Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Apportionment of Penfions,

In what manner penfioners are to be paid,
PLYMOUTH HARBOR. See Light houses.

[blocks in formation]

Sufferers by fire in the town of, to have further time for the payment of their custom houfe bonds, chap. 59, f. 1, p. 201 POST OFFICE AND POST ROADS.

Privilege of franking allowed to all future delegates in Con


Certain poft roads difcontinued,

New ones established,

Postmaster authorised to contract for the in coachees, on certain routes,

chap. 5, p. 11 chap. 48, f. 1, p. 164

f. 2, p. 165

carriage of the mail

f. 3, p. 170

Free whites to be exclufively employed in the carrying of the


f. 4, p. 170

Privilege of franking allowed to the attorney general,

f. 5, p. 171

Allowances to be made to the deputies at diftributing offices,

f. 6, p. 171

Additional compenfation to the deputy poft master at Wash

ington city,

Exifting contracts not to be affected,

f. 7, P. 172

f. 8, p. 172

chap. 2, f. 3, p. 5


Authorised to appoint a librarian,
To do certain acts in relation to hoftilities with the Bey of
chap. 4, f. 1, 2, 3, & 5, p, 8, to 10
To retain certain lieutenants in fervice, chap. 9, f. 2, p. 18
To affign paymasters to districts and to appoint military agents,

May direct additional numbers of rations to
officers of feparate pofts,

To caufe a corps to be formed out of the

To have a control over fentences of general

Paymafter to perform the duties of his office

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f. 3. p. 19 the commanding ibid. f. 5, p. 20 troops in fervice, ibid. f. 9, p. 22 courts martial, ibid. f. 10, p. 22 agreeably to the

direction of the Prefident-his fureties to be approved of by him, ibid. f. 16, p. 23 Sureties of military agents to be approved of by the Prefident, ibid. f. 17, p. 24

The Prefident may appoint judges advocate upon courts martial, ibid. f. 21, p. 27

A corps of engineers may be organised and established by him, in which he may make promotions without regard to rank, ibid. f. 26, p. 29

Superintendant of military academy under his direction-books, &c. to be procured by the Secretary of War under regulations prefcribed by the Prefident, ibid. f. 28, p. se


With the, Prefident's approbation. the Secretary of the Treafury may augment the compenfation of certain officers of the direct tax, chap. 12, f. 7, p. 36 Boundary line between the United States and various Indian tribes to be marked where the Prefident thinks proper,

chap. 13, f. 1, p. 37 He may defignate the perfon to grant paffports for going into, the Indian country, May caufe perfons fettling on Indian lands to be removed,

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ibid. f. 3, p. 40

ibid. f. 5, p. 41

He may approve of the fureties offered by traders among the Indians,

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ibid. f. 7, p. 42 May defignate a perfon for granting licenfes to buy horfes in the Indian territory, ibid. f. 10, p. 43 Authorifed to ufe means for civilifing Indians, ibid. f. 13, p. 45 Application to be made to Indians, under his direction, for redrefs of injuries, ibid. f. 14. p. 46 Authorised to prohibit travelling on certain roads, at the inftance of the Indians, ibid. f. 19, p. 51 To reftrain the use of fpirituous liquors among the Indians,

ibid. f. 21, p. 52

To convey certain lands to Cornelius Vermule and others, chap. 14, f. 1, p. 53

Sum appropriated for the expenfe of a negociation with the British government, if he fhall commence it,

chap. 16, p. 54

chap. 17, p. 55

Money appropriated to carry the French convention into effect, to be paid under his direction, He may difcontinue certain collectors and fupervifors, and appoint others, chap. 19, f. 2, p. 58 Authorifed to make an additional allowance for collecting the internal revenue, ibid. ibid. p. 60

[ocr errors]

To difcontinue the office of commiffioner of the revenue,

ibid. ibid. p. 60

He may direct the application of a fum of money, in keeping in repair, and erecting public piers in the river Delaware, chap. 20, f. 8, p. 67 Authorised, upon neglect of the juftices of the fupreme court to do it, to allot them to particular circuits,

chap. 31, f. 5, p. 89

He may difcontinue certain marfhals and attornies,

ibid. 1. 13, p. 94

Superintendant of the City of Washington to be appointed by him, chap. 41, f. 2, p. 127 Authorised to caufe a debt to Maryland, on account of the city of Washington, to be paid out of the Treasury of the United States, ibid. f. 5, p. 128 Certain lots to be fold by the Superintendant, under his direction,

ibid. f. 6, p. 128

Authorifed to iffue patents for land to J. J. Dufour and his affociates, chap. 42, f. 4, p. 136 He may fill vacancies in the board of commiffioners under the act concerning John C. Symmes and his affociates,

chap. 44, f. 3, p. 140 furveyed by tuch perfon or ibid. f. 6, p. 141

Lands around Vincennes to be perfons as he may appoint, He may establish a port of entry and delivery on the Miffiffippi, chap. 45, f. 5, p. 145

May caufe accommodations, &c. for the relief of American feamen at New Orleans, to be procured,

chap. 51, f. 2, p. 175

ibid. f. 4, p. 176

Authorised to appoint a director of the marine hospital at New
To organife the militia of the district of Columbia,

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chap. 52, f. 13, p. 182 To borrow money for foreign intercourse, chap. 61, f. 2, p. 205 To put in force an additional armament, chap. 64, f. 1, p. 214 To caufe fifteen gun boats to be procured, and put into fervice, ibid. f. 3, p. 214 To appoint a teacher of the French language and one of drawing, to the corps of engineers, chap. 66, f. 2, p. 216 Annual returns of the militia of the United States to be made to the Prefident, chap, 68, f. 1, p. 218 He may organise the militia of the district of Columbia, under certain circumftances, on an enlarged fcale, chap. 73, f. 1, p. 237

