Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

responding to this note will also vary. The real number of vibrations, calculated as we have now shown, may be represented by an infinity of numbers, to which will correspond as many different gamuts. Among all the scales which may be thus represented, that has been selected of which the note ut corresponds to the lowest sound of the bass, and in physics the notes of this gamut are indicated by giving the index 1, as ut,; whilst to the notes of the higher gamuts are given the indices 2, 3, etc., as ut, uts, etc.; and to the notes of the lower gamuts, the indices-1, -2, etc., as it ut ré ré 2, etc. Having ascertained by experiment, that the number of vibrations corresponding to the lowest sound of the bass is 128, we have only to multiply this number by the ratios given in table (B), in order to obtain the absolute number of vibrations for each note; whence, we have the following table :



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I Notes of the Gamut ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si. (C) {Abs. No. of Sim. Vib. 128, 144, 160, 1703, 192, 2133, 240.

The absolute numbers of vibrations for the notes of the higher scales, are obtained by multiplying the numbers of this table (C), by 2, by 4, by 8, etc.; and for those of the lower scales, by dividing the same numbers by 2, by 4, by 8, etc. Thus, the number of simple vibrations corresponding to sola, is equal to 192 X 4, or 768 per second; and the number corresponding to si is equal to 2404, or sixty per second.

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Length of the Waves.-When we have ascertained the number of simple vibrations which a sonorous body makes per second, it is easy to deduce from them the length of the waves. We know that sound passes over about 1,120 feet per second, at a mean state of the atmosphere, or about 60° Fahrenheit. If, therefore, a body made only one simple vibration per second, the length of the wave would be 1,120 feet; if it made two such vibrations, the length of the wave would be half of 1,120 feet; and so on. Now we have seen that 128 simple vibrations per second correspond to the note ut,; the length of the waves, therefore, is the quotient of 1,120 feet divided by 128, that is, 8.75 feet. The following table shows the length of the wave corresponding to the first note of the successive gamuts or scales :

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which produce on the ear an agreeable sensation, is generally denominated harmony, concord, or accord. There is harmony only when the numbers of the vibrations of the simultaneous sounds are connected with each other by a simple ratio; if the ratio is complex, the ear is affected in a disagreeable manner, and the simultaneous sounds are called a discord or dissonance. The simplest concord is unison; then follow the octave, the fifth, the third, the fourth, and the sixth. A perfect harmony or concord is the name given to three simultaneous sounds, such as the first and the second forming a third major, the second and the third forming a third minor, and the first and the third forming a fifth; that is, to three sounds, such that the numbers of their corresponding vibrations are to each other as the numbers 4, 5, and 6. Thus, the three notes fa, la, ut; or ut, mi, sol; or sol, si, re', form three perfect concords. These are the harmonies which produce on the ear the most agreeable musical sensation.

Pulsation. When two sounds, which are not in unison, are produced simultaneously, there is heard at equal intervals a strengthening of sound which is called a pulsation. Thus, if the numbers of the vibrations of two sounds are 30 and 31, after 30 vibrations of the first, or 31 of the second, there will be a coincidence, and consequently a pulsation.

If the pulsations are sufficiently near each other to produce a continued sound, it will be evidently lower than those from which it is derived, since it proceeds from a single vibration, when the other sounds make 30 and 31 vibrations.

The Tuning Fork.-The tuning-fork is a small instrument by the aid of which we can reproduce at pleasure an invariable note; it thus becomes a suitable apparatus for regulating musical instruments as well as the human voice. It consists of a steel rod bent into the form of a pair of sugar tongs; fig. 136. It is made to vibrate by drawing a bow across its

Fig. 136.

Number of Vibrations.

