Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

8. Political Economy.

A. Currency and Banking.

B. Finance.

The portions included in brackets are to be specially studied.

A. Currency and Banking.

(Walker: Money.)

(Bagehot: Lombard Street.) (Report on the high price of Gold Bullion. Parliamentary Reports, 1810, iii.)


Debate in the House of Commons on the Report of the Bullion Committee, May 6-9, 1811. of Canning.) Report from the Committee on the expediency of the Bank resuming Cash Payments. Parliamentary Reports, 1819, iii. (Tooke's Evidence and Ricardo's Evidence.) Debate in the House of Commons on the resumption of Cash Payments, May 24 and 25, 1819. (Speeches of Peel and Ricardo.) Debate in the House of Commons

on Mr. Western's motion concerning the resumption of Cash Payments, June 11 and 12, 1822. (Speeches of Huskisson and Ricardo.)

The Bank Charter Act of 1844 and debates bearing on it. (Peel's Speech of May 6, 1844.) Report from Select Committee on Bank Acts, &c. 1857, Sess. II, X. (J. S. Mill's Evidence.) The Gold and Silver Commission, 1887-8. (Final Report, Part i, C. 5512.) (Professor Marshall's Evidence, C. 5512-1: from Question 9818 to Question 9881, and from Question 10121 to end of Memorandum.)

Soetbeer's Materialien zur Erläuterung

und Beurtheilung der wirtschaftlichen Edelmetallverhältnisse und der Währungsfrage, 1886; a translation of the same in Appendix XVI to the Gold and Silver Commission, C. 5512-1. (Section vii relating to variations in general prices and purchasing power of gold.) Professor Foxwell's Evidence before

the Royal Commission on Agricultural Depression, C. 7400 ii: (Question 23749 to Question 23880).

Indian Currency Committee, 1893. Report of the Committee; (sections 67-98: 'different currency systems of different nations,' C. 7060).

Indian Currency Committee, Part i, 1898, C. 9037. (Sir Edgar Vincent's Evidence from Question 5374 to Question 5469.) Part ii, 1899, C. 9222. (Professor Marshall's Evidence, Jan. 11, 1899: from Question 11757 to Question 11793.)

B. Finance.

(Bastable: Public Finance.)
Wagner Finanzwissenschaft, drit-
ter Theil, sechstes Buch, zweites
Kapitel, erster Hauptabschnitt.
(1. Abschnitt: Hauptpunkte der
Entwicklung der britischen Be-
steuerung seit 1815.)
Debate on Reduction of Debt,

March 29, 1786. (Pitt's Speech,
Fox's Speech.)

Debate in the House of Commons on Public Revenue and Expenditure, Feb. 17, 1792. (Pitt's Speech.)

Debate on Redemption of Land Tax, April 2, 1798. (Pitt's Speech.)

Debate on Income Tax, Dec. 14, 1798. (Pitt's Speech.) (Perceval's Financial Statement, May 16, 1810. Huskisson's Speech thereon.)

(Fourth Report from the Com

mittee on Finance, 1817. Parliamentary Reports, 1817, iv.) Debate on the State of Public Finance, July 9, 1817. (Huskisson's Speech, Parnell's Speech.) (First Report from the Committee of Finance, 1819. Parliamentary Reports, 1819, ii.) (Speech on the Financial Situation by Frederick J. Robinson, Lord Goderich, Feb. 21, 1823.) (Speech on the Financial Situation by the same, March 13, 1826.) Debate on Public Income and Ex

penditure, Feb. 15, 1828. (Peel's Speech.) (Fourth Report from the Committee on Public Income and Expenditure, including the 'Statement' by Mr. Herries. Parliamentary Reports, 1828, v.) (Financial Statement by Sir Robert

Peel, March 11, 1842.) Report from the Committee on Income and Property Tax, 1852. Parliamentary Reports, 1852, ix. (Draft of Report by Joseph Hume. Evidence of J. S. Mill, and evidence of Charles Babbage.)

(Financial Statements by Gladstone: April 18, 1853; Feb. 10, 1860; April 27, 1865.) (Financial Statement by Lowe, April 20, 1871.)

9. Representative Government.

A. The Theory and Practice of Representative Government.

Mill: Representative Government. Sidgwick: Elements of Politics, Part II.

Lowell Public Opinion and Popular


Dareste: Les Constitutions modernes, Vol. i, France, pp. 10-37; Suisse, pp. 536-71. Vol. ii, Suède, pp. 46-114.

Constitution of the United States of

America [63rd Congress, 1st Session, S. Doc. 12]. Appendices to the Report from the Select Committee on House of Commons Procedure, 378, 1914, pp. 225-62, 292-6, 299–305.

B. The Parliamentary System of the United Kingdom. Redlich: Procedure of the House of Commons.

Report from Committee on Local Taxation. Parliamentary Reports, 1870, viii. (Draft Report proposed by the Chairman, Lord Goschen.)

(Report from Committee on Town Holdings. Parliamentary Reports, 1892, xviii.)

(Sir William Harcourt's Financial Statement, April 16, 1894.) (Final Report of the Royal Commission on Local Taxation, 1901. Cd. 638.) (Separate Report on Urban Rating and Site Values, Ibid., p. 142.) (Answers of Selfgoverning Colonies to questions on Local Taxation. Minutes of Evidence taken before Royal Commission on Local Taxation, Appendix, vol. iv, Cd. 201.)

The Standing Orders of the House of Commons, 443, 1914, Part 1: Public Business.

Report of the Royal Commission on Electoral Systems [Cd. 5163, 1910], pp. 1-37.

Select Committee on National Expenditure:

242, 1903: Report from the Committee.

