Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

en son nom 14 Voilà 17 ma

qu'elle est encore dans sa chambre. Veuillez lui présenter mes respects 17.13 Je vous remercie je m'acquitterai 15 de votre commission 16. femme qui vient. Madame, je suis votre très-humble18 serviteur 19. Soyez le bien venu 20, monsieur. sieurs vos frères seront 21 à la campagne.


1 good day. 2 how is your. 3 how are. 4. I am much obliged to your for. 5 attention. 6 are very well. 7 how is. 8 she has been. 9 indisposed. 10 of late. 11 believe. 12 give her my respects. 13 thank. 14 name. 15 I shall discharge. 16 commission. 17 There comes. 18 obedient. 19 servant. 20 be welcome. 21 will be.

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Oh, good morning my friend. How do you do. I am your most obedient servant. stand 3


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Put on 2



hat and do not


on ceremony 4. You are very kind 6. My father begs you, to visit him this afternoon 8 with 9 your sister, and to bring 10 your music book 11 with you. Many thanks to your father, we shall be happy 13 to accept 14 his invitation 15. The Count will also honour us with 16 his Company 17, and will bring the Countess with him 18. I am very glad of it 19. The Countess is generally esteemed 20; she distinguishes 21 herself by her modesty, cleverness 22 and talent 23.

1 eh, bon jour. 2 remettez. 3 ne faites pas de. 4 compliment. 5 êtes. 6 honnête. 7 prie. 8 de venir le voir cette après-dinée. 9 avec. 10 d'apporter. 11 cahier de musique. 12 bien. 13 prendrons la liberté. 16 de nous rendre. 15 invitation. 16 honorera de. 17 visite, f. 18 amenera. 19 j'en suis bien charmé. 20 est généralement estimée. 21 distingue. 22 habileté, f. 23 talent, m.


2. Relative possessive Pronouns.

are preceded by the article, and belong generally to a noun, whose gender they take; they are:


le mien, mine,

le tien, thine,

le sien, his,


la mienne, mine,
la tienne, thine,
la sienne, hers,

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thy letter Lend me

Your garden is more beautiful than ours; but our house is larger than yours. My father has read 1 and mine. He will 2 sell 3 my dog and his. your penknife; I cannot find mine. I have lent my pencil to your sister; she has lost 5 hers. I prefer my flowers to yours. Which 6 pen is mine? That is not thine, it is 8 our (pen). Thy sisters have also been looking for 9 theirs. You speak 10 of our friends and we speak of yours. You think 11 of your books, and we think 12 of ours.

1 lu. 2 veut. 3 vendre. 4 je ne puis trouver. 5 perdu. 6 quelle. 7 ce n'est pas. 8 c'est. 9 cherché. 10 parlez. 11 pensez.

12 pensons.


III. Demonstrative Pronouns.

The demonstrative Pronoun (pronom démonstratif) is either joined to a noun or has an independant position.

The following are joined to a noun:

ce jardin, this garden,

cette ville, this town,

ces jardins, these gardens,

ces villes, these towns.

ce if before a vowel or an ,,h" is ,,cet", as:

cet enfant, this child,

cet homme, this man,

ces enfants, these children,

ces hommes, these men.

If the vicinity or distance of the object be determined, „ci“ (here) and là" (there) are added, as:

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that fork.

J'ai trouvé ce couteau et cette I have found this knife and fourchette. Où avez-vous acheté ces bas Where have you bought these et ces gants? stockings and these gloves? La mère de cet enfant est The mother of this child is

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I have given my bread to this poor child.

I do not speak of this boy, but of that girl.



This physician is very clever. This mother is happy. This tree is high 2. These books and pens belong 3 to my brother. Do you know the price 5 of this carriage and these horses? Do you know the fruits of this tree and the properties of this plant? This beautiful garden, this charming wood 9, these trees and flowers, all remind me 10 of my stay 11 in this happy country 12, I often think 13 of this town, of this country 14, of these pretty places 15, of the pleasures 16, which I have enjoyed 17 in this house. and cannot speak enough 18 of this walk, of these buildings 19 and of these picturesque environs 20.

1 habile. 2 haut. 3 appartiennent.
4 savez. 5 prix, m.
6 voiture, f. 7 connaissez. 8 propriété. 9 charmant bos-
quet, m. 10 tout me rappelle (acc.). 11 séjour, m. 12 heu-
reux pays. 13 pense. 14 contrée. 15 lieu. 16 plaisir. 17 que

j'ai eus.

18 je ne puis me lasser de parler. 19 édifice, m.

20 environs pittoresque (adj.).

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They are often used to avoid repetition of a substantive, and they may then refer either to persons or things, as:

Mon enfant et celui de mon My child and that of my friend.


Cette maison et celle du This house and that of the

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Celui qui peut modérer 2 ses passions 3, est heureux. Celui qui travaille ne trouve 5 jamais le temps long. Ceux qui veulent paraître trop savants deviennent 8 ordinairement ennuyeux 9. Celles qui s'efforcent 10 de plaire 11 à tout le monde, ne plaisent 12 souvent à personne 13. On n'a pas 14 bonne opinion 15 de celui qui parle mal 16 de

ses amis. L'ignorance est toujours honteuse 17 à celui qui a eu 18 les moyens 19 de s'instruire.

1 can. 2 moderate. 3 passions. 4 works. 5 finds. 6 will. 7 appear. 8 become. 9 annoying. 10 take pains. 11 please.

12 please.

17 shameful.

13 nobody.
18 had.

He who has told 1

med 2.

He who has

14 one has no. 15 opinion. 16 bad. 19 means.



you this tale, is not well informade 3 you this present, is very amiable. Wise princes give 5 rewards to those, who promote the goods of the country 9. One despises 10 those, who are neither useful to themselves nor to others 11. I shall give 12 this book to him, who will be 13 the most industrious 14, and these needles 15 to her, who will behave best 16.

1 raconté. 2 n'est pas bien instruit. 3 fait. 4 cadeau, m. 5 dis-
tribuent. 6 récompense, f. 7 avancent. 8 bien, m. 9 état,
m. 10 méprise. 11 qui ne sont utiles, ni
ni aux au-
tres. 12 donnerai. 13 qui sera. 14 appliqué. 15 aiguille, f.
16 sage.


Le terme de la vie est court, celui de la beauté est encore plus court. La vertu est l'habitude 2 des bonnes actions, le vice est celle des mauvaises. Lycurgue fut le législateur des Spartiates 5, Solon celui des Athéniens ". Cyrus a fondé la monarchie des Perses, Ninus celle des Assyriens. L'aigle 9 tyrannise également 10 les habitants de l'air 11 et ceux de la terre. Les occupations des femmes sont différentes de celles des hommes. L'opinion des savants doit être préférée à celle des ignorants.

1 time. 2 habit. 3 was. 4 legislator. 5 Spartans. 6 Athenians. 7 founded. 8 Persians. 9 eagle. 10 equally. 11 air.



Celui-ci est riche, celui-là est pauvre. Ceux-ci prétendent qu'il faut 2 tout sacrifier 3 à ses passions, ceux-là soutiennent 4 5 avec plus de raison la vertu seule que peut nous rendre heureux, Celui-là est vraiment estimable AHN, French Grammar. I. 4

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