Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση




1. In the compound tenses of the verb s'en aller, to go away [Sect. 39. 1, 2], the pronoun en will of course keep its general place, after the other pronouns and before the auxiliary. It must never come between the auxiliary and the participle:Nous nous en We went away,

Thou wentest

Ile went away;

Les dames s'en sont allées.

Les messieurs s'en sont allés.

sommes allés,

Vous vous en êtes You went away; allés,

Ils s'en sont allés, They went away.

The ladies are gone away.

The gentlemen are gone away.

2. The verb aller when referring to articles of dress answers to the English to fit, to sit :—

Mon habit va bien.

of observing this rule most pointedly, will be more clearly
seen when we come to speak of the angles of a triangle.
We are the more impressed with the necessity of enforcing
these observations on the attention of our students, be-
cause we know how much their future progress really does
depend on it. We have had pupils in a large class, who have
read, studied, and repeated the demonstrations of Euclid
before the class, in such a manner that no one could detect an
error in their lesson, whether they were delivered in writing,
or viva voce (by the mouth), and yet it was afterwards dis-Je m'en suis allé, I went away;
covered that they knew no more of Euclid, or of what they
had uttered or written, than the babe unborn. We have seen Tu t'en es allé,
such persons most laboriously striving and racking their brains
to no purpose, in order to remember the exact words of Il s'en est allé,
Euclid, and the precise order of the letters used in speaking of
the angles, without caring one straw to understand the mean-
ing--the real meaning of the demonstrations in which they
occurred. And when we have offered to explain the matter to
some, we have been repulsed, as if we thought them deficient
in common understanding-which was in fact invariably the
case. We do not mean, however, that their deficiency arose
from actual inability to comprehend the meaning of the
demonstration, but from their pride of understanding, and
their indocility or unwillingness to be taught by one that
knew better than themselves, and one that was appointed to
teach them. This obstinacy and pride we have often witnessed
in colleges where better things were to be expected; and we
have wondered whether those who showed such a degree of
indocility themselves were fitted to teach others, and espe-
cially in doctrines of more lasting importance than those of
Euclid. We strongly advise our students to lay aside this
haughtiness of mind, this absurd pride of understanding, so
natural to man, and to study with all humility and lowliness
of mind, if they wish to acquire a real knowledge of science,
and especially of the exact sciences, by which we mean the
mathematical, as defined in the extract from Lord Bacon, p.
11, No. 1. But, indeed, this humility of spirit is necessary to
every learner, let the subject be what it may; and in no case
is it more needful, than in the study of the doctrines of our
holy religion.

My coat fits or sits well.

3. Scoir [4 ir. see table § 62] answers to the English to suil, to become :Ce chapeau ne vous sied point. That hat does not become you. 4. Essayer (§ 49) corresponds in signification to the English to try on :-I have tried my waistcoat, it fits me

J'ai essayé mon gilet, il me va bien.


5. Etre is often used in French for appartenir, to belong [§ 106 (3)]:—

A qui est cette maison.
Elle est à mon cousin.


A quelle heure vous en êtes vous

allé ?

Je m'en suis allé à neuf heures.
Vous en êtes vous allées trop tôt,

Nous nous en sommes allées trop

Cette robe vous va-t-elle bien ?
Elle ne me va pas bien.

Cet habit vous sied il fort bien ?
Je l'ai essayé, mais il ne va pas


Ces livres sont ils à vous ou à moi?

tés ?

Beau-frère, m. brother-
Botte, £. boot,
Clair, e, light;
Court, e, short;
Etroit, e, narrow, tight;

To whom does that house belong?
Whose house is that?

It is my cousin's.


At what hour did you go away!

I went away at nine o'clock.
Did you go away too soon, ladies?
We went away too late.

Does that dress fit you well?
It does not fit me well.

Does that coat become you very well?

I have tried it on, but it does not fit


It fits him well.

It hurts me, it presses me too much.
That dress does not fit her well.
Are those books yours or mine?
They belong neither to me nor to you.
Whose are they then?
Whose books have you brought?

