Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

vnlicenced Alehouses nor disorder in any, noe money Levied vpon drunkards, 50 per annu(m) rents imployed according to the donors intent.


William Beadle, Churchwarden.

Richard Hill, Constable.

Thomas (Avorch ?), Ouerseer for y poore.

Twentie foure pounds & tenn shillings collected yearly for the poore xiili: xi rents, xxiiji: x laid out to buy corne for the poore at xvid the bushell cheaper then it cost, not any put to seruice this yeare, viii children to be put out, noe vnlicenced alehouses, noe disorder in Inne or Alehouse, foure vagrants punished, Watch and Warde duely kept, not any idle persons.


Leonard Knight, Constable.

John Jones, Ouerseer for y poore.

Noe stocke for their poore, watches and wards duely kept, none put to seruice this yeare, Henry Cobham selleth Beare wthout Licence noe disorder in Innes or Alehouses, noe money levied upon drunkards. The rest of the presentment is against Edward Gardiner Esq. wch doth depend vpon the Lawe.

Frier Durden, Churchwarden.

Thomas Young, Constable.

Isacke Gray, Thomas Gilson, Ouerseers for the poore."

This ends the returns for Feb. 7th; the same parishes send returns on each of the later dates; the few which are here printed are those which indicate the alteration effected by the enforcement of the Book of Orders.

"An Abstract of the Returnes made March the viith........


Noe vnlicenced Alehouses, noe disorder, watch and ward duely kept, vagrants punished according to the Lawe, x leuied vpon drunkards to the vse of the poore. Gabraell Whittawe, his wife, sonne and daughter liue idly and are hedgbreakers, noe stocke in the parish to sett the poore on worke. A greate stocke of corne laid in for the poore at iii iiijd the bushell, none want

worke, all being set one worke in the parish, iili x yearly rent distributed to the poore by the donors, xi boyes and girles to be put to service....


Richard Shepheard, Robert Goulett, Consta.

Thomas Thack guere, William Addams, Churchwar.
Abraham Thorogood, Simon Abbott, Ouerseers....

Stocke to set the poore one worke to make Clothe 22: 10: of hempe, towe and flax; 24 children to put to seruice, 22 poore spinners sett to worke, none sell beare or ale wthout licence, noe disorder in Innes or Alehouses, iiii rogues punished, watch & ward duely kept, noe Money leuied vpon drunkards since our last returne: Thomas Gurston goeth aboute wth a Gunne or Peece, Tobias Chandler hath noe Lawfull calling.


Tho. Barnard, gen. Church.

Leonard Knight, Robert Freeman, Constables.
John Jones, James Scruby, Ouerseers.

Tenn pounds, thirteene shillings Stocke for the releife of the poore in corne; Richard Beadle, John Beadle idle liuers out of seruice, noe Inne or Alehouse in the parish, the Guifts formerly given imployed as by the donors wills, watch and ward duely kept, three rogues punished....

Thomas Kirbey, Michaell More, Churchwardens.
Tho. Ancell, Richard Haruey, Ouerseers.

An Abstract of the Returnes made Aprill the iiiith Anno d(omi)ni 1631....


Noe stock to sett the poore on worke but they are sett on worke by the inhabitants to spinn towe at iiiid the pound, fiftie shillings guift to the poore, adozen of bread out of Lent and twoe dozen in Lent wth a Barrell of White & a cade of Redd herrings the Weekly Collection amounteth to aboue xxl the yeare, six rogues punished, Watches and Wardes duely kept....

Will Denison, Const.

Hen. Wattie, Edw. Dogood, Church.
Tho. Smith, Edw. Tubman, Ouer.


None that keepe Alehouse wthout Licence noe disorder in the Licenced, Watch and Ward duely kept, iiii rogues punished, noe leuied vpon money drunkards, none but will and doe worke for reasonable wages, noe stocke but the poore are releiued wth corne and money, noe Guifts to charitable vses, none to put fourth Apprentices but those whome their parents will put fourth.

Tho. Ouerill, Const.

