Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
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produced by the address that day-a conviction of the downright honesty and sincerity of the speaker, a confidence in his integrity and unflinching firmness, and a persuasion that his talents would ever be exercised on the side of virtue, religion, truth, and public order.

And this methought is the best solution of the problem, "How the high spirit of other days, if sanctified by the grace of God, would now manifest itself. This is what best illustrates noble descent. This is the best exponent of chivalrous spirit which animated the chiefs of old.

the man. Indeed, so easy and unaffected and unpretending was his whole manner and deportment, that it threw you off your guard. He inade you forget the rank, in the man. The first impression he left on me (whether I was right or wrong in my conclusions I cannot certainly say)-the first impression left on me was, that he seemed like one who had resolved that he would owe nothing of the influence he might acquire to the accessories of rank or name or position, but that whatever impressions he might make should be owing to superiority of mind, intellect, and personal character; that, if he were to excel any others, it Beautiful and attractive is nobility of mind should be simply because he was superior to them when it displays itself by the ardour and fearlessness in intellect, in integrity, in purity of principle with which it espouses the cause of God and of and conduct, in moral courage, in lofty and truth. Go on in thy path and prosper. Leave generous thought and feeling. O proud dis- to others to shine in the scene of selfishness and tinction of nobility! He looked, to me, like one vanity and frivolity. Let thy example proclaim who would not stoop to accept of any conventional the man of high birth to be the man of sterling homage which might be conceded to him on worth and virtue, the friend of purity and truth. account of his high rank; but who, on the con- Be it thy praise that the selfish, the vain, the trary, seemed to rather take pleasure in laying heartless, the ungodly, the immoral, shall never aside his coronet, in descending from the lofty have it in their power to quote thee for their platform which his rank entitled him to occupy, model. But be it thy ambition to be quoted as an and in mingling with others, foot to foot, in this example of virtue, integrity, firmness, industry, noble arena of intellectual conflict. This be ac- and moral courage. This is the best reflection of complished so successfully that he made you forget the spirit which made the name thou bearest a the nobleman in the man; and, in truth, I had not distinguished one. This is the best way to honour myself listened to him many moments, when every that name, and to show how the high and chivalother thought was absorbed in one of admiration rous spirit of the men of former times would (I had almost said of envy) of the skill and dex-display itself, if that spirit were sanctified and enterity and workmanlike (2 Tim. ii. 15) manner in listed on the side of "him who is the Head of all which he handled his subject, and arranged and principalities and powers." gave point to the bold and almost daring thoughts to which he was giving such forcible utterance. All made me think only of the scholar, the man of study, the man of laborious thought, of lofty and generous enthusiasm. As I listened to that eloquence, manly, nervous, chaste, rapid, delivered with unaffected ease, I thought to myself, "This is the man who has the boldness to think for himself. These are the thoughts and words of one who boldly and fearlessly throws himself into his subject; who disdains to follow in the wake of another, or to repeat mere common-places, though of the most approved stamp and order. It was plain that one object absorbed him: he spoke from conviction. His aim was to convince others. His object was to serve the cause that he had taken in band. The mind was bent upon it: the heart was full, the thoughts were clear, the tongue eloquent, the words rapid and copious. It was his evident sincerity and boldness which struck me most. None could hear him without being satisfied of the high and intrepid spirit of the man. I could read all generous and noble and daring thoughts in that clear, intelligent, expressive eye. saw, or thought I saw, in him that stood before me the stamp of the mild yet firm resolve, the generous, the lofty, and the noble aspirations. I could discern nothing indicative of the artful, self-interested, temporizing politician. I saw the man that would never servilely follow in the wake of others, but would boldly take his stand in the fore-front. I observed also the shrewdness of the man who knew the true worth of popular applause; who would accept it if it came to him in the right, the fair, the direct path; but who would never stoop to any questionable acts to obtain it. There was but one feeling, I believe,



IF you would wish to ascertain whether a person whom you may have discovered in a helpless state is alive or dead, would you not immediately listen attentively whether he breathes, as conclusive evidence in that case of his being alive? And did not the Lord, after Paul's conversion had taken place, assign, as a certain proof of the reality of his having passed from death unto life, "Behold, he prayeth"? Now, do we not learn from this circumstance that prayer is as much the breath and evidence of the life of our Christian state, as the breath of the body is of its life?

