Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Now supposing that M. de Blainville is correct in describing the siphon of Spirula to be solid, and upon that fact his argument against Dr. Buckland's theory mainly rests, we cannot allow the inference, which, from observation of a structure for the attachment of the shell to the body in the dibranchiate Spirula, with an internal small shell, concludes that the same structure ought therefore to exist in the tetrabranchiate Nautilus, with its great external shell, to be very sound. Nor is this the kind of argument for which we should have looked in the writings of so eminent a zoologist and comparative anatomist as M. de Blainville.

The following is the theory of M. de Blainville as far as regards Spirula :

Admitting as beyond doubt that the chambers of the shell of Spirula are empty, or at most filled with an aëriform fluid, which appears to be proved à priori, because in fact one cannot conceive how the water could come there, the chambers being closed on all sides, and à posteriori because they are so, even when separated from the animal, which makes these shells constantly float on the surface of the sea, and equally or as well when they form a part of the whole, as M. de Blainville had satisfied himself by experiment on all the individuals brought home by MM. Leclancher and Robert; it seems to M. de Blainville that the re-entry and the contraction of the whole brachiocephalic mass into the case formed by the mantle, as well as the application of the fins against its walls, will be sufficient, by notably diminishing the volume of the animal without at all changing its mass, to counterbalance or even overcome the specific lightness of the air contained in the chambers of the shell, which will again gain the ascendency, when the volume of the animal shall return to its first disposition by the protrusion and expansion of its head and arms. It is certainly thus that the Limnææ and Planorbes [LIMNEANS], act in order to descend to the bottom of the water, for to rise again to its surface they must resort to creeping along solid immersed bodies. With regard to the Spirule, the kind of natatory bladder formed by the aëriferous chambers of their shell can without doubt elevate them to the surface without effort on their part, according to M. de Blainville, and he is even inclined to think that the size of the chambers is, so to speak, measured by the animal instinctively, so that the extent of the vacant space should always be in proportion to the mass of the animal, and floating must be the result, that is to say, there must be a specific gravity less than that of the ambient medium.

Cette manière de voir, cette explication du fait, pour le dire en passant, ne démontrerait-elle pas mieux la sagesse du grand géomètre,' asks M. de Blainville, 'que tout ce que l'on a dit à ce sujet ?'

To this question, we humbly answer, no. Supposing M. de Blainville's theory to be impregnable, the mechanism by which the Nautilus is proved-we write it advisedly-to ascend and descend, is no worse demonstration of the adaptation of means to an end, to say the least of it, than the mode proposed by M. de Blainville.

proportion. In this position it would execute the greatest parts of its functions and its acts; but in order to withdrav itself from danger, it would have the faculty of changing the relation or proportion of the volume to the mass, and of diving more or less; but perhaps without ever reaching the bottom.

Geographical Distribution.—Widely disseminated in the seas of warm climates. [SPONDYLIDE.]

SPI'SULA, Mr. J. E. Gray's name for a genus of Conchifers, founded on Mactra fregilis, and similar species. Ligament subexternal, marginal, not separate from the cartilage. Posterior lateral teeth double and single.

SPITZBERGEN is a group of islands situated nearer to the arctic pole than any other country on the globe. It lies between 76° 30′ and 80° 30′ N. lat., and between 9° and 22° E. long., and is surrounded by the Arctic Polar Sea, of which that portion which lies west of Spitzbergen is distinguished by the name of the Greenland Sea, because it extends to the eastern coasts of Greenland.

The group consists of three larger and numerous smaller islands which lie about the larger islands. The largest island is on the west, and extends from 76° 30' to 80° N. lat.; it is properly called Spitzbergen, and its most eastern part is called New Friesland. To the east of New Friesland lies North-east Land, which extends from 79° 10′ to 80° 10′ N. lat., and is divided from the larger island by the Henloopen or Waygatz Strait, which is about 70 miles long, and varies in breadth from 4 to 11 miles. East of the main body of Spitzbergen, and south of New Friesland, is Edges Island, which extends from 77° 15′ to 78° 15' N. lat., is separated from New Friesland by a strait called Walter Tymens fiord, or Alderman Freeman's inlet. This strait is somewhat more than 50 miles long, and less than 10 wide. Along the southern coast of Edges Island numerous small islands cover the sea to a distance of 15 miles from the shores, and this group goes by the name of the Thousand Islands. A considerable number of smaller islands are also dispersed over the sea which surrounds North-east Land on the nort and east, in Henloopen Strait, and round the north-western coast of Spitzbergen. In other places along the coast the smaller islands are not numerous, but at the distance of 12 or 15 miles from the western coast of Spitzbergen is Charles Island or Forland, which is about 40 miles long, but only a few miles wide.