I have brought my brother's.
Foncé, e, dark;
Gên-er, 1. to hurt, to Où, where;


Gilet, m. waistcoat;

But to return from this digression, it seems strange that we cannot obtain a definition of one right angle without bringing in the consideration of two right angles, yet such is the case in the tenth definition of Euclid. We have endeavoured to supply this deficiency by borrowing the physical terms vertical and horizontal, but these themselves require explanation. To explain the term vertical we may say that this is the position Il lui va bien (régime indirect). which a plumb-line takes when held up above the surface of Il me gêne, il me serre trop. the earth, and yet this would not, even physically speaking, be Cette robe ne lui va pas bien. strictly true; for it is well known that the attraction of large Ils ne sont ni à moi ni à vous. masses on the earth's surface have an influence on the plumb-A qui sont ils done? line so as to deflect it, or draw it away, from the true vertical Les livres de qui, avez vous apporposition. From the experiments of Dr. Maskelyne, made on the mountain Schehalien, in Scotland, it was ascertained that J'ai apporté ceux de mon frère. the attraction of that mountain caused the plumb-line to deflect from its true position no less than five seconds and eighttenths of a second, or about the two hundred and twenty-three thousandth part of an entire revolution round the point by which it was suspended. To explain the term horizontal, we may say that this is the position which stagnant water assumes when left free in a vessel, pond, or lake on the surface of the earth; or rather it is the straight line joining two points in the opposite edges of the surface of such a piece of water, supposing that capillary attraction is not in operation on the edges of this surface. Thus we see that if physical terms are brought in to explain geometrical ones, we are obliged to hem them in, and surround them with explanations in such a manner as to make them lose all their force as definitions. Returning, therefore, to abstract ideas, let us see if we cannot reach the definition of one right angle without calling in the idea of two right angles. Perhaps the following might answer some minds. If two straight lines meet each other in a point, and the one stands on the other precisely mid-way between the position of complete coincidence and the greatest degree of divergence or separation, they form a right angle. If any of our students or readers can improve upon this mode of explaining a right angle without introducing the idea of two right angles, as Euclid does, we shall be glad to insert it in our pages..

Large, wide;

Mieux, better;

Neuf, ve, new;

Serr-er, 1. to press;
Ten-ir, 2 ir. to hold ;
Vers, towards, about.

1. Vos bottes ne vont elles pas bien? 2. Elles ne me vont pas bien, elles me serrent trop. 3. Sont elles trop étroites? 4. Elles sont trop étroites et trop courtes, elles me gênent. 5. Le cordonnier s'en est il allé? 6. Il ne s'en est pas encore allé. 7. A quelle heure les compagnes de votre sœur s'en sont elles allées ? 8. Elles s'en sont allées vers six heures de l'aprèsmidi. 9. L'habit que vous tenez, est il à vous ou à votre frère? 10. Il n'est ni à lui ni à moi, il est à mon beau-frère. 11. Lui va-t-il bien? 12. Il lui va fort bien, et il lui sied bien. 13. Où l'a-t-il fait faire? 14. Il l'a fait faire en France ou en Allemagne. 15. A qui sont les livres que lit Mademoiselle votre sœur? 16. Ils sont à moi. 17. Votre gilet va-t-il mieux que celui de votre beau-frère? 18. Il me va beaucoup mieux. 19. Votre habit ne vous gêne-t-il pas ? 20. Il ne saurait (cannot) me gêner, il est de beaucoup trop large. 21. Avez vous essayé votre habit neuf? 22. Je l'ai essayé, mais la couleur

ne me sied pas. 23. Est elle trop claire? 24. Elle est trop Davantage, more; foncée. 25. Les couleurs foncées ne me siéent jamais.


1. Are your friends gone away? 2. They are not yet gone 3. At what hour did your mother away, they are still here. go away? 4. She went away early this morning. 5. Did your little sister go away late? 6. She went away too soon. 7. Does your sister's new dress become her? 8. It does not 10. Dark become her. 9. Why does it not become her? colours never become her. 11. Do light colours become your 13. Are brother's wife? 12. They become her very well. your new boots too narrow or too wide? 14. They are neither too narrow nor too wide, they fit very well. 15. Does your brother's waistcoat fit him? 16. It fits him, but it does not 18. become him. 17. Light colours never become him. Does your coat press you? 19. It does not press me, it is by far too wide. 20. Whose house is that? 21. It is my father's and brother's. 22. Whose books have you brought this morning? 23. I have brought my brother's and my sister's. 24. Whose dresses are those? 25. They are my mother's, 26. Are not those German my sister's, and my cousin's. book yours? 27. They are not mine, they are my friend's. 29. They are neither 28. Are those pens yours or mine? yours nor mine, they are my brother's. 30. Does this hat fit you? 31. Yes, Sir, it fits me, but it does not become me. 32. Is your hat too small? 33. It is too large (grand). 34. Are 35. They are too small, I cannot put your gloves too large ? them on.


