice the influence which such a sect had on philosophy and literature. It was the prac tical demonstration of the incompetence of all previous phiVOL. XXII-2 L

losophy, by carrying out their principles to the ludicrous extreme (as Hume's doctrines were but the consummation of all the materialism of Hobbes and Locke), and thereby necessitating an entire reformation and rebuilding of principles. In the person of Socrates, philosophy again recommenced its attempts to solve its own mysteries. We must also add what Ritter says with regard to the effects on language. It is not to be denied, he thinks, that the Sophists contributed greatly to the perfection of prose; which was in itself a great benefit to philosophy. The Sophists applied themselves to manifold arts of persuasion, and in their attacks upon each other, labouring to expose and lay bare the delusions of appearance, they acquired great nicety in the distinction of terms. Prodicus was celebrated for his skill in the distinctions of synonymous terms (as we learn from Plato, who ridicules him for it (Protag., p. 337; Crat., p. 384); but Prodicus is honourably mentioned by him (Euthyd., p. 277-305). The sophisms turning upon the words to learn,' 'to understand,' to know,' also contributed to the more accurate knowledge of these terms. The very circumstance that their rules were intended to be subservient to the ends of fallacy and deception, must have afforded a stronger motive to the philosophical spirit to bring under investigation the true forms of thought and expression which had been neglected by earlier philosophers; and accordingly we find that they occupied much of the attention of Socrates. (See Ritter's Remarks on the Sophists, Geschichte der Philosophie, vol. i.)

from Anaea in Caria (whence the Greek biographer calls it the war of Anaea), and endeavoured to induce the Samians to revolt against Athens. In this campaign Sophocles was the colleague of Pericles. No military feat is recorded of him, and it is only stated that he availed himself of the opportunity to enrich himself. In Samos he is said to have made the acquaintance of Herodotus, for whom he wrote a poem. (Plut., An Seni sit gerenda resp., 3.) Whether Sophocles, after this expedition, which ended in 439 B.C., took any further part in public affairs, is not certain. His life seems to have passed in the glorious career of a successful dramatist, and has left no traces in history; we only hear that several kings invited him to their courts, but that he preferred staying at home. He was married twice. His first wife was Nicostrate of Athens, by whom he had a son, Iophon; his second wife was Theoris of Sicyon, by whom he had a son called Ariston. Ariston again had a son called Sophocles, who is generally distinguished from his grandfather by the epithet the Younger." Sophocles was very partial to this grandson, and it was believed that during his lifetime he intended to transfer to him a corsiderable part of his property. Iophon, fearing lest his inheritance should be diminished, brought a charge of mental incapacity against his father before the members of his phratria, and proposed that he should not be allowed to have the control over his property. Sophocles is said to have made no reply to this charge, but with a strong conviction of the excellence of the Edipus in Colonus,' which he had just composed, to have only read to his phratores, who had to examine him, the parodos of this play. The consequence was that he was allowed to retain the management of his property.

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Sophocles died in the year 406 B.C., at the very advanced age of ninety. The accounts of the cause of his death are not consistent. Some state that he was choked by a grape, which stuck in his throat; others, that in the loud reading of the Antigone' he exerted himself so much, that at last his voice failed him and he expired; and others again, that he died of joy at the announcement of a victory gained by one of his dramas. He was buried in the tomb of his fathers near Decelea.

As regards the private life of Sophocles we know nothing, except that he was addicted to sexual pleasures (Athen, xii., p. 510); but the anecdotes in Athenæus (xii., p. 603, &c.) seem to belong to that sort of scandal from which no great man can escape.

