Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση


als er aus dem use entfliehen wollte.

Age waren.

13. Man wußte lange nicht, wer | rendered his in English. Ejus is properly of that person or that The former is the genitive sinvie Fren waren, bis es endlich an den Tag kam, daß es politische Flücht. person's. Suus is one's own. 14. Entlich ist es an den Tag gekommen, worüber Jahre gular of is, that man; the latter is connected with se, sui, sibi, the reflective pronoun, denoting one's self. In these dislang der Schleier ter Verschwiegenheit getect war. 15. Ehe er sich zu tinctions, lies the root of the diverse usages of the two. These mir in den Wagen seßte, bat er sich die Veringung aus, daß ich langsam usages may find a classification if we call ejus a demonstrative fahren möchte. 16. Als er gefragt wurde, warum er diese entwürtigende and suus a reflective pronoun. As a demonstrative, ejus is Handlung begangen habe, verseßte er, daß ihn die Noth dazu getrieben habe. used when a reference is made to some person or thing not being the subject of the immediately-connected verb; but the 17. Hierauf verschte ich ihm, daß Mengel Fein Grund zu Diebstahl, und reflective suus must be used when the reference is to the subNoth kein Grund zu einem Verbrechen sei. 18. Das Schicksal verseßte ihn ject of the immediately-connected verb, e. g., aus der Fülle in die größte Dürftigkeit, wie es mich oft aus einer Stellung in tie andere, aus einem Lante in tas antere und aus einem Welttheil in den andern verseßte, —aber den härtesten Schlag versegte es mir dadurch, tas es mir an dem Tage meiner Ankunft in Amerika den Bruder sterben lies.

1. My brother goes to-morrow morning with his friend over the country, and will return in the evening. 2. How came you by this book? 3. As I went over the country I found it. 4. The father gave the boy a blow with his hand. 5. Upon the questions, which the judge asked the criminal, he replied: that he had not committed the crime purposely. 6. I have not been for a long time in Germany. 7. I have not been long in Germany. 8. It is a long time since I have seen my parents and brothers. 9. He did not know for a long time who it was that had taken his pencil-case, after it was found. 10 Let us take a pedestrian tour, as we have beautiful weather to-day. 11. How long is it since you have heard anything of your friends? 12. I do not know, but I believe it is more than a month since I have heard anything of them.


3. A PRONOUN may agree with a pronoun, e. g.,
Caveto ne alios vituperes, qui fortasse laude digniores sunt quam
tu ipse.

Take care you do not blame others who perhaps are more worthy of praise than you yourself.

Here the relative qui agrees with its antecedent, the pronoun
alios, in gender and number; and tu agrees with ipse in gen-
der, number, case, and person, both being in the second person,
nominative case, singular number, and masculine gender.
The rule may be stated thus:-

Pronouns agree with pronouns in gender and number, or in gender, number, person, and case.

Idem, added to another pronoun, gives force to a proposi

tion, e. g.,

Ptolemaeus quum vivus filio regnum tradidisset, ab codem illo vitâ privatus dicitur.

Ptolemy is said to have been deprived of life by the very son to whom in kis lifetime he had given up his kingdom.

Alcibiades quum desertus ab omnibus jaceret,
When Alcibiades lay deserted by all,
amica corpus ejus texit pallio suo,

a female friend covered HIS body with her cloak.
Here ejus is requisite because the demonstrative is needed to
point out that corpus refers to Alcibiades. With pallio, how-
ever, ejus would be wrong; suus is required there, because the
cloak belonged to the subject of the verb texit; her cloak;
whose cloak? the cloak of the female friend.
The distinction is marked in these two instances:-
1, Omitto Isocratem discipulosque ejus.
I omit Isocrates and his disciples.
2. Isocrates cum discipulis suis adfuit.
Isocrates with his disciples was present.

Both ejus and suus are rendered into English by his, but they are of different import. In 1, his refers to discipulos, and not to the subject of the sentence, and therefore its proper Latin representative is ejus; not so the his in 2; there the pronoun refers to Isocrates, the subject of the sentence, and, in coase. quence, you want not the demonstrative ejus, but the reflective



Potissimum, most of all; signa conferre, to join battic; num, asking a question, requires an answer in the negative; natus, ûs, m. birth; natu, by birth.


