Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

from the Nile, or to artificial irrigation. It is doubtful whether | more than four hundred years before the exodus of the any other country receives so regular a supply of moisture children of Israel from Egypt, and, therefore, could not h from above. Even the sands of the desert partake largely of unknown in Egypt itself, Those mills were worked by slave the dew of heaven, and in a certain degree of the fatness of the earth, In all this sandy desert, palm-trees are very abundant, and their presence is a never-failing indication of water below the surface, Wheresoever they are found, a brackish and muddy pool may be speedily found by digging a well near the roots. The natives are chiefly engaged in the care of these trees, tying up their blossoms with bands formed of the foliage, to prevent their being torn off, and scattered with the wind."

As the waters of the Nile subsided, they left behind them a species of loam, which so enriched the land, that it required but little tillage, and made Egypt the most fruitful country on the face of the earth. The fact that the Egyptians sometimes ate the Ethiopian plant, known by the name of ENSENTE, whose stalk when boiled, has the taste of the best wheaten bread not perfectly baked, and which, if eaten with milk or butter, is wholesome, nourishing, and easily digested,-or that they at other times did eat the LOTUS, or water-lily, whose root, of the size and shape of an apple, is of an agreeable flavour, and the seed of whose flower, which resembles that of the poppy, they baked and made into a kind of bread; shows that they were dependant on plants for their subsistence. Agriculture had made considerable progress in the time of Joseph, and such was the estimation in which husbandry was held among the Egyptians, that the sceptre of the Pharaohs was in the form of a plough. This proves that the plough must have been among the implements which were used in the pursuits of the field. So, perhaps, was the sickle, as it is still found among the ruder tribes of man, made of wood or bone. The field being reaped, the next step was to separate and secure the grain. To effect this, the sheaves were spread out upon a spot of hard and smooth ground in the open air, and oxen or some other animals were made to tread over the heap for a shorter or longer period of time as might be required. Hence it was that the ox, the laborious companion of man in tilling the ground and in treading out the corn, was held so sacred, that whoever was guilty of killing one was punished by death. And hence it is, moreover, that the figure of this animal, whose services were deemed so

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essential to the nourishment and life of man, is so frequently found among the mysterious symbols and sacred engravings of that ancient people, and that one of their most famous temples was dedicated to its worship.

The grain being thus trodden out, the next process was to winnow it; which was done either by making a current of air to pass over it, or by shaking it in a coarse sieve made of the filaments of the papyrus plant, or of the most delicate species of rush. It is not unlikely that it was sometimes used without being subjected to any sifting process whatever-that the meal and the bran were eaten together as they are by some "unpolished nations at the present day. The practice of roasting the grain before it is eaten belongs to the earliest times. The action of the fire served not only to detach the grain from the husk, but gave to it a very pleasant flavour; and in later times, when grinding came into use, it rendered the process much more easy. Hand-mills were used in Palestine

or the lowest grade of servants. In the East this duty devolred on the women. When at Nazareth, our own countryman, Dr. Clarke, says "We saw two women grinding at the m Seated upon the ground, opposite each other, they held be tween them two flat round stones. In the centre of the uppe stone was a cavity for pouring in the corn, and by the rided this an upright wooden handle for moving the stone. Ast operation began, one of the women with her right hand push this handle to the woman opposite, who again sent it to be companion, thus communicating a rotatory and very n motion to the upper stone, their left hands being all the whi employed in supplying fresh corn as fast as the bran and for escaped from the sides of the machine." On reading this who is not reminded of the words of our blessed Saviour, wh in foretelling the impending doom and coming destruction d Jerusalem, he says "Two women shall be grinding att mill; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left!

By what method the Egyptians converted their meal int bread, we know not. Their bread might consist of a simpl admixture of flour and water, or this flour and water migh be boiled, and thus correspond to the farro of the Italians, the porridge of the Scotch; or it might be baked into cak The process of baking was very simple. Having taken the flour and water, with a little salt, and made it into a dough this dough was laid in thin cakes on the hearth, covered with hot ashes, and allowed to remain in that state for s time. It was thus that Sarah prepared the bread whi Abraham set before the angels who came to him on an ema of divine love.

Who are the men whom we should hold as the great benefact

of their race and of the world?