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Intervals, Sharps and Flats.-The ratio of one sound to another in music is called an interval, that is, the quantity which indicates by how much one sound is higher than another. The interval from ut to ré is called a second; from ut to mi, a third; from ut to fa, a fourth; from ut to sol, a fifth; from ut to la, a sixth; from ut to si, a seventh; and from ut to ut, an octave. The following table shows the intervals of the consecutive notes, which are obtained by dividing the number of the vibrations of any note by that of the vibrations of the note immediately below it:

Notes of the scale

ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, ut. 1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2. 8, 6, 18, 3, 4, 3, 18. From this table we perceive that the different intervals are reduced to three, which are, and 18. The first of these, which is the greatest, is called the tone major; the second, the tone minor; and the third, which is the least, is called the semitone major. The interval between the tone major and the tone minor is. This is the smallest interval which is taken into consideration; it is only a practised ear which can appreciate this interval, a quantity known in music by the name of comma. Composers have been led to intercalate between the notes of the Gamut certain intermediate notes, which are distinguished by the names of sharps and flats. To sharpen a note, is to increase the number of its vibrations in the ratio of 24 to 25; to flatten it, is to diminish the same number in the ratio of 25 to 24. In music, the sharp is denoted by the sign, and the flat by the sign b.

(D) Relative No. of vibrations Intervals

Harmony, Discord. The co-existence of several sounds

edges, or by suddenly separating its two branches by means of a cylindrical piece of iron which is forcibly drawn between them, as shown in the figure. The two branches being thus forced out of their state of equilibrium, return to it after a certain number of vibrations, and produce a constant sound for each instrument of this kind. The sound of this apparatus is greatly increased by fixing it on a wooden box, open at one or both of its extremities. It may also be put into vibration by holding it in the hand by the piece attached to the bend in the instrument, and striking either end of it against a wooden board.


Vibration of Rods and Laminæ.-Rods and thin lamina in wood, glass, and especially in tempered steel, vibrate in consequence of their elasticity, and exhibit, like cords, two kinds of vibrations; the one transversal, and the other longitudinal. The transversal are produced by fixing the rods or laming at one extremity, and passing a bow over the part which is free

or unfixed. The longitudinal vibrations in a rod are produced by fixing it at one of its points, and by rubbing it in the direction of its length with a piece of cloth wetted, or powdered with rosin. Yet, in the latter case, we do not produce a sound, unless the fixed point of the rod be at its half, its third, its fourth, and, in short, a certain aliquot part. Analysis proves that the number of the transversal vibrations of rods and laminæ of the same nature is in the direct ratio of their thickness, and in the inverse ratio of the square of their length. The breadth of the lamina has no effect on the number of their vibrations; it only causes the force which produces the vibrations to vary in its intensity. In elastic rods of the same nature, the number of longitudinal vibrations is in the inverse ratio of their length, whatever may be their diameter and the form of their transversal section. In fig. 137 is a representaFig. 137,

considered preferable, we fix it at some point in its surface, and, through a hole pierced in the middle, we produce friction by means of horse-hair powdered with rosin.

Vibrating plates present nodal lines which vary in number and position, according to their form, their elasticity, the Fig. 138.


tion of an instrument, the construction of which is founded on the longitudinal vibrations of rods.

mode of putting them in action, and the number of their vibrations. The nodal lines are rendered obvious to the sight by covering the plates with a thin stratum of sand before putting them into the vibratory state. As soon as the vibrations commence, the sand leaves the vibrating parts and disposes itself along the nodal lines as shown in the preceding figure.

The vibrations of plates are subject to the following general laws: In plates of the same nature and of the same form, giving the same figures, the number of vibrations is in the direct ratio of their thickness and in the inverse ratio of their surface. Any particular note will always produce the same figure with the same plate; but a small change may be produced in the figure by slightly changing the place at which the plate is held, without causing any difference in the tone. If the tone be changed, the existing figure disappears at once, and a new one makes its appearance. The lowest note which any plate yields produces the simplest figure; and the higher the note is the more complex the figure, or, in other words, the more nodal lines there will be. If similar plates of various sizes be made to vibrate in the same manner, similar figures will be produced in each. The notes, however, will differ; the larger plates will yield the lower notes; and under equal dimensions, the thicker or stronger plates will yield the higher