Cneium Pompeium omnibus qui unquam fuerunt, P. Lentulum sibi ipsi conseivit; scio ista haec facta proinde ut proloquor; tu mihi ipsi antepono; se ipsos omnes naturâ diligunt; Junius necem es is qui me saepissime ornâsti; ego is sum qui Caesari contedi putem utilius esse, quod postulat, quam signa conferri; transeat idem iste sapiens ad rempublicam tuendam; qui ipsum illum Carneadem diligenter audierat; ridiculi sunt, qui alios id docere conantur, quod ipsi neque experti sunt, neque sciunt; ille quoque ipse confessus est; est idem ille tyrannus deterrimum genus; potest vir magnanimus, qui suam salutem cum salute publicâ conii qui divinis legibus parent secundum naturam vivunt; is dici non placent, aliis maxime displicent; quicquid honestum est, idem est jungere dubitat; ego me ipsum vitupero; saepe ii qui sibi məxime utile; ca omnia, quae adhuc a me dicta sunt, iidem isti vera esse concedunt; musici qui erant quoudam iidem poetae; ego vir fortis idemque philosophus vivere pulcherrimum duxi; illa erat splendida et cadein faceta oratio; petam a vobis ut ea quae dicam non de memet ipso, sed de oratore dicere putetis; non ita abundo ingenio ut te consoler quum ipse me non possim; ignoratio rerum, e qua

Idem, in conjunction with another pronoun, must be ren- ipsâ horribiles existunt saepe formidines; Themistocles a suis dered by also, or the same as, or yet, e. g.,

Ultimus coeli complexus, qui idem nether vocatur. The great expanse of the sky, which is also called aether. Ipse may be joined to all persons, whether they are subjects or objects. Ipse adds force to the word with which it is connected; ego ipse, I myself; ille ipse, he himself. Ipse sometimes stands without a personal pronoun. If ipse refers to the subject, it is in the case of the subject; if it refers to the object, it is in the case of the object, e. g.,

Subject:-Non egeo medecinâ; me ipse consolor.

I do not need medicine; I console myself

Object:-Fac ut diligentissime te ipsum custodias.

Take care to guard yourself most attentively

civibus patriâ pulsus est; Fabius a me diligitur propter summam
suam humanitatem; Deum cognosco ex operibus ejus; Deus coz-
noscitur ex operibus suis; non audit Cicero quae de eo dicit
turam esse?
posteritas; num ait Cicero posteritatem multa de se mala die-


They themselves confessed; I who have confessed expeet death; thou preferrest a friend to thyself, and, at the same time (idem), lovest thyself very much; thou art that wise man whom I myself and we all desire to hear; they blame themselves; they who blame themselves, may become wise; whatever is good, the same is useful; he a foolish, yet (idemque) a kind man, entreats thee to take care of thyself; console thyself; they have consoled me, yet are they wretched; Aristides was banished by his (fellow)

Et ipse is used with the force of our even; alone, that is, by citizens; Aristides and his (fellow) citizens were Greeks (Hellenes) itself, without going further, e. g.,

Virtutes et ipsae taedium pariunt.
Even virtues beget wearisomeness.

by birth; the maid took off her cloak, and covered with it the dead body of her sister; the cloak of her husband being taken off, the wife, according to custom, burnt the corpse; all men love themselves; I love myself; they do not love themselves wisely who

Ejus (from is, ca, id) differs from suus, though both are take care of themselves most of all.


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The rule, then, is,

A noun agrees with an adjective or participle in gender, number,

and case.

Portas urbis munitissimas refregit.

He broke open the very strongly fortified gates of the city.

If the two or more nouns are taken separately, the epithet is to be put in the singular number, e. g.,

Inter Esquilinam Collinamque PORTAM posuit castra.

He placed the camp between the Esquiline and the Colline GATE. Apposition requires nouns to agree in case, whether they agree or not in number and gender, e. g.,

ALEXANDER, REX Macedonum, magnus appellatur.
ALEXANDER, KING of the Macedonians, is called great.

Bene actae vitae, of a well-spent life; de coelo tacta sunt, were

If the subject consists of more than one noun, the attributives struck with lightning; indagatrix, icis, f. an investigator; expultrix, (the adjective or participle) must, together with the verb, be inicis, f. an expeller. the plural number, e. g.,

Pater et filius MORTUI sunt.

The father and the son ARE DEAD (have died).

If the subject contains nouns of different genders, for instance, one masculine and one feminine, then, the masculine, being what grammarians call the more worthy, requires the predicate to be in the masculine, e. g.,

Pater mihi et mater MORTUI sunt.

