Pro. Now the condition. This king of Naples, being an enemy Out of the dukedom; and confer fair Milan, The gates of Milan; and, i' the dead of darkness, Me, and thy crying felf. Mira. Alack, for pity! I, not rememb'ring how I cried out then, Will cry it o'er again; it is a hint, That wrings mine eyes. Pro. Hear a little further, And then I'll bring thee to the present business My tale provokes that question. Dear, they durst not; With colours fairer painted their foul ends. Bore us fome leagues to sea; where they prepar'd To To the winds, whose pity, fighing back again, Did us but loving wrong. Mira. Was I then to you! Alack! what trouble O! a cherubim Thou wast, that did preserve me! Thou didst smile, Infused with a fortitude from heaven, When I have deck'd the sea with drops full falt; An undergoing stomach, to bear up Against what should ensue. Mira. How came we ashore ? Pro. By Providence divine. Some food we had, and some fresh water, that A noble Neapolitan, Gonzalo, Out of his charity, (who being then appointed I prize above my dukedom. Mira. But ever fee that man! Pro. 'Would I might Now I arife: Sit still, and hear the last of our fea-forrow. Here in this island we arriv'd; and here Have I, thy school-master, made thee more profit Than other princes can, that have more time For vainer hours, and tutors not so careful. Mira. Heav'ns thank you for't! And now, I pray you, fir, (For still 'tis beating in my mind) your reason For raising this fea-storm? Pro. Pro. Know thus far forth.- [MIRANDA peeps. Come away, fervant, come: I am ready now; Enter ARIEL. Ari. All hail, great master! grave fir, hail! I come To answer thy best pleasure; be't to fly, To fwim, to dive into the fire, to ride On the curl'd clouds; to thy strong bidding, task Ariel, and all his quality. Pro. Hast thou, spirit, Perform'd to point the tempest that I bade thee? I boarded the king's ship; now on the beak, Pro. |