Vibrations of Membranes.-The flexibility of membranes prevents them from vibrating unless they are stretched like the top of a drum. Then they yield a sound which is higher in proportion to the smallness of their dimensions and the force with which they are stretched. M. Savart constructed vibrating membranes, by pasting very flexible goldbeater's skin on wooden frames. Membranes are made to vibrate by percussion, as in the drum; or by the influence of other vibratcan be put into a vibratory state by the influence of the vibrations of the air, whatever may be the number of these vibra tions, provided that they are sufficiently intense. Fig. 189 represents a membrane vibrating under the influence of vibraVibration of Plates.-When we wish to put a plate into a tions impressed upon the air by a sonorous bell. Some fine state of vibration, we fix it at the middle point, as represented sand spread over the membrane shows the formation of swells in fig. 138, and we draw a bow across its edges; or, as may be and nodes in it, in the same manner as in plates. Fig. 139.

This instrument, constructed by M. Marloye, consists of a solid wooden stand, on which are fixed twenty cylindrical fir rods, some coloured and some white. Their lengths are determined in such a manner, that the white rods give the diatonic scale, whilst the coloured rods give the semitones and complete the scale, rendering it chromatic. In order to play an air with this instrument, the rods are rubbed in the direc-ing bodies. Thus, M. Savart has observed that a membrane tion of their length, between the thumb and the fore-finger, which have been previously dipped in powdered rosin. The sounds which are thus obtained have a strong resemblance to those of the Pandion reed.


LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY.-No. XXV. THE apparatus for burning a mixture of coal-gas and atmospheric air, as represented and described in the preceding lesson, may be considered as the representative of a wind-furnace on a small scale. By slightly modifying t, in a manner now to be described, it admits of being changed into the representative of a blast-furnace. To this end, the apparatus, as already deFig. 16.

of rough work out of it. For example, he will use it as the source of heat for keeping up a supply of distilled water. This is the plan I adopt in my own laboratory, and as its description will serve to initiate the matter of distillation, displaying that process in its simplest form, I shall describe it somewhat in detail.

Fig. 17.

scribed in the preceding lesson, is supplied with a central jet, perforating the wire-gauze and communicating with a flexible tube. To the latter a mouthpiece being adapted, the breath can be directed in a current upwards through the flame, thus concentrating the energies of the latter against one point, after the manner of a blowpipe, fig. 16. By means of a blast of this description, gold and silver admit of ready fusion, provided the crucible holding them be of not too great dimensions. Although the mixed gas flame is that which answers the greatest variety of purposes, nevertheless, other descriptions of flame are occasionally advantageous. Of these, the flame resulting from a circular burner with small lateral orifices is amongst the most useful. One great advantage it possesses is the following: instead of heating the lowest point of a flask or retort, its energies are rather directed on the sides; thus lessening the depth of fluid through which the bubbles resulting from ebullition have to pass, and thus diminishing the chances of fracture.

The Argand Gas Burner.-As a specific source of heat, the Argand gas burner is not so much employed at this time as formerly; nevertheless it affords the best means of using gas for the purposes of illumination, and will therefore be found in many laboratories. A prudent chemist will never allow the heat from such a source to go to waste; he will get some sort

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First of all, what do we mean by distillation? Most persons associate with this process some intricate operation, involving the use, as a necessity, of much apparatus; but it is not necessarily of this kind. Viewed in its simplest aspect, distillation case the vaporised product goes to waste, in the former case it only differs from evaporation in this,-that whilst in the latter is condensed and preserved; such, at least, is true as regards the distillation of liquids and solids; but the liberation of gase from certain substances by the application of heat is also termea distillation. The apparatus employed in my laboratory for the already mentioned, is an Argand burner; over this is placed a distillation of water is as follows. The source of heat, I have permanent loop of strong wire, securely fixed to the wall in such a manner that a convenient support for a large glass flask results, as indicated in the accompanying diagram fig. 17. This manner that the glass flask does not directly bear upon the support, before use, is wound round with a little tow, in such a iron. The tow rapidly chars, but the carbonaceous residue

Fig. 18.

remains still, affording a soft cushion for the flask, which holds about three quarts, to rest upon.