My father and mother ARE DEAD.

The gender is in some cases determined by attraction, the noun nearest the adjective or participle attracting or drawing the adjective or participle into its gender, e. g.,


This construction may be explained by the supposition that
he predicate agrees in reality with the nearest noun only, and
is to be considered as repeated after the second noun, thus :-
Convicta est Messalina, et Silius convictus est.
Messalina was convicted, and Silius was convicted.
When nouns in the subject represent things, the predicate is
in the singular, though one or more of the nouns may be
masculine or feminine, e. g.,

Secundae res, honores, imperia, victoriae, FORTUITA sunt. Prosperity, honours, commands, victories, are GIFTS OF FORTUNE. Here the subject contains one masculine noun, honores, and two feminine nouns, secundae res and victoriae, yet the attributive is in the neuter gender, fortuita. A masculine noun, however, requires the adjectives or participle to be in the masculine gender. The gender may also be determined by proximity, that is, by the gender of the nearest noun.

When the subject, though in the feminine or neuter gender, denotes male persons, then the construction, being determined by the sense rather than the sound, requires the predicate to be in the masculine, e. g.,

CAPITA Conjurationis PERCUSSI sunt.

THE HEADS of the conspiracy were PUNISHED WITH DEATH.

A difference is to be observed between an epithet and a noun in apposition. The attribute is called an epithet when it consists of an adjective or participle. The attribute is said to be in apposition to the subject when the attribute is a noun. Epithets, whether used as predicates or merely as adjectives, must be in the same gender, number, and case as their nouns, e. g., mons altus, a high mountain; mons est altus, the mountain is high; gramen viride, green grass; gramen est viride, grass is green. Care must be taken to ascertain whether the subject is singular or plural, e. g.,

Placuit, consules circa castra.

PORTAS Collinam Esquilinamque ponere

It was resolved that the consuls should pitch the camp around the Colline and Esquiline GATES.

Here you have the epithets Collina and Esquilina in the singular, though the noun portae is in the plural; the reason is, that there were two separate individual gates, the Porta Collina, and the Porta Esquilina. Had the adjectives been common and not proper, and so had the qualities which they represent been shared by the noun gates, then would the epithets have been in the plural, e. g.,


Aesopus scripter clarus, fuit gibbosus; Scythae, homines belli. cosi, terribiles fucrunt; Phoenices crant nautae peritissimi; bene actac vita jucunda est; Graeca lingua est difficilior quam Graecia fuit patria multorum hominum illustrium; conscientia Romana; anser et ovis et asinus videntur esse bestiae stultissimae; omne animal mortale est; nos sumus amici ves estis inimici; quanta est imbecillitas tua! Grammatica quondam et musica junctae fuerunt; misericordia in eo et perfidia dilectae sunt; Samnitium caesi sunt tria millia ducenti; stultitia et temeritas et injustitia et intemperantia fugienda sunt; pax et concordia victis utilia, victoribus pulchra sunt; captivi militum praeda fuerunt; opes sunt irritamenta malorum; murus et porta de coelo tacta sunt; duo fulmina Kemani imperii fuerunt Cneius et Publius Scipio; Brutus et Cassius interfectores Caesaris fuerunt; Vespasianus quaestor Cretam et Cyrenas provinciam sorte cepit; Pompeius, a militibus deserts, Aegyptum petiit; Philosophia vitae est dux, virtutis indagatrix, expultrixque vitiorum; quid dicam de thesauro omnium, mer oriâ?


[ocr errors]

Who were the assassins of Caesar Brutus and Cassius; memory is the treasury of the soul; religi is the guide of life; is not religion the expeller of vices? the hilosophy of religion is the who were the thunderbolts of the Roi, an empire? generals, the medicine of the soul; religion and hilosophy are very benign; thunderbolts of the Roman empire, went (proficiscor) to the war; in Greece, the mother of great men, lived Solon and Aristides; riches and honour are perishing things; the man and his wife have suddenly died; the wall, the threshold, and the ship, have been struck with lightning; you are friends, we are enemies; was Acsop a renowned writer?

Aesopii Fabulae.


Asinus equum beatum praedicabat, qui tam copiose pasceretur, quum sibi post molestissimos labores ne paleae quidem satis et circumventus ab hostibus, post incredibiles labores, tandem, praeberetur. Forte autem bello exorto, equus in praelium agitur, multis vulneribus confossus, collabitur. Haec omnia asinus constoliduin," inquit, "qui beatitudinem spicatus, "O me praesentis temporis fortunâ aestimaverim!"