SO'PHOCLES, son of Sophilus, was born in the Attic demus or village of Colonus, and, according to the most authentic accounts, in the year B.C. 495, fifteen years before the battle of Salamis, when Eschylus was thirty years old. He appears to have received as good an education as could be had at the time. In music he was instructed by Lamprus, and in this art, as well as in gymnastic exercises, he gained laurels even when a youth. At the age of fifteen, when the Greeks had defeated the Persians in the battle of Salamis (480 B.C.), Sophocles, on account of his beauty, was selected by those who had the management of the solemnities which followed the victory, as leader of the chorus which danced around the trophies in Salamis and sang the hymn of victory. (Athen., ., p. 20.) The anonymous Greek biographer of Sophocles states that Eschylus was his master in tragedy, but such a relation between the two poets is improbable, and is contradicted by a passage in Athenæus (i., p. 22), where Sophocles says of schylus, that he followed the rules of his art without knowing them. It is a Sophocles is said to have written 130 dramas, but Arişfavourite practice with antient historians and grammarians tophanes of Byzantium declared seventeen of them spurious, to describe the relation of two persons who lived at the same which would leave 113 genuine dramas, which number intime and practised the same art, as that of master and cludes his satyric dramas. At the age of forty-five he had pupil, when there is no evidence of such fact, except that written 32 dramas, so that more than two-thirds of his the one was younger than the other. The first time that works were composed during the latter half of his life. The Sophocles produced a tragedy on the Attic stage was in the Edipus in Colonus,' his last production, was written a year B.C. 468, and the piece was probably the Triptolemus,' | short time before his death, but was not brought out till which is now los. (Euseb., Chron., p. 167; Plin., Hist. Nat., the year B.C. 401. With these plays he disputed the prize xviii. 12.) Eschylus was at this time the great dramatist | with the greatest dramatists of the day, Æschylus, Eure of the Attic stage, but his young rival, who ventured to con- pides, Chœrilus, Aristias, Iophon, and others; and gained tend with him for the prize, won the victory, which was twenty times the first prize, several times the second, but attended by the following memorable circumstance. On never the third. Of all his plays there only remain seven; the day when the drama was acted, Cimon had just returned of others we only possess some fragments, and sometimes from the island of Scyrus, bringing with him the remains of no more than the titles. The earliest of the extant pieces is Theseus, who was believed to have been murdered and the Antigone,' and the probable chronological order in buried in that island. When Cimon, with his nine col- which the others followed is this: Electra, Trachiniæ,' leagues, entered the theatre to offer the customary liba-King Edipus,' Ajax,' Philoctetes' (first acted in B.C. tions to Dionysus, he was detained by the chief archon 409), and the Edipus in Colonus,' which was first acted in Aphepsion, whose duty it was to preside at the dramatic per- B.C. 401. formances and to nominate the judges. Aphepsion appointed no judges, but called upon Cimon and his colleagues to determine the prize. Cimon, recognising the great genius that the tragedy displayed, gave the prize to Sophocles. (Plut., Cim., 8.)

From this time twenty-eight years of his life passed without any memorable event being recorded, though Sophocles must have been extremely active in the exercise of his art, for during this period he is said to have composed thirty-one dramas, not including the Triptolemus.' (Aristoph. Byz., Argum. ad Antig.)

In the year B.C. 440 he brought out the Antigone,' his thirty-second drama; and he gained the prize. The Athenians, who perceived in this play the wisdom of a statesman and general, appointed him one of the commanders to conduct the war against the aristocrats of Samos, who, after being expelled from the island by the Athenians, had returned

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The antients themselves regarded Sophocles as the most perfect of all dramatic poets; thev called him the tragic Homer, and the Attic bee, to express the unrivalled beauty and sweetness of his productions. Their admiration was wellfounded, for the tragedies of Sophocles, as far as we can judge, excel everything of the kind that appeared in Greece either before or after him. Sophocles abandoned the pomp, grandiloquence, and harshness of Eschylus, for which he substituted the noble simplicity and tenderness which the antients admired: his heroes are not beings of a superior nature, his men are not the sport of an inscrutable destiny: the world which he represents is peopled by men, agitated indeed by sufferings and passions, but the good and the beautiful do not appear under the iron rule of destiny, all his characters are men in the truest sense of the word, beings with whom we can sympathise. Hence his dramas are of an ethical and practical character, while those of

