And, for these great affairs do ask some charge, YORK. How long shall I be patient? Ah, how long wrongs, Nor the prevention of poor Bolingbroke St. Patrick freed the kingdom of Ireland from venomous reptiles of every kind. So, in Decker's Honest Whore, P. II. 1630: " Bred in a country where no venom profpers, Again, in Fuimus Troes, 1635: "As Jrish earth doth poison poisonous beasts. " STEEVENS. 6 Nor the prevention of poor Bolingbroke About his marriage, When the duke of Hereford, after his banishment, went into France, he was honourably entertained at that court, and would have obtained in marriage the only daughter of the duke of Berry, uncle to the French king, had not Richard prevented the match. STEEVENS. 7 Accomplish'd with the number of thy hours; i. e. when he was of thy age. MALONE. 1 Did win what he did spend, and spent not that O, my liege, K. RICH. Why, uncle, what's the matter? Is not his heir a well-deserving fon? His livery, and deny his offer'd homage, 1 K. RICH. Think what you will; we seize into our hands His plate, his goods, his money, and his lands. 8 --deny his offer'd homage,] That is, refuse to admit that homage, by which he is to hold his lands. JOHNSON. YORK. I'll not be by, the while: My liege, fare well; What will ensue hereof, there's none can tell; ftraight; Bid him repair to us to Ely-house, We will for Ireland; and 'tis time, I trow; [Exeunt King, Queen, BUSHY, AUMERLE, NORTH. Well, lords, the duke of Lancaster is dead. Ross. And living too; for now his fon is duke. WILLO. Barely in title, not in revenue, NORTH. Richly in both, if justice had her right. Ross. My heart is great; but it must break with filence, Ere't be disburden'd with a liberal tongue. NORTH. Nay, speak thy mind; and let him ne'er speak more, That speaks thy words again, to do thee harm! WILLO. Tends that thou'dst speak, to the duke of Hereford? If it be fo, out with it boldly, man; Unless you call it good, to pity him, NORTH. Now, afore heaven, 'tis shame, such wrongs are borne, In him a royal prince, and many more taxes, And lost their hearts: the nobles hath he fin'd WILLO. And daily new exactions are devis'd; As-blanks, benevolences, and I wot not what: But what, o'God's name, doth become of this? NORTH. Wars have not wasted it, for warr'd he hath not, But basely yielded upon compromife WILLO. The king's grown bankrupt, like a broken man, NORTH. Reproach, and dissolution, hangeth over him. Ross. He hath not money for these Irish wars. His burdenous taxations notwithstanding, But by the robbing of the banish'd duke. And loft their hearts:) The old copies erroneously and un metrically read " And quite lost their hearts: L The compofitor's eye had caught the adverb-quite, from the fol lowing line. STEEVENS. > NORTH. His noble kinsman: - Most degenerate king! But, lords, we hear this fearful tempest sing, 8 Ross. We fee the very wreck that we must fuffer; And unavoided is the danger3 now, For fuffering so the causes of our wreck. NORTH. Not fo; even through the hollow eyes of death, I spy life peering; but I dare not say WILLO. Nay, let us share thy thoughts, as thou dost ours. Ross. Be confident to speak, Northumberland: We three are but thyself; and, speaking so, Thy words are but as thoughts; therefore, be bold. NORTH. Then thus: - I have from Port le Blanc, a bay In Britany, receiv'd intelligence, we hear this fearful tempeft fing, So, in The Tempest: " -- another storm brewing; I hear it fing in the wind." STEEVENS. • And yet we ftrike not,] To frike the fails, is, to contract them when there is too much wind. JOHNSON. but securely perish. We perish by too great confidence in our security. The word is used in the same sense in The Merry Wives of Windfor: "Though Ford be a fecure fool," &c. Again, in Troilus and Cressida, A& IV. [c. v: " 'Tis done like Hector, but fecurely done." See Dr. Farmer's note on this passage. STEEVENS. MALONE. 1 3 And unavoided is the danger-] Unavoided is, I believe, here ased for unavoidable. MALONE, |