Agricola senex quum mortem sibi appropinquare sentiret, filios fascem virgularum afferri jubet. Quibus allatis, filios hortabatur, convocavit, quos, ut fieri solet, interdum discordare noverat, et ut hunc fascem frangerent. Quod quum facere non possent, distribuit singulis singulas virgas, iisque celeriter fractis, docuit illos, quum firma res esset concordia, quamque imbecillis discordia.


"Mulier vidua, quae texendo vitam sustentabat, solebat ancillas suas de nocte excitare ad opus, quum primum galli cantum audivisset. At illae, diuturno labore fatigatae, statuerunt gallum Nam domina, de horâ noctis incertâ, nunc famulas saepe perunt. interficere. Quo facto, deteriore conditione quam prius esse coejam primâ nocte excitabat.


Praedico 1, I declare; pascor, pasci, pastus sum 3, dep. I feed: molestus, a, um, hard, severe; praebeo 2, I afford; confodio 3, I stab, run through; exorior 4, dep. I arise; fascis, is, m, a bundle; virga, ae, f. a rod; distribuit singulis singulas virgas, he gave a rod to cach of them.

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§ 33.-REMARKS ON THE PERSONAL PRONOUNS. (1.) The French, as well as the English, use the second person plural for the second person singular, in addressing one person.

[blocks in formation]

(11.) The recapitulating pronoun and the verb sometimes come first in the sentence:

Nous avons, vous et moi, besoin You and I have need of tolerance. de tolérance. VOLTAIRE

(2.) The second person, however, is used, as in English, in addressing the Supreme Being :Grand Dieu! tes jugements sont Great God! thy judgments are full (12.) The reflective pronoun se, himself, &c., is used for both remplis d'équité. DES BARREAUX, of equity. genders, and for both numbers; for persons and for things; (3.) It is also used in poetry, or to give more energy to the and always accompanies a verb :diction:

[blocks in formation]

(5.) Observe that the personal pronouns of the third person are not used for the indirect regimen to represent inanimate objects. The relative pronouns EN, of or from it [§ 39 (17)], Y, to it [ 39 (18)], are used instead of the personal pronouns. Thus, in speaking of a house, we do not say, Je lui ajouterai une aile, I will add a wing to it. We must say :

J'y ajouterai une aile; I will add a wing to it (thereto). In speaking of an author, we may say :—

[blocks in formation]

Les yeux de l'amitié se trompent rarement. VOLTAIRE.

ils se flattent,

ils se flattent,

The eyes of friendship are seldom deceived (deceive themselves).

(13.) The same pronoun has sometimes a reciprocal and sometimes a reflective meaning, according to the context :they flatter themselves. they flatter one another, each other. (14.) Sor, himself, itself, &c., is of both genders and numbers, and is applied to persons and things. It is used in general and indeterminate sentences; having commonly an indefinite pronoun for the nominative:

[blocks in formation]

(1.) The possessive pronouns, which are formed from the
personal pronouns, represent, in the radical part, the possessor,
while in termination they always agree with the thing pos-
sessed. Some relate to one person, some to several.

The object possessed being in the-


Masc. 1. le mien,


2. le tien,

la mienne,
la tienne,

les miens,
les tiens,

3. le sien,

la sienne, les siens,

les miennes,
les tiennes,
les siennes,


The object possessed being in the

his, hers, its.



Masc. Fem.
le nôtre, la nôtre,
le vôtre, la vôtre,

Masc. and Fem.

les nôtres,

les vôtres,
les leurs,


Cape St. Andrew, in Cyprus, and Cape Beyrout, in Syria. In
Arabia, Cape Aden, and Cape Ras-al-Had, or Rosalgat, the
Western Peninsula, Cape Comorin, the most southern point of the
most eastern point of that peninsula; in Southern India, or the
Malabar Coast; and Point Calimere, on the Coromandel Coast.
In the Eastern Peninsula, Cape Negrais, on the coast of Ava;
Point Romania, in the south of Malaya; Cape Cambodia, and
Cape Padaran, projecting into the Gulf of Siam and the Chinese
Sea; on the eastern coast of China, the promontory of Shantung;
in Kamchatka, Cape Lopatka; and at Behring's Strait, the East
Cape. Of the capes in the Northern or Arctic Ocean, the prin-
cipal is Cape Severovostochnoi.

