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is the Lord of glory; he possesseth haviour of the Sodomites made hiş infinite glory in himself, and bestows life a continual burden to him. Nor everlasting glory upon his faithful had he been long there, when he, if people, 1 Cor. ii. 8. not also the most of what he had,

To say unto Jesus, Lord, Lord, is was carried captive by Chedorlaomer. to make a public profession of subjec- He was recovered by Abraham; and tion to him, Matt. vii. 21. To call about sixteen years after, in anJesus Lord, in a proper manner, is swer to the fervent prayer of heartily to believe in, submit to, and Abraham, he escaped death in the witness for him, as the Son of God, overthrow of Sodom. On the even

and true Messiah, 1 Cor. xii. 3. ing before that fatal event, two of Men think themselves lords, when the angels which had just feasted filled with self-conceit of their with Abraham, appeared to Lot at wealth, honour, and wisdom, Jer. the gate of Sodom, as travellers. Lot ii. 31. Babylon was a lady of king-humbly begged they would lodge in doms; an honoured ruler of nations, his house. At first they, to try his hospitality, spake as if they inclinLO-RUHAMAH, not having ob-ed to lodge ail night in the street: tained mercy, as Ruhamah signifies, but, on his farther entreaty, they having obtained mercy. See HoSEA. entered his house, and supped with

Isa. xlvii. 5, 7.

LOSE, to suffer, to perish, John him, in a manner we do not undervi. 39. Christ loses none of his faith-stand. Supper was scarcely finishful people; suffers none of them to ed, when a multitude of the men of be eternally ruined; but if they for- the city came and demanded from sake him like Judas or Demas, he Lot the two strangers, that they will reject them for ever, John xvii. might abuse them in a manner shock


Cattle or money is lost, when ing to chastity. Lot, in his confuthe owner knows not what is become sion, unadvisedly, and unjustifiably, thereof, Exod. xxix. 9. Men are begged they would rather take his lost, when in a state of sin and mi- two virgin daughters, than so horsery, wherein they have no happi- ridly abuse the strangers who had ness, and are of no spiritual good committed themselves to his prouse; or when they go on in a course tection. They upbraided him as a of open wickedness, or of noted saucy impertinent fellow, who, though wandering from God, Luke xix. 10. but lately come to sojourn among and xv. 6, 9, 32. Psal. exix. 176. them, would act the part of a judge, Matt. xviii. 11. and dictate to them, who were naLOT, wrapt up, joined, hidden, tives of the place; and they threatthe son of HARAN, and nephew of ened to use him worse than they had Abraham, and, as we suppose, bro- intended to do with the strangers. ther of Sarah. After the death of his Hereon, they furiously rushed forfather, he lived and travelled with ward to break open the door, which Abraham. After their return from Lot had shut behind him. The anEgypt, the number of their flocks, and gels pulled Lot in, shut to the door, strife of their herdmen, obliged them and smote the Sodomites about it to separate. On Abraham's humble with such blindness and stupidity, and peaceful offer, Lot too proudly that they could not perceive where took his choice, preferring himself it was; and being weary with gropCharmed with the fer- ing, they at last went home. Meantile appearances of the country while, the angels informed Lot of their about Sodom, he, probably, without intentions to destroy Sodom, and the consulting his Maker, chose that for cities adjacent, for the wickedness his place of sojourning. His pride thereof, and warned him and all his and earthly-mindedness were se- relations to leave the place immeverely punished. The wicked be-diately. He sent and warned his

to his uncle.

sons-in-law, and begged them to flee; tutes to the Sodomites, decoyed himbut they contemned his message. self into drunkenness and incest. About break of day, Lot, his wife, Anxious of posterity, and perhaps and two unmarried daughters, un-desirous to be mother of the Messiah, willing to leave their substance, or and fearing there was never a man waiting for the other daughters, con- left on the earth besides their fatinued to put off the time. The anther, or at least none to whom they gels took them by the hand, and could have access, they resolved to hasted them out of their house, and have children by him. On two diffrom the city; and leaving them, ferent nights they intoxicated him warned them to run with all their with wine, and lay with him, the might to a neighbouring mountain; one after the other. They both fell and that they should be condemned, with child by him. The eldest daughif they so much as looked back. At ter impudently called her son MOAB, Lot's intercession, who was afraid of to signify that he was begotten by her the wild beasts of the mountain, the father. The younger called her son angels, directed by God, promised to Ben-ammi, the son of my people. spare Zoar, the least of the five ci- From these two sprung the Moabites ties marked for ruin, as a place of and Ammonites, on whom the curse refuge to him and his family. Through of heaven remarkably lay, Gen. xi. carnal affection to her country and 31. and xiii. and xiv. and xix. 2 Pet. wealth, or a vain curiosity to see the ii. 6-8. Luke xvii. 32. Some think vengeance of God, Lot's wife look- Baal-peor, the immodest deity wor ed behind her. The divine ven- shipped by the Ammonites and Mogeance seized her immediately, and abites, was a representation of Lot, transformed her into a statue of pe- in his shameful drunkenness and hortrified salt; thus making her a stand- rid incest.

