Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]

6. What is said of barilla and kelp ? 7, 8, 9, 10. Describe the process of making common brown or yellow soap?

11. In what manner is the soap cut into bars?

12, 13. What is said of the adulterations of soap? and in what manner may they be detected?

14. What is said of the manufacture of soft soap?

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15. What is said of Marsailles white soap, Castile, and toilet soaps?

16. What is said of the manufacture of white soap?

17. In what manner is the mottled appearance of some soaps produced?

THE CANDLE MAKER. 1. Define the subject of the candle maker's labours,

3. What is said of the materials of which the wicks of candies are made?

4. In what manner are the wicks prepared?

5. In what manner is tallow separated from the membranous part of suet?

6,7. How is tried tallow prepared for application to the

wicks? and in what manner is the application made? 9. Describe the process of making mould candles?

11. Describe the manner in which bees'-wax is whitened, or bleached?

12. From what animal is spermaceti obtained?

13, 14, 15. Describe the pro

cess by which spermaceti is separated from the oil.

16. What use is made of sperm-oil?

17. What is said of the origin of the art of making candles? 18. What is said of the lamps used in ancient times?

19. What is said of the tallow tree?


THE COMB-MAKER. 1. For what purposes is the comb used, and of what materials is it made?

2. What is said of the invention of the comb?

3. What is said of the different species of the turtle?

4. What is said of the use of the shell of the hawk's-bill turtle by the ancients?

5, 6. What is the general size of the hawk's-bill turtle? and on what part of the animal does the shell grow?

7, 8, 9. In making combs from the horns of cattle, what is done before the teeth are cut? and in what manner are the teeth


10. What is said of the twinning machine?

11. How are the combs polished?

12, 13. What colours are preferred? and in what manner are they produced?

14. How are the combs brought to the proper shape? 16. What is said of welding together pieces of shell?

17. What is said of carved work on combs?


1. What is said of the general use of brushes?

3. In what does the first part of the process of brush-making consist?

4. Whence are the bristles obtained?

5. In what state are the bristles, when they come into the hands of the brush-maker?

6. In what manner are the bristles assorted into different lengths?

7. By what means are the bristles fastened into the stocks of the brushes?

9. For what purposes is a veneer applied to the back of the brush?

2. From what sources does the 10. What part of the manubrush-maker obtain his stocks facture does the ornamenter perform?

and handles?

1. What are the several de nominations applied to houses of public entertainment?


Greeks, when one applied for lodging?

6, 7. What is said of arrange2. Why is the business of the ments for mutual accommodatavern-keeper one of great pub-tion among the ancients? lic utility?

8. What is said of the hospi

3. What is said of the susten-tality of the middle ages? ance and protection of travellers in the early ages?

4. What is said of the hospitality of the ancients?

5. What precautions were observed by strangers among the

9. What is said of the hospitality of the nobles of Europe in particular?

10. What circumstances led to the general establishment of inns?

11. At what period were inns established by law in Scotland? 12. What is said of legislative enactments as applied to this business?

13. What is said of the amount of travelling, and what of the taverns of the present century?

15. What is said of the tavernkeeper's license?

16, 17. What is said of temperance taverns?

[blocks in formation]

19. What is said of the prosecution of the fur-trade by a class of men in Missouri?

20. What is said of the effects of the warfare which has been carried on against the larger quadrupeds, and fur-clad anima's of North America?

21, 22. What is said of the fur trade prosecuted on the northwest coast of America?

23. What animals are the chief objects of pursuit by the hunters of Siberia? What is said of the exiles and conquered tribes of Siberia?

24. Where did the custom of wearing furs originate?

[blocks in formation]

6. What is said of the great variety of fish by Linnæus?

7. What is said of the supplying of towns and cities with fresh fish?

8. What is said of the different varieties of the herring?

9, 10. What is said of the winter residence of the herring, and what of its emigrations?

11. How far south do these fish proceed?

12. What is said of the young herring?

13, 14, 15. Where, and how are these fish caught?

