PERCY. My gracious lord, I tender you my fer- Such as it is, being tender, raw, and young; BOLING. I thank thee, gently Percy; and be fure, it. NORTH. How far is it to Berkley? And what ftir Keeps good old York there, with his men of war? PERCY. There stands the castle, by yon tuft of trees, Mann'd with three hundred men, as I have heard: And in it are the lords of York, Berkley, and Sey mour; None else of name, and noble estimate. Enter Ross and WILLOUGHBY. NORTH. Here come the lords of Ross and Wil loughby, Bloody with spurring, firy-red with haste. BOLING. Welcome, my lords: I wot, your love pursues A banish'd traitor; all my treasury Is yet but unfelt thanks, which, more enrich'd, Ross. Your prefence makes us rich, most noble lord. WILLO. And far furmounts our labour to attain: BOLING. Evermore thanks, the exchequer of the poor; < Which, till my infant fortune comes to years, NORTH. It is my lord of Berkley, as I guess. BERK. My lord of Hereford, my message is to you. 6 BOLING. My lord, my answer is to Lancaster;' And I am come to seek that name in England: Before I make reply to aught you say. BERK. Miftake me not, my lord; 'tis not my meaning, To raze one title of your honour out: 8 9 To you, my lord, I come, (what lord you will,) My lord of Hereford, my message is to you.) I susped that our author designed this for a speech rendered abrupt by the impatience of Bolingbroke's reply; and therefore wrote: My lord of Hereford, my message is The words to you, only serve to destroy the metre. 7 STEE VENS. --my answer is to Lancaster;] Your message, you say, is to my lord of Hereford. My answer is, It is not to him; it is to the Duke of Lancaster. MALONE. "How the names of * To raze one title of your honour out:] them which for capital crimes againft majestie were crazed out of the publicke records, tables, and registers, or forbidden to be borne by their pofteritie, when their memorie was damned, I could show at large. Camden's Remains, p. 136, edit. 1605. MALONE. 9 From the most glorious regent of this land,] Thus the first quarto, 1597. The word regent was accidentally omitted in the quarto, 1598, which was followed by all the subsequent copies. MALONE. 2 To take advantage of the absent time, BOLING. I shall not need transport my words by you; Here comes his grace in person, -My noble un[Kneels. cle! YORK. Show me thy humble heart, and not thy knee, Whose duty is deceivable and false. Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle: march -the absent time,] i. e. time of the king's abfence. 3 Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle:] In Romeo and Juliet we have the fame kind of phraseology: JOHNSON. " Thank me no thankings, nor proud me no prouds." Again, in Microcynicon, Six Snarling Satires, &c. 16mo. 1599: " Hower me no howers; howers break no square." The reading of the folio is preferable: RITSON. MALONE. Tut, tut! grace me no grace, nor uncle me. 4 But then more why;) This seems to be wrong. We might read: But more than this; why, &c. TYRWHITTт. But then more why;) But, to add more questions. This is the reading of the first quarto, 1597, which in the second, and all the subsequent copies, was corrupted thus: But more than why. The expreffion of the text, though a fingular one, was, I have no doubt, So many miles upon her peaceful bosom; men, From forth the ranks of many thousand French; the author's. It is of a colour with those immediately preceding: " Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle." A fimilar expression occurs in Twelfth Night: " More than I love these eyes, more than my life, MALONE. There seems to be an error in this passage, which I believe should run thus: But more then: Why? why have they dar'd, &c. This repetition of the word why, is not unnatural for a person speaking with much warmth. M. MASON. And oftentation of despised arms? But sure the oftentation of despised arms would not fright any one. We should read: --disposed arms, i. e. forces in battle array. WARBURTON, This alteration is harsh. Sir T. Hanmer reads despightful. Mr. Upton gives this passage as a proof that our author ufes the paffive participle in an active sense. The copies all agree. Perhaps the old duke means to treat him with contempt as well as with severity, and to infinuate that he despises his power, as being able to master it. In this sense all is right. JOHNSON. So, in this play: ،، We'll make foul weather with despised tears." STEEVENS. The meaning of this probably is a boastful display of arms which we despise. M. MASON. > BOLING. My gracious uncle, let me know my On what condition stands it, and wherein ? In braving arms against thy fovereign. BOLING. As I was banish'd, I was banish'd Here ford; But as I come, I come for Lancaster. し 6 On what condition) It should be, in what condition, i. c. in what degree of guilt. The particles in the old editions are of little credit. JOHNSON. York's reply supports Dr. Johnson's conjecture; "Even in condition," &c. MALONE. Look on my wrongs with an indifferent eye:] i. e. with an impartial eye. "Every juryman (lays Sir Edward Coke) ought to be impartial and indifferent." MALONE. Wherefore was I born? To what purpose serves birth and lineal fucceffion? I am duke of Lancaster by the fame right of birth as the king is king of England. JOHNSON. 1 |