May appoint officers to the cavalry, artillery, &c.

ibid. f. 2, p. 238

He may caufe certain officers to be arrested, and tried by

courts martial,

ibid. f. 7, p. 242 Authorifed to appoint a brigade infpector, ibid. f. 19, p. 251 Muft approve of contract for building a light houfe at the entrance of Penobscot Bay, chap. 78, p. 271 He is to defignate the places where land offices are to be kept in the Miffiflippi territory, chap. 80, f. 4, p. 275 To appoint commiflioners to fettle claims, &c. ibid. f. 6, p. 277 He may appoint and commiffion, furveyors, &c. during the recefs of Congrefs, ibid. f. 14, p. 287

Sum of money put under his control, for the establishment and carrying on of certain falt works, chap. 81, p. 288 Authorifed to caufe certain improvements to be made in the City of Washington, chap. 82, p. 290 To make requifitions upon the executives of the feveral flates concerning a detachment of militia, chap. 85, f. 1, p. 203 To admit the acceptance of volunteers in part, ibid. f. 2, p. 303 To apportion the general officers, ibid. f. 5, p. 303 To caufe the application of a fum of money appropriated under this act, ibid. f. 4, p. 305

To transfer the duties of fupervifors to other officers, chap. 92, f. 1, p. 314 And to allow them a compenfation within certain limits, ibid. f. 2, p. 314

RATIONS. See Military peace establishment. REGISTER OF SHIPS AND VESSELS. See ships and vessels of the United States.

REPEAL. See Acts.


Members of the House of, to be apportioned among the several ftates, from the 3rd March, 1803, agreeably to computed according to the rule prefcribed by the constitution,

a ratio

chap. 1, p. 4


chap. 88, p. 307

Entitled to a patent for land,

SALT. See Fisheries.


Sum of money appropriated for procuring the establishment of falt works near the

articles in order to
Wabash river,
chap. 81, p. 288
of the United States.

SEAMEN. See Consuls and vice consuls Sum appropriated for the relief of fuch as are fick and disabled, chap. 51, f. 1, p. 174 Accommodations, &c. may be procured for thofe at New- Orleans, f. 2, p. 175 Mafters of boats, &c. going to Orleans to make reports, &c. of their hands, f. 3, p. 175 Director of the Marine hofpital at New-Orleans to be appointed,

f. 4, p. 176

Sick foreign feamen may be admitted therein, in particular cafes, Money collected by this act to be paid into the treasury,

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f. 5, p. 176

f. 6, p. 176

Directors of the marine hofpital to be accountable as in the cafe of other collectors of public monies,


f. 7, p. 177

To furnish the members of both houses with the laws of the 6th Congrefs, P. 189 To give directions concerning deftitute feamen in foreign ports, chap. 62, f. 4, p. 209

Authorifed to reimburse certain expenfes in regard to feamen, ibid. f. 5, p. 210


Authorifed to augment the

compenfation to certain officers, Chap. 12, fec. 7, p. 36

Authorifed to form eventual regulations concerning the indirect

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ibid. f. 7, p. 63

To defignate the collectors of the customs for furnishing certain certificates,

[ocr errors]

To caufe a purchase of land for the
at Gurnet Point to be made,
To have fuitable lantherns procured,
erected, and the light houfe on the

support of a light house chap. 20, 1. 1, p. 64 with convenient vaults Gurnet rebuilt,

To cause a light houfe to be rebuilt at

[ocr errors]

f. 2, p. 65 New Caftle Island, ibid f. 3, p. 65

To caufe a light houfe to be erected at Lyndes' Point, in
ibid. f. 4, p. 65
To caufe light houfes to be built and buoys placed, for the
navigation of the found, between Long Island and the Main—
authorifed to take certain preparatory fteps ibid. f. 5, p. 66
Sum of money for the keeping in repair and erection of pub-
lic piers in Delaware river placed under his immediate di-
ibid. f. 8, p. 67
Authorised to apportion the compenfation allowed to certain
marshals for taking the cenfus,

chap. 31, p. 68

To advance a fum of money to Samuel Dexter, touching a fuit against him,

chap. 22, p. 69

To caufe certificates to be given to unregistered veffels of the
United States in certain cafes,
chap. 26, p. 73
Certain fractional townships to be located under his direction,
chap. 30, f. 1, p. 82

To caufe to be paid to the commiffioners of the finking fund
the annual appropriations for the extinguishment of the pub-
lic debt,
chap. 32, f. 2, p. 104
Authorised to do certain acts towards the erection of a light
-houfe at the entrance of Penobscot Bay, chap. 78, p. 271

To caufe certain pay-mafters to be furnished with furplus clo-
thing, if he deem it expedient,
Authorised to procure books, &c.

To receive claims to lands and to
gested to have been loft, and to

chap. 9, f. 8, p. 22 for the military academy, ibid, f. 28, p. 30 duplicates of warrants fugmake report to Congress,

[blocks in formation]

chap. 30, f. 2, p. 82 returns of the militia of chap. 68, f. 1, p. 218 chap. 83 f. 2, p. 291

To iffue warrants to major general La Fayette,


ibid. f. 4, p. 292

See Treaties.

SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Compenfation of the officers of fixed,

chap. 33, p. 112

SHIPS AND VESSELS OF THE UNITEĎ STÁŤES. Penalties for forging or ufing forged fea-letters, mediterranean paffports, &c. chap. 61, f. 1, p. 223 Blank certificates of registry to be provided with fecret marks, &c.

f. 2, p. 224

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