Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

A, a, for o, as in wan, what, walnut, wallow.

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feint, eight, they, tete.

marïne, police, pïque.

sir, irksome, firm, thirsty.
son, done, bombard, won, shove.
to, cănge, shoe, move.
should, wolf, bosom.
côrd, fork, form, storm.
pu̟ll, pụsh, fụll, bu̟lrùsh.
fly, rely, type, style, rye.
tymbal, typical, lyric, pyx.
inçite, except, merçy, deçeive.
eär, côrn, eûr, sŭecēed, elēar.
machine, chaise.

germ, oblige, effigy, wāģe, sŭgġest.
ag, rîşe, elōşe, mūşe, prişm.
Ink, lynx, finger, unction.
examine, exist, auxiliary.
graphic, sophist, philosophy.
quảff, quêer, quõte, inquire.


1. The day grows late.

2. My voice dissuades.

A as in ate.

3. When thou hast slain ten thousand, slay nō mōre.

4. From yonder place I came.

5. It may be worse if we delay a mōment.

6. Take up the song where they broke off the strain.

E as in me.

1. Nō other plēa have wē.

2. Nō sound our ear can reach.

3. Wherefore cease ye, then?

4. His life was a series of heroic deeds.

5. Sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.

I as in mite.

1. Time and tide wait for no man.

2. Be kind to thine enemy.

3. Higher still, and higher.

4. How I soar among the pines.

5. The fireside is the shrine of love.

O as in mote.

1. Nō mōre is there a peaceful hōme for me. 2. The rōar of the rōaming beasts was heard. 3. Better than gōld is the water cōld.

4. That chokes a fellow; but nō matter.

5. This old cōat smells of tōbaccō.

U as in mute.

1. Use and not abuse your opportunities. 2. June, sweet June, the month of flowers. 3. He was greatly amused.

4. The sky is blue.

5. He tuned his harp.

A as in fare.

1. He dâre not touch a hâir of Cataline.
2. She sat upon the stâirs, and wept.
3. The fâir hands were brown and bâre.
4. Prâyer is the Christian's vital breath,
The Christian's native âir.

A as in far.

1. They äre ärming themselves.

2. Fäther in heaven, I give you my heart.

3. No härm can befall thee.

4. The ärk rested on Ararat.

5. We heard härsh järring discords.

1. On with the dance.

A as in branch.

2. The pastor åsked for Heaven's blessing. 3. His class recites this afternoon.

4. The olive branch of peace he brings.

5. He left the cåsk for me.

1. Call him learned!

2. The day was warm.

A as in all.

3. Fall not into temptation also.
4. All walked upon the mall.
5. May no mishap befall thee.

E as in err.

1. Sĩr, he is neither just nor merciful. 2. We can stand as firm as they.

3. Do you prefer vice to virtue?

4. Live not for time, but for eternity.

5. This is the last of earth.

Oo as in doom.

1. Room for the leper! room!

2. Can you tell me who he is?
3. Behold, the bridegroom cometh.
4. Choose between the two.

U as in urn.

1. The ûrn was on the table.

2. There is no ûrgent need of haste.

3. Bûrned Marmion's swarthy cheek like fire.

4. The vessel's sails were fûrled.

U as in rule.

1. Ruin seize thee, ruthless king!

2. Truth crushed to earth will rise again. 3. I have the rheumatism, thank you.

4. 'Tis true, he is stern and cruel.


A as in mat.

1. Frank ănd mănly was his ănswer.

2. Hath not a Jew hands?

3. That will not satisfy them.

4. The băttle is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the ǎctive, the brave.

E as in met.

1. Providěnce wishes us all to be blěst.

2. Death felt he could not quench the heart

That lived for other's good.

3. Good friends, lět me běg of you, don't run in debt. 4. Well, well! come agăin in Lĕnt.

I as in tin.

1. Every tinkle on the shingles has an echo in the heart.

2. You all did love him once, not without cause.

3. Is his great heart still? Aha! lift up his head.

4. Why this discordant din?

O as in lot.

1. She's on the rock, with a terrible shock.

2. What can man not accomplish.

3. Stop! you shall not cross my path.

4. Stand thou, when I command.

U as in hut.

1. It thunders! sons of dust, in reverence bow.

2. Day unto day uttereth speech.

3. She was a wonder, and nothing else.

4. Kiss him once for somebody's sake.

Oo as in book.

1. He looks quite through the deeds of men. 2. She sat in a retired nook reading a book. 3. He traveled on foot from Hookset.

4. She covered her head with a hood.


Oi as in toil.

1. Their joy all joy exceeds.

2. O sailor boy! sailor boy! peace to thy soul. 3. Will they go toiling up ambition's summit? 4. My voice is still for war.

Ou as in out.

1. Rouse, ye Romans! Rouse, ye slaves!

2. I found him on the mountain.

3. And dost thou now fall over to my foes? 4. Now we will gather cowslips.


1. Suppression of the vocal sounds in unaccented syllables.

[blocks in formation]
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