Eschylus are more calculated to inspire religious awe. | Sophocles knew the laws of his art and what it required, as appears from an expression ascribed to him by Plutarch (De Prof. Virt., Sent. 7). During his whole career he appears to have been striving to realize the idea which he had formed of tragedy. In the three earliest of the extant plays there appear occasionally traces of an artificial style and studied obscurity, but the remaining four are entirely free of this fault. But even the Antigone' is so different from any play of Eschylus in design and execution, that he must have long before been aware of the necessity of the changes which he introduced. The more particular changes to which we here allude are as follows. Each drama of Sophocles turns upon one great action, the Antigone' perhaps excepted; and one idea, which is the leading idea of the drama, is perfectly developed in one play; while with Eschylus the three plays of a trilogy are like so many acts of one drama. Although therefore Sophocles may usually have brought out three tragedies at once, each of them was complete in itself. The lyric part, or the chorus, in Sophocles has no longer that prominent place which it has in Eschylus, nor does it take part in the action in the same degree; it no longer expresses the feelings supposed to be called forth in the audience; but the tragic development of the characters of the drama, or, in other words, the action, is the most prominent part of the drama. The chorus is subordinate, and it would seem that Sophocles used it as a means to let the spectator see what was going on in the minds of the actors rather than in that of the spectators. As the action was thus extended, Sophocles also introduced a third actor, or the tritagonistes, so that now three actors might appear upon the stage at once, whereas before his time there had not been more than two at a time, which rendered the action, as well as the dialogue, monotonous. Lastly Sophocles introduced several improvements in scene-painting and in other mechanical parts of stage performance. At first he is said, like Eschylus, to have acted in his own dramas, but as his voice was too weak, he gave it up.

Besides his dramas, Sophocles also wrote an elegy, several paeans, and other minor poems, and also a prose work on the chorus, which was directed against Thespis and Choerilus. Several antient grammarians, such as Didymus, Horapollon, Aristophanes of Byzantium, Androtion, Praxiphanes, and others, wrote commentaries upon the dramas of Sophocles.

Respecting the life and works of Sophocles, see the Life, by an anonymous Greek writer, which is prefixed to several editions of his works; Suidas, s. v Zoookλns; the masterly treatise of Lessing, 'Leben des Sophocles,' which has unfortunately been left a fragment by the author; Ferd. Schultz, De Vita Sophoclis Poetæ,' Bonn, 1836, 8vo.; Adolph Schöll, Sophocles, sein Wirken und Leben,' Frankfurt, 8vo.; Müller, Hist. of the Lit. of Antient Greece,' i., p. 337-356; A. W. v. Schlegel, 'Lectures on Dramatic Literature,' vol. i., lect. 4.

leading idea of each play, as far as this can be made out from the fragments. The

The translations of Sophocles are very numerous. best German is that by Solger, the last edition of which appeared at Berlin, 1824, 2 vols. 8vo. There are numerous English translations: in prose, by George Adams, London, 1729, 2 vols., and others subsequently; in verse, by Franklin, London, 1758-9, 2 vols. 4to., and 1766 and 1788, 8vo.; by Robert Potter, London, 1788; and by Thomas Dale, 1824. SOPHONISBE. [NUMIDIA.]

SOPHORA, a genus of plants of the natural family of Leguminosa, said to be so named from an Arabic name (Sophera) of one of the species. These are ornamental shrubs and trees, found in central and tropical Asia, also in the warm parts of North America and the equinoctial and subtropical parts of South America. The genus is characterised by having a 5-toothed campanulate calyx; corol papilionaceous; petals of the keel usually united together at their apex; stamens 10, distinct; legumes moniliform, without joints or wings, and containing several seeds; the leaves are impari-pinnate, usually exstipulate and terminal; the inflorescence is in racemes or panicles of yellow, white, or blue flowers. The species best known in England are S. japonica and S. chinensis, which, being from the northern latitudes of the countries from which they are named, are hardy enough to withstand the climate of England; and it has been proposed to engraft the Nepaul S. velutina on the S. japonica. Being handsome trees, with both leaves and trees differing much from European trees, they are well adapted for standing singly in lawns. They are raised from layers, but also from seeds, and require a little protection when young.