What other conclusion, then, can we come to, of the state of those who live without prayer, than that they are dead in the sight of God as to their spiritual state? forgetting, as they do, that God is a Spirit, and must be worshipped in spirit and in truth. But, when we speak of worshipping God in spirit and in truth, we must remember that to draw nigh to him with the lips, whilst the heart is far from him, is not prayer; and that the only prayer which is acceptable to God is fervent prayer, proceeding from the heart, from a sense of our sinfulness and need of forgiveness, and of God's mercy in providing a way of reconciliation to himself, through the merits and intercession of his dear Son Jesus Christ, in whose name our prayers must be offered in order to find acceptance with him.

The importance of private prayer cannot be over-estimated. It has been well remarked that a Christian grows most in his closet; but, if we

are Christians indeed, we shall worship God also in our families, as well as in his house of prayer. These ought we to do, and not to leave the other undone. Perhaps there is not a surer sign of the low state of religion in a family than in the neglect of family worship. The word of God speaks of the whole family of heaven and earth, as if comprising one body of Christians; but can it be supposed that those who do not worship God in their families can be comprehended amongst the happy number above described? Surely we need only to ask ourselves whether is of the greater value, the bodies which are so cared for in families, or the souls which are often so sadly neglected? And we must come to the conclusion that those heads of families, who provide for the former to the neglect of the latter, are, to all intents and purposes, starving the souls of those whose spiritual welfare they are bound especially to care for. And can it, then, be said that such heads of families are not disregarding a paramount duty, when they neglect family worship? What says the word of God in this respect?" Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name" (Jer. x. 25).

One object of the writer is to warn parents that, unless they are fellow-worshippers with their children on earth, they have no right to expect to unite with them in singing the praises of their Redeemer in heaven, and to have the blessedness of exclaiming, "Here am I, and the children which thou, O God, hast given to me."

Suppose that God Almighty should send forth his destroying angel to slay the first-born of all the families who call not upon his name in family worship, what lamentations would proceed from numbers of professed Christians who neglect this important duty! And may it not be said that the heads of such families expose themselves to a still more fearful doom than the slaying of their perishing bodies, even the destruction of their never-dying souls, by neglecting family worship? God grant that every head of a family now living ir. the neglect of family prayer may, on reading what is here said, come to the resolution, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

The Cabinet.

G. H.

LOVE TO GOD.-As his supreme excellence can admit of no equal, so neither will his love allow of any rival. To love any creature whatever before God, is to deify that creature; for, whatever we love most, that becomes our god. God only is "lovely:" he is love itself; and nothing can be a greater or more fatal error, than to mistake the object of love, and prefer the creature, which is a thing of nought, before the Creator, who is "over all, God blessed for ever." It is therefore a most kind admonition as well as command: "Thou shalt have none other gods before me." As much as to say, "In all thy wants and difficulties, and in all thy dangers and distresses, come to 'me:' thou shalt have no other helper or defender, no other guide or director, no other comforter, no other friend, For I am all in all;' and all without me is empty, delusive, and vain." To have our hearts filled with thanksgiving and praise, devotion, and love, to set our affections on things above, not on

but me.

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things on the earth, to delight in the presence, and ardently desire the fruition of God, is that holy love which is here commanded; and every thing that is contrary to or falls short of this is the evil we ought to eschew, and is forbidden in his law.-Wogan. CAVILLING. O take heed of a cavilling spirit in matters of God: they that will not believe shall not understand. The gospel that is all light to the saints is all darkness to the cavillers-as the pillar in the wilderness; it was light to the Israelites, but to the Egyptians darkness.-Brownrig.

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(For the Church of England Magazine.)

SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. "Awake, awake, Deborah ! utter a song. Arise, Barak! and lead thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam."— JUDGES V. 12. (First lesson for the evening service).

WAKE the song of Deborah!
Son of Abinoam, arise!
Sing the triumphs of the Lord,
Shout his praises to the skies!