Why is agriculture entitled to the first place among the arts!
How was the earth sown after the flood?

To what did the Egyptians owe the fertility of their land?
In what way did the overflowing of the Nile benefit the soil?
What proof have we that the Egyptians used the plough?
What other implements of husbandry had they?
How did they prepare their grain so as to make it fit for use?
Why was the ox held so sacred among that people?
What peculiar homage was paid to this animal?
By whom were the mills worked among the Egyptians, and
whom in the East?

Is there any passage of Scripture which bears on this fact!
Describe the early process of baking bread.
What proof have we to confirm this?

For what end did angels visit this our world?

2. Ne, before the verb, and que after it, are used in the vate de soie ou ma cravate de mousseline? 8. J'ai l'une et sense of only, but.

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l'autre. 9. Avez vous huit kilogrammes de canelle? 10. Non, Monsieur, je n'en ai qu'un demi kilogramme. 11. Combien de francs avez vous, Monsieur? 12. Je n'ai qu'un demi franc, mais mon ami a un franc et demi. 13. Votre sœur a-t-elle vingt cinq centimes? 14. Oui, Monsieur, elle a un quart de franc. 15. N'avons nous pas le premier août? 16. Non,

4. CARDINAL AND ORDINAL NUMBERS AS FAR AS TWENTY. Monsieur, nous avons le six septembre. 17. Est-ce aujourd'hui [§ 22, 23.]

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le dix? 18. Non, Monsieur, c'est le onze. 19. Votre frère at-il la première place? 20. Non, Monsieur, il a la dixième. 21. Votre menuisier a-t-il beaucoup d'outils ? 22. Oui, Monsieur, il en a beaucoup. 23. Cet ouvrage a-t-il dix volumes? 24. Non, Monsieur, il n'en a que neuf. 25. J'ai le sixième volume des œuvres de Molière et le premier volume de l'histoire de France de Michelet.


1. Is that cinnamon good? 2. That cinnamon is better than yours and your brother's [R. 1]. 3. What day of the month is it to-day? 4. It is the sixth. 5. Has your father twenty francs? 6. No, Sir, he has only six francs fifty centimes. 7. How many volumes has your work? 8. It has many, it has fifteen. 9. Has the joiner read (lu) the second volume of Michelet's history of France? 10. Yes, Sir, he has read the second volume (of it). 11. Has your friend, Molière's works? 12. He has only two volumes of them. 13. Have you my cloth coat or my velvet coat? 14. We have both. 15. We have this and that. 16. How much cinnamon have you? 17. We have two kilogrammes. 18. How many centimes has the merchant? 19. He has twenty-six. 20. Have you the third

5. The cardinal numbers are used, in French for the day of or the fourth place? 21. I have neither the third nor the the month, except the first, for which the ordinal number pre-fourth, I have the tenth. 22. Are you not ashamed to-day? mier is substituted :

Le dix août, le cinq juillet,

Le premier du mois prochain,

The tenth of August, the fifth of July.
The first of next month.

6. The verb avoir, to have, is used actively [§ 26 (1)] for the day of the month. The verb être may also be used:Quel jour du mois avons nous ? What day of the month have we? Nous avons le vingt. We have the twentieth. C'est aujourd'hui le dix. To-day is the tenth.

7. Before the word onze, the article le or la is not elided. [§ 146.]:

Nous avons le onze de décembre,

We have (it is) the tenth of December


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Outil, m. tool.
Ouvrage, m work,
Oeuvres, f works.
Place, f. place.

23. No, Sir, I am not ashamed, but I am afraid. 24. Have you a quarter of a franc? 25. No, Sir, but I have half a franc. 26. Have we the sixth of July? 27. No, Sir, we have the fourth of March. 28. Has your uncle six children? 29. No, Sir, he has only one. 30. Have you ten kilogrammes of meat? 31. I have only five kilogrammes. 32, Is the butcher's meat good? 33. It (elle) is not very good. 34. How many kilogrammes have you (of it)? 35. I have only two, but my brother has four.

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Combien, how much, how gramme · -about two Septembre, m. Septem-in speaking of age, and the word an, year, is always expressed.


Cravate, f. cravat.

Demi, half.

Kilogramme, m. kilo- Quart, m. quarter.

