Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

The poor old man wept bitterly, and she kindly and cheeringly encouraged him to bear up with firmness and to suffer with resignation. She even tried to enliven the dreary journey they were performing together by little attempts at cheerfulness, and at length succeeded in winning a smile from her fellowsufferer.

6. A colossal statue of Liberty, composed of clay, like the liberty of the time, then stood in the middle of the Place de la Concorde, on the spot now occupied by the Obelisk; the scaffold was erected beside this statue. Upon arriving there, Madame Roland descended from the cart in which she had been conveyed. Just as the executioner had seized her arm to enable her to be the first to mount to the guillotine, she displayed an instance of that noble and tender consideration for others which only a woman's heart could conceive or put into practice at such a moment.

7. "Stay!" said she, momentarily resisting the man's grasp; "I have one only favor to ask, and that is not for myself; I beseech you grant it to me." Then turning to the old man, she said, "Do you precede me to the scaffold; to see my blood flow would be making you suffer the bitterness of death twice over. I must spare you the pain of witnessing my punishment." The executioner allowed this arrangement to be made.

8. With what sensibility and firmness must the mind have been imbued which could, at such a time, forget its own sufferings, to think only of saving one pang to an unknown old man! and how clearly does this one little trait attest the heroic calmness with which this celebrated woman met her death! After the execution of Lamarche, which she witnessed without changing color, Madame Roland stepped lightly up to the scaffold, and bowing before the statue of Liberty, as though to do homage to a power for whom she was about to die, exclaimed, "O Liberty! Liberty! how many crimes are committed in thy name!" She then resigned herself to the hands of the executioner, and in a few seconds her head fell into the basket placed to receive it. LAMARTINE.





SELECT ETYMOLOGIES. —Accomplice: v. SUPPLICATE. Colossal : Gr. kölös'sŎs, a gigantic statue. . . . Compel: v. PULSE. Corridor, a running gallery; v. CURULE.... Countenance: v. TENURE. . . . Dialogue: Gr. dialõg'os; fr. di'a, through, and leg'ein, to speak; log'os, speech. Execute: v. SUBSEQUENT.... Guillotine (ghil-lo-teen'); fr. Guillotin, the name of a French physician who died in 1814. . . . Immortality : L. immortāl'itas; fr. im- = in-, not, and mortalis, mortal; fr. mors, death; h., mort-gage (lit., a dead pledge), morti-fy (lit., to make dead), mortuary, etc. Innocence: L. innocen'tia; fr. in-, not, and nocens, harming; fr. no'ceo, I hurt; h., in-nocuous, noxious, nuisance, ob-noxious, etc.... Invective: fr. L. in'veho, invec'tum, to carry into, wh. to attack with words; fr. in, against, vě'ho, vex'i, vec'tum, to carry, to bring; h., con'vex (brought together, wh. protuberant, bulging), con-vey, in-veigh, vehicle, vex, etc... Irony: Gr. eirōnei'a ; fr. ei'rōn, a dissembler in speech; fr. ei'rein, to speak. ... November: L.; fr. nov'em, nine. ... Obelisk: Gr. obēlis'kŏs; dim. of ob'ělos, a spit, a pointed pillar. Period: Gr. pěriòd'os, a going round; fr. pěr'i, about, hŏd'os, a way; wh. a stated interval of time; h. (fr. hòd'òs), epis-ode (epi, upon, eis, into, h., a separate incident), method (měť'a, after), syn-od (sūn, with), etc. Symbol: Gr. sümbölön, a sign by which one knows a thing; fr. sumbăl'lein, to throw together; fr. sūm — sūn, with, and bal'lein, to throw. . . Verdict: v. EDICT.





THE star that shines so pure and bright,
Like a far-off place of bliss,

And tells the broken-hearted

There are brighter worlds than this;
The moon that courses through the sky,—
Like man's uncertain doom,

Now shining bright with borrowed light,
Now wrapped in deepest gloom;
Or when eclipsed—a dreary blank—
A fearful emblem given

Of the heart shut out by a sinful world
From the blessed light of heaven;

The flower that freely casts its wealth
Of perfume on the gale;

The breeze that mourns the summer's close
With melancholy wail;

The stream that cleaves the mountain side,

Or gurgles from the grot,

All speak in their Creator's name,

And say, "Forget me not."