Wondrous things for Israel

Hath his holy arm achieved.
Great and sore their troubles were,
Till his mighty hand relieved.
Not by human power or might

Was the man of war o'ercome;
But by woman's feeble hand,
Slain within her cottage home.
So let all thy stubborn foes

Perish, Lord, before thy sight:
Let thy friends be as the sun,
When he travels in his might.

Jesus is our glorious chief;

He has trod the press alone, Overcome the world for us,

From the grave has rolled the stone.

Greater gifts than Sisera,

Jesus liveth to impart :

From the prey he nobly won
Spoils which satisfy the heart.

And he cometh yet again,

Evermore to make us blestLo his saints, in solemn train, Wait for their predicted rest.

O my anxious soul, look forth;

Light across the darkness steals; Thro' the lattice lift the cry,

66 Why delay his chariot wheels?"

HUGHES, 12, Ave-Maria Lane, St. Paul's; and to be London: Published for the Proprietors, by JOHN procured, by order, of all Booksellers in Town and Country.


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(Died 1644, aged 52.)

He was the author of "Emblems," and of other works in poetry and prose, of a moral and religious kind. He was appointed under-secretary to archbishop Usher, in Ireland, from which country he was driven, with the loss of nearly all his property, by the rebellion of 1641; and during the civil wars in England the remainder of his property, with his books and manuscripts, became sequestrated.

As gold is purified by the fire, so were all his Christian virtues more refined and remarkable during the time of his sickness. His patience was wonderful, insomuch that he would confess no pain even then when all his friends perceived his disease to be mortal, but still rendered thanks From "Last Hours of Christian Men; or an Account of the Deaths of some eminent Members of the Church of England;" by the rev. H. Clissold, M.A. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.

No. 950.

to God for his especial love to him, in taking him into his own hands to chastise, while others were exposed to the fury of their enemies, the power of pistols, and the trampling of horses. He expressed great sorrow for his sins; and, when it was told him that his friends conceived he did thereby much harm to himself, he answered,

they were not his friends that would not give his friends that came to visit him were most dihim leave to be penitent." His exhortations to vine, wishing them to have a care of the expense of their time, and every day to call themselves to an account, so that when they came to their bed heart. And doubtless such an one was his, insoof sickness they might lie upon it with a rejoicing much that he thanked God that, whereas be might justly have expected that his "conscience should look him in the face like a lion," it rather looked upon him "like a lamb;" and that God had forgiven him his sins, and sealed his pardon; and many other heavenly expressions to the like effect. I might here add what blessed advice he gave in particular to her about to become a widow, still to trust in God, whose promise is to provide for the widow and the fatherless, &c.

His charity in freely forgiving his greatest ene

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mies was equally Christian-like; and, when he heard that the individual whose vindictive conduct towards him had been the chief cause of his illness, " was called to an account for it," his answer was, "God forbid I seek not revenge: I freely forgive him and the rest.”

The remainder of his time was occupied in contemplation of God and meditations upon the holy scripture, especially upon Christ's sufferings, and what a benefit those have that by faith could lay hold on him, and what virtue there was in the least drop of his precious blood; intermingling here and there many devout prayers and ejaculations, which continued with him as long as his speech, and after, as could be perceived by some imperfect expressions, at which time a friend of his exhorting him to apply himself to finish his course here, and prepare himself for the world to come, he spake in Latin to this effect: "O sweet Saviour of the world, let thy last words upon the cross be my last words in the world. Into thy hands, Lord, I commend my spirit; and, what I cannot utter with my mouth, accept from my heart and soul;" which words being uttered distinctly to the understanding of his friend, he fell again into his former contemplations and prayers, and so quietly gave up his soul to God, the 8th day of September, 1644, after he had lived fifty-two years, and lieth buried in the parish church of St. Leonard's, in Foster-lane.

Francis Quarles in his religious principles was firmly attached to the church of England; and, when dying, he requested his friends that they would make it universally known that, as he was trained up and lived in the true protestant religion, so in that religion he died”*.


Reflection: It has been said truly, and agreeably with all men's experience, that, if Christians excelled in no other privilege, yet far happier are they than other men, for that their hopes are always better.



