Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Ex. 57.

1. To enclose a certain farm 225 rods of fence are needed. What will be the cost of the fence at the rate of $0.125 per foot, 16.5 ft. being a rod?

2. A section of land costs $49,878; what must be paid for 0.375 of a section?

3. When 0.7 of a ton of coal is worth $6.30, what will be the cost of 12.5 tons?

4. Coal being worth $7.00 per ton, what part of a ton can be bought for $2.59?

5. If a man can build 0.45 of a rod of wall in one hour, how many rods will 4 men build in 3.8 days, working 7.5 hours per day?

6. Twelve dozen penknives cost $90. If they are sold at $0.75 each, what will be the gain on each?

7. Divide $125.15 by $25.03.

8. Twelve yards of velvet cost $150.

what must be paid for 18 yards?

At that rate,

9. What will be the cost of 9.75 cords of white oak wood at the rate of $10 a cord?

10. Twenty-five hundredths of a farm cost $5000; what will nine-tenths of it cost?

11. A merchant bought 575 pounds of sugar for $51.75; he sold four-tenths of it at $0.11 per pound, and the remainder at $0.125. What was his gain?

12. A railroad train has 201 miles to run. 26.8 miles per hour, how many required?

If it averages

hours will be

13. An errand boy receives $2.75 per week. In how many weeks will he earn a pair of boots worth

$3.25, a coat worth $4.75, a hat worth $1.50, and three handkerchiefs worth $0.50 each?

14. How many cords of pine wood at $3.375 a cord must be given for 12 yards of broadcloth at $2.25 a yard? 15. A and B start from the same place and travel in opposite directions. If A travels 6.25, B 7.75 miles per hour, how many miles apart will they be in one hour? When they are 70 miles apart, in how many hours will they meet if they turn and travel toward each other?

16. A farmer's wife bought 19 yards of table linen at $0.875, 15 yards of muslin at $0.47, and paid in butter at $0.25 per pound. How many pounds did she sell?

17. The milk from a herd of 75 Jersey cows, sold at 6 cents a quart, amounted in one summer to $2025. How many quarts were sold, and what was the average quantity from each cow?

18. A merchant sold three pieces of India matting, each containing 45.5 yards, at $0.375 per yard. How many bushels of corn at $0.75 a bushel should he receive in payment?

19. Henry Hodge earns $12 per week. He pays $4.25 for board, $0.625 for car-fare, $0.375 for library fees, and $4.875 for other expenses. In how many

weeks will he save $97.50?

20. A grocer bought one hundred and fifty-six boxes of

oranges at $5.625 each; he sold them for $916.875, and invested his gain in tea at $1.125 per pound. How many pounds did he buy?

21. George Mason built a house for $5000. He employed for a certain number of days 3 carpenters at $2.75 per day, 2 painters at $2.25, 1 mason at $3.50, and spent for lumber $1500, for stone $250, for hair, lime, and sand $250, for paints, oil, and paper $250, for locks, hinges, nails, etc., $50.50, for plumbing $262. How many days were the workmen employed?

22. How much broadcloth valued at $3 a yard must be given for 19 bushels of wheat at $1.875 per bushel?

Ex. 58.

To find the cost of goods sold by the hundred.

Point off two places for decimals at the right of the number denoting the quantity, and multiply the price of a hundred by this number.

To find the cost of goods sold by the thousand.

Point off three places for decimals at the right of the number denoting the quantity, and multiply the price of a thousand by this number.

In measuring lumber, M is often used for thousand and C for hundred.

1. What will 9875 feet of boards cost at $9 per M?

2. At $3.25 per C, what must be paid for 3784 feet of Georgia pine?

3. For the roof of a building 8000 tiles are to be used. What will they cost at $9.875 per M?

4. Required the cost of 98,762 laths at $0.35 per C. 5. An architect estimates that 1,500,784 bricks will be needed for a schoolhouse. What will they cost at $7.75 a thousand?

6. What must be paid for 4879 paving stones at $9.375 a hundred?

7. A lumber dealer sold for $5.75 per M shingles for which he paid $4.50 per M. What did he gain on 3500 shingles?

8. If the freight from New York to Boston is $0.12 per

hundred pounds, what must be paid on five boxes of goods weighing respectively 348.25, 227.25, 429.25, 396.125, 419.125 pounds?

9. If the freight from New Orleans to St. Louis by steamboat is $0.25 a hundred weight, what will be paid

on one bushel of corn, there being 56 pounds in a bushel?

10. A farmer contracted for boards for fencing at the rate of $12.375 per M. His bill for lumber amounted to $61.875. How many thousand feet did he buy?

To find the cost of goods by the ton.

Find the retail price of 7846 pounds of coal at $8.75 a ton.








2) 68.65250


Point off from the right of the number denoting the quantity three decimal places, multiply the price of a ton by this number, and divide this result by 2. The reason for this operation follows from the fact that two thousand pounds make a ton.

11. A merchant bought 3 loads of hay weighing severally

3684.25, 2976.06, 4764.28 pounds; each load in

cluded the weight of the wagon, 825 pounds. What was the hay worth at $12.75 per ton?

12. What must be paid for 9785 pounds of plaster at $6.75 per ton?

13. If 25,000 pounds of plaster cost $131.25, what is that per ton?

14. A dealer in New York retails coal at $7.75 per ton.

If a ton costs $3.25 at the mine and $0.75 for freight, what will he make on 8758 pounds of coal? 15. At $10.50 per ton, what is the cost of 25,000 pounds of plaster?

16. When freight on wheat from Chicago to New York is $0.12 per bushel of 60 pounds, what is that per hundred?

17. What is the freight from St. Paul to Albany on 489 bushels of wheat at $0.25 per hundred pounds?

18. How many pounds of plaster at $10.50 per ton can be bought for $131.25?

19. What will be paid for shipping 1500 tons of wheat from Cleveland to Buffalo, freight on the lakes being 5 cents a bushel?

20. What is the retail price of coal per ton when 17,520 pounds are sold for $74.46?

21. How much more will it cost to send 12,000 bushels of wheat from Buffalo to New York by the Erie Canal, at 5 cents a bushel, than to send the wheat by the. New York Central Railway, at 7 cents a hundredweight?

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