1. The verb falloir [3 ir.], to be necessary, is always conjugated unipersonally. See table, § 62. Il faut, il a fallu,

Il faut étudier tous les jours.

It is necessary, it was or has been ne


It is necessary to study every day.

Désir-er, 1. to wish, to
Dette, f. debt;
Envoy-er, 1 ir. [§ 49
(2)], to send;

[blocks in formation]

1. Que faut il faire aujourd'hui? 2. Aujourd'hui il faut travailler. 3. A-t-il fallu travailler fort pour finir l'ouvrage à temps? 4. Il a fallu travailler toute la journée. 5. Quand 6. Il faut lui écrire aujourd'hui. faut il écrire à notre ami? 7. Me faut il aller trouver mon père? 8. Il vous faut aller le trouver, il désire vous parler. 9. A-t-il besoin de quelque 10. Il lui faut des livres, des plumes, et de l'encre. chose? 11. Ne lui faut il pas aussi de l'argent? 12. Il lui en faut beaucoup pour payer ses dettes. 13. Vous faut encore quelque chose? 14. Il ne me faut plus rien, j'ai tout ce qu'il me faut. 15. Ne faut il pas du papier à votre sour? 16. Il ne 17. Que faut il envoyer au lui en faut pas davantage. chirurgien? 18. Il faut lui envoyer de l'argent, il en a grand 19. La modiste a-t-elle tout ce qu'il lui faut? 20. besoin. Elle n'a pas tout ce qu'il lui faut. 21. Combien vous faut il ? 22. Il me faut cinq francs. 23. Ne vous faut il pas davantage? 24. Il ne me faut pas davantage. 25. Que lui faut il pour sa peine? 26. Il demande un franc vingt-cinq centimes. EXERCISE 94.


1. What must we do? 2. You must bring your book and learn your lesson. 3. Is it necessary to write to your brother to-day? 4. It is not necessary to write to him. 5. Has it been necessary to speak to your father? 6. It has been necessary to speak to him. 7. Is it necessary to go to D. to-day? 8. It is necessary to go there (y). 9. Must I go to your sister? 10. You must go to her, she wishes to speak to you. 11. How much money must your brother have? 12. He must have ten francs fifty centimes. 13. How many books does your sister want? 14. She must have many books, she reads (lit) much. 15. What will you send to the surgeon? 16. We must send have paper? 18. He must have some; he has letters to write. 19. Must he have much? 20. He must have a quire (main, f.). 21. Do you want anything more? (See No. 13, in the French 23. I need noexercise above.) 22. I need something more. thing more. 24. Must you have one hundred francs? 25. I must have ten dollars. 28. What does the surgeon want?

2. As falloir has always a unipersonal pronoun for its nominative or subject, a pronoun in the indirect regimen (dative-him our horse; his own (le sien) is sick. 17. Must he not me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur), placed before the verb, will be equivalent to the pronoun used as nominative to the English verbs must, to be obliged, &c. :—

Il me faut écrire un thême.

Où nous faut il aller ?

I must write an exercise. Where must we go?

3. Falloir is used in the signification of to want, to need, to 27. He must have money to (pour) pay his debts. 28. Has be under the necessity of having :

Il me faut un livre.

Il lui faut de l'argent.

I need a book.

He is in want of money.

4. When must is used in the last acceptation, and has a noun as its nominative, the noun in the corresponding French sentence should be in the indirect regimen preceded by à:Il faut un livre à ma sœur. My sister must have a book (needs a book). EXAMPLES.

RESUME OF Tour apprendre une langue il faut étudier.

Il faut aller à l'église et à l'école.

Il faut rester à la maison.

Il me faut lire un bon livre.*

Il lui faut aller voir sa mère.

Que nous faut-il faire?

Que leur faut-il lire ?

Que leur faut-il ?

11 leur faut de l'argent ou du crédit.

Vous faut-il cinquante francs?

Il me faut cinquante-cinq francs? Combien d'argent faut-il à votre père.

Il lui en faut beaucoup.
Nous avons ce qu'il [R. 8] nous faut.

To learn a language it is necessary to study.