"If we direct our life by Christian love and charity, then Christ doth promise and assure us that we be the children of our heavenly Father, reconciled to his favour, very members of Christ" (Homily VI., of Christian Love and Charity). REGIMENTAL EDUCATION.--“The British army

a more perfect epitome of religious England, Scotland, and Ireland, than in a regiment of the line. Indeed, if there be any difference between the religious condition of a regiment and that of a civil community of similar magnitude, the bias is against the regiment. There is a larger proportion of Roman catholics in our service than you will find anywhere out of Ireland; indeed the balance of numbers may be said upon the whole to agree very nearly with that presented by the population of the three kingdoms: about one-fourth of our soldiers are Romanists, and of the remaining three-fourths, one, if not more, belongs in part to the church of Scotland, and in part to other denominations not in conformity with the church of England. To introduce into a body so con stituted an educational system, which without putting in abeyance religious instruction, should yet deal with it in such a manner as to gratify al without offending the prejudices of any, was a undertaking from which timid or bigoted theorists would have shrunk. For they greatly mistake the construction of the army who suppose that you can control the religious opinions and prac tices of the man by the word of command. The soldier is quite as sensitive on this head as the civilian; and the authorities, civil and military, under whom he acts, pay (as they ought to do, the utmost deference to his prejudices. Divine worship our men are indeed required to attend. we trust the time will never come when such a regulation shall be dispensed with; but they are at perfect liberty to choose the particular forms under which they shall worship their Maker, and branch off any Sunday into parties, according as they happen to be churchmen, Roman catholics, or protestant nonconformists. You could not force sectarian teaching of any kind, or in any place, upon men so circumstanced, or upon their children. Yet the men themselves would reject any system of education which was avowedly divorced from religious instruction. What has been done? That which we are satisfied might be done in every town, district, and parish throughout the kingdom. The business of the school, we mean of the chi dren's school, opens every morning, in barracks, ut a quarter before nine o'clock, with prayer. The may occupy perhaps five minutes; after which the trained master reads to his scholars, collected to gether, a portion of scripture, and explains it i its grammatical and historical bearing; deducing from the whole such a lesson in moral and reli

gious truth as it seems to convey. He touches, in so doing, upon no topic of sectarian controversy. speak, without casting about for inferences which He has been trained to speak as the scriptures lie beneath the surface. He tells how men were created, how they fell, how the work of redemp tion was prepared and consummated, and illustrates the moral and religious duties of the present gene

is composed of men taken generally from the lower orders of society. With few exceptions, our recruits are composed of agricultural labourers, and operatives out of work; to whom may be added a small sprinkling of tapsters, clerks, scriveners, serving-men, and broken-down young gentlemen. They come to us from all parts of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and profess as many forms of Christianity as are to be found among the five-and-ration, by referring to the virtues and the vices of twenty millions of human beings which together make up the sum of the population of the United Kingdom. After four or five years' service, a large proportion of them marry ; and their children are of course brought up in the religious opinions of their parents. So that, upon the whole, you could not find gathered together in any one place

* Church of England Magazine, vol, iv. pp. 71, 72.

portunity, whether he be giving a lesson in his scriptural character. Moreover, he omits no op tory, in geography, or in natural science, of dithe wisdom, the justice, and the goodness of God; recting the attention of his scholars to the power, and it is fair to our grown-up men to state that they receive such allusions, as often as they occur. quite as submissively and thankfully as the children. But beyond this the schoolmaster is

strictly forbidden to go. To the clergymen or ministers who have charge of the troops is committed the care of seeing that the lambs of their respective flocks are fed on such crumbs of doctrine as appear to them necessary for edification" (Edinburgh Review, April, 1852).

His age was 18 years. He never had been at any school. A more grossly ignorant person I think it would be impossible to find in this country. His notion of right and wrong was that so long as he obtained a living by any means he was quite justified, as long as he did not commit murder: he looked upon that as a grave crime. As there was no hope of his becoming a better member of society but by taking him into the institution, I made him an offer, which he accepted. It cost him a month's labour to learn the alphabet. So slow was he, that he was considered by the teacher a hopeless case. However, he was taught to read and write, and to turn his hands to industrial employment. His bible was afterwards the only book he was fond of reading. He said that, before he came into the institution, he thought, when people died, there was an end of them; and he always looked upon ministers of the gospel as taking to it as a trade to make a living by but, he added, 'I can understand it now.' He often said, 'I pray earnestly that God would forgive me for my sins and crimes.' He left us on the 5th April, 1851. I received a letter from him on the 6th of June, in which he states that he is in the employment of a farmer, and is in the receipt of two dollars per week, and that his master had promised to advance this one dollar more. He observes, that he was once an ignorant vagabond, miserable in this life, with no hope in this world; while, as for the next, it never gave him a thought. Now,' he says, 'I am happy. The bread I earn is sweet, because I earn it by honest means. often tremble when I think of what I was.' And he concludes by saying, May God bless you, and all missionaries." "