Nothing is known of these islands except those parts which are contiguous to the sea, and even the coast is imperfectly laid down in our maps, with the exception of the western coast, which for more than two centuries has been annually visited by many whaling vessels, and thus has gradually become well known, and has been partially surveyed

The west coast of Spitzbergen is mountainous. The mountains generally rise within three miles of the sea, but in several places they commence at the coast. Between the shore and the mountains is a low level tract, rarely more than three miles wide. It is commonly somewhat above the level of high-water mark, but in some places it is below, In fact, continues M. de Blainville, to enable the animal and only prevented from being covered by the sea by a naduring its growth, that is to say, increasing in mass and tural bank of shingle of the height of 10 or 15 feet. The volume, to preserve the faculty of floating at the surface in mountains, which fill the interior of the island, rise, accorda fluid the density of which varies but little, and that by a ing to an estimate, in general to between 3000 and 4000 hydrostatic disposition, without any effort on its own part, feet above the sea-level. Many branches of them run westthere would really be required a very singular combination, ward, and come close to the shore, where the abrupt termiconsisting in this-that the animal could create for itself a nation of the mountain-ridges projects beyond the regular new bubble of air, and that in a determined proportion. line of the coast, and overhangs the ocean. Where these This it seems to effect by advancing its muscle of attach-mountain-ridges occur at no great distances from one anment by a single effort (d'un seul coup) on a quantity of air measured, so to speak, and afterwards limiting this space by an impermeable septum (cloison).

On this supposition, says M. de Blainville, in conclusion, the normal disposition of Spirula would be to float constantly on the surface of the sea, like the Janthine [JANTHINA] and Physsophora [PHYSOGRADA, vol. xviii., p. 137], and equally by the means of an aëriferous float of calculated

In the early part of the memoir, M. de Blainville says of Dr. Buckland's theory: Pour accepter cette nouvelle hypothèse, il faut admettre les points suivants, que M. Kuckland considère, à ce qu'il paroft, comme prouvés: 1. La communication du péricarde avec le siphon. 2. L'existence du siphon membranenx creux et à découvert, dans les loges ou dans les intervalles des cloi


3. L'existence constante d'un liquide dans le péricarde. 4 La pesan teur spécifique de ce liquide, plus grande que celle de l'eau de mer. 5. La vacuité complete, si ce n'est d'air, des loges on chambres de la coquille. Or. de ces différentes theses, il n'y a peut être-that pent-être, like our if is a great peace-maker-que la dernière qui soit complètement hors de doute.'

We do not think that we shall be deemed presumptuous, if we add numbers 1 and 2; and we could say something of the others, but let them pass for the present.

other, the intervening valleys, being of moderate extent, are filled with glaciers, which in several places constitute the very shores of the sea, forming a high perpendicular wall of ice from 100 to 400 feet high. The inland valleys, in all seasons, present a smooth and continuous bed of snow, in some places divided by considerable rivulets, but ia others exhibiting an unbroken surface for many miles in extent.

The southern extremity of Spitzbergen is called Point Look-out, or South Cape: a low flat, about 40 square miles in surface, constitutes the termination of the coast. On the isthmus, which joins this flat tract to the main body rises a mountain-chain, which runs north, and soon attains a considerable elevation, as a large glacier or iceberg lies here along the sea-shore. North of 77° N. lat. is a wide bay, called Horn Sound, near the southern shores of which lies Mount Horn, or Hedge-hog Mount, which has several summits, chiefly in the form of spires, the highest of which is 4395

feet. Horn Sound has tolerable anchorage. A little to the northward of Horn Sound is a glacier of immense extent, occupying 11 miles of the sea-coast. The highest part of the precipitous front adjoining the sea is 400 feet, and it extends backward towards the summit of the mountain to about four times that elevation. Bell Sound, another wide bay, occurs between 77° 35′ and 77° 40′ N. lat., and within it are several anchoring-places. North of 78° is Ice Sound, where good anchorage is found at Green Harbour. That portion of Spitzbergen which is south of 78° 50′ N. lat. consists of groups of isolated mountains, partly disposed in chains, having conical, pyramidical, or ridged summits, sometimes round-backed, frequently terminating in points, and occasionally in acute peaks not unlike spires.

To the north of 78° 50' N. lat. are English Bay, King's Bay, and Cross Bay, in which there is good anchorage. Near the head of King's Bay there are three piles of rocks of a regular form, called the Three Crowns, which resemble the teocallis of the antient Mexicans. They rest on the top of a mountain, and each commences with a square table or horizontal stratum of rock, on the top of which is another of similar form and height, but of smaller area; this is continued by a third and fourth, and so on, each succeeding stratum being less than that immediately below it, until it forms a pyramid of steps, almost as regular as if it were worked by art. North of Cross Bay the mountains are more disposed in chains than farther south. The principal ridge lies nearly north and south, and the main valley extends from the head of Cross Bay to the northern coast, a distance of 40 or 50 miles. An inferior chain of hills, six or nine miles from the coast, runs parallel to the shore, and from this chain several lateral ridges project into the sea, where they terminate in mural precipices. Between those lateral ridges are the Seven Icebergs, each of which is, on an average, about a mile in length, and near 200 feet high near the sea. The higher mountains terminate near 79° 35′ N. lat., and the lower coast, which extends hence to the north, is indented by many small inlets, surrounded by numerous small islands of considerable height. In this part there are several very good harbours and anchorages, both in the inlets and between the islands, as Magdalena Bay, the excellent harbours of Smeeresberg, Fair Haven, Vogel Sang, the Norways, Love Bay, Heckla Cove, in the bay of Treurenburg, on Waygatz Strait, and others.

The centre of Charles Island, which lies opposite the western coast of Spitzbergen, is occupied by a mountainchain about 30 miles in length, rising on the west side from the sea, and on the east from a narrow strip of level ground only a few feet above the sea level. The central part of this chain is perhaps the highest land near the sea. It rises from the water's edge by a continual ascent, at an angle at first of about 30°, and increasing to 45° and more, until it terminates in five distinct summits, of which the highest is 4500 and the lowest 4000 feet above the sea-level.

