Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Next after you have thus done, and are come to the Furlong where you began, exprefs in your Book the Nime of your Field, and the Furlong; then in the middlemoft, or greater Column, note down the Name of the Free-holder that firft begins it, with the number of his Lands; againft which in the two firit Columns towards the Left-hand, write the Breadth of the Lands at each end, and in the three laft put the reduced Breadth, Length and Quantity; which done, fet down the Name of the Free-holder that lies next, and the number of his Lands, together with the Length, Breadth and quan-tity, as before, and fo proceed in order till you have finished the Furlong.

And fo on from one Furlong to ano ther, till you have finished the whole Field.

But that you may the more fully under ftand the Form thereof: I fhall fhew you in the following Example an abfoJute Method, how you may effect the fame,

The Form of the Field B00 K.

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Tourner's Furlong beginning Weft, at the way leading to




Perfons Names.



B LC Content. X
11 28.0014-1-9
03 28.0016-3-14
1628. 04 20-3-21
1 Land. r. 09/28.061 3-0-

C. LC. L.
5. 074. 15 Samuel Hunt. 2 Lands 5.
6. 066.00 John Baker. 3 Lands 6.
8. 188. 14 Samuel Hunt. 5 Lands 8.
051. 13 Tho. Smith.


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

C. L.Co L.

17. 1717. 05 John Hills






11 Lands.17. 11 24.0041-0-10

1..18 1. 06 Jofeph Strings 1 Land. 1, 1220. 05. 2--0-39

CULUS 1, 14 12 Hum, Wheeler 2 Lands. 1. 1617. 03.1-3-36 2. 12 2. 10Tho. Frisk 3 Lands. 2. 11 18. 05, 3-2.9

After this manner you are to proceed from one Furlong to another, until you have finished your Field-Book; which be ing done, you are next to make a particular of every Mans Arrable, Leys and Mea-. dows feverally, to which purpofe, upon a fair fheet of Paper, you are to make fo many Columns, as there are Freeholders, every one whereof is to be fubdivided into three, fo will the firft ferve for, Arrable, the fecond for Ley Ground, and the third and laft for Meadow, if there be any: And if one fheet will not contain the whole, then may you take twoor three, or fo many as you fee convenient.

Next you are to take the Plot, and ge neral Survey of the whole, according to the Rules before delivered, and fee if the Sum of all the Particulars agree with the Total,. then you may couclude the work is right, but most commonly the Particulars will fomewhat exceed the General Survey; and in this Cafe, that both may agree, you are to reduce the Sum of every Mans Particulars anfwerable to the Proportion of his Ground, which may be effected by the Golden Rule. For, if in the whole Field (which admit it be 1000 Acres) the Particularsexceed the General Survey 3 Acres, what fhall 20 Acres? the Anfwer will be, 8 Perches, and fo much I am to deduct out of the Sum


Total of fuch a Mans Particulars, according to which I am to Plot him 19 Acres 3 Roods,. 32 Perches. And fo of thee reft.

How to take the Plot of a Field from one Station taken in the middle thereof, by the Theodolite, or by the Degrees on the plain Table.

Fig. 100. Let ABCDE reprefent the Figure of a Field to be plotted by the plain Table in Rainy Weather. put on the Frame: without a Paper, the graduted. fide up wards, and plant it in fome convenient place, whence I can fee all the Angles, as at O; then placing the Index upon the Table fo that the fiducial Edge doth at the fame time time go through the Center up-. on the Table, and the Lines upon the Frame of the Table cutting it Perpendicularly at 360, (where the Degrees begin and end) and 180 (the exact half) I turn about the Table upon the Staff-head, till through the fights (the fide marked with 180 being next mine Eye) I fee the Angle A, and then forew it talt, obferving where my Needle cutteth, and by back-fight caufing a Mark to be fet up in. the Line CD at the point E, that the In-. ftrument may be kept firm from moving (or be rectified if it be moved) during the Work And now the Line AOF: paling upon the Laud from the Angle Al, directly

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