Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

vices, and to undervalue those of others, some of them murmured against the good-man of the house, because, in the distribution of their hire, their fellow-labourers were made equal unto them. He repels the charge of partiality and injustice with these unanswerable observations:-" Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not "thou agree with me for a penny? Take that thine ❝is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last even "as unto thee. Is it not lawful for me to do what I "will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I "I am good?"

This is a summary of the parable now before us; and, like our Lord's other discourses of this nature, it is fraught with religious instruction: under these objects of sense, much spiritual meaning is conveyed to the attentive mind of the humble believer. And,

1st. Here we are taught to entertain a just conception of the nature of the Church of God: It is represented under the image of a vineyard, strongly enclosed, cultivated with care, and thus made to abound with pleasant flowers and salutary fruits-with whatever is grateful to the eye, and good for the sustenance of man. The rude and uncultivated wilderness is a just emblem of the natural state of mankind. By the transgression of our primitive parents, misery was entailed upon all their descendants: ignorance and depravity overspread the earth. God did not, however, abandon his fallen creatures to utter despair and universal ruin. He never left himself entirely without a witness in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation: there was always a company of the faithful: he had always a church in this degenerate world-a vineyard in the midst of the surrounding wilderness. His

messengers were employed from age to age, to invite wandering mortals to come in, and join the happy society of true believers. Seth, and Noah, and Abraham were preachers of righteousness. Moses and the suceeeding prophets were faithful advocates for the name and worship of the one living and true God. Christ and his apostles called men from darkness to lightfrom Gentile ignorance and Jewish superstition, to the knowledge of the glorious Gospel. Thus the householder went out at different periods-at the third, and the sixth, and the ninth, and even at the eleventh hourand said to those who were regardless of their duty, "Why stand ye here all the day idle? Go ye into the "vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye re"ceive." And hence we are led to remark,

2dly. That in the revolutions of time, at whatever period we may enter into the service of our Lord; when he comes to take account of our conduct; when the labourers are called to receive their hire; to every man will he give in proportion to the work performed.

But here it may be objected, "that in the transac"tion before us, this equitable rule seems to have been "violated: they who were called early into the vine

yard, complained, and surely not without reason, that "those who had wrought but one hour were made

equal unto them who had borne the burden and heat "of the day." This objection may be obviated by observing, that more work may be performed by the industrious in a single hour, than is accomplished by the indolent in the course of a whole day; and that when the lord of the vineyard comes to reckon with his labourers, he will reward them in proportion to their industry, and not to the time in which they were employed

in his service :-That in the eternal world, the smallest dégree of celestial happiness will be more than a sufficient compensation for any services which we may perfrom here upon earth; and, therefore, whatever may be the condition of others, we shall have no reason to murmur at our own lot. But more especially, the seeming difficulty here alluded to, may be explained by remarking, that this figurative mode of expression is never to be subjected to the most rigid interpretation: that in this part of his parable, our Lord intended to correct the unreasonable jealousy and envy of the Jews against the Gentile nations of the earth. They were God's ancient people; they entered into the vineyard early in the morning; they supposed themselves entitled to particular consideration; they therefore murmured against the good-man of the house, because the heathen were admitted to the same privileges which they enjoyed, and, by the gracious dispensation of the Gospel, would be entitled to the same reward. This malignant prejudice our Lord severely reproves, by introducing the householder as addressing the labourer with this unanswerable remonstrance-" Friend, I do "thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? Take that thine is, and go thy way I will "give unto this last even as unto thee. Is it not law"ful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine

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eye evil, because I am good? So the last shall be "first, and the first last." That is, as the apostle af terwards expressed it, "the Gentiles shall be fellow"heirs with the Jews, and of the same body, and "partakers of his promise in Christ by the Gospel." Thus, in this wonderful dispensation of mercy, the middle-wall of partition is broken down; and Christ

is the light of the Gentiles, as well as the glory of his people Israel. When the law of Moses was superseded by the grace and truth that came by Jesus Christ, they who from among the heathen nations were admitted into the Church by the ministry of the holy apostles, were received into equal favour with the faithful descendants of God's ancient servant Abraham-they came from the east and from the west, and with the holy patriarchs they have been exalted to the kingdom of heaven. The stream of divine mercy and lovingkindness has flowed down through every age, and we, upon whom the ends of the world are come, may now approach and participate with our predecessors, to the endless refreshment of our souls. What though at a late hour in the gospel-day we have been called into the service of our divine Master? Let us perform our allotted task with diligence and fidelity, and we shall in no wise lose our reward. When the great Master of the household comes to take account of his servants, as members of that Church which, throughout the world and in every age, has maintained the profession of the true faith, we shall be associated with the good and faithful of all countries, nations, and languages. Before the awful Dispenser of punishment and reward, we shall stand with the goodly fellowship of patriarchs and prophets, with the glorious company of the apostles, and with the noble army of martyrs. This, it must be confessed, is a very dignified society. What rational being, what professing Christian can be insensible to the honour and felicity of such a pure and exalted association? To this happy state we can reasonably expect to arrive only by a diligent discharge of all the duties which are now enjoined us in the Gos

pel of our blessed Redeemer. For, we may take occasion from the parable before us, to observe,

3dly. That they who are not engaged in the service of God, are employed to no valuable purpose: they are here represented by our Lord as absolutely idle--Why stand ye here all the day idle? Go into the ❝ vineyard, and work; for otherwise ye cannot expect "a reward."


If the doctrines of Christianity be true-and it is to be hoped that none of us are inclined to dispute the truth of them-if we be immortal creatures, destined for an eternity of existence either in happiness or misery; and if our future portion entirely depend upon the use which we make of the present season of pro bation; how wonderfully absurd to every considerate mind must appear the general conduct of heedless mortals! What is the business that most engages their thoughts and affections? Is it to lay up treasure in heaven? to make provision for their everlasting welfare? to obtain what unerring wisdom calls the one thing needful? Look round the world. All that noise, and hurry, and confusion which is perceptible on every quarter, arises merely from the desire to make provision for the flesh, in order to fulfil the lusts thereof. One is going to his farm, and another to his merchandise. One is prepared to dig for riches with Mammon, and another to follow ambition up the steep ascent of power. In the mean time, what relation has all this anxiety and toil to the advancement of their everlasting -welfare? As to the proper business of immortal creatures, they are entirely idle; nay, many of them are in a much more deplorable condition than that of idleness and inactivity; for the holy apostle has declared, that VOL. II.


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