Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

6. Every Candidate offering a special subject suggested by the Board of the Faculty of Theology shall be required to give notice of his intention to the Assistant Registrar, and to specify the subject, not later than the Saturday of the eighth week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the Examination. 7. A Candidate proposing to offer any special subject not suggested by the Board of the Faculty of Theology, must submit it to the approval of the Board at such time, not being later than the Wednesday of the second week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the Examination, as the Board shall prescribe.

8. The Examiners in this School shall be members of Convocation, in Priest's Orders.

(ii) Regulations of the Board of the Faculty. For the purposes of the Examination, the subjects are arranged as follows:


I. The Holy Scriptures.

II. Dogmatic and Symbolic Theology.

III. Ecclesiastical History and the Fathers.

IV. The Hebrew of the Old Testament.

V. The Philosophy of Religion.

Of these all Candidates will be required to offer I, together with either II or III. All Candidates who offer more than two of these five subjects will be required to offer Subject II.

VI. Liturgies.

VII. Sacred Criticism and the Archeology of the Old and

New Testaments.

VIII. English Ecclesiastical History to A. D. 1820, together with a prescribed special period to be read with original authorities.

These Subjects may only be offered by Candidates who offer three out of the first five Subjects. No Candidate may offer more than one of the alternatives hereinafter prescribed under each of the Subjects VI, VII.


Any Candidate who offers three of the first five Ordinary Subjects may offer, in addition to or instead of any of the other Ordinary Subjects, a Special Subject previously approved by the Board.

It is not necessary for the attainment of the highest Honours that any Special Subject should be offered; but in the assignment of Honours great weight will be attached to excellence in a Special Subject.

All applications to the Board concerning Special Subjects must be sent to the Assistant Registrar on or before the Wednesday of the second week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the Examination (see p. 127).

The subjects of the Examination will be as follows:



1. The History, Religion, and Literature of Israel from Moses to our Lord.

(a) The following parts of the Old Testament should be studied for the purpose of this subject:

(a) Genesis-2 Kings: Ezra, Nehemiah: 1 Maccabees.
(8) Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Jonah, Jeremiah (cc. i-xxiv, xxx-
xxxiii), Ezekiel (cc. i-xii, xviii, xxxiii-xxxix), Haggai,
Zechariah (cc. i-viii).

(y) Job, Psalms ii, viii, xvi, xviii, xxii, xlv, xlix, li, lxviii, lxxiii,
lxxxix, xc, xcix, civ, cx, cxviii, cxxii, cxxxvii, cxxxix, cxlv,
Proverbs (cc. i-ix), Ecclesiastes, Daniel, Wisdom (cc. i—ix),
Ecclesiasticus (cc. i-x, xxiv, xxxviii, xliv-l).

(6) A special acquaintance with the following texts will also be required :

The Book of Isaiah.

A short Historical Book or selection of Historical Books. For 1916 and 1917 :-the Second Book of Kings.

In the paper on the Special Books Candidates will be given an opportunity of showing knowledge of the Hebrew Text.

2. The History, Theology, and Literature of the New Testament. In particular Candidates will be expected to show an acquaintance with

(a) The life and teaching of our Lord, with the text of the four Gospels.

(b) The Apostolic Age, with a selection of not more than six
books or parts of books, of which at least three shall be
Epistles of St. Paul.

For 1916 and 1917:-Acts, Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians,
Revelation, i-iii.

(c) One book (or part of a book) or selection of books (or parts
of books) to be studied minutely.

For 1916 and 1917:-The Epistles of St. John.

The Version of the Old Testament used will be the Revised Version with the notes and variants in the margin. The prescribed books of the New Testament are to be studied in the Greek Text. The Text used will be the Oxford Text, with the Revisers' Readings (1881).


The Doctrine of the Christian Church till 461 A.D.

All Candidates will be required to offer the Creeds, the Definition of the Council of Chalcedon, the Quicunque Vult, and certain specified Patristic texts.

In 1916-1918 the two following texts:

S. Athanasius, De Incarnatione.

S. Augustine, De Spiritu et Litera (§§ 1−54).
The subject may be further studied in—

Origen, De Principiis.
Tertullian, Adv. Praxean.

S. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catecheses.

S. Vincent of Lérins, Commonitorium.

S. Gregory of Nazianzus, Orationes Theologica.
S. Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio Catechetica.

S. John of Damascus, De Fide Orthodoxa.
Peter Lombard, Libri Sententiarum.

S. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica.
Petavius, De Theologicis Dogmatibus.
Thomassinus, Dogmata Theologica.
Pearson, On the Creed.

Dorner, The Person of Christ.

Hagenbach, A History of Christian Doctrines.

Harnack, History of Dogma.

Martensen, Christian Dogmatics.

Bright, The Age of the Fathers.

Bigg, The Christian Platonists of Alexandria.


The History of the Christian Church to 461 A.D., with a prescribed portion of certain specified Historical Texts.

For 1916 and 1917:-The Documents and Extracts embodied in Eusebius III-VII.

The subject may be studied in

Eusebius, Hist. Eccl.