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1. Le cheval que vous avez est il bon? 2. Il est meilleur que celui que vous avez et que celui de notre ami. 3. Combien d'enfants avez vous? 4. Je n'en ai qu'un, mais l'Italien en a Avons nous plus de dix mètres de plus que moi. 5. Avons nous le dix septembre? 6. Non, cette toile d'Hollande ? Monsieur, nous avons le neuf février. 7. Avez vous ma cra-Vous en avez moins de six aunes.

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Il n'est pas encore deux heures.
Estil une heure et demie?
Il est midi et quart ou midi et demi.
Il est huit heures moins un quart.
Quel âge votre fils a-t-il ?
Il n'a que dix-huit ans.
Votre beau-frère n'a-t-il pas plus de
dix-neuf ans?

Ma belle sœur n'a pas moins de

dix-huit ans et demi

Est il plus de dix heures à votre

montre ?

Il n'est que neuf heures à mon horloge.

mien ?

It is not yet two o'clock.
Is it half-past one?

It is a quarter or half-past twelve.
It wants a quarter of eight.
How old is your son?
He is only eighteen years old.
Is not your brother-in-law more that.
nineteen years old?

My sister in-law is not less than

eighteen years and a half.

Is it more than ten o'clock by your


It is only nine by my clock.

Votre fils est il plus âgé que le Is your son older than mine!
He is younger than yours.

Il est plus jeune que le vôtre.

Agé, -e, old,

Aune, f. ell.

in law.

Cela, that.
Cinquante, fifty.


Jour, m. day.
Maintenant, now.

Beau-frère, m. brother Cousin-germain, m. first Mars, m. March.

Beau-fils, m. son-in-law. Enfant, m child.

Beau-père, m. father in- Février, m. February. law.

Horloge, f. clock.

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Mètre, m. metre-a
French measure about
three French feet.⚫
Mois, m. month.
Ruban, m ribbon.
Tard, late.
Verge, f. yard.



1. Votre beau-frère est il plus âgé que le mien? 2. Le vôtre est plus jeune que le mien. 3. Quel âge a votre belle-hundred times, with 3 hundred over. mère? 4. Elle a près de cinquante ans. 5. Quelle heure est il maintenant? 6. Il est six heures passées. 7. Etes vous certain de cela? 8. Oui, Monsieur, j'en suis certain. 9. Est il plus de deux heures à votre montre? 10. Il n'est que midi à ma montre. 11. Avez vous plus de cinq ans, mon enfant ? 12. Je n'ai pas encore quatre ans. 13. Avez vous plus de six verges d'indienne? 14. J'en ai moins de trois mètres. 15. Combien d'aunes de ruban votre beau-père a-t-il ? 16. Il n'a guère de ruban, il n'en a qu'une demi-aune. 17. Est il midi moins un quart? 18. Il est plus tard, Monsieur, il est midi et quart. 19. Quel jour du mois avons nous? 20. Nous avons le six octobre. 21. N'est-ce pas le huit février que...? 22. Non, Madame, c'est le huit mars. 23. Combien de jardins a votre cousin-germain? 24. Il n'en a qu'un, mais il est très beau. 25. Il en a plus de dix.