It is necessary to go to church and to


It is necessary to remain at home.
I must read a good book.

She must go and see her mother.
What must we do?
What must they read?
What do they want or need?
They need or must have money or


Do you want or must you have fifty

I must have or I need fifty-five francs.
How much money does your father


[blocks in formation]

the tailor all that he wants? 29. He has not all that he wants. 31. What 30. The milliner has received all that she wants. 32. How much do you must you have for your trouble? want? 33. How much do we want? 34. What must I do? 35. You must write a letter. 36. What must she write? 37. She must write four pages. 38. She must go to church.

LESSONS IN ARCHITECTURE.-No. V. THE temple of Apollo Panionius, in Ionia, was built according to the Doric style; but the Ionians dissatisfied with the simplicity of this order, invented another of a more delicate character, and called it the Ionic order, after the name of their country. They made the height of the column in this order greater in proportion to its diameter than in the Doric order; the form of the capital was totally different, having large volutes at its corners, of which the spiral is often very finely sculptured; the entablature was changed in its parts and proportions; and a base was added to the bottom of the column, in harmony with its capital (see fig. 14.) Of the origin of this order of architecture we have no distinct account. Vitruvius states, that as the Doric order was considered strong and masculine like the form of Hercules, the Ionians modelled their new order according to the elegance and delicacy of the female figure, and that the volutes were taken from the curls of the hair on each side of the face. It is not easy to conceive how the proportions of a Greek order of architecture could be borrowed from that of the human figure, to which it has 80 little natural resemblance; and it has been ingeniously remarked that it is more natural to trace the form of the voiute in the Ionic order, to the curling of the bark of a rude upright This adverb can never be placed before a substantive.

The temple of Diana at Magnesia was built under the direction of Hermogenes. He made its general dimensions the same as for a double range of columns; but, in order to afford more space in the porticoes, he omitted the inner range. Thus a clear space was left between the outer range and the body of the building; and thus he established the style called the pseudo-dipterick. Vitruvius speaks with great veneration of this architect. The temple of Minerva Ulea at Tegea, designed and erected under the direction of Scopas, was of singular construction. The peristyle of the temple was of the Ionic order; the interior was divided into three aisles by two rows of Doric columns, and over these were placed others of the Corinthian order. The sculpture upon the two pediments were executed by the artist himself.

post, crushed by a superincumbent weight greater than it could bear. In this order, continued subjects began to appear on the frieze, which in the Doric were considered the exception to the rule. The cornice of the entablature was also enriched with exquisite mouldings, and decorated with sculptured ornaments. The edifices constructed after the Ionic order were numerous and magnificent: such as the temples of Bacchus, at Teos; Apollo, at Miletus; Minerva, at Priene and Tegea; and of Diana, at Magnesia and Ephesus. This order was also employed in the construction of the Erectheum, or the temples of Minerva Polias and Pandrosus, in the Acropolis at Athens; of the Delphic Apollo and of Esculapius, in the same city; and in that of Juno, in Attica. The temple of Diana, at Ephesus, was justly deemed one of the seven wonders of the world. The architect who traced the plan of this temple was The simplicity and severity of the Doric order having now Ctesiphon, who flourished about 540 B. c., and it was partly been abandoned, the artists of Greece Fig. 15. executed under his direction and that of his son Metagenes; Proper, not to be behind the inventors of but it was completed by other architects, who worked upon it the Ionic order, by an effort of genius, after these, for the space of more than two centuries. Vitruvius gave birth to a third order, which sursays that the form of this temple was dipterick (two-winged),- passed the Ionic in delicacy of proporthat is, surrounded with two rows of tion and richness of decoration; this order Fig. 14. columns in the form of a double portico. was named the Corinthian. The merit It was about 426 feet long, and 216 broad. of its invention is ascribed to CalliIn this temple there were a hundred and machus, a sculptor of Athens, who lived twenty-seven columns of marble each sixty about the period when the Peloponnesian feet high, given by as many kings! war was brought to a close (B.c. 404). Thirty-six of these columns were carved He is said to have taken the idea of by the most excellent artists of their times. this order from observing the leaves of Scopas, one of the most celebrated sculp- the acanthus growing round a basket tors of Greece, executed one which was which had been placed, with some fathe finest ornament of this magnificent vourite trinkets, upon the grave of a structure. All Asia had contributed with young Corinthian lady; the stalks which incredible ardour to the erection and deco-rose among the leaves having been formed ration of this temple.