SO'PHRON, son of Agathocles, a native of Syracuse, was born about the year B.C. 420. He is believed to have been the inventor of a peculiar kind of poetry called mimes. [MIMES.] He wrote his works in the vulgar dialect of the Doric Greek as spoken in Sicily, and in a kind of rythmical prose. Plato, who had become acquainted with the productions of Sophron through Dion of Syracuse, valued them very highly, and is said to have made the Athenians acquainted with this species of poetry. (Quinctil., i. 10, 17.) Besides the few fragments of the mimes of Sophron which yet remain, we only know the titles of some others of his poems, so that we are scarcely able to form an exact idea of this species of poetry. The circumstance that Sophron wrote in a popular dialect full of peculiarities and solecisms, was probably the reason why his works were studied by the grammarians. Apollodorus of Athens wrote a commentary upon them.

The fragments are collected by C. J. Blomfield, in the Classical Journal,' vol. iv., p. 380, &c., to which a supplement and some corrections were added by the same scholar in the Museum Criticum,' No. VII., p. 640, &c. Compare Grysar, De Sophrone Mimographo,' Coloniæ, 1838. SOPORIFICS. [ANODYNES; NARCOTICS.] SOPRA'NO (Italian), the highest of the various voices; the Treble. [VOICE.]


The works of Sophocles were first printed by Aldus, Venice, 1502, 8vo. The best of the subsequent editions are those of H. Stephens, Paris, 1568, 4to., with valuable notes, SORA'NUS (Zwpavós), an eminent antient physician, and that of Brunck, Strassburg, 1786, 2 vols. 8vo., with a the son of Menander, was born at Ephesus, probably about Latin translation and notes. In the same year Brunck the end of the first century after Christ, and raised the sect published his great edition in 2 vols. 4to., or 4 vols. 8vo. It of the Methodici to its highest degree of reputation. He was reprinted in London, 1823, in 3 vols. 8vo., with some had been brought up at Alexandria, but under the reign additions by Burney. The text of Brunck has served as the of Trajan and Hadrian he came to Rome, where he taught basis for all subsequent editions. The best among them are and practised medicine with great success. (Pseudo-Gal., that of Musgrave, Oxford, 1800, &c., 2 vols. 8vo.; of F. H. Introduct., cap. 4, p. 184, tom. xiv., ed. Kühn; Suidas.) Bothe, Leipzig, 1806, 2 vols. 8vo., the last edition of which He passed some time also in Aquitania, and very successfully appeared in 1827 and 1828; of Erfurt, Leipzig, 1802, &c., treated the leprous diseases which prevailed there. (Marceli. 7 vols. 8vo.; of Elmsley, 1826, reprinted at Leipzig in 8 Emp., De Medicam, cap. 19, p. 321, ed. H. Steph.) In his vols. 8vo.; of Erfurt and G. Hermann, Leipzig, 1823-25, time the leprosy, which had been brought from the East into 7 vols. 12mo. An edition by G. Hermann including the Italy and Gaul, was making there the greatest ravages; and notes of Erfurdt has been published in parts. The plays the physicians, who were not yet well acquainted with this that were published last are: Antigone' (1830), King disease, were anxious to recommend certain preparations Edipus' (1833), and Philoctetes' (1839), forming vols. 1, 2, against each of its particular symptoms. Some of those and 6; vols. 3, 4, 5, and 7 having appeared before, at employed by Soranus have been preserved to us by Galen. Leipzig, 1822-1825. The most useful edition of Sophocles (Gal., De Compos. Medicam., sec. Loca, lib. i., cap. 2, 8, p. for students is that by E. Wunder, Gotha and Erfurt, 1831-414 et sq., 493 et sq., tom. xii.) Their object was in a great 1841. The editions of single plays and dissertations upon measure to effect a metasyncrisis, or the re-establishment of them are almost innumerable. The titles and remains of the pores in their natural state. To him we are indebted the lost pieces of Sophocles have been collected by Welcker, for the first observations (Paul. Ægin., De Re Med., lib. in his Die Griechischen Tragödien,' p. 59, &c. He has iv., cap. 59, p. 73, ed. Ald.) upon the species of worm called classed them according to the legendary cycles to which by the Greeks dpaкóvrov, by the Latins Gordius, Filaria, they belong, and also given the probable contents or the or Vena Medinensis; for an account of which see a disser