As this remainder 300

IN commencing the operations required in the rule of simple division, the student will do well to bear in mind the remarks made on the multiplication table in page 38, No. 3, especially those which relate to its use in this rule. In commencing the process of dividing any large number by one of the nine digits, it will be of importance to remember the definition of division; viz., that it is the process by which we find how many times one number is contained times 9 is contained in 32768. It would be necessary first to in another. Suppose, for example, we wished to know how many know how often 9 is contained in the larger part of this numberviz., 32000 (768 being the smaller part); now, on consulting the multiplication table, we find on looking down the vertical column, having 9 at the top, that 27 is the nearest number to 32, the number of thousands, and as 9 is contained 3 times in 27, therefore 9 is contained 3 thousand times in 27 thousand; consequently it is contained in 32 thousand, 3 thousand times, with 5 thousand over. As this remainder 5000 does not contain 9, one thousand times, it is evident that we have found how many thousand times 9 is contained in 32000,-viz., 3 thousand times. Now, the remainder 5000, being added to the smaller part of the original number, makes it 5768. It will be necessary in the second place, to know how often 9 is contained in the larger part of this number,-viz., 5700 (68 being now the smaller part of it); on consulting the multiplication table, again, we find in the 9's vertical column, that 54 is the nearest number to 57, the number of hundreds, and as 9 is contained 6 times in 54, therefore 9 is contained 6 hundred times in 57 hundred; consequently it is contained in 57 hundred, 6 does not contain 9, one hundred times, it is plain that we have found how many hundred times 9 is contained in 5700,-viz., 6 hundred times. Now, the remainder of 300, being added to the smaller part of the second number, makes it 368. It will be necessary in the third place, to know how often 9 is contained in the larger part of this number,-viz., 360 (8 being now the smaller part of it); on consulting the 9's column of the multiplication table again, we find that 36 the number of tens is in that column, and that it contains 9 four times; therefore 9 is contained in 36 tens, the number of times denoted by 4 tens, that is forty times, and there is no remainder. In the fourth place, the smaller part of the last number divided,-viz., 8, does not contain 9; therefore it is said to contain it 0 time and 8 is over. Collecting all the different numbers of times that 9 is contained in the different parts of the number 32768, in succession,-viz., 3 thousand times, 6 hundred times, forty times, and 0 time, or 3640 times in all, we have thus found how many times 9 1. How old is your brother-in-law? 2. He is fifty years is contained in 32768, and what remainder is over,-viz., 8. Applyold. 3. Is your sister-in-law older than mine? 4. No, Sir, ing the names given to the different numbers in this operation, the my sister-in-law is younger than yours. 5. Is your son dividend is 32768, the divisor is 9, the quotient is 3640, and the twenty-five years old? 6. No, Madam, he is only sixteen. remainder is 8. As the remainder 8, ought if it could be done, 7. What day of the month have we to-day? 8. We have the to be divided by 9, the unperformed division is denoted by the eleventh. 9. Have you the twentieth volume of Chateaubriand's works? 10. No, Madam, we have the eleventh. 11. expression in accordance with the definitions in page 36, No. What o'clock is it, Sir? 12. It is only twelve o'clock. 18. 3. Indeed the expression for the whole operation is the followIs it not later? 14. It wants a quarter of one. 15. It is a quarter after five. 16. How many yards of this holland (toile ing : 3640 and this is as convenient a mode of repred'Hollande, f.) have you? 17. I have ten ells and a half. 18. senting the process as any that could be adopted. The general I have six metres of it, and sixteen yards of Italian silk. 19. principle involved in the preceding operation is simply this: that Is your mother-in-law younger than your father-in-law? 20. if a number be divided into its several parts, and if the quotient She is younger than he. 21. Are you twenty years old? of each of these parts divided by another number be found, the 22. No, Sir, I am only nineteen and a half. 23. Are you sure quotient of the former number divided by the latter will be equal to (sur) that it is ten o'clock? 24. Yes, Madame, I am sure of it. the sum of the quotients of its different parts divided by the same. 25. Is it twenty minutes of ten? 26. No, Sir, it is a quarter These considerations and principle are the foundation of the followbefore twelve (midi). 27. How many houses have you? 28. ing rule for the division of large numbers by any one of the nine I have only one, but my sister-in-law has two. 29. Have you digits. mine (f.) or yours? 30. I have neither yours nor mine, I have your son-in-law's. 31. Has your mother-in-law five yards of that printed calico? 32. She has only two yards of it. 33. What o'clock is it by (a) your watch? 34. It is half-past four by my watch. 35. It is more than seven o'clock by mine (à la mienne).

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Rule 1.-Write down the dividend or number to be divided, and draw a line under it; place the divisor on the left of the dividend with a bar or vertical line between them; and place the successive figures of the quotient under the line as they are found. Find the quotient of the divisor and the number represented by the first figure; or, if necessary, the first two figures of the memory, and put it under the line in its proper place, that is the dividend on the left, by consulting the multiplication table or immediately under the place of the rank to which it belongs; if millions, under millions; if thousands, under thousands; if hun

