Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση



Antiquities obtained in

differ from the manner of printing cottons in England: excepting in the fashion of the wooden blocks, which are here exceedingly rude and coarse. The secret of the dye would be a valuable discovery; as the colours, instead of fading, when the cloth is washed with soap, become more splendid. Mariti says, it is a mixture composed of the root of the Boia and ox's blood'.

Our success in collecting gems was so great, the Bazar. that the number of our acquisitions in Nicotia exceeded the total of what we had been able to procure since our departure from Constantinople. We found also silver medals of Antoninus Pius, Severus, Faustina, and of the Ptolemies. The bronze were all of late date, and almost all after the time of Constantine. We also made diligent inquiry concerning the Yeny Madem crystal. Some detached and very indifferent



Stones of specimens of crystallized quartz were shewn to us, by the name of Baffa STONES; but the inhabitants were unable to polish even these. All the stones found in the island, capable of being polished, are sent to Grand Cairo for this purpose. This fact, while it serves to shew the wretched state of the arts in Cyprus, also

(1) Mariti's Travels, vol. 1. p. 102. Lond. 1791.


conveys a proof of their flourishing state in the CHAP. present capital of Egypt, beyond the notions usually entertained of that remote city.


found in


Among Antient our intaglios were numerous representations and symbols of Isis, of Ceres, and of Venus; a very beautiful gem representing Mercury leaning upon a sepulchral stélé2; of Anubis, kneeling with the dove upon his left hand3; and one of very diminutive form, but of exquisite beauty, meriting a more particular description: it is a carbuncle, or highly transparent garnet. The subject engraven represents a colossal statue, whose two arms extended touch the extremity of the stone. Before this figure is seen a person kneeling, in the act of worshipping the idol. This corresponds with the descriptions given of the statue of Jupiter Serapis at Alexandria, whose two hands touched the sides of the temple; and

(2) The learned antiquary will perceive the classical accuracy observed by the Antients in such representations. The subjects displayed upon their pictured vases, sculptured marbles, medals, and gems, were not the result of any idle fancy or momentary caprice. Copious as the sources were whence all their varied imagery was derived, its exhibition was nevertheless circumscribed by canons. Mercury is pourtrayed reclining upon a stélé; thereby typifying his office of conducting the soul after death.

(3) "Per columbam verò aërem intelligit Horapollo, lib. i. rationem ibidem dat quod adeò sinceræ et puræ naturæ sit, ut à nullo contagioso aëre, quemadmodum cætera animalia, infici possit." Kircher Edip. Egypt. tom. III. p. 291.

"Alba Palæstino sancta columba Syro."

Tibullus, Lib. i. El. 7. vers. 18.



it is probable that this gem was intended to preserve a memorial of the image. It has no resemblance to the appearance of any Grecian Deity; the calathus, or rather the pileus, upon its head, is like that seen

Chinese idols.

upon Indian or

In the evening we mounted our mules, and again returned to Attién. Our good friend Signor Sékis had laden an ass with all sorts of provisions for our journey; but we would only accept a basket of his fine apricots. These he said were nothing in comparison with the apricots he received annually from Famagosta, yet they were the largest we had ever seen. We met caravans of camels in our way to Attién, marching according to the order always observed in the East: that is to say, in a line, one after the other; the whole caravan being preceded by an ass, with a bell about its neck. Camels never seem to seek the shade: when left to repose, they kneel down, exposed to the hottest beams of the sun. Trees, however, are rarely seen in this part of the island, excepting along the channels formed by torrents, where a magnificent species of Rhododendron is seen flourishing among the loose stones, and growing to a very extraordinary size: we believed it to be the Rhododendron Ponticum of Pallas. The


the Island.

inhabitants relate, that, eastward of Nicotia, CHAP. towards Baffa, the country being more mountainous, is also well covered with wood'. The Rivers of rivers of Cyprus are dry during the summer months. Sudden rain swells them into torrents. Some rain fell during the second night we passed at Attién; and in our way thither we had to ride for a quarter of a mile through water reaching above the knees of our mules.

(1) The List of Plants found during this visit to Cyprus, is reserved for an Appendix. We shall only mention here three new-discovered species.

I. A non-descript, tall, branchy, strong-thorned, species of Ononis. This we have called ONONIS MACROCANTHA. Ononis caule suffrutescente ramisque spinosis, foliis superioribus solitariis obovatis glandulosis apice dentatis ; floribus solitariis pedunculatis—Caulis ramosissimus, flexuosus, deorsum hirsutus. Rami valde spinosi, acuti, crassi, rigidi, supra glabri. Spinæ foliatæ, validæ, floriferæ, subbina. Folia petiolata lineas tres longa, inferiora non vidi. Pedunculi breves. Calyces glanduliferi corolla breviores, basin versus pilosi.

II. A non-descript species of Euphorbia. This we have called EUPHORBIA MALACHOPHYLLA. Euphorbia dichotoma, foliis ovatis, acute denticulatis, hirsutis mollibus; pedunculis solitariis unifloris, petalis laciniatis-Planta annua magnitudine E. scordifoliæ, tota hirsuta. Folia exacte ovata, lineas octo ad duodecim longa, mucrone innocuo terminata, basin versus integerrima. Petioli foliis ter breviores. Flores è dichotomiis pedunculati parvi. III. A non-descript species of Centaurea, or Star Thistle. This we have called CENTAUREA MONACANTHA. Centaurea divaricata, calycis foliolis integris spinâ simplicissimâ terminatis, glabris; foliis superioribus spinoso-denticulatis, lanceolato-oblongis; inferioribus dentato-pinnatifidis, scabris-Plata humilis ramosissima; rami divaricati, dichotomi. Capitula sessilia. Calycis foliolis arcte imbricatis glabris margine scarrosis. Spinæ patulæ validissimæ.



In the morning, two hours before sun-rise, we set out for Larneca; and having to cross a stone bridge of four arches, found it shaking so violently with the impetuosity of the torrent of water, that we feared it would fall. The antient Cypriots pretended, that their Paphian altars, although exposed to the atmosphere, were never wetted by rain: probably they would not have escaped drenching during the showers which had caused this inundation: the peasants said, that for thirteen years they had not known so great a flood. We reached Larneca at eight o'clock, and were on board the Ceres before ten. Captain Russel's fever had much increased. The apricots we brought for him seemed to afford a temporary refreshment to his parched lips and palate, but were ultimately rather injurious than salutary. The symptoms of his melancholy fate became daily more apparent, to the great grief of every individual of his crew.

During our absence, the English Consul had been kindly endeavouring to procure for us other relics from the interesting vestiges of Citium. Before we left the island, he obtained, from one of the inhabitants, a small, but thick, oblong silver medal of the city; considered, Phoenician from its appearance, as older than the foundation



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