D. S. P. Chas. I. Vol. 197. 69.

Tho. Wett, Churchw.
John Cripes, Ouers.

An Abstract of the Returnes and presentments made by the churchwardens, constables and ouerseers for the Poore in the parishes of the halfe hundred of Braughing vnto vs Justices of the peace in this diuision whose names are herevnder written on the first day of May anno do(min)i 1631....


Twoe put fourth Apprentices, there is more to put fourth soe soone as there cann be masters gotten for them, Robert Gray refuseth to pay to the Rate for the poore, there is one William Brookes will not keepe his seruice....

James Scruby, John Jones, Ouerseers.
John Bull, Robert Colt, Churchwardens.
Wm Ellis, Wm Reade, Constables.

An Abstract of the Returnes made May xxxth 1631....


Noe unlicenced Alehouse keepers, Watch & Ward is duely kept, one Rogue punished and passed since the last Sitting, Joseph Charnocke and Thomas Charnocke liue idly and will not worke there is fiue pounds stocke and the poore are sett on worke, none put fourth apprentices as yet....

Hen. Damyan, Constable.
Robert Ellis, Churchwarden.
Hen. Corney, Ouerseer......

An Abstract of the Returnes made June xxviith anno do(min)i 1631....


None sell Ale or beare wthout Licence, Watch and Ward is duely kept, tenn Rogues haue been punished and passed, noe money leuied vpon drunkards, noe idle persons, theire was а stocke of Tenn pounds to sett the poore on worke, wch is decayed and come to fiue pounds, Noe guifts to charitable vses, none fitt to put apprentices....


George Elliott, Constable.
John Burton, Churchwarden.
Wm Hale, Ouerseer.

Watch and Ward is duely kept, noe unlicenced alehouses, noe rogues punished since the last sitting, the poore are sett on worke by the inhabitants, there are some yearely rents wch are weekely distributed to the poore, none to put fourth apprentices."

Tho. King, Constable.

Geo. Cramphorne, Churchwarden.
Tho. Porter, Ouerseer.”

This later report is endorsed “ 'Certifyed by the high Sheriff the first of Septemb(er) 1631.

Jo. Boteler."

C. Dom. State Papers, Chas. I. Vol. 190. 10.

Part of the Report of Bridewell.

This report of Bridewell seems to have been made in consequence of the inquiries of the commissioners on poor relief appointed in Jan. 1639.

The estimated value of the labour of the inmates, the cost of their maintenance, the amount paid in salaries to the officials of the hospital all throw light on the rate of wages and on the cost. of living at this time.

London Bridewell.

"To the right honble the lords of his Maties most hoble privy Counsaile.

We, the Presidt, Treasurer and other the Governors of the hospitall of Bridewell, in obedience to yo' Lo(rdshi)ps order dated the xviiith day of Aprill now last past doe humbly present vnto Honors a true particuler of all the state of the same Hospitall as it now standeth this Second day of May 1631 in manner and forme following (viz.)1."...

"Casuall receipts."

"There is raised by the labo" of eu(er)y man that is set to worke wthin the said hospitall for eu(er)y dayes worke iiiid and for eu(er)y woman and boy iid, wch for vii yeares now last past co(mmun)ibus annis hath raised per ann(um)

There hath been moreover receaved for the dyett of such rude apprentices and other idle and vnruly persons as have been sent thither wthin Seaven yeares last past co(mmun)ibus annis per ann(um)

There hath been given by well disposed persons towards the releife of the poore people harboured within the said hospitall and towards the putting forth of poore children apprentices wthin the space of vii yeares last past co(mmunibus annis the yearly som(m)e of

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Som(m)e of all the Casuall receipts yearly ys clxxxxvii

There hath been letten wthin the space of Seaven yeares of the lands and Tenents belonging to the said Hospitall fifteene leases for the wch there hath been receaved in fines the totall som(m)e of Three hundred & fifteene pounds wch co(mmun)ibus annis doth amount vnto the yearly some of


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1 Particulars of rents annually received are here set down; they together amount to £724. 2s. 2d.

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