16. How is this fish estimated in the Southern states?

17. By whom was this fish brought into notice?

18. What is said of the shad? 19. What is said of the char


acter, numbers, and general utility of the mackerel ? 20. In what manner is this fish caught?

21. Why was this fish much esteemed by the Romans?

22. To what genus of fishes does the salmon belong? and where is it found?

23. What is said in regard to the attachment of the salmon to their native river, and to the spot for the annual deposit of their spawn?

25. By what means are salmon caught?

26. In what countries are salmon fisheries numerous?

27. In what parts of Europe is the cod-fish found in the greatest abundance ?

28. Where are the chief places of resort for this fish on the coasts of America?

29. What nations have acquired the right to catch and cure fish on the Grand Banks, and several other of the British possessions.

30. By what means are the fish caught on the Grand Banks? 31. In what manner are they treated after having been caught?

32. How are the fish caught on the coast of Labrador, and at the other places mentioned?

33. What kind of seal is the most numerous and important?

34. On what accounts is this animal valuable?

36. What is said of a sealing voyage to the Antarctic ocean?

37, 38. What months of the year are best adapted for sealing in the Arctic ocean? In what manner are the seals caught? and how are the skin and blubber taken off and secured?

39. What is said of the different species of the whale?

40. Where is the mystecetus found?

41. On what principles are the vessels engaged in this fishery fitted out?

42. When do the whalers commence operations in the northern latitudes? and between what latitudes are the whales met with?

43. What is said of the preparations on the fishing stations for attacking the whale?

45. Describe the conduct of the fishermen in pursuit of a whale, and likewise that of the latter when pursued?

46, 47. What is the conduct of the whale after having been struck? and what of the men when fast to the animal?

48. What particular position is favourable to catching this animal? and what unfavourable ?

49. Describe the manner in which the blubber is secured.

50. Describe the blubber. 51. What is said of the whalebone?

chunks of blubber before the
whalers leave the fishing sta-

53. In what manner is the oil
separated from the fritters or

54. Where is the spermaceti cachalot found in the greatest numbers?

-55, In what manner do the whalers proceed in catching this animal?

56. How much oil is obtained 52. What is done with the from a large cachalot?

57. What people first prosecuted the whale fishery !

58. What led to the discovery of the principal haunts of the whale? and where were these animals found in the greatest abundance!

59. What is said of the Dutch whale-fishery!

60. What is said of the English whale-fishery!

61, 62. What is said of the whale-fishery of the United States?

1 What is said of Noah's ark?

2. What is said of the progressive steps in navigation among the ancient Egyptians?

3. What is said of the use of the raft by the Phœnicians ?

4. For what purposes were the first vessels constructed by the Phoenicians? and what was their shape!

5. What is said of the succes sive improvements of ships in ancient times? What was the approved length of a ship of war! and likewise that for mercantile purposes?