Along the north shores of Spitzbergen and North-east Land the country is neither so elevated nor are the hills so sharp-pointed as on the west coast. Some of the smaller islands which occur along these shores, and considerable tracts of the mainland, are comparatively level. They also contain much more earth and clay, and the vegetation is rather more vigorous. Along the east coast of North-east Land there is a continuous line of glaciers extending to the shore. We have very little information respecting the eastern and southern coasts of Spitzbergen, as well as those of New Friesland and Edges Island.

Extending to within 10° of the pole, the climate of Spitzbergen is intensely cold. The mean temperature of the three warmest months on the western coast does not exceed 34.50°, and even at that season this part of the island is occasionally subject to a cold of three, four, and more degrees below the freezing-point. In the northern parts the longest day is four months; but from the 22nd of October to the 22nd of February the sun does not rise above the horizon. This long night however is not quite dark, for the sun, even during its greatest south declination, approaches within 13 of the horizon, and causes a faint twilight for about one-fourth part of every twenty-four hours. If we add to this the aurora borealis, which sometimes exhibits a brilliancy approaching to a blaze of fire, the stars, which shine with unusual brightness, and the moon, which in her north declination appears for 12 or 14 days together without setting, we may conceive that during the long night there is generally sufficient light to enable a person to go abroad.

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The winter sets in at the end of September, or beginning of October, with winds from the north, north-north-west, or north-west, or with calms, hard frost, and snow. In the middle of October the frost is sometimes very intense, and it increases rapidly in November. But throughout the whole winter, when strong south winds occur, they are generally accompanied with mild weather, and sometimes with thaw. Storms in this season are so frequent that two-thirds of the weather may be said to be boisterous. The highest winds occur about the time of the equinoxes, and blow most frequently from the south. A great quantity of snow falls every winter, but it accumulates principally in the sheltered glens, lying on the level ground seldom more than five feet deep. Captain Parry however found that the climate of the northern coast is remarkably temperate in summer for the latitude, and very agreeable, but only so near the land, that of the adjacent sea being of a totally different character, owing to the almost continual fogs. In May and June the sea was almost entirely covered with large fields or floes of ice, but in August it was hardly possible to discover a single piece of ice, so great was the change which had been produced by the continual presence of the sun.

The number of species of plants which have been found in Spitzbergen hardly exceeds forty, but vegetation is very rapid. Most of the plants spring up, flower, and produce seed in the course of a month or six weeks. They are of a dwarf size, and the only plant which partakes of the nature of a tree is a Salix herbacea, which grows to the height of three or four inches. The islands do not produce vegetables suitable or sufficient for the nourishment of a single human being.

As only a small part of Spitzbergen has been visited, we know very little of its mineral productions. In some parts of King's Bay a very beautiful marble and coal of good quality are abundant.

The quadrupeds are- -polar foxes, polar bears, and reindeer. The adjacent sea abounds in many species of whales and some other large fish, and for more than two centuries a very advantageous fishery has been carried on. There are also many morses or walrusses, and abundance of seals. Sea-fowl are exceedingly numerous: some of the rocks along the western coast are literally covered with them.

Spitzbergen was discovered in 1596, by Barentz, Hemskerke, and Ryp, in their endeavour to effect a north-east passage to the Indies. It was named by them Spitzbergen (pointed mountains) from the numerous peaks observed on the coast. In 1607 it was visited by Henry Hudson, and four years afterwards the English began to resort to it for the whale fishery. Some sailors were left on these shores by accident on several occasions, and they passed the winter there: in some instances they died of the scurvy, but in other cases they survived and returned home. In 1743 four Russians were left there for six years, and thus the fact was ascertained that human beings could pass the winter in Spitzbergen without injury to their health. Sines that time the Russians have frequently visited these islands. They proceed from Archangel, Mezen, Onega, and Kola, in vessels of 60 to 160 tons, some of which are intended for the summer fishing and others for the winter. The former put to sea in the beginning of June, and return in September; the latter sail about a month later, winter in some of the harbours, and return home in August or September of the following year. They also kill a great number of morses, polar bears, and foxes, and bring home many skins of these animals.

(Scoreby's Account of the Arctic Regions; and Parry's Narrative of an Attempt to reach the North Pole in Boats.) SPIZAËTUS, M. Vieillot's name for a genus of FALCONIDE, placed by Mr. Swainson under the subfamily Buteonine or Buzzards.

Generic Characler.-Form aquiline, with the bill of a buzzard. Bill strong, high, curved from the base, with a prominent festoon. Orbits and lores covered with down and hairs. Wings short. Tarsi moderate, feathered. Inner toe, without the claw, shorter than the outer. Rasorial. (Sw., Mr. G. R. Gray arranges the genus under the subfamily Aquilinæ or Eagles.

SPIZELLA, the name given by the Prince of Canino to a genus of Fringillinæ or Finches.

