Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


Now the condition.

This king of Naples, being an enemy
To me inveterate, hearkens my brother's fuit;
Which was, that he in lieu o' the premises,
Of homage, and I know not how much tribute,-
Should presently extirpate me and mine

Out of the dukedom; and confer fair Milan,
With all the honours, on my brother: Whereon,
A treacherous army levy'd, one midnight
Fated to the purpose, did Antonio open

The gates of Milan; and, i' the dead of darkness,
The minifters for the purpose hurried thence

Me, and thy crying felf.


Alack, for pity!

I, not rememb'ring how I cried out then,

Will cry it o'er again; it is a hint,

That wrings mine eyes.


Hear a little further,

And then I'll bring thee to the present business
Which now's upon us; without the which, this story

[blocks in formation]

My tale provokes that question. Dear, they durst not;
(So dear the love my people bore me) nor set
A mark so bloody on the business; but

With colours fairer painted their foul ends.
In few, they hurried us aboard a bark;

Bore us fome leagues to sea; where they prepar'd
A rotten carcass of a boat, not rigg'd,
Nor tackle, fail, nor mast; the very rats
Instinctively had quit it: there they hoist us,
To cry to the sea that roar'd to us; to figh


To the winds, whose pity, fighing back again,

Did us but loving wrong.


Was I then to you!

Alack! what trouble

O! a cherubim

Thou wast, that did preserve me! Thou didst smile,

Infused with a fortitude from heaven,

When I have deck'd the sea with drops full falt;
Under my burden groan'd; which rais'd in me

An undergoing stomach, to bear up

Against what should ensue.


How came we ashore ?

Pro. By Providence divine.

Some food we had, and some fresh water, that

A noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo,

Out of his charity, (who being then appointed
Master of this design,) did give us; with
Rich garments, linens, stuffs, and neceffaries,
Which since have steaded much: so, of his gentleness,
Knowing I lov'd my books, he furnish'd me,
From my own library, with volumes that

I prize above my dukedom.


But ever fee that man!


'Would I might

Now I arife:

Sit still, and hear the last of our fea-forrow.

Here in this island we arriv'd; and here

Have I, thy school-master, made thee more profit

Than other princes can, that have more time

For vainer hours, and tutors not so careful.

Mira. Heav'ns thank you for't! And now, I pray you,


(For still 'tis beating in my mind) your reason

For raising this fea-storm?

Pro. Pro.

Know thus far forth.-
By accident most strange, bountiful fortune,
Now my dear lady, hath mine enemies
Brought to this shore: and by my prefcience
I find my zenith doth depend upon
A most auspicious star; whose influence
If now I court not, but omit, my fortunes
Will ever after droop. Here cease more questions;
Thou art inclin'd to fleep; 'tis a good dulness,
And give it way;-I know thou can'st not choose.-

[MIRANDA peeps.

Come away, fervant, come: I am ready now;
Approach, my Ariel; come.

Enter ARIEL.

Ari. All hail, great master! grave fir, hail! I come

To answer thy best pleasure; be't to fly,

To fwim, to dive into the fire, to ride

On the curl'd clouds; to thy strong bidding, task

Ariel, and all his quality.


Hast thou, spirit,

Perform'd to point the tempest that I bade thee?
Ari. To every article.

I boarded the king's ship; now on the beak,
Now in the waist, the deck, in every cabin,
I flam'd amazement: Sometimes, I'd divide,
And burn in many places; on the top-matt,
The yards and bowsprit, would I flame distinaly,
Then meet, and join: Jove's lightnings, the precurfors
O' the dreadful thunder-claps, more momentary
And fight-out running were not: The fire, and cracks
Of fulphurous roaring, the most mighty Neptune
Seem'd to befiege, and make his bold waves tremble,
Yea, his dread trident shake.


Stothard BA.del.


Page 10.

Puzilhed 1. June 1798 by Edw Harding 98 T'all Mall

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