O mercy, heav'n, what mafking ftuff is here? Why, what a devil's name, taylor, call'ft thou this? Hor. I fee, fhe's like to've neither cap nor gown. Tay. You bid me make it orderly and well, According to the fashion of the time, [Afide Pet. Marry, and did: but if you be remembred, I did not bid you mar it to the time, Go, hop me over every kennel home, Pet. Why, true, he means to make a puppet of thee. Tay. She fays, your Worship means to make a puppet of her. Pet. Oh most monstrous arrogance! Thou lyeft, thou thread, thou thimble †, Thou yard, three-quarters, half-yard, quarter, nail, As thou fhalt think on prating whilft thou liv'ft: Grumio gave order how it should be done. Cenfers, in barbers fhops, are now disused, but they may eafily be imagined to have been veffels which, for the emiffion of the fmoke, were cut with great number and varieties of interftices. The taylor's trade having an appearance of effeminacy, has always been, among the rugged English, liable to sarcasms and contempt. Gru. I gave him no order, I gave him the ftuff. Tray. But did you not request to have it cut? Tay. I have. Gru. Face not me: thou haft brav'd many men, brave not me; I will neither be fac'd, nor brav❜d. I fay unto thee, I bid thy mafter cut out the gown, but I did not bid him cut it to pieces. Ergo, thou lieft. 1 Tay. Why, here is the note of the fashion to testify. Pet. Read it. Gru. The note lies in his throat, if he fay I said fo. Tay. Imprimis, a loose-bodied gown. Gru. Mafter, if ever I faid loofe-bodied gown, fow me up in the fkirts of it, and beat me to death with a bottom of brown thread: I faid a gown. Pet. Proceed. Tay. With a small compast cape. Tay. With a trunk-fleeve. Tay. The fleeves curiously cut. Gru. Error i' th' bill, Sir, error i' th' bill: I commanded, the fleeves fhould be cut out, and fow'd up again; and that I'll prove upon thee, tho' thy little finger be armed in a thimble. Tay. This is true, that I fay; an I had thee in place where, thou fhou'dft know it. Gru. I am for thee straight: take thou the bill, give me thy meet-yard, and fpare not me. Hor. God-a-mercy, Grumio, then he fhall have no Pet. Well, Sir, in brief the gown is not for me. Gru. Gru. Villain, not for thy life: take up my mistress's gown for thy master's ufe! Pet. Why, Sir, what's your conceit in that? Gru. Oh, Sir, the conceit is deeper than you think for; Take up my miftrefs's gown unto his master's ufe; Oh, fy, fy, fy! Pet. Hortenfio, fay, thou wilt fee the taylor paid. [Afide. Go take it hence, be gone, and fay no more. Hor. Taylor, I'll pay thee for thy gown to-mor row, Take no unkindness of his hafty words: Away, I fay; commend me to thy mafter. [Exit Tay. Pet. Well, come, my Kate, we will unto your father's, Even in these honeft mean habiliments: Our purfes fhall be proud, our garments poor; Look, Look, what I fpeak, or do, or think to do, It shall be what o'clock I fay it is. Hor. Why, fo; this Gallant will command the Sun. [Exeunt Pet. Cath. and Hor. [The Prefenters above, fpeak here.1. Lord. Who's within there? Enter Servants. [Sly Дeeps. Afleep again! go take him eafily up, and put him in his own apparel again. But fee, you wake him not in any cafe. Serv. It shall be done, my Lord; come help to bear bim hence. [They bear off Sly. Enter Tranio, and the Pedant dreft like Vincentio. Tra. IR, this is the house, please it you, that I call? SIR, Ped. Ay, what elfe! and (but I be deceived) • I cannot but think, that the direction about the tinker, who is always introduced at the end of the acts, together with the change of the fcene, and the proportion of each act to the reft, make it probable that the fifth act begins here. Tra. Where we were Lodgers at the Pegafus.] This Line has in all the Editions hitherto been given to Tranio. But Tranio could with no Propriety speak this, either in his affum'd or real Character. Lucentio was too young to know any thing of lodging with his Father, twenty years before at Genoa: and Tranio must be as much too young, or very unfit to represent and perfonate Lucentio. I have ventured to place the Line to the Pedant, to whom it muft certainly belong, and is a Sequel of what he was before faying. THEOBALD. Tra. Tra. 'Tis well, and hold your own in any cafe With fuch aufterity as longeth to a father. Enter Biondello. Ped. I warrant you: but, Sir, here comes your boy; 'Twere good, he were fchool'd. Tra. Fear you not him; firrah, Biondello, Now do your duty thoroughly, I advise Imagine, 'twere the right Vincentio. Bion. Tut, fear not me. you: Tra. But haft thou done thy errand to Baptifta? Bion. Bion. I told him, that your father was in Venice; And that you look'd for him this day in Padua. Tra. Th'art a tall fellow, hold thee that to drink; Here comes Baptifta; fet your countenance, Sir. SCENE X. Enter Baptifta and Lucentio. Tra. Signior Baptifta, you are happily met: Sir, this is the gentleman I told you of I pray you stand, good Father, to me now, Ped. Soft, fon. Sir, by your leave, having come to Padua, To gather in fome debts, my fon Lucentio To have him match'd; and if you please to like For |