Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

Les deux Hautes Parties Contractantes s'engagent à régler par une Convention Spéciale tout ce qui concerne les attributions, droits, priviléges, et immunités de leurs Consuls-Généraux, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, et Agents Consulaires respectifs. Mais, il est entendu que ceux qui sont déjà ou seront nommés dans l'intervalle, exerceront toutes les fonctions et jouiront de tous les priviléges, exemptions, et immunités qui appartiennent ou pourront appartenir aux Consuls de la nation la plus favorisée.

XXI. Les deux Hautes Parties Contractantes se réservent de déterminer par la suite, dans une Convention Spéciale, les moyens de garantir réciproquement la propriété littéraire et artistique dans leurs Etats respectifs.

XXII. Eu tout ce qui concerne le commerce et la navigation, les deux Hautes Parties Contractantes se promettent réciproquement de n'accorder aucun privilége, faveur, ou immunité à un autre Etat qu'il ne soit aussi et à l'instant étendu à leurs sujets respectifs, gratuitement si la concession en faveur de l'autre Etat est gratuite et moyennant la même compensation ou un équivalent fixé d'un commun accord si la concession à été conditionnelle.

XXIII. Le présent Traité de Commerce et de Navigation restera en vigueur pendant 10 ans à dater de l'échange des ratifications, et au delà de ce terme jusqu'à l'expiration de 12 mois après que l'une des deux Hautes Parties Contractantes aura notifié officiellement à l'autre son intention d'en faire cesser l'effet; chacune des Hautes Parties Contractantes se réservant le droit de faire cette notification à l'autre à l'expiration des 9 premières années ou à toute époque postérieure.

XXIV. Le présent Traité sera ratifié et les ratifications en seront échangées à Saint Petersbourg dans le délai de 6 semaines ou plus tôt si faire se peut.

En foi de quoi, les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signé et y ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes.

Fait à Saint Pétersbourg, le 16 Septembre, de l'an de grâce, 1863.



I. Les relations commerciales de la Russie avec les Royaumes de Suède et de Norvège étant réglées par des stipulations spéciales qui pourront être renouvelées dans la suite, sans que les dites stipulations soient liées aux règlements existant pour le commerce étranger en général, les deux Hautes Parties Contractantes, voulant

écarter de leurs relations commerciales toute espèce d'équivoque ou de motif de discussion, sont tombées d'accord que ces stipulations spéciales accordées au commerce de la Suède et de la Norvège en considération d'avantages équivalents accordés dans ce pays au commerce du Grand Duché de Finlande, ne pourront dans aucun cas être invoquées en faveur des relations de commerce et de natition établies entre les deux Hautes Parties Contractantes par le présent Traité.

II. Il est également entendu que ne seront pas censés déroger au principe de réciprocité, qui est la base du Traité de ce jour, les franchises, immunités, et priviléges mentionnés ci-après, savoir:

De la part de la Russie:

1. Les lois du Grand Duché de Finlande qui n'accordent aux étrangers le droit d'exercer le commerce que dans les villes maritimes (stapelstad) de ce pays et seulement en gros.

2. La franchise dont jouissent les navires construits en Russie et appartenant à des sujets Russes, lesquels, pendant les 3 premières années, sont exempts des droits de navigation.

3. La faculté accordée aux bâtiments de la côte du Gouvernement d'Archangel d'importer en franchise ou moyennant des droits modérés dans les ports dudit Gouvernement, du poisson sec ou salé, ainsi que certaines espèces de fourrures, et d'en exporter de la même manière des blés, cordes et cordages, du goudron et du ravendouc.

4. Le privilége de la Compagnie Russe-Americaine.

5. Les immunités accordées en Russie à différentes Compagnies Anglaises et Néerlandaises dites yacht clubs.

Et de la part de l'Italie:

Le monopole existant déjà sur les objets dont le commerce est exclusivement réservé au Gouvernement.

III. Les présents Articles Séparés auront la même force et valeur que s'ils étaient insérés mot à mot dans le Traité de ce jour. Ils seront ratifiés et les ratifications en seront échangées en même temps.


En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs les ont signés et ont apposé le sceau de leurs armes.

Fait à Saint Pétersbourg, le 18 Septembre, de l'an de grâce,


(L.S.) J. N. PEPOLI.

TREATY of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between the States of the German Customs and Commercial Union and the Grand Duchies of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz, on the one part; and Siam, on the other part. —Signed at Bangkok, February 7, 1862.*

His Majesty the King of Prussia, in his own name, and as representing the Sovereign States and territories united to the Prussian system of Customs and imports, that is to say: Luxemburg, Anhalt-Dessau-Coethen, Anhalt-Bernberg, Waldeck and Pyrmont, Lippe, and Meisenheim: as well as on behalf of the other States belonging to the German Zollverein, namely: Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover, Wurtemberg, Baden, Electoral Hesse, GrandDucal Hesse (the bailiwick of Homburg included), the States forming the Thuringian Customs and Commercial Union, to wit, SaxeWeimar-Eisenach, Saxe-Meiningen, Saxe-Altenburg, Saxe-CoburgGotha, Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Schwarzburg-Sondershausen, the elder branch of Reuss, and the younger branch of Reuss, Brunswick, Oldenburg, Nassau, and the Free Town of Frankfort; as likewise in the name of the Grand Duchies of MecklenburgSchwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz, on the one part; and their Majesties Phra Bard Somdetch Phra Paramendr Maha Mongkut, Phra Chom Klau, Chau Yu Hua, the First King of Siam, and Phra Bard Somdetch Phra Pawarendr Ramesr, Mahiswaresr Phra Pin Klau Chau Yu Hua, the Second King of Siam, on the other part; being sincerely desirous to establish friendly relations between the aforenamed States and Siam, have resolved to secure the same by a Treaty of Peace and Commerce mutually advantageous, and profitable to the subjects of the High Contracting Powers, and for this purpose have named as their Plenipotentiaries:

His Majesty the King of Prussia, the Chamberlain Frederick Albert Count of Eulenburg, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Knight of the Order of the Red Eagle and of the Order of St. John; and

Their Majesties the First and Second King of Siam, His Royal Highness Prince Kromma Luang Wongsa Teerat Senneet; his Lordship Chowpraya Suriwongs Samuha Prakralahome, Commanderin-chief of the Forces, and Governor-General of the South-western Provinces; his Lordship Chowpraya Rawiwong Maha Kosatibodee Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Governor-General of the Eastern Coast of the Gulf of Siam; his Lordship Chow Pya Yomarat, Governor of the City of Bangkok and its vicinities; his Excellency Praya Montree Prakralahome Fighnear, Governor-General of the Northern Provinces;

* Signed also in the German and Siamese languages.

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, and found them to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

ART. I. Between the Contracting German States and their Majesties the First and the Second King of Siam, their heirs and successors, as well as between their respective subjects, there shall be constant peace and perpetual amity.

The subjects of each of the High Contracting Parties shall enjoy in the dominions of the other full security of person and property.

There shall be full and entire freedom of commerce and navigation for the subjects and vessels of the High Contracting Powers, in every portion of their respective territories, where trade and navigation are actually allowed, or may hereafter be allowed to the subjects or vessels of the most favoured nation.

II. The High Contracting Powers recognize reciprocally their right to appoint Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents in the ports and towns of their respective States, and these officers are to enjoy the same privileges, immunities, powers, and exemptions, as are or may be accorded to those of the most favoured nation. The said Consular officers shall, however, not begin to exercise their functions until they shall have received the exequatur of the local Government. The Contracting German States will appoint one Consular officer only for each port or town; but for those places where they appoint a Consul-General or a Consul, they shall have the right of nominating a Vice-Consul or Consular Agent besides, to act for the Consul-General or Consul, in case of his being absent or unable to attend. Vice-Consuls or Consular Agents may also be appointed by the Consuls-General or Consuls, their chiefs.

The German Consular officer shall have under his protection, superintendence, and control, the interests of all subjects of the Contracting German States, who reside or who arrive in Siam. He shall conform to all the provisions of this Treaty himself, and enforce the observance of the same by German subjects. He shall also promulgate and carry out all rules and regulations which are now or may hereafter be enacted for the observance of German citizens with regard to the conducting of their business and their due obedience to the laws of Siam.

Should the German Consular officer be absent, subjects of the Contracting German States visiting Siam or residing in it, may have recourse to the intervention of a Consul of a friendly nation, or they may address themselves directly to the local authorities, who then shall take means to secure to the said German subjects all the benefits of the present Treaty.

III. Subjects of the Contracting German States visiting Siam, or taking up their residence there, shall be allowed free exercise of their religion, and they shall be at liberty to build churches in such convenient localities as shall be consented to by the Siamese authorities; and such consent shall not be withheld without sufficient reason being assigned.

IV. Subjects of the Contracting German States wishing to reside in the Kingdom of Siam must be registered at the German Consulate, and a copy of this registration must be furnished to the Siamese authorities. Whenever a subject of one of the Contracting German States has to recur to the Siamese authorities, his petition or claim must be first submitted to the German Consular officer, who shall forward the same, if it appear to him reasonable and conceived in proper terms, or else shall modify its contents.

V. Subjects of the Contracting German States, who may wish to take up their residence in Siam, shall, for the present, do so only in the city of Bangkok, or within a district, the boundaries of which, in accordance with the provisions of the other Treaties concluded between Siam and foreign Powers, are as follows:

On the north, the Bangputsa canal from its junction with the Chowpya river up to the old walls of the town of Lobpury, and a straight line from thence to the Pragnam landing-place near the town of Saraburi on the river Pasak.

On the east, a straight line drawn from the Pragnam landingplace to the junction of the Klongkut canal with the Bangpakong river; and this river from thence to its mouth. On the coast between the Bangpakong and the island of Simaharajah German subjects may settle at any places within a distance of 24 hours from Bangkok.

On the south, the island of Simaharajah; the Seechang islands and the city walls of Petchaburi.

On the western coast of the Gulf, German citizens may settle at Petchaburi, and anywhere between that city and the river Meklong within a journey of 24 hours from Bangkok. From the mouth of the Meklong that river shall form the boundary up to the town of Rajpuri; from thence a straight line drawn to the town of Supannaburi, and thence to the mouth of the Bangputsa canal into the Chowpya river.

Nevertheless, German subjects may reside beyond these boundaries on obtaining permission to do so from the Siamese authorities.

All subjects of the Contracting German States are at liberty to travel and trade throughout the entire Kingdom of Siam, and to buy and sell all merchandize not prohibited, from and to whomsoever they please. They are not bound to purchase from, or to

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