SPLACHNUM, the name of a genus of cryptogamic plants belonging to the natural family of Mosses. The word is adopted from Dioscorides, who used both orλávov and Boúov to designate the families of lichens and mosses. It is known by its terminal fruit-stalk; single peristome with 8

double teeth; capsule with an evident apophysis, and mitriform, glabrous, furrowless calyptra. They are generally annual plants, and remarkable amongst their tribe for their size and beauty as well as singularity. Seven of the species are British. The most common in England is the Splachnum ampullaceum, purple gland-moss, which is found growing chiefly on rotten cow-dung. The receptacles are obtuse, inversely conical, of a greenish-purple colour, and three times as thick as the capsule.

S. sphæricum, green globular gland-moss, has a green globular receptacle, with ovato-lanceolate, pointed, entire leaves, and a capillary fruit-stalk. It is a native of alpine situations in the north of Europe and Scotland, and is generaily found on cow-dung. It occurs in green tufts, and has elegant slender wavy tawny fruit-stalks from one and a half to three or four inches high.

S. rubrum, red umbrella gland-moss, has an orbicular convex red receptacle, with partially toothed leaves. The fruit-stalks are six inches in length; the receptacle is very conspicuous, being half an inch wide, and having the form of an inverted cup, which is of a rich crimson colour and finely reticulated, making this moss one of the most remarkable and beautiful in the family. It is a native of Norway, Finland, Russia, and Siberia.

SPLEEN (EƊλýv, Lien, Splen). There are few parts of the human body on which more has been written than on the spleen, and none where the result has been more unsatisfactory. The purpose which it serves in the animal economy still remains entirely unknown; and the physiological part of this article must consist of a mere historical recapitulation of the various theories respecting its functions, which have successively been for a time adopted, and have then fallen into oblivion.

The spleen is an organ which is not found in any tribe below the class of fishes. Some animals have two, and this number has not unfrequently been found in man; for, as Haller says (Elem. Physiol., t. vi., p. 388), everything connected with this organ is uncertain and variable. Its form is generally somewhat oval, being smooth and convex on the exterior, where it is in apposition with the diaphragm, and irregularly concave on the opposite side, which is unequally divided into two parts by a transverse slit for the transmission of its vessels. (Quain, Elem. of Anat.) It is for the most part placed in the left hypochondriac region, between the diaphragm and the stomach, and beneath the cartilages of the ribs. (Quain.) It varies so much in size, that it is almost impossible to say what are its normal proportions. (Bichat, Anat. Descr.) It is much enlarged oy disease, as will be hereafter noticed; but in health, takig a general average, its greatest diameter may be said to measure about four inches, its breadth three, and its thickness from two to two and a half; its usual average weight is from eight to ten ounces. It is of a slight spongy consistence (ápaiòs xai σTоуyoεions, Hippocr. De Morb. Mulier, lib. i., tom. ii., p. 683, ed. Kühn), and is at all times easily torn; and in many cases it is found, soon after death, so soft as to be readily broken by a slight pressure, when it appears a grumous, dark, confused mass. Its colour is deeply red, with a tinge of blue, particularly round its margin. It has a peritoneal investment prolonged to it from the stomach, by which, as well as by vessels, it is connected with that organ; but it has also a smooth and fibrous tunic proper to itself, which is so firmly adherent to the serous investment above mentioned, that they cannot be separated except at its concave surface. (Quain.) No organ receives a greater number of blood-vessels in proportion to its size than the spleen; a fact noticed by all anatomists, and the more so because it secretes no fluid of any sort, at least none that has hitherto been discovered. (Bichat.) Almost all the blood that it receives is derived from the splenic artery (Halier, p. 400, 401): this is the largest branch of the coeliac axis, and near the spleen divides into several branches, some of which enter the fissure in that organ, and are distributed to its substance. These are called the rami splenici; they are five or six in number, and vary in length and size. (Quain.) They are the proper terminal branches of the artery, and by infinite ramifications form within the substance of the spleen a capillary system, which probably anastomoses in a direct manner with the capilaries of the veins (Bichat), as is proved by the facility with which injections pass from one to the other. The splenic vein is a vessel of very considerable size compared with the bulk of the organ; and it returns the blood not only from the spleen,


but also from the pancreas, duodenum, the greater part of the stomach and omentum, the left colon, and part of the rectum. It commences by five or six branches, which issue separately from the fissure of the spleen, but soon join to form a single vessel. Its direction is then transverse from left to right, embedded in the substance of the pancreas, in company with the splenic artery, beneath which it is placed. On reaching the front of the spine it joins the superior mesenteric vein nearly at a right angle, from the conflux of which proceeds the vena porte. (Quain) The nerves of the spleen accompany the splenic artery, and are derived from the solar plexus, forming an interlacement called the splenic plexus, previous to their entrance into it. (Ibid.) They are small compared with the size of the organ; and accordingly the spleen has very little sensation, a fact which was noticed as early as the time of Aretæus. (See De Caus. et Sign. Diuturn. Morb., lib. i., cap. 14, p. 111, ed. Kühn; Haller.) Its lymphatic vessels are very numerous; but as no appreciable product is elaborated by this apparatus, it has no excretory duct. (Quain.) The fibrous or proper coat of the spleen sends into its interior a multitude of cellular bands and fibres, which form by their intersections cells of various forms and sizes, and support the soft, pulpy, red tissue of the organ. In the red substance there are in many animals contained whitish round corpuscules, visible to the naked eye, which were first discovered by Malpighi, and of which the existence in the human spleen has been at one time admitted and at another denied. The corpuscules of the human spleen are described by Dupuytren and Assolant as greyish bodies, devoid of internal cavity, and measuring one-fifth of a line to one French line in diameter, and so soft as to take a liquid form when raised on the knife. Meckel describes them as roundish whitish bodies, one-sixth of a line to one line in diameter, most probably hollow, and at all events very soft and very vascular. In the human spleen the Malpighian corpuscules are distinguished with great difficulty. Müller mentions (Elem. of Physiol., by Baly, vol. i., p. 618) having seen them in a spleen which had been macerated. They were very firm, and much smaller than the greyish soft points sometimes seen in eut surfaces of the spleen, which have been described under the name of Malpighian corpuscules, but which are in reality very different from them.