In Asia, there are many vast Lakes, which deserve and have received the name of Seas. Of these, the principal is the Caspian Sea, between Russia and Turkestan, said to be more than 700 miles long; it covers a surface of about 125,000 square miles, and varies in depth from 12 feet, on its northern shores, to 150 feet, on its other shores; being about 2,800 feet deep in the middle. This inland sea is salt, but less so than the great ocean which surrounds the continent; it lies in a basin whose surface is lower than that of the sea in general, having been ascertained to be about 83 feet lower than that of the Black Sea. The Sea of Aral, in Turkestan, is about 300 miles long; it covers a surface of about 23,000 square above the general level of the ocean. The Lake Baikal, in Siberia, is miles, being shallow and slightly salt; this lake is slightly raised about 350 miles long, and varies from 35 to 60 miles in breadth; it covers a surface of about 25,000 square miles, and is raised about 1,400 feet above the level of the sea; its waters are fresh, and abound in fish. Other lakes of smaller size, but still occupying a large surface, are: Balkash or Tengiz, in Turkestan; Zurrah, in Afghanistan; Zaizan, in Chinese Tartary; Baktegan, in Persia; We see the misfortunes of others the Dead Sea or Lake Asphaltites, in Palestine; and many others differently from our own.

le leur, la leur, § 35.-REMARKS ON THE POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. (1.) It may be seen from the above table that, as before said, the termination of the possessive pronoun agrees in gender and number with the object possessed :

Votre canif et le mien.
Your penknife and mine.
Vos frères et les miens.

Your brothers and mine.

'On voit les maux d'autrui, d'un autre œil que les siens. CORNEILLE Les ministres du roi sentent que leur gloire, comme la sienne, est dans le bonheur national.


(2.) These pronouns should


Votre plume et la mienne.
Your pen and mine.

Vos sœurs et les miennes.

Your sisters and mine.

The ministers of the king feel that their glory, like his own, is in national happiness.

relate to a noun previously

in this vast continent.

Asia contains the most extensive plateau (platform) or table-land to be found on the surface of the globe. It lies generally between the parallels of 30° and 50 north latitude, and between the meridians of 70° and 120° east longitude; its length is about 2,500 miles, and its breadth varies from 1,200 to 1,400 miles. Its mean

expressed. This rule is often violated in mercantile corre-elevation above the level of the sea is about 2,000 feet. The plateau spondence:

[blocks in formation]

of Mongolia is about 3,000 feet in elevation; and the loftiest parts
of the plateau of Thibet reach the amazing altitude of 16,000 feet.
Between these plateaus lies the Great Sandy Desert of Tartary,
called Gobi (desert) or Shamo (sea of sand), having an average
elevation of 2,500 feet above the level of the sea. The plateaus of
Persia and Afghanistan are of less elevation than those of Thibet;
the former being, on an average, 3,500 feet high, and the latter
6,000 feet high. The high table-land of Armenia, upon which the
ark of Noah is said to have rested, is about 6,000 feet in elevation;
and that of Asia Minor varies from 6,000 feet to 3,000 feet. In
India, to the south of the great table-land region, are the plateaus
of Malwa, the Deccan, and Mysore, the two former being each
2,000 feet, and the latter 3,000 feet in elevation above the level of
the sea.
The table-land of Arabia, which is one vast desert in the
interior, varies in elevation from 3,000 to 4,000 feet. These vast
and elevated plateaus exercise a striking influence on the climate of
Asia in general; they are much colder than might be expected
from their latitudes, as compared with the general surface of the
globe; and they interrupt the atmospheric currents between the
polar and equatorial regions, which would otherwise equalise the
temperature and render it more genial; hence the northern regions
are extremely cold, and the southern regions extremely warm.

