House of Commons Debates, Official Report, Τόμος 135,Τεύχη 230-238E. Cloutier, Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1999 |
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Αποτελέσματα 1 - 3 από τα 86.
Σελίδα 15431
... Justice and Human Rights which thorough- ly reviewed the role of the victim in the criminal justice system . It is important to note that the recommendations for Criminal Code amendments were unanimous . These recommendations were based ...
... Justice and Human Rights which thorough- ly reviewed the role of the victim in the criminal justice system . It is important to note that the recommendations for Criminal Code amendments were unanimous . These recommendations were based ...
Σελίδα 15456
... justice system . It is a travesty that victims of crime are further victimized by the very system supposedly designed to bring and maintain justice in this country . Until effective rights are provided we will continue to witness ...
... justice system . It is a travesty that victims of crime are further victimized by the very system supposedly designed to bring and maintain justice in this country . Until effective rights are provided we will continue to witness ...
Σελίδα 15459
... justice . Because of the lengthy delays that are often involved , justice in the end is denied if it is not brought forward . That is what members of the opposition and members of the Progressive Conservative Party were trying to do ...
... justice . Because of the lengthy delays that are often involved , justice in the end is denied if it is not brought forward . That is what members of the opposition and members of the Progressive Conservative Party were trying to do ...
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
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Ablonczy Acting Speaker amended by replacing Axworthy Winnipeg South Bachand Saint-Jean Bakopanos banks Bélanger Bigras bill Bloc Quebecois Blondin-Andrew Bob Kilger Borotsik Boudria Caccia Calgary Southeast Canada Canadian Heritage Chatham-Kent Chrétien Frontenac-Mégantic Chuck Strahl Clause committee Copps criminal Dalphond-Guiral Deputy Speaker Desjarlais Discepola Dromisky Duceppe Edmonton Southeast Edmonton West Eggleton ensure environment Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca federal government Gilmour Girard-Bujold Government Orders Grewal Herron Hill Prince Hill Prince George-Peace Hilstrom House Iftody industry issue justice Karetak-Lindell Kraft Sloan Lac-Saint-Louis Laliberte LaSalle-Émard Lastewka legislation Liberal London-Fanshawe MacKay Pictou-Antigonish-Guysborough Marceau Martin LaSalle-Émard Massé ment Minister of Canadian Motion Ontario Lib parliament Parliamentary Secretary Picard Drummond pollution Prime Minister Prince George-Peace River provinces Quebec question Reform Party Sauvageau Scarborough East Secretary to Minister Sheila Copps St-Julien Stewart Northumberland Stoffer Strahl Thibeault Torsney toxic substances Vanclief victims vote Windsor West Winnipeg Centre Winnipeg South Centre