Vitruvius informs us that Demetrius, whom he calls the servant of Diana, and Paconius, the Ephesian, finished this temple, which was of the Ionic order. History records the remarkable fact that this temple was burned to the ground on the day that Alexander the Great was born; which suggested the waggish conceit to an historian, that Diana was so busy at the labour of Olympia, the mother of the hero, that she could not spare time to preserve her temple. This same Alexander, it is said, offered to rebuild it at his own expense, provided the Ephesians would consent that he should have the sole honour of it, and that no name should be added to his in the inscription to be put upon it. The Ephesians, not approving this condition, concealed their refusal of his offer by saying, "that it was not consistent for one god to erect a monument to another." This temple was rebuilt with still greater magnificence than at first. The truth of this may be gathered from the words of the sacred historian, in reporting the speech of Demetrius the silversmith, who made silver shrines for Diana, to the workmen of like occupation: "Sirs, ye know that by this craft, we have our wealth. Moreover, ye see and hear, that not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul hath persuaded and turned away much people, saying, 'that they be no gods which are made with hands: so that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth." Such was the glory that attended the worship of "the thing that fell down from Jupiter," and such was the terror of the Ephesians that their temple would be destroyed a second time, that, in the words of the sacred historian, "when they heard these sayings they were full of wrath, and cried out: Great is Diana of the Ephesians;" and having assaulted Paul, and created a violent uproar, the mob continued to utter the same cry without intermission, for "the space of two hours," in the chief city of Asia.

Ionic Order.

into slender volutes by a square tile which
covered the basket. In the Corinthian
order, the column is more elegant, and
the capital longer and more ornamented
than in the Ionic, spreading in the form
of a basket and commingling the richest
and lightest vegetation with the. deco-
rations of preceding orders. The top of
the capital, instead of being square, as-
sumes the curvilinear form, having angu-
lar projections supported by elegant
volutes. The mouldings possess more
beautiful ornaments than those of the
Ionic or the Doric; the frieze is usually
ornamented with scrolls of foliage; in
the cornice, the corona is supported by
modilions, which represent the extremi-
ties of the beams of the roof, and are
usually carved into a scroll (see fig. 15).
These elegant improvements introduced
into their orders, rendered the Greeks
the real masters of architecture; because,
previous to their invention, the Egyptians
and the Asiatic nations in general, fol-
lowed no precise rule in their construc-
tions; but, as soon as the orders were
founded on rational proportions, of an
exact and invariable nature, they were
imitated in the edifices of every other

Corinthian Order.

While awarding every credit to the ingenuity of the Greeks, however, it must not be forgotten that in the columns of several temples in Upper Egypt, whose shafts represent bundles of reeds or lotuses bound together in several places by fillets, the capitals are formed by several rows of delicate leaves. In the ruins of Ellora, in India, the capitals of the columns are also composed of similar ornaments; and the Persians, at their great festivals, were accustomed to introduce ornaments of flowers at the tops of the pillars in their public apartments. From tradition, report, or personal observation, Callimachus might be made acquainted with these examples, and might be led to the composition of the Corinthian capital, the chief ornament of the Greek school. The Corinthian order, although distinguished for its richness and even luxuriousness of decoration in all its details, is essentially the most simple in its


tig; seine Liebe ist unend'lich und
an allen Orten sichtbar.

3ch war in der Start, als der Kö.
nig da war.

Der Kronprinz ist vor'gestern hier

Wer ist mit der Schwester auf tas
Land gegan'gen?

hierher' gekom'men ist.
Gehen Sie heute auf das Land?

Nein, weil ich soe'ben von dem Lante
gekom'men bin.

his love is infinite and in all places visible.

The works of God are manifold;

I was in the city, as the king

was there.

before yesterday. The crown-prince was here, day Who has gone to the country with your (the) sister? The same, that came here (hither) with her, day before yesterday. Do you go to the country today?