6. What is said of the mast, cars, rowers, and bow?


of Europe, nearly a total des-
truction of the art of building

9. What circumstances occa-
sioned a renewal of this art in
the middle ages?

10. To what particular discovery is attributed the great change in the general construction of vessels?

11. To what nations are we indebted for most of the improvements in ship-building?

12. What is said of the improvements made in the United States!

13. What is the first thing done towards building a vessel? 14. What kinds of timber are

7. What is said of the size of used in the United States? vessels in ancient times?

8. What causes occasioned a retrogression, and, in some parts

15. What is said of the crooked sticks which form the sides of the vessel?

16. In what manner do the workmen proceed in fashioning the various parts of a vessel!

17. In what manner are the several parts of the frame put together!

18. What is said of applying and fastening on the planks? 19. What is said of the caulker and scraper?

20. What is said of sheathing the bottom of the vessel!

21. What are the immediate preparations for a launch?

22. When every thing has been made ready, what is done, to cause the vessel to glide into the water?

23. What is said of a launch in ancient times! and what of it in modern times!

24. What is said of equipping the vessel!

1. In what does the business of the mariner consist? and what does Horace say of the first seaman?

2. What is said of the advantages resulting to the world at large from this business?

4. What is said of the sailors of antiquity in regard to their dependence on the land?


5. What is said of the quali fications of a skilful pilot in ancient times?

6. What is said of the offering of sacrifices, and the observance of omens before undertaking a voyage?

7. What is said of the sailors who had escaped the multiplied dangers of the sea?

8. What is said of the present existence of similar customs in regard to ship-wrecked mariners?

9. What is said of the navigation of the Carthaginians?

10. What is said of the decline and revival of navigation?

11. What was the chief cause of the rapid advance in navigation?

12. What is said of the manner of using the magnetic needle, until the year 1302?

14. To what nation is navigation indebted for many valuable improvements?

15, 16. What is said of the discovery of the New World by Columbus?

18. What instruments are now employed in navigation?

19, 20. For what purposes are the mariner's compass, the azimuth compass, the quadrant, the

sextant, the chronometer, the half-minute glass, the log, and the sounding line severally used?

21. What is meant by navigation proper? and what by navigation common?

22. What is said of the application of steam to the purposes of havigation?

23. What is the chief obstacle to the employment of steam in long voyages?

24. When, and by whom was the expansive force of steam dis

covered? Who constructed the first working steam engine?

25. Who first suggested steam navigation? and who rendered it completely successful in practice?

27. What is said of Greenwich Hospital?

28. What is said of the general character of seamen in every age of the world?

29. What is said of the superstitions of many of the inhabitants of this country?

1. What is meant by the word merchant?

2. How are importing and exporting merchants distinguished from each other?

3. How is the business of merchants transacted in foreign countries?

4. What is said of the imposition of duties on foreign goods?

5. What is said of the sale of goods to merchants of different grades, before they come to the consumers?

6. What is said of dealers in a small way?

7. What is said of the general retail merchant?

8. What is said of barter? 9. How often do the country storekeepers visit the cities, to replenish their stores ?

10. What is said of the high antiquity of commerce? What is said of the precious metals as a standard of value?

11. Where do we find the earliest hint respecting the existence of trade between different nations?

12. What is said of Egypt as the emporium of commerce?

13. What is said of the Phonicians, and their chief cities, Tyre and Sidon?

14. What effect had the settlement of the Israelites, in the "Promised Land," on the Phonicians?




15. What more is said of the colonial system of the Phonicians?

16. What is said of the policy pursued by Carthage? and what of the three "Punic wars "?

17. At what period was Tyre in its most prosperous state? and when was it finally destroyed? 18. What is said of the city of Alexandria ?

quest of the Saracens ? and their enjoyment of the eastern trade?

28. What is said of the prejudice of the Christians against the followers of Mohammed?

29. What European power first rose to commercial eminence ?

30. What is said of the houses first built by the refugees?

31. When do we find the Ve19. What is said of the prose-nitians trading to Constantinople? cution of the plans of Alexan- and likewise at Alexandria? der by Ptolemy? What cities rivalled Venice in the tenth century?

20. What is said of the fleets of Ptolemy, and trade to India?

21. What is said of the Greeks, in regard to their attention to nautical affairs? and what of Corinth?

22. When did Rome become the great mart for the sale of merchandise? and what did the Romans give in return for it?

23. What more is said of the city of Rome?

24. When was Byzantium made the seat of the Roman empire? and what were the effects of this measure?

25. At what period did the invasions of the Roman empire commence ? and what were their effects on commerce and the arts?

26. What is said of the continuance of trade in the Eastern empire?

27. What is said of the con

32. What is said of the Crusades?

33. Where did commerce and manufactures begin to command attention in the thirteenth century? What precautions were taken against robbers and banditti?

34. What is said of the Hanse Towns?

35. Where, and how often did the representatives of the league


36. What were the objects of the league, as disclosed in the fourteenth century?

37. By what means was the treasury of the league supplied?

38. Why did the princes of Europe combine against the association? and when did they command their cities to withdraw from it?

39. How long did the trade
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