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SORBONNE, a celebrated College which existed in France for several centuries. Its founder was Robert de Sorbonne, an ecclesiastic of the thirteenth century, born (A.D. 1201) at the village of Sorbon, in the territory of Rethel, now in the department of Ardennes, of poor and obscure parents. His talents and acquirements introduced him to the notice of Louis IX. (St. Louis), king of France, who retained him at his court as his confessor and chaplain, and showed him great favour. In 1251 he was made a canon of Cambray, and, mindful of the difficulties which he had experienced in early life, he formed the plan of an institution for the assistance of poor students His intention was to establish a society of secular priests, for whom a maintenance in common should be provided, and who should devote themselves wholly and gratuitously to the work of instruction in theology. A society on this plan was founded by him with the aid of his friends, all of them ecclesiastics, A.D. 1252 or 1253; and was encouraged by the liberal patronage of the king. Robert de Sorbonne was the first head of the establishment, directeur; and it was not until after eighteen years' oflicial experience that he settled the constitution and regulations of the establishment, which were not in any respect changed until the suppression of the college at the Revolution. Robert established another college, for the study of the humanities and philosophy, that of Calvi, sometimes called the little Sorbonne,' near his principal foundation, to which it seems to have been preparatory. This minor establishment was destroyed in order to erect the church when Richelieu rebuilt the college premises. In A.D. 1258 Robert was made canon of the cathedral at Paris, and died in 1274, bequeathing all his property to the college which he had founded.

tation by Justus Weihe, entitled De Filaria Medinenst Gmel. | (which is of little or no authority) is prefixed to several Commentariolum, Berol., 1832, 8vo., and especially the very editions of his works, and is also inserted by Fabricius in learned work by Georg. Hieron. Velschius, entitled Erer- his Biblioth. Græca, vol. xii., p. 675, ed. Vet., and by Ideler citatio de Vena Medinensi, ad Mentem Ebnsinæ (i.e. Avi- in his collection above mentioned. A work which exists cenre), sive De Dracunculis Veterum, 4to., August.-Vin- only in Latin, and which bears the title In Artem Medendi del., 1674. He made the interesting remark, that children Isagoge, is undoubtedly the production of a later writer, as while at the breast are sometimes attacked with hydropho- Galen is mentioned in it by name (cap. 13). It is in the bia. (Coel. Aurel., De Morb. Acut., lib. iii., c. 11, p. 221, collection edited by Torinus, Basil., 1528, fol., and in that ed. Amman.) His theory on the Nightmare (Id., De Morb. published apud Aldi Filios,' Venet., 1547, fol. Chron., lib. i., c. 3, p. 289), and his opinion on the use of magical songs and incantations in the treatment of diseases, prove how little he was imbued with the prejudices of his age. He seems to have been the first to reduce the opinions of his predecessors to certain principles (Id., De Morb. Acut., lib. ii., cap. 9, p. 91), and therefore did not, like them, show contempt for the antients, but tried to refute them by the arguments of the Methodici. (Id., ibid., cap. 19, p. 127; cap. 29, p. 142.) Indeed he was the first who gave a plausible reason for the necessity of rejecting purgatives, in saying that they evacuated indiscriminately the healthy humours as well as the bad ones. (Id., ibid., cap. 9, p. 91.) He always employed venesection in pleurisy, because it proceeds evidently from the strictum, and had no regard to the difference of climate. (Id., ibid., cap. 22, p. 132.) In pneumonia he considered that the whole body suffered, but that the lungs are particularly affected; for Soranus did not admit a single local disease, in the strict acceptation of the term. (Id., ibid., cap. 28, p. 139.) The cholera morbus, said he, is a relaxation of the stomach and intestines, accompanied with imminent danger. (Id., ibid., lib. iii., cap. 19, p. 254.) Sprengel (Hist. de la Méd.) thinks that he is not the Soranus who is mentioned by Coelius Aurelianus (De Morb. Chron., lib. ii., cap. 10, p. 391) as having recognised three causes of hæmorrhage, viz. eruption, lesion, and putrefaction, because the study of these particular causes would not agree with the spirit of the school of the Methodici. We know also from Suidas that at least two different physicians bore the name of Soranus. His work, Пepi Fuvaikkɩv Пaðшv, De Arte Obstetricia Morbisque Mulierum, shows that he possessed very considerable anatomical knowledge, though he introduces the description of the sexual organs by saying that the study of anatomy is quite useless (axonoros), and that he only inserted these chapters in order that people might not say he disparaged anatomy because he was himself ignorant of it (cap. 3, p. 5, ed. Dietz). Indeed he described the uterus in such a manner as to prove (what he himself assures us) that he derived his ideas of anatomy from the dissection not of animals, but of human bodies. (Ibid., cap. 4, 5, p. 11, 13.) He denies the existence of the cotyledons (Ibid., cap. 4, p. 10), but he still gives to the ovaries the name of testicles, compares the form of the uterus to that of a cupping glass, points out the relations of this viscus with the os ilii and the sacrum, and mentions the changes that its orifice experiences during pregnancy. (Ibid., p. 10, sq.) He attributes the prolapsus of the uterus to the separation of its internal membrane (ibid., p. 11); he speaks of the sympathy that exists between it and the mamma (ibid., p. 12), and accurately describes the hymen and the clitoris (ibid., cap. 5, p. 13).