No, for I have just come from the country.

general character, and easiest in execution. The finest ex-Die Werke Gottes sind man'nigfal amples of this order were to be seen at Athens, in the monument of Lysicrates, the Tower of the Winds, the Stoa or public piazzas, and the Arch of Adrian, at Athens; the Pantheon of Agrippa, and the three columns of the Campo Vaccino, at Rome. The Corinthian order appears to have been but partially employed in Greece before the time of the Roman conquest; but the Romans themselves employed it to a great extent in every part of their empire; hence, it is in edifices constructed under their influence that the most perfect speci-Diesel'be, die vor'gestern mit ihr mens are found. It was only in the construction of temples that the turbulent states of Greece could unite; and in consequence of this union, they constructed edifices of great magnitude and splendour. Many of this description were built and maintained at the expense of confederate states, and even of all Greece: such were the temples at Delphi, Delos, 2. Nein, aber er ist vorgestern krank Ephesus, Olympia, Eryx, &c., and these temples had territorial revenues, besides being enriched by private donations. gewesen. (Sect. 18. VIII.) 3. Wer ist in dem Garten Ihres Vaters ge The Greeks appear to have made the greatest progress in the arts, and to have constructed the most admirable of their wesen? 4. Niemand ist in dem Garten gewesen, aber Jemand ist in seinem edifices, during the period from the age of Solon and Pytha-Hause gewesen. 5. Wie lange bleibt der alte Bauer noch in der Stadt? goras to the era of Alexander the Great. Their architecture 6. Ich kenne den alten Bauern nicht und weiß nicht, wie lange er bleibt. 7. prevailed in the countries where they extended their influence along the coast of Asia. Alexander and his successors introduced it into Egypt, and probably in the cities he built on his route to India. To the westward it extended to Sicily, Italy, and the south of France. After the brilliant period to which we have alluded, the manners of the Greeks became Asiatic; heir sublime spirit of independence was subdued; and though they continued for ages to be the instructors of their Roman conquerors, their glory in the arts declined, and with the purity and elegance of the Greek architecture.


cin, like the corresponding English verb, is very irregular in conjugation; its different parts having been derived from words

now obsolete.

It is used as the auxiliary to many active intransitive verbs, such as fommen, gehen, &c., where haben cannot (like have for be in English) be substituted. Ex.: Er ist gekommen; he is come. Er ist gegangen; he is gone. ($ 71. 3. 4.)

ein is employed as the auxiliary in its own conjugation; as, Ich bin gewesen; I have been; literally, I am been. For complete conjugation, see § 72. II.

AND gehen.

[blocks in formation]

wir sind gewesen, we have been;
ihr seid gewesen, you have been;
sie sind gewesen, they have been.

wir sind gekommen, we have come;
ihr seid gekommen, you have


sie sind gekommen, they have come.

wir sind gegangen, we have gone;
ihr seid gegangen, you have gone;
fie sind gegangen, they have gone.
Käfig, m. cage;

Schnee, m. snow;

Kennen, to know, to be Schreiben, to write;

acquainted with;
Kommen, to come;
Laufen, to run;
Marft, m. market;

Friedrich, m. Frederick; Nachricht, f. news;

Glauben, to believe;

Semand, somebody,

Preußen, n. Prussia;
Rindfleisch, n. beef;


Sprechen, to speak;
Vogel, m. bird;
Wetter, n. weather;
Wien, n. Vienna;
Wissen, to know;
Wohnen, to reside, to

1. Ist dieser junge Mann krank?

3ft Ihr alter Freund, der Kaufmann, nach Wien gegangen? 8. Ich glaube,
er ist nach Berlin zu seinem Bruter gegangen. 9. Von wem haben Sie
heute diese Nachricht gehört? 10. Ich habe einen meiner Freunde ge-
sprechen, welcher von Dresden gekommen ist und mir einen Brief von meinem
Vater gebracht hat. 11. Ich wohne bei meinem Oheim und gehe mit ihm
12. Mein schöner Vogel ist aus dem Käfig ge
nach dem kleinen Dorfe.
flogen, und mein kleines Pferd ist nach dem Walde gelaufen. 13. Was hat
Ihr Herr Vater Ihnen geschrieben? 14. Er hat mir einen laugen Brief
geschrieben. 15. Wann sind Sie auf dem Markte gewesen? 16. Ich bin
vorgestern Abend da gewesen, und habe Rindfleisch gekauft. 17. Wir haben
diesen Nachmittag schönes Wetter gehabt. 18. Diese Schüler sind faul
und jene fleißig gewesen. 19. Der Schnee ist vorgestern sehr tief gewesen.
20. Ich bin nie krank gewesen. 21. Friedrich der Große war ein König
von Preußen.

