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be called for, the kindness of his Virginia brethren may enable the author to make a book more worthy of their acceptance.

In conclusion, the author would remark that his labours in preparing this book, have shown him that the materials are more ample than they are generally supposed to be, for the history of all the leading religious denominations in the United States. Something has, indeed, been done for American ecclesiastical history, but more remains to be accomplished; and, therefore, he would respectfully suggest to his fellow Christians of other denominations, the propriety of preserving their several histories, without which the book of our national story must always be incomplete.*

* The principal works upon the subject are as follows: Among the BAPTISTS.-Benedict's History of the Baptists; Semple's History of the Virginia Baptists; Backus's Church History of New-England; and the late Memoir of Roger Williams, by Professor Knowles.

METHODISTS.-The Journals of Mr. Asbury and Dr. Coke; the several Lives of Messrs. Wesley and Coke, with the minutes of conferences.

PRESBYTERIANS AND CONGREGATIONALISTS.-Fragments of the history of these denominations are to be found in several books. The minutes of many of the presbyteries are believed to be perfect, and probably those of the synods are. The late Ebenezer Hazard, Esq., who was well qualified for the task, commenced, with the sanction of the Presbyterian church, the collection of materials for a history of that denomination, but it was not completed, nor is there any regular history of the Presbyterians in the United States. The materials however are abundant. The ecclesiastical history of Massachusetts is to be found among the valuable papers published by the Massachusetts Historical Society; an institution, whose example is worthy of imitation.

REFORMED DUTCH.-The author knows of but little in print touching this denomination, except in the periodical publications which belong to it. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL.-There is nothing in print, with the exception of Bishop White's Memoirs, (a new edition of which is now in press,) and the Journals of the General and Diocesan Conventions.

If the effort now respectfully submitted to the public, and especially to the Episcopal community, should serve in the humble office of a guide, to direct the researches of some future historian; if it should contribute to strengthen the attachment of but one man who already loves the church, or to soften the hostility of one who does not, the author will feel that he has not laboured in vain: for his book is the offering of filial affection to that church, in the communion of which he has, through life, found his best comfort, and in the bosom of which he trusts to enjoy, in death, a Christian's consolation.

New-York, December, 1835.




The Rev. Mr. Hunt, one of the first Colonists-His Prudence, Piety, and Christian Temper-First Administration of the Sacrament in VirginiaFirst Church at James Town; Destruction by Fire-First recorded Marriage in the Colony-Church placed under Martial Law-Second Church at Henrico-Rev. Mr. Whitaker; his Character; "The Apostle of Virginia"-Baptism and Marriage of Pocahontas--Character of the first Clergymen Instance of the Influence of the Clergy



. 17

First Legislature of Virginia-Establishment of the Church-Whole Number of the Clergy-Encouragement to Emigration of Ministers-Efforts in behalf of Education-Henrico College-East India School-Plans defeated by Indian Massacre-Chanco, a converted Native; his Christian conduct-General Character of the Clergy-Legislature of 1624-Laws made for the Advancement and Permanency of the Church



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Visit of Lord Baltimore-Refuses to take Oath of Supremacy-Witchcraft -Tyranny of the Governor-Stephen Reek's Case-Missionaries from the Independents of New-England-Driven away by Act of Conformity -Right of Presentation and Induction-Loyalty of Virginia-Attachment to the Church-Banishment of Mr. Harrison, a Congregational Minister -Subjugation of Virginia to the Commonwealth 46



Introduction of Puritans-Hatred of Puritanism-Reproved by CromwellVirginia throws off obedience to the Commonwealth-State of the Church

in 1661-Bad Character of many of the Clergy-Legislation of 1662Intolerance towards Quakers-Conspiracy of Puritans--Dread of Popery -The Rev. Dr. Blair, first Commissary-His Character and LaboursEstablishment of William and Mary College




Kindness to the French Refugees-Their good Character-Their Church -Punishment of Vice and Blasphemy-Kindness to German settlers-Their Church-Progress of William and Mary College-Instruction of the Indians-List of Parishes-State of the Church-Numbers and Character of the Clergy-Causes of the depressed state of Religion examined 78



Introduction of Presbyterians--Visit of Mr. Whitfield-Low state of Religion-Efforts of Morris to revive it-His Character and ConductAmusing example of his Simplicity and Ignorance-Charge of the Governor to the Grand Jury against Presbyterians-Mr. Roan's Case--Help from Synod in New-York--Rev. Samuel Davies; his Character and Labours--Act of Toleration extended to Virginia--Dread of Popery and New Lights-Commencement of struggle with Dissenters-Morgan Morgan




Lawsuit, Legislation fixing Clergyman's Right to Glebes--State of the Clergy--Substitution of Money for Tobacco in paying Clergy-Difficulties thence arising-Injustice to Clergy-Appearance of Baptists-Their bitter Enmity-Great Question of the legality of paying the Clergy in Money-Suit to settle it—Mr. Henry; his first Appearance-Question settled against the Clergy-Efforts in Virginia to obtain the Episcopate -Opposed by sonie of the Clergy--Their Conduct approved by the Legislature 114

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Appearance of the Methodists-Their adherence to the Church-Conduct of the Episcopal Clergy in the Revolution-Many of them Whigs-Some become Officers in the Continental Army--Conduct of the Baptists at breaking out of the Revolution-Petitions of Presbyterians, Baptists, and others against the Church-Counter Petitions-Act of 1776 destroying

Establishment-Distress of the Clergy-Their Treatment--Legislative Proceedings of 1777 and 1778-Ordinations by the Methodists, condemned by Mr. Asbury.



. 132

General Assessment for support of the Clergy negatived-Disastrous Effects of the Revolution upon the Church-Enemies of the Church petition for a general Assessment-Legislative sanction to the principle that Christianity should be supported by the State, but not any particular Denomination-Mr. Henry's efforts-His Christian Character-Incorporation of the Church-History of the Secession of the Methodists-Mr. Wesley's Conduct-Consecration of Dr. Coke considered . 150



Enmity of Presbyterians and Baptists to the Church-Act for establishing religious Freedom-Mr. Jefferson-Mr. Madison's Memorial-First Convention of the Church in 1785-Address of the Convention to Churchmen-Means proposed for support of the Clergy-Canons of the Church -Discipline-Church in Virginia declines receiving Holy Orders from Denmark-First General Convention; Virginia represented there-Conduct of Virginia Church on the proposed Articles of Union-Instruction to Virginia Delegates to General Convention of 1785-Baptists and Presbyterians ask for the Property of the Church—“The proposed Book”— Articles of Religion-Decision of Virginia on "The proposed Book" and Articles-Dr. Griffith elected first Bishop of the Church in Virginia-Mistake concerning his Election rectified—Instructions of Virginia Convention to Delegates to General Convention of 1786-Repeal of the Act of Incorporation-General Conventions of 1786-Proceedings of Virginia thereon-Remedies adopted to supply the want of Act of IncorporationAddress of the Convention of 1787 to the Church-Dr. Griffith not consecrated-Causes thereof-Early efforts of Virginia in behalf of Clerical Education-Case of Discipline

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Resignation of Dr. Griffith-Poverty of the Church-Death and Character of Dr. Griffith-Election of Dr. Madison to the Episcopate-Struggles concerning the Church Property-Condition of the Church at the time of Dr. Madison's Consecration-Bishop Madison's first Address-Clerical Education-Canon compelling the Bishop to hold a Parish-Prevalence of Infidelity and Fanaticism-Disastrous consequences to Religion after

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