dreds, under hundreds, &c. If there be a remainder, then carry it, (that is, add it) as so many tens to the next figure (considered for the moment, as units) in the dividend, and find the quotient of the divisor and this number, in the same manner as before, and put it also in its proper place under the line; if there be a remainder in this case also, proceed as before directed, until all the figures of the dividend have been exhausted by this process. But, if there be no remainder over, at any figure of the dividend, then, having put down under the line, the quotient belonging to that figure, find the quotient of the divisor and the number represented by the next figure of the dividend, or if neces-mainder 6; putting down 0, under the line, as before, carry 6 to sary the two next figures, as at first; carefully observing, that if two figures are necessary to obtain a quotient, a cipher or O must be placed under the line, immediately below the first of the two figures in question, to indicate that no part of the quotient is composed of figures belonging to this rank, and to keep the other figures of the quotient in their proper places. Lastly, if there be no remainder when all the figures of the dividend have been exhausted by this process, the quotient is then complete, and the one number is said to be exactly divisible by the other; that is, the dividend is a multiple of the divisor; it is also said to be a multiple of the quotient. If there be a remainder, the quotient is incomplete, and the one number is not exactly divisible by the other; that is, the dividend is neither a multiple of the divisor, nor of the incomplete quotient. To render the quotient complete, it is necessary to annex to it an expression denoting the quotient of the remainder by the divisor, an expression which is usually called a fraction; that is, a fragment or part remaining over and above the whole number expressed by the quotient. Since the quotient in division ALWAYS expresses the number of times, that the divisor is contained in the dividend, if there be a fraction, that is, a fragment or part remaining over in any case, it must be considered as a fraction or part of a time; hence, in such cases, the quotient is not complete unless the whole number of times, and the fraction of a time, over and above that whole number of times, be properly expressed. EXAMPLE 1.-Divide 32768 by 9.

Divisor 9J 32768 dividend.

Quotient 3640-8 remainder.
MODE OF Operation.

Here, beginning with 32 the first two figures of the dividend on the left, because the figure 3 does not contain 9, we find the quotient of 32 by 9 to be 3 times, and 5 remainder; putting down 3 under the line, below the figure 2 in the dividend, which is its proper place, as explained above, carry 5 as tens to the next figure 7, which makes 57; then the quotient of 57 by 9 is 6 times, and 3 remainder; now putting down 6 under the line, below the figure 7 in the dividend, which is its proper place, as explained above, carry 3 as tens to the next figure 6, which makes 36; again the quotient of 36 by 9 is 4 times, and no remainder; now putting down 6 under the line, below the figure 6 in the dividend, which is its proper place as explained above, we have nothing to carry to the next figure 8; then the quotient of 8 by 9 is 0 time, and 8 remainder; therefore putting down 0 under the line, below 8 in the dividend, which is its proper place, as explained above, all the figures of the dividend are now exhausted, and the whole of the quotient is now 3640, and 8 remainder. This quotien is incomplete, and therefore it is necessary to express the remainder by the fraction which still indicates the division of 8 by 9, or the quotient arising from the same. The complete quotient is consequently 3640; that is, the number 9 is contained in the number 32768 so many times as this quotient denotes, that is 3640 times and (eight-ninths) of a time, or 3640- times. The number 32768 is therefore not exactly divisible by 9, neither is it a multiple of 9, or of 3640, the incomplete quotient. The term multiple is restricted to whole numbers as explained in page 36,

No. 3.







EXAMPLE 2.-Divide 5760680049 by 8.

Divisor 8J 5760680049 dividend



Quotient 720085006-1 remainder

Because ten units or ones of any rank make only one unit or one of the next higher rank, and vice versa.