The great plains and lowlands of Asia form a balance and counterpart to the mountains and table-lands of that continent. The plain of Siberia in the north extends from the foot of the Uralian mountains, between the shores of the Arctic Ocean and the bottom of the great Altaian range of mountains, to the most eastern extremity of the continent. The plain of Independent Tartary extends from Siberia, on the south-west, to the high table-land of Persia, THE Peninsulas of Asia are: Arabia, which lies between the Red including the Sea of Aral. The plain of China, which extends Sea and the Persian Gulf; Asia Minor, between the Black Sea 500 miles inland from the East and Yellow Seas, is well waterc and the Mediterranean; India, or Hindoostan, between the Arabian and cultivated, and very populous; the plains of Chin-India partake Sea and the Bay of Bengal; the Eastern Peninsula, and its branch, of the same character; and the plain of Hindoostan, which divides the Malayan Peninsula, between that bay and the Chinese Sea; Co- the plateaus of Southern India from the Himalayan range of rea, between the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan; and Kamchatka, mountains, is the land of rice, sugar, indigo, and cotton. The between the Sea of Ochotsk and Behring's Sea. The Isthmus which great Mesopotamian plain of India, the space between the Indus unites Malaya to the Eastern or Indo-Chinese Peninsula is called and the Ganges, includes the preceding fertile tract, the great the Isthmus of Kraw. The Capes of Asia are: in Asia Minor, Cape Indian Desert, and the plain of Sinde, which, embracing the lower Baba, near the ruins of Troy, and Cape Anemur, in Caramania; | course of the Indus, is very fertile. The plains of Mesopotamia

(in the middle between the rivers), now called Al-jezirah, and Babylonia, now called Irah-Arabi, include the greater part of the countries watered by the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. The socalled Mesopotamian or northern plain is rather barren; but the southern or Babylonian plain, extending to the Persian Gulf, is naturally much more productive, and formerly supported a much larger population than at present.

In Asia are to be found the loftiest mountains on the surface of the globe, as well as vast plateaus or table-lands of great elevation, and immense plains or deserts destitute of useful vegetation, The following table exhibits a list of the Asiatic mountains, with their elevations and positions.


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MR. EDITOR,-We submit the following lines to your perusal; at the same time humbly requesting you (if they be worthy of such a distinction) to insert them in a corner of the POPULAR EDUCATOR Yours truly, THE BROTHERHOOD.

Near Bradford, Yorkshire, Feb. 21, 1853.

Now is the time to lead the van,
Come, raise your banners to the sky;
Through all the land, join every man,
For "onward" is the battle-cry.
Let superstition now take wing,
And prejudice before us fly;

Through hill and dale the gauntlet fling,-
For onward" is our battle-cry.
Let ignorance now kiss the dust,
Let him aloft our flag descry;
Now perish from the land he must,
For" onward" is our battle-cry.
Malice amongst us shall not live,
Nor jealousy to us come nigh;
And envy to the winds we'll give,
For "onward" is our battle-cry.
All sottishness must fade away,
And every sin of deepest dye-
Come, hasten all the happy day,
For" onward" is our battle-ery.
Now learning shall o'erspread the land,
And knowledge beam in every eye:
Wisdom shall reach from strand to strand,
For" onward" is our battle-cry.

The age of darkness now is past,
We into hidden secrets pry;

The magic spell is broke at last,
For onward" is our battle-cry.

Hark! from the grave, the illustrious dead
Mingle their shouts with ours on high:
Stand not aloof, nor learning dread,
For "onward" is our battle-cry.

We seek for righteousness and truth;
We seek to check the deep-drawn sigh;
We seek to save the erring youth;
For "onward" is our battle-cry.

To liberty true knowledge tends,

To stop the loud and piercing cry
Of mortals torn from home and friends,
To toil in vain, and meanly die.
The time is come, the day doth dawn,
The clouds are flying fast away;
The star of freedom, 'cross the lawn,
Now ushers in millennial day.
Then call not these ambitious strains,
For man must soar above the sky:
Now cast away your slavish chains,
For "onward" is our battle-cry.

Z. B. H. (amended).



DEAR SIR,-I feel it a duty incumbent upon me to acknowledge the benefits and the pleasure which the POPULAR EDUCATOR has conferred upon me. I have taken it weekly from its commencement, for its general subject-matter; but for the last six months 1 have made the French language a subject of study, at 'ast in so far as the limited time and circumstances of a working man permit,my occupation being that of a journeyman tailor. I have, according to instructions given in No. 1, POPULAR EDUCATOR, availed myself of the "French Lessons," which have been very useful to me; and now that the second part has begun this week, for which I have been most anxiously waiting, I feel more than ever convinced that some day I shall be enabled to read, if not to speak, the French tongue-thanks to the POPULAR EDUCATOR. I will now state to you the plan upon which I commenced. After reading the earlier numbers of the POPULAR EDUCATOR very often, and treasuring up in my memory the articles, the verbs are and avoir, the nouns in the vocabulary, &c.,-and reading the "French Lessons" over and over again, I have written down in a copy

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