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The members of the college were all either doctors or bachelors of theology. There has been some difference of opinion as to their number in the first instance. Du Boulay, in his Historia Universitatis Parisiensis (History of the Univer sity of Paris), gives it as sixteen; but Ladvocat, himself a professor of the Sorbonne, contends strenuously that the number was larger. The original regulations indicate that the members were more than thirty; but these were not finally settled till the college had been established eighteen years. The members of the college consisted of two classes, socii et hospites,' or fellows and commoners,' and persons of any nation or country were eligible. The socii, if not the hospites, were in holy orders. The hospites were bachelors of the faculty of theology at Paris, and were elected by a majority of the socii, after a triple scrutiny, having previously maintained a thesis called Robertine, after the name of the founder. The hospites were boarded and maintained in the college, and were allowed to study in the library, but they had no voice in the assemblies of its A fragment by Soranus, Пepi Enuμeiwv Karayμárov, De members, and they were obliged to quit it upon taking a Signis Fracturarum, was published by Cocchi, in his Græ doctor's degree. The socii were either bachelors or doccorum Chirurgici Libri, Gr. et Lat., Florent., 1754, fol. tors, were obliged to pass through the same ordeal as the It is also inserted by Jul. Lud. Ideler, in his Medici et hospites, besides having to deliver gratuitously a course of Physici Græci Minores, Berol., 1841, 8vo., Gr. His work lectures on philosophy, and then to be elected by the fellows De Arte Obstetricia Morbisque Mulierum consisted origi- after two additional scrutinies. A bursary of trifling value nally of one hundred and sixty-four chapters, of which was granted from the revenue of the college to those felonly one hundred and twenty-seven remain, which were lows whose yearly revenue, whether arising from private first published, Regim. Pruss, 8vo., 1838, Græcè, from a property or from an ecclesiastical benefice, was under forty manuscript prepared for the press before his death, by the livres of Paris (the livre of Paris was equal to twenty-five late learned professor F. R. Dietz. An anatomical frag-sous, or rather more than a shilling): these bursaries were ment of this work, Hepi Mýrpas kai Tvvaitiov 'Aidoiov, De Utero et Pudendo Muliebri, was published in Greek, together with Rufus Ephesius, Paris, 1554, Svo., and is to be found in Ideler's collection mentioned above. A Latin translation is added to the edition of Oribasius, by Rasarius. There is also a dissertation by H. Häser, De Sorano Ephesio, ejusque Hepi гvvaшεiwv Пaṭūv, Liber nuper reperto, Jenæ, 1840, 4to. Whether the Life of Hippocrates, that goes under the name of Soranus, was written by the author who is the subject of this article, is uncertain; and indeed the writer is not quite sure that all that has been Faid refers to the same individual. The Life of Hippocrates

