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Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

power to make any such bequest) to the people the liberty of choosing their own ruler, after the death of the three immediate successors of Charlemagne, provided their choice should fall upon a prince of the blood royal. Charlemagne's will further indicated that, if any differences should arise between his sons, they should have recourse, not to the decision of war, or to single combat, but to the judgment of the Cross or, as it was sometimes called, the judgment of God. This process consisted in conducting the disputants to the church, where they were to hold up their arms in the form of a cross, their hands high in the air, above their heads, during the celebration of mass, and he who, or whose champion, possessed the necessary strength longest to maintain his arms in that trying position, was held to have established his claim, and to have rightfully gained his cause.

Many articles personally used by the Emperor Napoleon are at the Louvre-his sword is the fittest pendant to that of the Emperor of the West. You may feast your eyes with his consular and imperial robes, with the coat he wore at the battle of Marengo, and with the famous "redingote grise." Amongst other articles, I was surprised to see a hat he wore at St. Helena, and, stranger still, the stirrups and bridle-bit which he used at Waterloo. It is not usual with any people to display in its museums the memorials of disaster and defeat, unless with the sinister intention to keep alive the smouldering embers of national hatred. Yet this we cannot believe to be the object of the present government-at least for the present-for there is no knowing what we may live to see. Bethis as it may, I cannot forget that I have also seen at the museum of the Hôtel Cluny, the stirrups used by Francis the First at the battle of Pavia, which was the Waterloo of that age, on whose bloody field, in the memorable words of the French Sovereign, " all was lost, but honour." To return to the Louvre: in the latter museum there is a fan and shoe of the beautiful and unfortunate Marie Antoinette, and some articles which belonged to her husband. There is also a very curious map drawn by the latter, on a round table, for the instruction of the Dauphin. Such might have been the object the King proposed to himself, but he certainly adopted means for an opposite end. I have seldom seen a map, or other instrument of education, more ingeniously devised for confusing the mind of the student. Both hemispheres are contained, in this tabular map executed by Louis the Sixteenth, in the same circle, and are coextensive with that circle. How can that be, you ask in amazement? well, you shall hear. The different continents are made to intersect each other, one hemisphere having been first delineated within the circle of the table, and the other drawn over that. The outlines of the land of the oriental hemisphere are in black, and the names of the places in black; the western hemisphere is drawn with red lines, the names of its places being in red, but Europe, Africa, and New Holland are represented grey, and the Ocean white. It will enable you to form some practical idea of this ingenious stupidity, if you will roughly sketch one hemisphere on a piece of transparent paper and place it directly over a map of the other hemisphere, taking care that your transparent paper exactly coincides in size and form with the circle of the hemisphere over which you may place it. But the confusion you will have realized by this proceeding will give you only a faint idea of the "confusion worse confounded" of this most extraordinary map of Louis the Sixteenth's devising, by which he effected a geographical revolution whose bizarreries form a sort of hieroglyphical reading of that revolution in France, and in all European society, of which he was, himself, the chief victim.

It is time to lay aside my pen for a season. If you have borne with me this far, I cannot but express a hope that the interest of the subject may once again afford you occasion to excuse any deficiency of illustration with which your correspondent may be chargeable. Au revoir.

Paris, November 12th, 1854.

[blocks in formation]

Dawes, Dean-see Reviews.

Demetz, M., his Report on Met-

tray, 727.

English Songs and English Music,


French Life in the Regency, 328.
Field, Rev. J.-see Reviews.
Future of the Working Classes,


Hall, Mr. R., his account of Met-
tray, 721.

Hay, D. R.-see Reviews.
Hill, Frederick-see Reviews.
Hill, Mr. Recorder-see Reviews.
Historical Society of Trinity Col-
lege, Dublin, First Era, 305-
Second Era, 502.


Irish Land Question, 103.


Joseph, Rev. H. S. - see Reviews.


Dublin Hospitals and Blunders of Kavanagh, Mr. J. W., his Report

the Census, 635.

Dublin, Literary Life in, 241.

Dumas, Alexander-see Reviews.

[blocks in formation]

on National Schools, and Work-
houses, and Prisons in Ireland,
773, 777.

Kay, Joseph-see Reviews.
Kingsmill, Rev. Joseph-see Re-

[blocks in formation]

Literature and Poetry in Ireland,


Maconchy, Captain-see Reviews.
Mann, Horace-see Reviews.
Martin, Samuel-see Reviews.
Mayhew, Rev. H. - see Reviews.
M'Carthy, D. F., Poems reviewed,
259-Translations of Calderon
by, reviewed, 261.
Meliora see Reviews.

Plunket, Lord, birth and parent-
age, 143-enters Trinity College,
Dublin, 144-returned to Parlia-
ment by Lord Charlemont, 145
-sketch of political parties in
1793, 146-Plunkett's political
writing, 147-extract from his
speech in the second Union de-
bate, 148-comparison of Pitt
and Castlereagh, 150-Plunket's
position as a lawyer, 151-de-
fence of his conduct in Emmett's
case, 152, 155-his marriage, 156