When man's vain heart is swollen with pride,

And his haughty lip is curled,

And from the scorner's seat he smiles

Contempt upon the world;

Where glitter crowns and coronets
Like stars that gem the skies,
And flattery's incense rises thick
To blind a monarch's eyes;

Where the courtier's tongue with facile lie

A royal ear beguiles;
Where suitors live on promises,

And sycophants on smiles:

Where each as in a theatre

Is made to play his part;

Where the diadem hides a troubled brow,
And the star an aching heart,-

There, even there, 'mid pomp and power,

Is oft a voice that calls

[blocks in formation]

Go, hie thee to the rank churchyard,
Where flits the shadowy ghost,
And see how little pride has left
Whereon to raise a boast;
See beauty claiming sisterhood

With the noisome reptile worm—

Oh, where are all the graces fled

That once arrayed her form!

Fond hope no more on her smiles will feed
Nor wither at her frown;

Her head will rest more quiet now

Than when it slept on down;

With cloven crest and bloody shroud
The once proud warrior lies;
And the patriot's heart hath not a throb
To give to a nation's cries,—
A solemn voice will greet thine ear
As thou lingerest round the spot,
And call from out the sepulchre,
Frail man, "Forget me not.”


"Forget me not," the thunder roars
As it bursts its sulphury cloud,
'Tis murmured by the distant hills
In echoes long and loud;
'Tis written by the Almighty's hand
In characters of flame,

When the lightnings gleam with vivid flash,
And His wrath and power proclaim;
'Tis murmured when the white wave falls
Upon the wreck-strewn shore,

As a hoary warrior bows his crest,

When the day of battle is o'er.

Go! speed thee forth when the beamy sun O'erthrows the reign of night,

And strips the scene of its misty robe

And arrays it in diamonds bright;
Oh! as thou drinkest health and joy
In the fresh and balmy air,
"Forget me not," in a still small voice,
Will surely greet thee there.


Oh, who that sees the vermil cheek
Grow day by day more pale,
And beauty's form to shrink before
The summer's gentlest gale,

But thinks of Him, the mighty One,
By whom the blow is given,
As if the fairest flowers of earth

Were earliest plucked for heaven.
Oh yes! on every side we see

The impress of His hand;

The air we breathe is full of Him,

And the earth on which we stand;
Yet heedless man regards it not,
But life's uncertain day
In idle hopes and vain regrets
Thus madly wastes away.
But in His own appointed time,

He will not be forgot:

Oh! in that hour of fearful strife,

Great God!". Forget me not."




SELECT ETYMOLOGIES.-Contempt: L. contemp'tio; fr. con and tem'no. I scorn. ... Course: L. cur'sus; fr. cur'ro, cur'sum, to run. Courtier: fr. court; fr. L. co'hors, a place inclosed; h., a palace, the retinue of a sovereign, etc. . . . Diadem: Gr. diadē'ma, fr. di'adein, to bind round; di'a and dein, to bind. Eclipse: Gr. ěkleip'sis; fr. ek and lei'pein, to leave. . . . Facile : L. fă'cilis, easy; fr. fă'cio, I do. . . . Melancholy : Gr. melangchŏl'ia (μedavxodía); fr. mel'an, black, and chŏlõs, bile. . . . Moon : A. S. mano; allied to the L. men'sis, a month. . . . Perfume: L. per and fu'mus, smoke. Reptile: L. rep'tilis, creeping; fr. re'po, rep'tum, to creep: h., sur-reptitious (sur-sub). . . . Sycophant: Gr. sukŏphan'tēs (σUKоþáνтηŠ), one who informed against those who stole figs, or exported them illegally; fr. su'kon, a fig, and phai'nein (fï'nīne), to show; h., a base parasite. . . . Theatre or Theater: Gr. thě-at'rŏn; fr. thě-as'thai, to see. .. Vermil, Vermilion : fr. L. vermiculus, a little worm; one that yields a scarlet color; ver'mis, a worm.




THERE is a tide in the affairs of men,

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows, and in miseries:

And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.


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