Physiology. Of the functions of the spleen, as was before remarked, we still remain in perfect ignorance. The most antient opinion concerning its use in the animal economy is that which is found in the writings attributed to Hippocrates, and is connected with the famous doctrine of the four humours. The heart,' says the author of the fourth book De Morb. (tom. ii., p. 325, ed. Kühn), is the source of the blood (aipa), the head of the phlegm or pituita (péyua), the spleen of the water (dwp), and the liver of the bile (xoλ)'. This water was attracted by the spleen from the fluids received into the stomach (ibid., p. 333; De Morb. Mul., lib. i., tom. ii., p. 683), and thus the whole of this theory bore a striking resemblance to one of those that have been proposed in quite modern times. In another part of the Hippocratic collection (De Loc. in Hom, tom. ii., p. 130), it is said that those persons whose spleen is large have their body meagre (Conf. Gal., De Natur. Facult., lib. ii., cap. 9, tom. ii., pp. 132, 133), an idea which is found also in Plato (Timaus, cap. 47, ed. Stallb.), and which gave rise to the well-known comparison of Trajan, who said that the imperial treasury was like the spleen, because when that was rich the people were impoverished. (Aurel. Vict, Epit., cap. 42, sec. 21.) Aristotle (De Part. Anim., lib. iii., cap. 7, p. 86), calls the spleen a spurious (vó@ov) liver, to which it is a sort of equipoise (avtiLvyor, ibid., cap. 4, p. 76), says that it is not an organ necessary for all animals (ibid.), and that it assists the liver in performing the functions of digestion (ibid., p. 87, ed. Tauchn.) In another obscure passage (ibid., p. 88), he says that the spleen attracts from the stomach (ccia) the superfluous and excrementitious humours (ixuádag ràç teplotác), and concocts them,' by which he is supposed by Casp. Hofmann (De Liene, cap. 5) to mean the chyle. It is surprising that so eminent an anatomist as Erasistratus, while confessing that nature does nothing without a reason (Gal., De Usu Part., lib. iv., cap. 15, tom. iii., p. 315; id., Comment, in Hippocr. De Alim.,' sec. 14, tom. xv., p. 308), should nevertheless consider the spleen to be a useless organ (Gal., ibid.; id., De Atra Bile, cap. 7, tom. v., p. 131; id, De Natur. Facult., lib. ii., cap. 4, 9, tom. ii., pp. 91, 131, sq.),

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an opinion adopted also by Rufus Ephesius (De Appellat. | ginary. Müller, one of the latest and ablest writers on Part. Corp. Hum., p. 59, ed. Clinch), and apparently by physiology, confesses (Elem. of Physiol., by Baly, 1840) that Pliny, who says (Hist. Nat., lib. xi., cap. 80), that runners we are quite ignorant of the office of the spleen. We used to have their spleen removed in order to increase their merely know,' says he, that its importance in the economy speed. The followers of Erasistratus dissented from this is not great, as the experiments of numerous observers opinion of their master, and said that the spleen first pre- have shown that it may be extirpated without any remarkpared the chyle (xvuòv) for the liver afterwards to turn into able ill consequence.' Dupuytren observed increased vorablood. (Gal., De Atru Bile, loco cit.) The opinion of city in dogs after the operation. Mayer (Med. Chirurg. Galen, which had more supporters than any of the others, Zeit., 1815, 3 bd., 189) states that the lymphatic glands was, that the humour called black bile (xoλǹ péλaiva) is become enlarged, but this is certainly not a constant effect. secreted by the spleen, in the same way as the yellow bile| It has been said by others that the secretion of urine be(xon Eaven) is secreted by the liver (De Loc. Affect., lib. comes more abundant, but Tiedemann and Gmelin (Vervi., cap. 1, tom. viiii., p. 377, 378; Comment. in Hippocr. suche über die Wege, &c., p. 105; Recherches sur l'Ab'De Humor.,' lib. iii., sec. 4, tom. xvi., p. 367; De Atra Bile sorption, transl. by Heller) deny that such is always the passim, tom. v., p. 104, sq.; et alibi); and it was from case. Mead and Mayer had noticed signs of imperfect dithe supposed accumulation of this humour that persons gestion after the removal of the spleen; and some writers afflicted with melancholy were believed to suffer. Aretaeus have stated that the bile becomes very bitter and dark(De Caus. et Sign. Diuturn. Morb., lib. i., cap. 15, p. 114, coloured, both of which the Heidelberg professors likewise ed. Kühn) says that the spleen is nourished by black deny to be constant phenomena. The refutation of the blood, of which it is the receptacle ikμaytiov), and that hypotheses proposed to explain the use of the spleen' (conwhen it is diseased this fluid is not elaborated by it, but is tinues Müller) will not occupy us long; for they either taken into the general circulation. Serenus Samonicus rest on wholly incorrect premises, or they are such as can (De Medic., v., 430, sq.) seems to consider the spleen as the neither be proved nor disproved. All the theories which organ of mirth, and that after its removal a person never regard the spleen as essentially connected in its function laughed. (Conf. Pers., Sat. 1, v. 12; Lactant., Div. Instit., with the liver can be shown to be fallacious. Döllinger lib. vi., cap. 15; id. De Opif. Dei, c. 14): supposes the spleen to be formed merely for the sake of symmetry, to be the fellow of the liver-the rudimentary liver, as it were, of the left side' (an opinion formerly held by Aristotle, as has been noticed); but,' says Müller, the liver is originally symmetrical, and the spleen is also developed in the middle line. No greater value can be accorded to the circumstance that the splenic veins join the vena portac, and to the hypothesis, thence deduced, that the spleen prepares the blood for the secretion of the bile; for in this respect it does not differ from all the chylopoetic viscera, nor even from the inferior extremities in the lower vertebrata, and the generative organs and air-bladder of fishes.' (Froriep's Not., 615.)