METHOD OF OPERATION. Here, beginning with 57, the first two figures of the dividend on the left, as before, the quotient is 7 and remainder 1; putting down 7, under the line, below the second figure of 57, and carrying 1 to the next figure of the dividend,-viz., 6, you have 16; the quotient is here 2, and remainder 0; putting down 2, under the line, below 6, and having nothing to carry, you proceed to the next figure of the dividend,-viz., 0; the quotient is here 0, which being put down under the line, as before, proceed to the next figure of the dividend,-viz., 6; the quotient here is again 0, and rethe next figure of the dividend,-viz., 8, and you have 68; the quotient here is 8, and remainder 4; putting down 8 under the line, as before, and carrying 4 to the next figure of the dividend,—viz., 0, you have 40; the quotient here is 5, and remainder 0; putting down 5 under the line, as before, proceed to the next figures of the dividend; the quotients obtained from them in the same manner as the preceding, will be 0, 0, 6, and last remainder 1; now these being put under the line in their proper places, you obtain the whole number of the quotient,-viz., 720085006, and remainder 1 ; whence the quotient, in its complete state, is 720085006). In this rule, as in the former rules of arithmetic, an abridged mode of procedure may be adopted; thus, in the above example, we have omitted mentioning the divisor, as it is quite understood, and stands before the eye at the commencement of the operation; this in itself is a great saving of time and thought,-viz., the mere keeping it before the eye, and working with it without naming it; the next saving would be, merely to name the quotients in succession, without naming the figures to be divided; for all that is to be remembered is the first figure of each; that is, the figure to be carried, when there are two; as when there is only one, it also stands right before the eye in the course of operation. The student, however, will not be able to avail himself fully of these instructions till he has perfectly committed to memory the multiplication table, page 37, No. 3. When he has done so, he will proceed as follows: Divisor 8, quotient figures 7, 2, 0, 0, 8, 5, 0, 0, 6; remainder 1; answer 720085006) as before.


I. Divide each of the numbers contained in the bottom square on

page 58, No. 4, successively by the nine digits.

2. Divide each of the numbers 101042169; 4285714285714; and 76897684321 successively by the nine digits.

3. For students who have learned the Extended Multiplication Table, on page 107, No. 7, as far as 12 times 12, this exercise may be added: "Divide the numbers mentioned in the preceding exercises by the divisors 10, 11, and 12.



THE word ADJECTIVE is taken from the Latin adjicio, to add to. An adjective, sometimes called an adnoun, is a word added to nouns to describe them particularly; to point out the nature, property, or quality of any person, place, or thing; as, for example, a good man; a large town; a beautiful garden; a fine house. An adjective, therefore, cannot stand by itself, but must be used in connexion with some noun. If you were in the street with a friend, and were to say to him, "There goes a good-" and were to add nothing more, your friend would not know whether you meant a good man, or a good horse, or a good carriage. And if you were to say, "There goes a man,' your meaning would not be very definite. But if you add the noun man to the adjective good, and say, "There goes a good man," he would immediately understand that you meant to point out to him some individual eminent for the goodness of his character. Still, as several men might be passing at the same time, he might not know which man you meant; here you could employ another adjective, and say, "That tall man." Suppose there were two tall men; you might make yourself still better understood, by saying, "That one in the blue coat.'

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Adjectives, we repeat, are added to nouns to denote the quality; as a great general; a happy thought; a good journey; a bad habit. Or, to denote the form; as a square table; a round building; a long form; a three-cornered stool. Or, to denote the number, as one man; the second chapter; &c.

Adjectives are subject to change in form. The mode of spelling


them, however, does not undergo any change on account of number, gender, or case. The changes are for the purpose of comparison; as to the nature of the noun, the meaning continues the same. An apple is an apple, and a house is a house, whether it be large or small, old or new.

By comparison, is meant the altering of the quality or quantity, to denote a greater or less degree of either; and these alterations are called degrees of comparison. Of these degrees there are three; the positive, the comparative, and the superlative.

The positive is the simple form of the adjective, and expresses the actual quality, without any increase or diminution; as, good, sim, happy, great, hard, short, wide, &c.

The comparative expresses an increase or decrease of the quality, as, better, wiser, happier, greater, harder, shorter, wider, &c. The superlative expresses the quality in the highest or lowest possible degree; as, best, wisest, happiest, greatest, hardest, shortest,

widest, &c.

Prefix any of the above adjectives to any noun, and it will be seen that they denote the presence of the same quality or property, but in different degrees; as three blocks of stone may all be hard, but the second may be harder than the first, and the third hardest of all.

The comparative degree of the adjective is usually formed by adding or er, or the adverb more to the positive; or by changing y preceded by a consonant into ier; thus:—

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Observe that the adjectives ending in less generally express want; as penniless, that is, without a penny.—The termination of ly, being a contraction of inte, expresses resemblance, or manner : when added to nouns, it changes them into adjectives; as, from God, godly; or from men, manly; or from heaven, heavenly; that is, godlike, &c. And y. added to adjectives, changes them into adverbs; as from plentiful, plentifully; ingenious, ingeniously.

