ESSAYS ON PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION, BY R. L. EDGEWORTH, Esq. F.R.S. M. R. I. A. &c. Gratum est quòd patriæ civem populoque dedisti, LONDON: JUVENAL. PRINTED FOR J. JOHNSON, ST. PAUL'S CHURCHYARD. 1809. 1 MY LORD, THE good sense of two centuries has confirmed Bacon's opinion of dedications; " that books, such as are worthy the 66 name of books, ought to have no patrons but truth and reason.” Your Lordship's name therefore is prefixed to these Essays, not as a propitiatory offering to the publick, but as a tribute due to a great statesman, who is an illustrious example of the effects which may be expected from good education. Sir William Jones thirty years ago pronounced of his pupil, " This man will serve his country." I have the honour to be, With much respect and esteem, Your Lordship's faithful Servant, RICHARD LOVELL EDGEWORTH. Edgeworthstown, May, 1808. A2 |