ing monument of the danger of in- LOT, any thing cast, or drawn, credulity, imprudence, love to the in order to determine a point in deworld, apostacy from, and disobedi- bate. It is a solemn appeal to God ence, to God. How long this pillar for an immediate interposal of his continued, we know not. Josephus directive power, for determining the says, it remained in his time, which affair; and, on that account, ought was near 2000 years after it was to be used in nothing but what is formed. Ireneus and Tertullian say, important, and cannot otherwise be it was standing about A. D. 200. peacefully determined on; and it is Benjamin of Tudela, the Jewish tra- to be used with reverence and prayveller, avers, that it was standing er, Prov. xvi. 33. and xviii. 18. Acts near 1000 years after; which would i. 24, 25, 26. 1 Sam. xiv. 41. By make its duration of about 3000 lot, it was determined which of the years. Some modern travellers pre-expiatory goats should be offered, tend to have seen it; but their rela- and which dismissed, Lev. xvi. 8— tions smell so strong of the fable, 10. By lot, the land of Canaan was and differ so widely that we cannot divided to the Hebrew tribes, and credit them. It is certain, that the Levites had their cities assigned, Maundrel, Shaw, and Thomson, and and their order of sacred service deother travellers of known veracity, termined, Numb. xxvi. 55, 56. and do not pretend that there are now xxxiii. 54. and xxxiv. Josh. xiv.— the least remains of this noted statue. xxi. 1 Chron. vi. 54, 61. and xxiv. -Shocked with the death of his wife, and xxv. By lot, the Hebrews disand the ruin of his country, Lot was covered who had taken the accursed afraid to dwell in Zoar; but he and spoil of Jericho, Judg. xx. 9. Josh. his daughters retired to the adjacent vii. 14-18. By lot, Saul was markmountains. Lot's daughters, whom ed out for the Hebrew kingdom, and he had but lately offered as prosti- his son Jonathan discovered to have

tasted the honey, 1 Sam. x. 19–21. [rational creatures, which arises in and xiv. 41, 42. By lot, was Jonah their mind on observing any thing discovered to be the cause of the in others which pleases them; or destorm, and Matthias marked for the sire fellowship with, or close possesapostleship, Jon. i. 7. Acts i. 24-sion of, some person or thing on ac26. By lot, the Heathens divided count of some excellency apprehendtheir shares of the spoil, and the pro-ed therein. This is good, according fane soldiers determined who should to its object, manner, or degree. To have Christ's vesture, Obad. i. 11. love relations and neighbours, and Nah. iii. 10. Psa. xxii. 19. To one's self, in subordination to God, pretend that chance, which is but the is good, Psa. xxxiv. 12. Eph. v. 25. want of design, determines in any Love to idols, sins, or to wicked perlot, is too absurd for rational beings sons, as such, or in order to carnal to receive. God, or the devil, must lust, is unlawful, Jer. ii. 25. John therefore be the arbitrator, to whose xii. 25. 2 Tim. iii. 2. 2 Sam. xiii. 4. determination the matter is by lot Prov. vii. 18. (2.) A gracious habit, referred. God challenges it as his principle, or disposition, wrought in property, to direct lots, Prov. xvi. our soul by the Spirit of God, 33. Nor, I suppose, will great whereby we esteem, desire, and denumbers be found, even of players at cards and dice, that will allow Satan to be their referee. How base then, and how sinful, to use lots in trifles, or in sports or games, or to direct persons in sinful attempts! Ezek. xxi. 18, 19. Esth. iii.-Whatever falls to one's share by casting of the lot, or the providence of God, is called his Lor, Josh. xv. 1. Psa. cxxv. 3, and xvi. 5. xvii. 14. Acts viii. 21. Luke i. 9.