Acta Sincera Martyrum ed. Ruinart.

Socrates, Hist. Eccl.

Sozomen, Hist. Eccl.

Theodoret, Hist. Eccl.

Canons of the First Four Councils, ed. Bright,

Codex Theodosianus.

Tillemont, Mémoires.

Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.
Schiller, Geschichte der Römischen Kaiserzeit.
Bigg, The Origins of Christianity.

Duchesne, Histoire ancienne de l'Église.

Harnack, The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First
Three Centuries.

Lightfoot, S. Clement of Rome; S. Ignatius and S. Polycarp.

Benson, Cyprian.

Mason, The Persecution of Diocletian.

Ramsay, The Church and the Roman Empire.

Bright, The Age of the Fathers.

Gwatkin, Early Church History to A.D. 313.
Gwatkin, Studies of Arianism.
Friedländer, Sittengeschichte Roms.

De Broglie, L'Église et l'Empire au IV* Siècle.
Boissier, Fin du Paganisme.

Dill, Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire.
Seeck, Geschichte des Untergangs der antiken Welt.


One prose book, with one or more poetical books.

Candidates may offer the prose book alone, or with one only of the poetical books.

For 1916 and 1917 the books prescribed are, Genesis i-xxv. 18; Psalms ii, viii, xvi, xviii, xxii, xlv, xlix, li, lxviii, lxxiii, lxxxix, xc, xcix, civ, cx, cxviii, cxxii, cxxxvii, cxxxix, cxlv; Isaiah i-xxvii.


The subject will be taken to embrace the idea of God and the arguments for His existence, His Relation to the Human Soul and to the World, and the idea and scope of Revelation.

The following texts will be required :—

S. Gregory of Nyssa, Oratio Catechetica, I-XX.

S. Anselm, Proslogion.

Berkeley, Principles of Human Knowledge, or Kant, Prolegomena
to any future Metaphysic.

E. Caird, The Evolution of Theology in the Greek Philosophers.
Ward, Naturalism and Agnosticism, Part II.

The subject may be further studied in—

Plato, Crito; Phædo; Republic, Books VI and VII.

Aristotle, Metaphysics, Book XII.

S. Augustine, De Trinitate, Books V to VIII.

S. Thomas Aquinas, Summa contra Gentiles, Books I and III.
Butler, Analogy.

Berkeley, Alciphron and Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous.
Kant, Die Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft: the
section "Of the Radical Evil in Human Nature," translated in
Abbott, Kant's Theory of Ethics.

Lotze, Microcosmus, Book IX, or Outlines of the Philosophy of Religion.

Bigg, The Christian Platonists of Alexandria.

J. Caird, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion.
Flint, Theism and Anti-Theistic Theories.

Herrmann, The Communion of the Christian with God.
Illingworth, Personality, Human and Divine.
W. James, Varieties of Religious Experience.
The Will to Believe and other Essays.

Martineau, A Study of Religion.

Rashdall, Philosophy and Religion.
Royce, The Religious Aspect of Philosophy.
Seth, Hegelianism and Personality.



1. The history of the Liturgy of the Eucharist in both the Greek and Latin Churches, especially as exhibited in the following documents: The Liturgy of Serapion; Apostolical Constitutions, Book VIII, cc. 4-15; S. Cyrilli Hieros. Catecheses XXII, XXIII; the Liturgies attributed to S. Basil, S. James, and S. Mark; the Missale Gothicum; the Expositio Liturgia Gallicana, attributed to S. Germanus of Paris; the Sacramentarium Gelasianum; Mabillon's Ordines Romani, I, II.

The subject may be studied in

Renaudot, Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio.

Brightman, Liturgies Eastern and Western: Vol. I, Eastern Liturgies.
Swainson, Greek Liturgies.

Neale and Forbes, Gallican Liturgies.

Muratori, Liturgia Romana Vetus.

Wilson, The Gelasian Sacramentary.

Warren, Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church.

Warren, The Leofric Missal.

Missale ad usum Sarum (ed. Dickinson).

Maskell, Ancient Liturgy of the Church of England.

Bona, Rerum Liturgicarum libri duo (ed. Sala).

Le Brun, Explication de la Messe.

Krazer, De Apostolicis necnon Ecclesia Occidentalis Liturgiis.

Duchesne, Origines du Culte Chrétien (third edition, or English


Palmer, Origines Liturgica (Preliminary Dissertation).

Neale, History of the Holy Eastern Church (Introduction).

Rietschel, Lehrbuch der Liturgik.

Scudamore, Notitia Eucharistica (second edition).

The Dictionary of Christian Antiquities.

Neale, Essay on the Ambrosian and Mozarabic Liturgies (in his

Essays on Liturgiology).

Magistretti, La Liturgia della Chiesa Milanese nel secolo IV.
Fortescue, The Roman Mass (second edition).

2. The Book of Common Prayer, including the Ordinal. Candidates will be expected to show knowledge of (a) its sources, (b) its successive modifications, (c) its contents.

Candidates will be expected to show an acquaintance with the following:

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