To the mouth of this flask is loosely adapted a cork, to which a length of glass tubing, about the eighth of an inch in diameter (no more), is attached by perforation. This tube is attached to another by means of an india-rubber connecter b, and tube after tube is then attached, until a length of about 18 feet results, fig. 18. This total length is suspended by cord loops from the ceiling, and finally terminates, as represented, in a large wide-mouthed glass jar c, passing loosely through a cover of tinned wood. This cover, it will be seen, is supplied with a second perforation, admitting the bent glass tube s, which is joined by means of an india-rubber tube i to another glass tube p, the latter represented in our diagram as looking upward, and secured in that position by a wire hook . Perhaps it is scarcely necessary to indicate that the tube passing from the flask to the receiving jar must have a gradual fall; this fall need, however, only be of the slightest.

Turn we now to the apparatus in action. The flask being removed from its stand and charged with water (about threeparts full), is replaced and the cork inserted, a very slight amount of pressure being sufficient and the rotation of the cork unnecessary. The gas may now be lighted, taking care that the flame is small for the first minute or two; the gas may then be turned on fully, and the apparatus left to itself. Ebullition soon ensues and vapour is eliminated; this vapour passing along the tube, gets partially condensed into water, which being driven onward by the force of uncondensed steam, both enter the receiving jar together. Here the greater part of the remaining steam is condensed, not enough escaping to produce inconvenience, nor, indeed, to be for the most part appreciable. When it is desired to withdraw a portion of water from the receiving jar, this is accomplished by merely unhooking the tube p, bending it on its india-rubber joint i, and bringing it to the position of the dotted line s'. This arrangement being made, à syphon will result and water will flow; the delivery being perfectly at command, and ceasing so soon as the tube pis bent

arranged inside a vessel holding water. The operation of this worm is almost too obvious for comment. The heat of vaporisation being first communicated to the metal, the latter imparts it to the water, which in its turn becomes gradually so hot that it has to be renewed, and the condensed vapour passes through the lower extremity of the worm into a receiving vessel. The stili and worm, though not a bad contrivance for large commercial operations, may be said to be obsolete in laboratories for analysis and general research; flasks and retorts, properly arranged, and connected with instruments of condensation, taking their place.

A retort, I believe, is always associated with the idea of distillation in the amateur chemist's mind; but on trial he will be surprised to find to what an extent this comparatively expensive instrument may be discarded in favour of flasks on the large scale and tubes on the small. There are certain liquids, of course, which do not admit of being distilled in flasks. Mineral acids are of this kind; their vapour being so corrosive, that the cork wherewith the mouth of the flask is necessarily closed up being rapidly destroyed; thus not only disarranging the apparatus, but contaminating the result; but even in many cases of this kind the operation may be conducted in flasks, provided india-rubber stoppers be made to take the place of corks. In general terms it may be stated, that the success of distillation does not so much depend on the kind of evaporating vessel, as on the perfection of the means employed in bringing about condensation. The chief contrivances to this end will be described in our next lesson.


LESSONS IN ALGEBRA.-No. XIII. (Continued from p. 345.)


172. When a number is composed of the product of the same back upon s. The apparatus just described illustrates the pro-factor any number of times, the result is called a power of the cess of distillation under its most simple form. The operation of factor. Powers are divided into different orders or degrees; as the cooling, or condensation, the student will observe, is left pretty first, second, third, fourth, fifth powers, &c., which are also called much to itself; and so long as water is the liquid to be distilled, the root, square, cube, biquadrate, &c.

the contrivance answers perfectly; but liquids whose volatility is greater than water require a different treatment when distilled. Sometimes artificial means must be had recourse to for condensing them, and hence the necessity for instruments presently to be described. On the large scale, in various operations of manufacturing chemistry, the usual plan of accomplishing distillation is by means of a still and worm, as the respective parts of the arrangement are termed. The still is subject to considerable variations, but in general terms it may be described as a vessel of copper or other metal, formed on the type of a flask, to which a head and delivery-tube are attached. usually by means of cement or lute; a small model of this Find is represented in the accompanying diagram, fig. 19.

Fig. 19.