1. Is your sister, who gave me these flowers', at home? 2.
No, she has gone into the country. 3. There has been somebody
5. No, I reside in
in the garden. 4. Do you reside in Berlin?
Dresden. 6. The Queen has returned from Belgium3. 7. Do

[blocks in formation]

Bei (with), is commonly used with verbs of rest, and signifies (with a pronoun following) at one's house or place of business. Ex.: Er wohnt bei uns; he lives at our house. Ich kaufte es bei meinem Vetter; I bought it at my cousin's.

Mit (with), is chiefly used with verbs of motion. Ex.: Ich gche mit ihm; I am going with him.

Zu Semanden gehen, signifies, frequently, to go to the house or
Ex.: Ich gehe zu meinem Oheim; I am
residence of some one.
going to my uncle's. Wollen Sie heute Abend zu uns kommen? Will
you come to our house this evening? ($ 112. 3. 7. 8. 13.)
I. Derselbe (the same) is compounded of ver and selber.
It is inflected precisely like derjenige.

DECLENSION OF der, die,, das selbe.

Masculine. Feminine. Neuter.

[blocks in formation]

II. Derselbe is often used in place of a personal pronoun to avoid repetition or ambiguity. Ex.: Haben Sie dieselbe (sie) gesehen? Have you seen (the same) her? Der Mann lobt den Knaben, weil terselbe seine Mutter ehrt; the man praises the boy because the same (he) honours his mother. Er liebt seinen Bruder, aber nicht die Kinter desselben; he loves his brother, but not his children (he loves his brother, but not the children of the same).

The genitive of the substantive pronoun der is also thus used. Ex.: Er liebt seinen Bruder, aber dessen Kinder nicht; he loves his brother, but not (that one's) his children.

Blei, n. lead;
Brauchen, to require,

to need;

Eltern, parents;

Krieg, m. war;


Laten, m. shop, store; Tasch'enuhr, f. watch;
Lahm, lame;
Truppen, troop;
Un'dankbar, unthank-
Weil, because.

Ring, m. ring;
Schicken, to send;
So, so, as;

Wo ist der Fremde, der vor'gestern
bei uns war?

Er ist gestern nach Wien gereift'.
Ist dieses Buch dasselbe, welches Sie

stern Abend gele’sen haben?
Ich liebe diesen Schüler, weil er so

fleißig ist.

Meine Freundin aus Amerika war

gestern hier; haben Sie diesel'be schon gesehen?

Ich habe des Lehrers Buch, aber nicht das Messer dessel’ben.

Where is the stranger who was

at our house day before yes


He went yesterday to Vienna.
Is this book the same that you
read last evening?

I love this scholar, because he
is so diligent.

My friend from America was
here yesterday; have you
seen her yet?

I have the teacher's book, but
not his knife.

1. Wo ist das Blei, welches Sie gekauft haben? 2. Es ist noch im Laren, wo ich es gekauft habe. 3. Haben Sie dieselbe Feder, welche ich gehabt habe? 4. Wem werden Sie diese goldene Taschenuhr schien? 5. Ich werde sie demselben Manne schicken, welcher sie mir geschickt hat. 6. Wie viel Geld braucht dieser alte Seltat? 7. Er braucht viel, weil er immer krank ist. 8. Ist es derselbe, welcher gestern hier war. 9. Nein, jener ist heute sehr lahm. 10. Wem schicken Sie den schönen Ring? 11. Ich schicke ihn dem Manne, welchen Sie so sehr gelebt haben. 12. Haben Sie die Freunde meines Bruders gelobt? 13. Ja, ich habe sie gelobt. 14. Haben Sie dieselben nicht geliebt? 15. Ich habe eine kleine Schwester, welche ich liebe; lieben Sie dieselbe? 16. Der Oheim liebt seinen Neffen, aber derselbe ist undankbar. 17. Der Vater liebt seinen kleinen Sohn, weil derselbe gut ist. 18. Warum sind so viele Truppen in der Stadt? 19. Weil sie aus dem Kriege gekommen sind. 20. Warum lieben uns unsere Eltern? 21. Weil wir ihre Kinder sind. 22. Zu wem gehen Sie? 23. Ich gehe zu meinem Vetter. 24. Mit wem gehen Sie? 25. Ich gehe

mit meinem Bruder.