appointed Attorney-General
and elected to Imperial Parlia-
ment, 156-advocates Roman Ca-
tholic cause, 157-extracts from
his famous speech in 1812 on the
question, 158-speech on renewal
of the war in 1815, 159-speech
in The King v. O'Grady, 160-re-
turned for Trinity College, 161-
speech on the "Manchester mas-
sacre," 161-various opinions ex-
pressed of this speech, 163—
speech in 1821, 163-opinions on
this speech, 165-death of Mr.
Plunket, 165-appointed Attor-
ney-General, 165-character of
William III. in speech in the
bottle riot case, 166-appointed
Master of the Rolls in England,
resigns, and is appointed Chief
Justice of Common Pleas in Ire-
land, and created a Baron, 167-
character and description of
Plunket from "Sketches of The
Irish Bar," 167-appointed Chan-
cellor of Ireland, resigns, and
re-appointed, and finally resigns,
170-farewell address of the bar

and his reply, 170-address of

the bar to the Queen on Lord
Campbell's appointment and pro-
test against it, 172, 173-fare-
well levee to the bar, 173 esti-
mate of Plunket as a lawyer. 174
-specimens of his wit 175-his
having said, History is no better
than an old almanack, explained,
177-Plunket as a host, 178-the
younger Grattan's character of
Plunket, 179-Plunket's closing
years and death, 181.

Banim, John, introduction, 270-
his parentage, 272-sketch of his
mother, from The Ghost Hunter,
273 his birth and early school
days, 274-account of his-fir.t
school-master, from Father Con-
nell, 277-affectionate traits of
childhood, 278_early attempts
at authorship, 279-youthful in-
dependence of character, 282-
becomes pupil of Kilkenny Col-
lege, account of it from The
Fetches, 283_history of it by
Rev. Dr. Brown, 286-becom s
art pupil of Royal Dublin Society,
288-sketch of his Dublin land-
lord, from The Nowlans, 289-
letters from Dublin giving ac-
count of his life, 294-letters to
Kilkenny, becomes teacher of
drawing, 295-first love, 296-
specimens of poetry, 297-nar-
ration of his unhappy attach-
ment, 298-death of Ann D. 301
-Banim's illness, 303-restored
health, 527_life in Kilkenny,
528-abandons literature for art
and removes to Dublin, 529-
letters, 530-publishes Celt's Pa-
radise, 535-receipt to make a
philosopher, 536-do. to make a
poet, 537-extracts from Celt's
Paradise, 538-life in Dublin,
541-letters, 542-production of
Damon and Pythias, 544-ex-
tracts from it, 546-- revisits Kil-
kenny, 554-publishes Pamphlet
on Testimonial Commemoration
of George IV.'s visit to Ireland,
554-extracts from it, 555-plan
of O'Hara Tales, 825-descrip.
tion of Woodstock in The Fetches,
826 difficulties to be surmount-


ed in composing O'Hara Tales,
827-their design, 828-plan of
composition between Michael Reformatory and Ragged Schools,

and John Banim, 829-Marriage
of John Banim, 831 sketch of
his wife and family, from The
Nowlans, 831-removal with his
wife to London, 836-letters de.
scriptive of early life in London,
839 to 845-illness, 846-ас-
quaintance with Gerald Griffin,
847-Griffin's account of Banim's
kindness, 848-progress of The
O'Hara Tales, 851-opinions of
literary men, 852-how to write
a novel, 853-domestic feelings,
857- misunderstanding with
Griffin, 859-difficulties, 863-
publishes Revelations of the Dead
Alive, extracts from it, 864-com-
pletion of and procuring pub-
lisher for Tales by The O'Hara
Family, 868.

Mettray, accounts of, by Mr.
Robert Hall, 721,

Mettray, report on, by M. Demetz,

Morrison, C., his relations Between
Capital and Labour, reviewed, 2.

[blocks in formation]

Quarterly Record of Progress of
Reformatory and Ragged Schools
and Amendment of Prison Dis-
cipline, 1189.

[ocr errors]


Reformatory Schools in France
and England, 691.
Removal of Irish Poor, 917.
Reviews. In Art. I. No. 13.-Re-
port of Committee on Criminal
and destitute Juveniles the con-
dition and education of poor chil-
dren in English and German
towns, by Joseph Kay-Me-
moirs of convicted prisoners, by
Rev. H. S. Joseph-Place of Re-
pentance, by Samuel Martin-
Juvenile Depravity-£100 Prize
Essay, by Rev. H. Worsley,
M. A. London Labour and the
London Poor, by Henry Mayhew
-The Million-peopled City, by
Rev. John Garwood, М.А.-
The Rookeries of London, by
Rev. Thomas Beames, Μ.Α.-
Meliora, edited by Viscount In-
gestrie-The Social Condition
and Education of the People in
England and Europe, by Joseph
Kay, M.A.- Chapters on Pri-
sons and Prisoners, by Rev.
Joseph Kingsmill-Prison Dis-
cipline, by Rev. J. Field, M.A.
-University and other Sermons
by Rev. John Field, M.А.-
Crime, its Amount, Causes and
Remedies, by Frederick Hill-
Crime in England from 1801 to
1848, by Thomas Plint-Report
on the Discipline and Manage-
ment of the Convict Prisons,
1852, by Lieut.-Col. Jebb-Re-
port of the Directors of Convict
Prisons, 1852-Social Evils, their
Causes and their Cure, by Alex-
ander Thomson - Reformatory
Schools, by Mary Carpenter.
Reviewed in Art. II., No. 13.-
Memoires De Jerome Paturot,
Patenté, Electeur, et Eligible.
Par Louis Reybaud.
Reviewed in Art. VI., No. 13.-
First Principles of Symmetrical
Beauty, by D. R. Hay-The
Principles of Beauty in Colouring

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