387, 1902: Evidence of Lord

Welby, pp. 175-88, and
Appendix No. 13, pp. 228-


House of Commons Select Committee on Procedure, 378, 1914: Evidence of (1) Lord R. Cecil, pp. 39–67; (2) Rt. Hon. A. J. Balfour, pp. 69-91, and pp. 114-26; (3) Rt. Hon. H. H. Asquith, pp. 150-65; (4) Sir Courtenay Ilbert, pp.

10. Military History and Strategy.


Candidates will be required to show a knowledge of one campaign of the Napoleonic Age, and of one campaign of more recent times, each of them to be studied as far as practicable in the original documents forming part of the action, in the principal historians, and in the critical writers representative of the strategical and tactical ideas of the period concerned.

The following campaigns are selected for the examinations in the years named:

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The following books are recommended, and candidates will be required to answer questions set on those marked with an asterisk :— 1805. The military operations, and so much only of the naval operations as may be necessary to understand them, from August 23 to December 2 inclusive.

Correspondance de Napoléon Ir, Vol. XI, nos. 9,116 to 9,541 inclusive.
*Dumolin, Précis d'histoire militaire: Campagne de 1805.

Précis de la Campagne de 1805 en Allemagne et en Italie, Bruxelles, 1886.
Rüstow, Der Krieg von 1805 in Deutschland und Italien.

Alombert et Colin, La Campagne de 1805 en Allemagne.

*Von der Goltz, Das Volk in Waffen (translated by P. A. Ashworth, The Nation in Arms).

Krauss, Der Feldzug von Ulm (Vienna, 1912).

1866. The Campaign in Bohemia.

*Moltke, Militärische Korrespondenz 1866, or the French translation.
*The Campaign of 1866 in Germany, compiled by the department of
military history of the Prussian staff, translated by Von Wright
and Hozier.

Lettow-Vorbeck, Geschichte des Krieges von 1866 in Deutschland.
Oesterreich's Kämpfe, 1866 (or French translation).

The above works only so far as they relate to the Campaign in Bohemia.

*Foch, Des principes de la guerre.

*Von der Goltz, Das Volk in Waffen (translated by P. A. Ashworth, The Nation in Arms).


A Candidate may, if he pleases, offer in addition to the abovementioned Stated Subjects of examination a subject connected with the History of Literature or Art. Under this head Candidates may offer any one of the following:

1. The Elizabethan Period of Literature, the Historical Plays of Shakespeare to be studied minutely.

2. The Age of Lewis the Fourteenth, the Plays of Molière to be studied minutely.

3. Medieval Latin Palæography and Diplomatic, to be studied with special reference to manuscripts of English origin.

Every Candidate who proposes to offer one of the above-mentioned subjects must send notice to the Assistant Registrar, stating which subject he has selected, not later than the Saturday of the eighth week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the Examination.

Candidates desiring to offer any other period or subject of a like character must obtain the approval of the Board. Applications for such approval must be made to the Assistant Registrar not later than the Wednesday of the second week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the Examination, and must be accompanied by six copies of a statement of the treatises or documents proposed for special study.


In 1916 only :

Candidates will be examined in the following books:

Aristotle's Politics, subject-matter.

Hobbes: Leviathan, cc. xiii-xxx.

In 1917 and afterwards :-

Maine: Ancient Law.

Candidates will be examined in the following books:

Aristotle : Politics (the subject-matter | Maine: Ancient Law, cc. i-v. in relation to political theory). Mill: Essay on Liberty.

Hobbes: Leviathan, cc. xiii-xxx.

Questions will also be set in the Examination which will give Candidates an opportunity for showing knowledge of the works of other representative writers.


Candidates will be examined in the Economic History of England, and will be expected to show such a knowledge of Economic Theory as is needful for the proper study of that History. Candidates will not be examined in any particular book, but for Economic Theory they are recommended to read such a book as either Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, or J. S. Mill, Principles of Political Economy, or Gide, Principles of Political Economy.

(i) Statute.

[Statt. Tit. VI. Sect. 1. C.]

§ 9. Of the Honour School of Theology.

1. The subjects of examination in the Honour School of Theology shall be:—

(1) The Holy Scriptures.

(2) Dogmatic and Symbolic Theology.

(3) Ecclesiastical History and the Fathers.

(4) The Philosophy of Religion.

(5) Liturgies.

(6) Sacred Criticism, and the Archæology of the Old

and New Testaments.

(7) The Hebrew of the Old Testament.

2. Candidates shall offer the Holy Scriptures, together with so many of the remaining subjects enumerated above as shall be required by the Regulations of the Board of the Faculty of Theology.

3. The Books of the New Testament shall be studied in the Greek Text. Candidates shall also be permitted to offer portions of the Septuagint. The History of the Church and the Liturgies shall be studied with reference to original authorities.

4. No Candidate shall be admitted to examination in this School unless he has passed the First Public Examination, or is qualified for admission under the provisions of Statt. Tit. VI. Sect. I. cl. 6, or is an Affiliated, Indian, Colonial, or Foreign Senior Student, or has obtained Honours in some other Final Honour School.

5. The Board of the Faculty of Theology shall from time to time make regulations respecting the Examination, and shall have power

(1) To prescribe which of the subjects enumerated above or of the departments of these subjects shall be necessary for the attainment of a place in the First or Second Class.

(2) To prescribe books in any of the subjects to be studied with minute attention.

(3) To permit Candidates to offer as special subjects particular departments of the subjects named above, or other subjects or departments of subjects which they may deem suitable to be studied in connexion with Theology, and to suggest such special subjects, prescribing, if they think fit, particular authorities.

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