1. Is your brother at home? 2. Yes, but he is ill. 3. Where have you bought this watch? 4. I bought it of the watchmaker. 5. These rings are beautiful, will you give me one of them. 6. The troops, which went to Leipsic, returned yesterday. 7. The teacher loves the boy because he writes beautifully. 8. Do you go to your parents? 9. I go with my brother. 10. These children love their teacher because he is good to them. 11. Do you require my books any longer? 12. I will give you them back to-morrow.

1gekauft. zurück.




measuring and indicating time, such as clocks and watches. Such machines, in his day, presented a strange contrast to those now in daily use. A great improvement in the construction of clocks was effected, when Clement, a London clockmaker, in 1680, introduced an invention of Dr. Hooke, by which a less maintaining power, than was previously in use, was employed to carry a heavier pendulum, which, making smaller swings or arcs of vibration, met with less resistance from the air, and, therefore, performed its motions with greater regularity. Nor was Hooke less successful in improving the watch. To him is justly attributed the first idea of the balancespring, one of the extremities of which is fastened to a point, independent of the balance, while the other is attached near its axis; thus regulating the beat and producing equable motion; and answering the same purpose in watch-work that the pendulum does in clock-work. This improvement was not gained, however, without difficulty. Hooke's first balancespring was straight, and acted very imperfectly; but he soon perceived its defects, and set himself steadily to obviate them, by adopting first the cylindrical, and afterwards the flat spiral spring.

To find the longitude at sea-that is, the distance of the meridian of any place eastward or westward from the first or which the attention of mariners and mathematicians had been fixed meridian of any country-was meanwhile a problem, to anxiously directed. Indeed, so long ago as 1598, Philip III, of Spain offered a reward of 1,000 crowns for its solution. Not long afterwards, the States-General of Holland promised 10,000 florins to any one who should achieve the solution of the same problem. The British parliament, in 1714, went beyond these premiums, and empowered commissioners to introduce a bill for a sum not exceeding £20,000 for defraying the cost of the necessary experiments for ascertaining the longitude; and still further, for granting a proportionate reward to any one who should make a satisfactory advancement towards this grand object. With wealth and fame in prospect, innumerable and unsuccessful attempts were made to gain the prize.

Major Holmes, in a voyage from the coast of Guinea in 1665, Previous to this period one experiment had been made by which answered so well that the celebrated Huygens, who had paid great attention to watches, and had written a treatise on their use in finding the longitude at sea, determined to improve the structure of the watch as an instrument for this irregularities of action that, unless these could be remedied, he purpose; but the variations of heat and cold caused such found that a watch would be of little use in determining the longitude. Far more, indeed, is involved in the production of such a machine than is ordinarily imagined. To become a good find accurately the revolutions of each wheel; a geometrician, watchmaker it is necessary to be an arithmetician, in order to to determine correctly the curve of the teeth; a mechanician, to find precisely the forces that must be applied; and an artist, to be able to put into perfect execution the principles and rules which these sciences prescribe. He must know how fluids resist bodies in motion; and be well acquainted with the effects of heat and cold in different metals; in addition to these acquirements, he must be endowed by nature with a happy genius, to be able to apply them all in the construction of an accurate measurer of time.

No one in pursuit of such a rare combination of qualities would probably have gone to a young carpenter, with no ad. vantages of education, and whose knowledge of mathematics appears to have been derived solely from a manuscript, as above mentioned. And yet, before Harrison was twenty-one years of age, he had constructed two clocks made entirely of wood, and without any instruction whatever in the art; while his residence on the coast had directed his mind to the formation of timekeepers, adapted to the purposes of navigation. On this subject he appears to have reflected for many successive culty which Huygens felt, but was unable to surmount. For though every part of a clock were constructed with the greatest perfection, its performance would manifestly, be very inaccurate, unless it were provided with the means of compensating for those changes which result from a variation of temperature, since almost all substances expand by heat and contract by cold. Accordingly a very minute difference in the length of a

JOHN HARRISON, the son of a carpenter, was born at Foulby, near Pontefract, in Yorkshire. He received but little instruc-years, and to have become perfectly acquainted with the diffition in his youth, and was brought up to his father's business, at Barrow, in Lincolnshire, whither he had been removed soon after his birth. When young, he met with a manuscript copy of Professor Saunderson's lectures, from which he acquired some knowledge of mathematics. The bent of his genius led him to devote himself to mechanics, and especially to Lorely, that is, the art of constructing machines for

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