Euclid in Paragraphs: The Elements of Euclid: Containing the First Six Books and the First Twenty-one Propositions of the Eleventh Book ...T. Stevenson, 1845 - 199 σελίδες |
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
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ABCD adjacent angles angle ABC angle ACB angle BAC angle BCD angle DEF angle EDF angles equal base BC BC is equal bisected centre circle ABC circumference BC common section Constr describe diameter double draw equal angles equal to F equiangular equimultiples ex æquali exterior angle fore four magnitudes fourth given circle given straight line gnomon greater ratio join less Let ABC Let the straight likewise meet multiple opposite angle parallel parallelogram perpendicular plane polygon proportionals Q. E. D. PROPOSITION rectangle contained remaining angle right angles segment semicircle sides square of AC straight line AB straight line AC THEOR THEOR.-If three straight lines tiple touches the circle triangle ABC triangle DEF twice the rectangle wherefore