Attached to this instrument is its necessary complement-a worm or refrigerator, consisting of a metallic pipe spirally

The powers take their names from the number of times the root, or first power, is used as a factor in producing the given power. The original quantity is called the first power or root of all the other powers, because they are all derived from it. Thus, if 2 be the root or first power, then

2 × 24, the square or second power of 2. 2 X 2 X 2 = 8, the cube or third power.

2 X2 X2 X2=16, the biquadrate or fourth power, &c. And, if a be the root or first power, then

axa aa, the second power of a. a xa xa = aaa, the third power. axaxaxaaaaa, the fourth power, &c.

173. The number of times a quantity is employed as a factor to produce the given power is generally indicated by a figure or letter placed above it on the right hand. This figure or letter is called the index or exponent, Thus a X aaa, is written a2 instead of aa; and a X a X a = aaa, is written a3.

The index of the first power is 1; but this is commonly omitted, that is, a1= a.

An index is totally different from a co-efficient. The latter shows how many times a quantity is taken as a part of a whole; the former how many times the quantity is taken as a factor. Thus 4a= a + a + a + a ; but a1 = a × a × a × a=aaaa. If a 4, then 4a 16; and a1= 256.

174. Powers are also divided into direct and reciprocal. Direct Powers are those which have positive indices, as d2, d3, &c., and are produced by multiplying a quantity by itself, as above described. Thus d x d = d2; d x d x d = d3; and dxdxdx d=d1.

The Reciprocal Power of a quantity is the quotient arising from dividing a unit by the direct power of that quantity, as 1 1 1 &c. às d'

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&c. The direct and reci2, d - 3,

By the rule for the multiplication of fractions we have

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procal powers of d, are d, d3, d2, d1, do, d - 1, d4, &c. in which do 1.

16. INVOLUTION is the process of finding any power of a quantity as explained in Art. 172.

177. To involve a quantity to any required power.

RULE.-Multiply the quantity by itself, and by its successive products, till it is taken as a factor as many times as there are units in the index of the power to which the quantity is to be raised.

All powers of unity or 1 are the same, viz. 1. For 1 X 1 X 1 X 1, &c. 1.

178. A single letter is involved or raised to any power, by giving it the index of the proposed power; or by repeating it as a factor as many times as there are units in that index. If the letter or quantity has a co-efficient, it must be raised to the required power by actual multiplication.

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28. Find the square of

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183. A compound quantity consisting of terms connected by and, is involved by an actual multiplication of its several parts.


29. Find the second, third, and fourth powers of a+b. Here (a + b)1= a + b,

the first power

a+b a2 + ab

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power. 30. Find the square of a-b. Ans. a2 2ab+b2. 31. Find the cube of a +1. Ans. a3+3a2 + 3a + 1. 32. Find the square of a + b + h. Ans. a2 + 2ab+ 2ah + b2+2bh + h2.

33. Required the square of a +2d +3. +4d2+12d +9.

34. Required the 4th power of b+ 2.

35. Required the 5th power of +x2+x+1.

Hence any odd power has the same sign as its root. But an even power is positive, whether its root is positive or nega-+166 +16. tive. Thus (a) × (+ a) = a2. And (— a) × (— a) = a2. 181. To involve a quantity which is already a power. RULE.-Multiply the index of the quantity by the index of the power to which it is to be raised.


14. Find the 3rd power of a2. Here, (a2)3 a®.

For a2 aa: and the cube of 'aa is aa aa aa aaaaaa a; which is the 6th power of a, but the third power of a2. 15. Find the 4th power of a3b2. Ans. a1268. 16. Find the 3rd power of 4a2x. Ans. 64ar3. 17. Find the 4th power of 2a3 × 3x2d. Ans. 1296a12x8d$. 18. Find the 5th power of (a + b)2. 19. Find the 2nd power of (a+b)". 20. Find the nth power of (xy)m.

Ans. (a + b)10. Ans. (a + b)2n. Ans. (x -- y)mn.

36. Required the 6th power of 1 - 2063 +1564 — 665 + 3o.

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