light in God through Christ, as our chief good and sum of all perfection and excellency, and the fountain of all blessings, and take pleasure in obeying his laws; and whereby we are inclined and enabled to esteem, desire, and delight in, spiritual fellowship with such as bear his image, and to do good to all men, even our enemies, 1 John iv. 19, 21. This love, or CHARITY, is of great importance; without it, no gifts can be truly vaLOATHE, to dislike, ABHOR, as luable; where it is not, there can be the stomach does lukewarm water. no true faith. Love renders us paGod loathes men, when, on account tient under trouble, slow to anger, of sin, he is angry with them, hides ready to forgive injuries, and makes himself from them, and refuses to us straiten ourselves to help our regard or help them, Jer. xiv. 19. neighbour; makes us mourn for his Zech. xi. 8. Men loathe and abhor faults and afflictions, and kindly bear themselves, when they are deeply with his infirmities, and is the bond ashamed of, and grieved for, their of perfection; in fine, if pure and sinfulness in heart and life, Ezek. vi. fervent, it tends to render our life a 9. and xx. 43. and xxxvi. 41. Men very heaven upon earth, Gal. vi. 5. are LOATHSOME, when filled with 1 Cor. xiii. (3.) Divine love, which sin, that abominable thing which is either God's natural delight in that God hates, Prov. xiii. 5. which is good, Isa. xi. 8. or that LOUD, that can be heard far off, gracious affection which he manifests A loud cry, noise, or voice, is expres- to men, in giving his Son for them as sive of great danger, earnest desire, their surety and ransom, and in givor great joy. A lewd woman is ing him and all his fulness of blessloud and stubborn; she is given to ing to them as their portion, Rom. scold and trouble her husband; and v. 8. 1 John iv. 19. The love of is talkative, and obstinate in sedu- God, is either the love he bears to cing men, Prov. vii. 11. us, or our love, of which he is the LOUR, to look sad, Matt. xvi. 3. object, Rom. v. 5. Jude 20. John xv. LOVE, (1.) That affection of 9. Jesus's love hath a breadth, length,

depth, and height; it is like a mighty ocean, it reaches over all the world, extends to every person, and comprehends every blessing; it reaches from eternity to eternity; it condescends to the lowest sinner and

to be meek and humble, Psa. cxxxviii. 6. Zech. ix. 9.

LUBIM. See LIBYA. LUCIFER. See STAR. LUCRE, gain. See FILTH. LUD, nativity, or generation, the case; brought Jesus to the lowest son of Shem. If he was the father plunge of suffering, and saves from of the Lydians in Lesser Asia, which the lowest hell, to the most incon- some very learned men think he was ceivable height of holiness and hap- not, it is probable his posterity took piness, Eph. iii. 18, 19. To be di- up their first residence near the Eurected into the love of God, is to be phrates, and then moved westward, instructed,, excited, and enabled, to and settled among the children of believe his redeeming love to us, and Japheth. It is more certain that to live in the exercise of fervent love Lydia was situated on the east of towards him, 2 Thess. iii. 5. Not Ionia, south of Mysia, west of greater to love our lives unto the death, is to Phrygia, and north of Caria, and lay prefer the honour of Christ, and the between the 37th and 39th degree interests of his truth, to our outward of north latitude; but in the more enjoyments, and even to natural life flourishing times of their last kings, itself, Rev. xii. 11. Christ is alto- Alyattes and Croesus, the Lydian gether lovely, is in every respect and territories were far more extensive. degree precious, useful, agreeable, The principal cities of Lydia were and attracting, in his person, office, Sardis, Philadelphia, Thyatira, Magrelation, and work, Song v. 16. and nesia, &c. The Lydians had kings his ordinances are lovely or amiable, of three different races, who, we as he is their author, substance, and suppose, governed them about 600 end, Psal. lxxxiv. 1. or 700 years. After the country had

LOW. Men are low, or sit in a been overrun by the Gomerians, low place, when they are poor, de- or Cimmerians, about A. M. 3368, based, and overlooked, Deut. xxviii. and had, not long after, warred furi43. Eccl. x. 6. During the hail-ously with the Medes, Milesians, and storm, the city is low in a low place; others, and just after Crœsus had exan awful prediction of the fate of Je-tended his empire from the Ægean rusalem, that it should be humbled sea to the river Halys, he having and brought low, Isa. xxxii. 19. Let entered into an alliance with the the rich Christian rejoice in that he Chaldeans against the Medes and is made low; humble in the temper Persians, Cyrus conquered the kingof his mind; or even that he hath dom of Lydia: since which it has his outward wealth and honour taken by turns been subject to the Perfrom him, as that tends to his real sians, Greeks, Romans, Saracens, good, Jam. i. 10. Christ was made or Turks. The Lydians were exfor a little while, or in a little de-tremely wicked; the women had to gree, lower than the angels, in his earn their portion for marriage by state of humiliation, Psalm viii. 5. whoredom: and, after the fall of Heb. ii. 7,9. The lower parts of the their monarchy, they generally beearth, are, (1.) The earth itself, came a most idle and effeminate race. which is the lower region of this The gospel, however, was early world, Eph. iv. 9. (2.) The vallies planted here; and a Christian church and their inhabitants, or rather, the hath never since been wholly extirGentile world, Isa. xliv. 23. (3.) pated, Gen. x. 22. Isa. Ixvi. 19. (2.) The womb of a mother, where one LUD, the son of Mizraim, and father is hid as in a deep pit, Psal. cxxxix. of the Ludim in Africa. These we 15. (4.) The grave, or state of the suppose to be the same as the Nubidead, Psal. Ixiii. 9. To be lowly, is ans, or some Ethiopians on the south

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