Splen tumidus nocet, et risum tamen addit ineptum,
Ut mihi Sardois videatur proximus herbis,
Irrita quæ miseris permiscent gaudia fatis.
Dicitur exsectus faciles auferre cachinnos,
Perpetuoque aevo frontem praestare severam,"

The same idea is found also in Pliny (Hist. Nat., lib. ii.,
cap. 80), who however does not state it on his own authority,
and seems hardly to believe it. It seems at first sight
strange that as the organ was considered to be the seat of
mirth and laughter, the words spleen, spleenful, splenetic,
&c. should be commonly used in the present day to signify
exactly the contrary state of mind. It has probably arisen,
1st, from the spleen having been supposed to secrete the
black bile, pilawa xodń, whence the word melancholy is
derived; and, 2nd, from its having been considered as one
of the causes of melancholy when he doth not his duty in
purging the liver as he ought, being too great or too little,
in drawing too much blood sometimes to it, and not expell-
ing it.' (See Burton's Anat. of Melanch., part 1, sec. 2,
inem. 5, sec. 4, and elsewhere.) Oribasius follows Galen's
doctrine (Collect. Medic., lib. xxiv., cap. 26, p. 540, ed. H.
Steph.), as does also Alexander Trallianus (De Arte Med.,
lib. viii., cap. 12, p. 268, ed. H. Steph.), Paulus Ægineta
(De Re Med., lib. iii., cap. 49), Joannes Actuarius (De
Urin. Differ., cap. 4, p. 34, ed. H. Steph.), and Haly Abbas |
(Lib. Reg. Theor., lib. iii., cap. 29). Theophilus Protospa-
tharius (De Corp. Hum. Fabr., lib. ii., cap. 12) and Mele-
tius (De Nat. Hom., cap. 20) also agree with Galen con-
cerning the functions of the spleen, and add, that it gives
tone to the stomach, excites its appetite for food, and assists
the digestion. Theophilus also mentions the warmth which
it imparts to the stomach (ibid., c. 4). According to Avi-
cenna, the spleen assists the stomach in the process of di-
gestion, by the warmth which it imparts, and which it derives
not from its own substance, but from the numerous veins
and arteries that it contains. (Canon., lib. i., fen. i., tom. i.,
p. 28, ed. Venet., 1564.) Hofman mentions that some of
the other Arabic writers considered the office of the spleen
to be to cool and refresh the heart. In other antient
writers (as, for example, St. Ambrose, Hexaem., lib. vi.,
sec. 71), we find a slight modification of Galen's opinion,
viz., that the spleen is placed near the liver in order to draw
a way the useless part of the aliment, and so, after retaining
that which is necessary for its own support, transfer the
purified and subtle remainder through the liver to the
blood. (Compare Theodoret, De Provid., lib. iii., tom. iv.,
D. 517, ed. Schultze.)