Some adjectives are derived from proper names, either of persons or of countries. Thus from Moses, we get the word Mosaic; from Newton, Newtonian; from Cicero, Ciceronian, &c. These latter words we apply either to the systems of these celebrated men, or to some individual of like spirit; or who, in some remarkable respects, resembles them. So from the word India, we form the word Indian; from America, American; from Paris, Parizias; from Norway, Norwegian, &c.

Every adjective has relation to some noun, either expressed or implied. Thus in the New Testament we read of "the Christians,” meaning the followers of Christ; or when we speak in general add-terms of " the young," or "the old," we mean young or old men; or when we say "the lame," "the blind," "the industrious," "the idle," "the righteous," "the wicked," we mean persons whose characters are of such a description.

Wiser, or more mise Wisest, or most wise Greater, or more great Greatest, or most great Hard Harder, or more hard Hardest, or most hard Happy Happier, or more happy Happiest, or most happy Either of the above forms of the superlative may be employed, but both the forms, as, more wiser, more harder, most happiest, must never be used together.

When the positive degree ends in a single consonant, preceded by a single vowel, the consonant is doubled in the comparative and superlative; as, hot, hotter, hottest. Where there are two vowels, the consonant is not doubled; as clear, clearer, clearest.

The signification of the positive is sometimes lessened by the use of the termination ish; as cold, coldish; black, blackish; mild, mildish; but when the positive ends in e, that letter must be omitted; as white, whitish. The positive may be lessened also, by placing the words less or least before it; as, less cold; least important. The word rather has nearly the same effect; as, rather cold; rather better. But ish and rather, having the same meaning, ought not to be used in the same sentence; though we often hear persons say improperly, "'Tis rather coldish;” or, “He's rather wildish,"

As, however, it is not always possible to express the exact degree of a quality by any one of the three degrees of comparison, certain adverbs are employed to denote it more precisely. Thus we say, much good may it do you; I am very well; this is by far the best; you are too particular, &c. The word rather, noticed in the preceding paragraph, is of this class. The words, a little, are also employed for the same purpose; as, He is a little better. Some adjectives are compared irregularly, by a partial or total change of the positive; thus:

[blocks in formation]

Sometimes the adjective becomes a noun, and has an adjective joined to it, as, "the chief good," or "Evil be thou my good." In other instances the noun either becomes an adjective, or supplies its place, by being joined to another noun, as, bird-cage, sea-water, land-crab, bar-iron. It adds greatly to the variety and beauty of language when adjectives are introduced as nouns, as in the following sentence:-"Good may be done by the wicked, but the good alone can be good."

The adjective generally goes before the noun; as, a good man, a bad child, ill habits, &c.; but there are cases in which it is placed after the noun; for instance, when we wish to speak emphatically, as Alexander the Great, or Charles the Bald; or when something is made to depend on the adjective, as, "food convenient for me;" or for the sake of greater harmony in a sentence, as, "O goodness infinite! O power divine!"

For the value of distinction many grammarians arrange the leading varieties of adjectives thus:

1. Common Adjectives: these simply denote quality; as, a good woman; a ripe orange; evil things; learned sirs.

2. Possessive Adjectives: these denote possession; as, my house; our father; your sister; his brother.

3. Demonstrative, or definitive adjectives: these point out the precise thing to which they relate. Of this class are this and that, with their plurals these and those; former and latter; and sometimes the indefinite adjectives, one and other, and another; also, you and yonder. As, for example:

"Body and soul must part; This wings its way to its Almighty source; That drops into the dark and noisome grave." "Warnings point out danger; gnomons* time; As these are useful when the sun is set,

So those, but when more glorious reason shines.” "The coolness of the former was a check to the ardour of the latter." "The one daughter vanquished by a single blow; the “In yon cool grot reclinother by efforts successively repeated." ing." "In yonder grave a Druid lies." 4. Indefinite adjectives: these express the subject in a general or indeterminate manner. Of this kind are the words some, other, any, one, all, such. Of these adjectives, two only admit of being

Gnomon. An index; the pin or hand, the shadow of which points out the hour on a sundial.

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