granted for a limited term, ten years, not for life; and ceased immediately upon the bursar acquiring a private income of forty livres a year: after the decree of the Council of Trent, which required a certain income as a title to priests' orders, they sunk into disuse. At the end of seven years the bursars were strictly examined, and those who were found incapable of serving the public usefully as teachers or preachers, or in some other way were deprived of their bursaries. The fellows who were not bursars (socii non bur sales) paid to the college a sum equal to that which, as bursars, they would have received. Every fellow bore the title of doctor or bachelor of the House and Society of the Sor

bonne; the commoners were doctors or bachelors of the House of the Sorbonne. The whole management of the society, and, so far as appears, its property, were vested in the fellows, among whom there was no gradation of authority; all were equal; there was neither 'Superior' nor Principal;' some distinctions of office and precedence there appear to have been, but no power of one over another; and so strictly was this equality observed, that no regular ecclesiastic could be a fellow, because he was subject to his 'principal' or 'superior; and a fellow entering into any religious order, forfeited his fellowship thereby. The fellowships appear to have been appointments for life. The officers appear to have been elected by the fellows from among themselves; they were the superintendant (proviseur), who was always a man of eminence; the prior, who presided at their assemblies, examinations, &c., and was always chosen from among the bachelor-fellows; the elder (senieur); the professors, the librarian, the conscripteur, the procureurs, &c. There were apartments in the college for thirty-six persons, and latterly thirty-seven. The doctors and bachelors were from the first allowed to receive poor scholars as pupils They taught theology gratuitously, and from 1253 to the suppression of the college there were at least six professors who gave gratuitous instruction in the different branches of theology. The college was from time to time enriched by legacies and denations. Robert de Sorbonne took great pains in the establishment of a library, which became one of the most valuable in France: in 1289-90, when a catalogue was made, it consisted of above a thousand volumes, worth more than 30,000 livres, or 15007., a large sum in those days, and so far increased in 1292, that it became necessary to make out a new catalogue. The accessions between this year and 1338 amounted in value to 3812 livres, or 1907. All the more valuable books were antiently chained to little desks or stands (tablettes), and were arranged according to their subjects. Antient catalogues of the dates of 1289-90 and 1338 were in existence when Ladvocat wrote (A.D. 1760).

The buildings of the college, which are in the south of Paris, near the palace of the Luxembourg, having become much dilapidated, were rebuilt by Cardinal Richelieu, who demolished the college of Calvi in order to build the church. He had engaged to restore this smaller college, but died before he could effect his purpose, and it was never restored. The church itself, after the suppression of the college, was appropriated to other purposes, but has since been restored to its original use as a place of public worship. The other buildings of the college are occupied by the three faculties of theology, science, and literature of the Académie Universitaire of Paris.

The college of the Sorbonne was one of the four constituent parts of the faculty of theology in the university of Paris; and though the least numerous part, yet from the number of eminent men belonging to it, this college frequently gave name to the whole faculty; and graduates of the university of Paris, though not connected with this college, frequently styled themselves doctors or bachelors of the Sorbonne. The high reputation of the college caused it to be continually appealed to for the judgment of its members on questions of theology or morals. One question referred to their decision, illustrative of the character of the age, was the validity of the gift made by Philippe le Bel, king of France, of the heart of his father (Philippe le Hardi) to one of the churches of the Dominicans; and which heart the monks of St. Denis claimed to have interred in their abbey. It was more to the honour of the doctors of the Sorbonne that the first printing-presses in Paris were established in their house. They supported the faction of the Guises in the religious wars of the sixteenth century. (Ladvocat, Dictionnaire Historique; Duvernet, Histoire de la Sorbonne; Biographie Universelle; Dulaure, Histoire de Paris.)

SORBUS, the Linnæan name of a genus of plants, comprising the mountain-ash, rowan-tree, and service tree. It is now made a subgenus of Pyrus. [PYRUS; ROWANTREE.]

SORE CIDÆ, or, more accurately, Soricidæ, Mr. Swainson's name for the family of Shrews or Shrew-mice, genus Sorex of Linnæus.