Some physiologists imagine, without any reason, that the spleen may exert a deoxidising influence on the blood; others again believe that it favours the secretion of the gastric juice, because, they say, it receives less blood at the time that the stomach is full, which is at least doubtful; while others, as Lieutand and Moreschi, regard it as a reservoir of blood for the stomach, supposing that the stomach, when distended with food, may attract more blood to itself, or may press on the splenic artery so as to diminish the quantity of blood sent at that time to the spleen. Dobson's hypothesis (London Med. Phys. Journal, Oct., 1820) is very similar: he states that he has found the spleen to have its maximum volume at the time when the process of chymification is at an end, viz., five hours after food is taken; and to be small and contain little blood seven hours later, no food having been taken in the interval: hence he inferred that the spleen is the receptacle for the increased quantity of blood which the system acquires from the food, and which cannot, without danger, be admitted into the blood-vessels generally, and that it regains its previous dimensions after the volume of the circulating fluid has been reduced by secretion. The premises of this theory,' says Müller, 'do not appear to me to be sufficiently proved. Dobson repeated Magendie's experiment of injecting fluids into the veins of an animal, and, he says, with the same result with regard to the spleen, viz. the increase of its size. The assertion of Defermon (Nouv. Biblioth. Méd., Mars, 1824; Froriep's Not., 148) that the spleen undergoes changes of volume when certain substances are taken into the system (e.g. that it becomes smaller under the influence of strychnine, camphor, and muriate of morphia), appears to me likewise to require confirmation.' Sir Everard Home (Philos. Trans., 1808, p. 45, &c. and p. 133, &c.) revived the old theory of Hippocrates, and made the spleen to receive a great portion of our drink from the cardiac extremity of the stomach, so Various other more modern hypotheses on this subject that the fluids passed through some short passage, hitherto are enumerated by Haller (Elem. Physiol., loco cit.), as, for unknown, from the stomach to the spleen, and thence into example, that it secretes a fluid which enters the stomach, the mass of the blood. (Blumenb., Physiol.) He supposed or which is absorbed by the nerves, or which lubricates the that the spleen served as a reservoir or receptacle for any joints, or which is an inferior sort of chyle. Of all these fluid that is received into the stomach, more than what is theories however, and of many others that might be sufficient for the purposes of digestion; that this excess of mentioned, part are entirely destitute of anything like fluid is not carried off by the intestines, but is transmitted proof, and others are contradicted by experiments, which, directly to the spleen by the communicating vessels, and is if they have not assisted in determining what is the office of lodged there until it is gradually removed, partly by the this organ, have at least decisively proved that most of the veins and partly by the absorbents. He illustrated his uses hitherto assigned to it are wholly fauciful and ima-opinion by numerous experiments upon living animals, in


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and 2nd, The liability of the circulating system to hæmor
rhage during the presence of splenic disease. These cir-
cumstances have been long known, and the explanation of
them which physiology suggests appears both simple and
satisfactory. (Gregory, Theory and Practice of Medicine.)
Pathology, &c.-The opinions of the antients respecting
the diseases of the spleen, and the curative means to be em-
ployed, are thus summed up by Mr. Adams, in the notes to
his 'Translation of Paulus Ægineta' (book iii., chap. 49).
Hippocrates describes several diseases of the spleen in his
work De Internis Affectionibus (tom. ü., p. 483, sq.). He
states that in scirrhus the spleen is sometimes larger and
sometimes smaller than natural. It is an affection which con-
tinues long, but is not fatal. Sometimes, he says, it terminates
in dropsy, and sometimes in suppuration, when he approves
of burning the side. He also recommends diuretics and purg-
ing with hellebore. Aretaeus remarks (De Caus. et Sign.
Diuturn. Morb., lib. i., cap. 14, p. 110, sq.; id., De Curat.
Morb. Diuturn., lib. i., cap. 14, p. 328) correctly that the
spleen is very subject to scirrhus, but little so to suppura-
tion. Scirrhus, he says, is removed with difficulty. (Com-
pare Leo, Conspect, Medic,, lib. v., cap. 22, ap. Ermerins,
Anecd. Med. Gr., Lugd. Bat., 1840.) For scirrhous en-
largement of the spleen Celsus recommends (De Medic
lib. iv., cap. 9, p. 198, ed. Argent.) unction, friction, and
sudorifics. He directs to avoid all sweet things, milk, and
cheese. He approves of pickled and salted things, acids, the
vinegar of squills, a decoction of wormwood, and water in
which a red-hot iron has been extinguished. Emollient
ointments are to be applied externally. Cœlius Aurelianus
says (De Morb. Chron, lib. iii, cap. 4, p. 453, ed. Amman.)
that some had directed to cut out the spleen when it is
much diseased; but he held the proposal as mere words of
course, and believes that the operation had never been per-
formed. Octavius Horatianus recommends (Rer. Medic.,
lib. ii., cap. 28, ed. Basil.) as general remedies for complaints
of the spleen, bleeding, purging, and fomentations with wool
soaked in equal parts of oil and vinegar. When it becomes
indurated, he approves of vinegar of squills, friction, gesta-
tion, dropaces, salt-baths, &c. Most of the remedies recom-
mended by Paulus Ægineta are taken from Galen, who
treats fully and scientifically of diseases of the spleen. He
states, as a general principle of treatment, that the proper
medicines in cases of indurated spleen are such as are of an
He therefore approves of