THE BIBLE.-Some visitors of the Brunswick square"Ladies' Bible Association" called at a house in lane. The door was opened by a man of most repulsive aspect. The cards on the table and the company by the fire plainly showed in what manner they were occupying their time. In answer to his look of inquiry, the visitor asked if he had a bible? "A bible? No, we ha'n't." "Would you like to subscribe for one?" "No, we don't want none of them sort of things here." "I hope that you will change your mind. You can have a very nice bible for tenpence; and you may pay for it by weekly payments of one penny.' He again replied, "We don't want one," and attempted to shut the door; but the visitors urged his taking the papers at least, and promised to call again. They did so repeatedly, without any prospect of success. On one occasion they saw his wife. She wished to have a bible, but feared her husband knowing it. She had a baby in her arms, which was very ill; and, after being questioned as to the nature of the child's indisposition, was promised that a physician should be sent, whose skill, with the blessing of God, would restore the child to health. The medical friend of the visitors benevolently attended the infant, and its health was quite re-established. This evidently touched the heart of the father, for the aspect of things was now changed. His wife was allowed to subscribe for a bible; and that man, formerly so repulsive, is become himself a bible subscriber, RAILWAYS AND THE LORD'S DAY.-The and now opens the door to the visitors with a growing magnitude of the evils which are spreading kind expression of face, and the card and penny throughout the nation, through the instrumentalin his hand. The last time he was called upon ity of the Sunday cheap excursion trains, renders the his wife was out. "Never mind," said he, "I'll following portion of an address from the Lord's-day pay." The visitors are always careful to inquire Society to the clergy of the parishes along the vafor the baby-the unconscious instrument em-rious lines well worth attention: "The injury to ployed by him whose "ways are not as our ways," to procure the word of life for its parent. The cards have never been seen ever since.


THE OUTCAST RECLAIMED.-"The schools established by the Ragged School Union in St. Margaret's, Westminster, continue to work efficiently. Upwards of 300 children are receiving daily instruction; besides the institution (in Pearstreet) in connexion with the school for affording an opportunity to male adult thieves, whom I meet with in the district, to reform their characters: it has been much blessed during the past Since my last report," observes the excellent missionary whose words I quote, "I have admitted from the streets and prisons 53 adalts, 22 of whom have emigrated, 5 have gone to situations, and 8 still remain with us, giving evidence that they are sincere in their desire to reform their characters. From many of those who emigrated last year I have received interesting letters, shewing that the labour of instruction has The writer cites several most touching instances of God's mercy in the conversion of these poor outcasts of society. I select the following: 111 is a young man whom I have known for some years, as residing in Duck-lane. He supported himself by passing counterfeit coin.

not been in vain."


the religion and morals of the population, caused by this open violation of the divine law, is manifest. The servants of railway companies, already much occupied with the trains ordinarily run on the Lord's-day (there being upwards of ten thousand occasions on that day on which passengers are taken up and set down), are to a still greater extent deprived of its religious privileges by the necessity of attending on these trains. Strong temptations are held forth to vast masses of the population to abandon their homes and places of worship in order to travel by them; a powerful stimulus is given to indulgence in intoxication and licentiousness in those places to which the trains run; the sabbath quiet of country towns is invaded and disturbed; trading on the Lord's-day is encouraged; and the morals of the inhabitants are deteriorated. The committee feel that it is the imperative duty of all who are interested in the glory of God, and the religion and morals of the country, to protest against this fearful evil. With this view the committee would respectfully recommend that attention should be called to the subject from the pulpit, particularly of those parishes more immediately affected by these trains; that memorials, numerously and respectably signed, embodying in them any facts that may have

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