Mr. Swainson observes, that the Shrew-mice stand at the head of the Sorecida, the second aberrant family of the order Fera, according to his views, and which, he states, corresponds, without any variation, to the INSECTIVORA of Cuvier a name which he says that he would have retained

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for the group, were it not highly expedient to preserve a uniformity of nomenclature throughout the animal kingdom; and he acts upon the rule of naming every family from the typical genus by which it is represented. Mr. Swainson enters among these carnivorous mice, as he terms them, by the genus GYMNURA, which bears the closest affinity to Cladobates [TUPAIA], and also bears a strong resemblance to Didelphys. Cuvier, he remarks, was of the same opinion, and adverted to the affinity of Gymnura with the shrews, as seen in its pointed snout and scaly tail, &c., although he omitted to remark that the stiff setæ, or bristles, interspersed among the woolly hairs of the body, point out another and a very important link of connection, namely, to the Hedgehogs, close to which however he admits that Cuvier arranged that interesting genus.

The Sorecidæ,' says Mr. Swainson, in continuation, and following Cuvier, like the bats, have the grinders furnished with conical points; but they are destitute of wings or lateral membranes, and they possess clavicles: they have no cacum, and they all press the entire sole of the foot on the ground in walking. In their economy they are nocturnal, leading for the most part a subterraneous life, and deriving their principal support from insects: those that are natives of cold countries pass the winter in a lethargic state: their feet are short, and their motions, when on the surface of the earth, slow and feeble.' Mr. Swainson, then, after some remarks tending to show that Cuvier's views indirectly favour the natural analogy which Mr. Swainson holds to exist between the Sorecida, Tarsius, the Glires, and the Vespertilionidæ, each of which, in Mr. Swainson's opinion, truly represents the other in their respective circles, observes, that in the moles there are four large canine teeth, separated from each other, between which are small incisors; an arrangement, he remarks, more in unison with the general dentition of the Quadrumana and the Carnivora.

Mr. Swainson then proceeds to notice the group more particularly, observing, that the genus Gymnura will probably connect the hedgehogs, so well known by their prickly spines, and their remarkable property of rolling themselves up into a ball when disturbed, either with Cladobates, or that the latter may come in between the shrews and the hedgehogs, the former being much the most numerous. These, with but two exceptions, he remarks, one of which is the Sorex Indicus, are peculiar to the European continent. They are remarkable, he observes, for having on each flank, under the ordinary skin, a little band of stiff and close hairs, from which an odoriferous humour can be distilled. They dig holes in the earth, which they seldom quit until the evening, when they search for insects and worms. He then notices the Desmans (Mygale) as being also European animals, and much resembling the shrews, from which they chiefly differ in their teeth. Scalops, in his opinion, seems to represent either these animals, or the moles in the New World. Lastly, he observes, we find in the African CHRYSOCHLORIS a representation of this little group. Macroscelides does not appear to have been known to Mr. Swainson, though the genus was described in the fourth volume of the Zoological Journal,' in 1829; neither does he seem to have been aware of Brandt's description of SOLENODON (1832).

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The second division of the family, according to the same author, is composed of mole-like animals, apparently connected to the shrews by the American Scalops, and the African Crysochloris, and includes three genera, the Tenrecs (Centetes, Ill., Centenes, Desm.) [TENREC], TALPA, and CONDILURA. At the end of the volume, the Family Sorecida is made to contain the Shrews, Moles, and Hedgehogs, with the following character:

Muzzle lengthened, pointed; legs short, feeble; feet pentadactylous; lower incisors generally very long, pointing forwards; no lateral membranes; mamma ventral. The family thus characterized includes the genera Erinaceus, L.; Sorex, L.; Mygale, Geoff.; Scalops, Cuv.; Chrysochloris, Cuv.; Talpa, L.; Centenes, Cuv.; and Condylura, Desm.

The Insectivora of Cuvier consist of the Hedgehogs (Erinaceus); the Tenrecs (Centenes); the Shrews (Sorex and Scalops); the Desmans (Mygale); Chrysochloris; Talpa; and Condilura.

The genus Sorex of Linnæus is placed between Talpa and Erinaceus; and this article will be confined to the true

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