which coloured infusions were injected into the stomach, |
and were afterwards discovered in the spleen, while it ap-
peared that they had not passed through the absorbents of
the stomach. (Bostock, Physiol.) This idea however he
subsequently abandoned. Tiedemann and Gmelin represent
the structure of the spleen as essentially resembling that of
the lymphatic glands, and regard it as an organ which is
merely an appendage to the absorbent system. They be-
lieve that its specific function is to secrete from the blood a
reddish fluid that has the property of coagulating, is carried
to the thoracic duct, and, being there united with the
chyle, changes it into blood. The facts elucidated by the
experiments of these physiologists,' says Mr. Cooper (Good's
Study of Med., vol. i.), are of great value; but it must be
confessed that their hypothesis relative to the spleen being
an essential organ of sanguification, is seriously shaken by
the facts that a vast difference really exists between the
structure of the spleen and that of an absorbent gland; that
the chyle does not invariably exhibit a reddish hue; and
that the absence or removal of the spleen may happen, not
only without fatal effects, but even without much subsequent
disturbance of the animal economy.' Mr. Hewson (Expe-
rimental Inquiries, chap. ii., p. 45, &c., 95, &c.) supposed
that it was the office of the spleen, as well as of the lym-
phatic glands and thymus body, to secrete from arterial
blood a fluid, which, mixed with lymph, should give rise to
the formation of red blood particles. This however,' says
Müller, cannot be true; for the red particles are formed
equally well after the extirpation of the spleen. The red-
dish colour of the lymph of this organ, observed by Hewson,
Tiedemann, and Folmann, is not constant. Mayer has
asserted that the spleen is reproduced after extirpation. He
says that after the lapse of some years he has found in ru-
minating animals, in the place of the spleen, which had been
removed, a body of the size of a lymphatic gland. This would
be an interesting fact if it could be satisfactorily proved, which
however is scarcely possible, as animals often have small ac-
cessory spleens (spleniculi), and besides in the operation of
extirpation a small portion of the organ might be left be-
hind in the body. The presence or absence of the bunches
of white corpuscules, above described, might aid in deter-
mining whether any substance were really spleen or not.
The blood of the splenic vein, according to Tiedemann and
Gmelin, does not differ from other venous blood; they saw
it coagulate like the blood of other organs. The older phy-incisive and attenuant nature.
siologists however, and more recently Authienreth (Phy-
siologie, ii. 77), maintain that the blood has peculiar cha-
racters. Schultz (Rust's Magazine, 1835, 327) also found
the blood of the vena portae of a darker tint than any other
venous blood, and the dark colour was most evident in ani-
mals which were fasting. Neither neutral salts nor the
action of the air had the effect of rendering it of a brighter
red colour; its coagulum was less firm than that of other
blood, and it contained less fibrin and albumen, but more
fatty matter.' Müller's own idea of the function of the
spleen is as follows:--It probably consists,' says he, in the
production of some change of unknown nature in the blood
which circulates through its tissues, and in thus contributing
o the process of sanguification; or in the secretion of a
lymph of peculiar nature, which, being mixed with the con-
tents of the lymphatic and lacteal system coming from other
parts, tends to perfect the formation of the chyle. There
are no other ways than the lymphatics and veins by which
any animal matter, modified by the action of the spleen, can
be conveyed away from it. Tiedemann believes that the
lymphatics perform this office, but whether he is correct or
not is quite uncertain, and the nature of the change which
the animal matter is supposed to undergo in the spleen is still
less known. Perhaps the most plausible opinion on this
subject is that the spleen is a sort of safety-valve to the
vascular system, calculated to receive a large quantity of
blood at a moment when over-distention would cause disease
or death, the rupture of a blood-vessel, or even of the heart
itself. This might happen, either when the cutaneous circu-
lation is repressed by extreme cold applied to the surface, or
during the cold stage of intermittent or remittent fevers;
also in the case of running, nard riding, violent laughing,
or any tumultuous agitation of the mind. The cellular
structure of the spleen, and the large size of the artery
which supplies it with blood, correspond perfectly with this
hypothetical view of its function. From these observations
may be deduced a ready explanation of the two principal
facts in the pathology of splenie diseases: 1st, Their connec-
tion with intermittent fevers, and dependence upon malaria;'

the mixture of bitter with austere things (De Meth. Med.,
lib. xiii., cap. 16 sq., tom. x., p. 916, sq.). Alexander Tralli-
anus forbids (De Re Med., lib. viii., cap. 10, sq., p. 472, sq.,
ed. Basil.) strong purging at the beginning of an inflamma-
tion either of the liver or spleen. The Arabians treat of
these affections similarly to the Greeks. Haly Abbas re-
marks (Lib. Reg. Theor., lib. ix., cap. 32; Pract., lib. vii,
cap. 40.) that the spleen can bear much stronger medicines
than the liver, and recommends in the indolent diseases of
it various bitter and very acid medicines. In inflammation
he very properly bleeds. These are his general principles
of treatment, the details of which he explains at great
length. Avicenna (Canon, lib. iii, fen. 15, tract 1, sq.) and
Alsaharavius (Pract., tract 19, ed. Aug. Vindel.) treat of
these diseases more minutely than any other of the antient
authorities. Rhazes recommends (Almuns, lib, ix., cap. 70)
carael's milk in cases of indurated spleen. He joins Ar-
chigenes (apud Galen, De Compos. Medicam Secundum
Loco, lib. ix., cap. 2, tom xiii., p. 256) in directing the ap-
plication of sinapisms and leeches to the side.

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The diseases of the spleen do not appear to have been much studied in this country, because they do not very frequently occur; they are however by no means of unusual occurrence in moist climates, whether warm or temperate, as Italy, Holland, South America, and some parts of India; in fact wherever malaria exits. The spleen is liable to many sorts of disease: Dr. Bigsby (Cyclop. of Pract. Med.) enumerates as many as ten, but of these only the most important can be here noticed. Splenitis*, or inflammation of the spleen, may be either acute or chronic; though Dr. Baillie remarks that this organ is much less subject to inflammation than many other of the abdominal viscera. (Posthumous Lectures and Observations on Medicine, 1825, unpublished.) Acute inflammation of the

It should be mentioned that this term is used in its common acceptation.

not in its classical sense, In the antient Greek authors this word, like hepati
tis, only occurs (as far as the writer is aware) as an adjective joined with
Xe to signify the splenic vein; the term applied to persons affected with
Corp. Hum., p. 41, ed. Clinch.)
disease of the spleen was σπλŋvikóc. (See Rufus Ephes., De Appellat Part.

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